
Chapter 11

Chapter 11
This little girl, look down on him!
Although she didn't say a word, he could feel it from her eyes.

Liang Shen's chubby face immediately changed. Since he was born, no one has dared to look down on him so blatantly.

This is the age that can't be provoked, so he was angry at the moment, turned his head to his followers and said, "None of you is allowed to interfere, young master, I will let you see today, young master, I am the strength of Sanliu street bully .”

A bully on Sanliu Street?Ye Xinyi almost couldn't help laughing, what a title!So good that she could hardly help laughing.

Her half-smile expression angered Liang Shen. Immediately, she yelled and ran towards Ye Xinyi waving her fists.

"Sister, be careful!" Ye Songlan's heart tightened, and she cried out in surprise.

Liang Shen was able to be the tyrant of Sanliu Street, leading the children in this area around, not only because his family was rich and generous, and he often invited his brothers to eat snacks, but also because he was really good at fighting. .

At least, in the past, in this area, among children of their size, they were almost defeated.

But this time... uh, I hit the iron plate.

Don't look at this Ye family's eldest girl who is thin and short, maybe not as strong as him, but when she dodges, she is extremely flexible.

After a few moves, Ye Xinyi let out a soft "Hey" from the bottom of her heart. Yesterday, she was indeed caught off guard. Although this Liang Shen was immature, he was extremely stable, unlike his followers. Son, beating indiscriminately, but it does have some foundation.

It's just that when he got fatter, he lost his flexibility, but he had a lot of strength, but he could make up for it.

Ye Xinyi dodged left and right, in Liang Shen's eyes, it was like playing a monkey, and he attacked more fiercely.

Ye Xinyi could feel the fist wind from her nose, and knew that it had annoyed him, and she was not interested in spending too much time with him here.

Thus, he turned his palm into a fist and wrapped it around Liang Shen's arm. Liang Shen opened his eyes wide. The next moment, he felt someone slap his chest, and his tall and fat body fell heavily to the ground. , in the depths of the pupils that suddenly widened, a thin and small figure rushed over like a rabbit, and then, just like yesterday, she sat on her body.

A fist magnified extremely quickly in his vision, but it wasn't like yesterday, when it hit the body, although it hurt, it didn't hurt the vitals. Today's fist was greeted directly to the face.

However, his limbs were all suppressed, and he couldn't raise his arm to block it.

With this punch, the bridge of his nose might be broken.

Liang Shen paled slightly, turned his head to the side, closed his eyes, and the wind of his fist brushed the hair on his cheek, but he didn't feel the expected pain.

All around seemed strangely quiet.

Liang Shen was stunned for a moment, then slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the shriveled and thin girl who could not even be called a girl, who was sitting on him, smiling complacently, her almond eyes were laughed at. The meaning and brilliance are dyed brightly, and there are two dimples on the cheeks.

The fist stopped just an inch away from the bridge of his nose, and he raised his chin slightly and asked him, "How is it? Are you convinced?"

Liang Shen slowly came back to his senses, his face was a little ashamed, but he finally admitted through gritted teeth, "You won."

Ye Xinyi nodded calmly, and with a slight movement of his body, he had already loosened the suppression on him, stood up, turned around, and saw Liang Shen's two followers still holding Ye Songlan, he couldn't help frowning, and turned around. And squinted at Liang Shen and said, "What? Do you want to go back on your word?"

Liang Shenzheng patted the dust off his body and stood up. When he heard this, he raised his eyes and waved his hands with raised eyebrows, "What nonsense are you talking about? Young master, I always keep my word. What are you two standing there for? Why don't you let him go? "

The latter sentence was addressed to the two attendants, and the tone of voice was rather bad.

The two attendants were completely stunned, they regained their senses after being yelled at, and quickly released Ye Songlan.

Ye Songlan immediately ran to Ye Xinyi's side, "Sister."

Ye Xinyi looked down at her, "Are you all right?"

Ye Silan shook her head.

Ye Xinyi raised his eyebrows, "Then let's go home!" After saying that, he took Ye Songlan's hand, turned and walked towards the entrance of the alley.

Liang Shen couldn't believe that she had just left like this.

"My lord, I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat. What I said before will definitely count. From now on, my lord and the people under my command will all follow your orders."

Ye Xinyi was leaning over to pick up the vegetable basket, when he heard the words, he just turned his head lightly and said, "It's good that you keep what you say, from now on, don't embarrass my family anymore." For any reaction, she pulled Ye Silan and left.

After getting out of the alley, she handed the basket to Ye Songlan, patted the dust on her body, but looked at the big tear on the sleeve in distress, "It's all torn, what can I do?"

She took a good look at her belongings last night. In this winter, there are only two cotton padded jackets that she wears alternately. Even food is a problem at home. How can she make new clothes?
Seeing her like this, Ye Songlan laughed, "Just patch it up, but we don't have Aniang's skills, if she embroiders flowers, she might be able to completely cover up the traces." A Niang, Ye Silan's expression is also a little sad.

Ye Xinyi rubbed her head with a smile, and said, "Let's learn slowly, sister and Wolan are so ingenious, in the future, they will definitely be better than mother."

Hearing what she said, Ye Songlan's little melancholy disappeared in an instant, she covered her mouth, smiled and blinked and said, "Sister, you're not ashamed, how can you boast about your ingenuity?"

But Ye Xinyi looked serious, "What? Am I not ingenious?" He stared at Ye Silan with threats in his almond eyes, as if Ye Silan would beat someone if he dared to say no.

Ye Songlan smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes! Sister, you are the most ingenious. Sister is so ingenious, let's go home and make lunch for Daddy? We have been out for so long, and if we don't go back, Daddy should In a hurry."

"Don't let daddy know what happened today, and neither can Ye Chuanbai, do you hear me? Let's treat it as... a little secret between us sisters, okay?"

Ye Songlan's eyes were shining brightly, she looked at Ye Xinyi, and nodded vigorously, it's good that she and sister have a secret.

Back home, it was almost time, so the sisters started to make lunch.

While talking and laughing, while doing things, it doesn't feel hard.

This is already the third meal, and Ye Xinyi is getting more and more proficient in washing and cutting vegetables, but the stove is still a bit high for her, and she needs a stool under her feet.

Cut up the two small pieces of meat that Chen Leizi secretly gave, and made oil in the pot, then carefully shoveled the oil into a small bowl, and then fried the oil residue and chopped pickles together.

The tangy aroma made Ye Silan, who hadn't tasted meat for a long time, silently swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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