
Chapter 34 Original

Chapter 34 Original
"That's almost it?" When they came out of the dried fruit shop, the two sisters were already carrying paper bags in their hands.

Ye Songlan nodded, her face was full of joy, the two sisters talked and laughed and walked towards the east end of the street.

There is a ditch on the street, which is used for irrigation, and a guardrail is added on the side, which just divides the long street into two sides, and occasionally a small section is connected, so you can walk left and right.

The two sisters of the Ye family walked on the left side of the street. Since the dried fruit shop was on the same side as their shop, there was no need to switch sides.

As I was walking, I suddenly heard a voice.

It stands to reason that the noise in this street and human voices are not so unusual, but the voice is a bit abrupt.

Ye Xinyi has good hearing, and was the first to hear it. He raised his head and looked over, and saw a woman in brocade clothes, supported by a few maids and servants, sprinting forward while calling anxiously, "Brother Yin, brother Yin, You wait!" But I don't know if it's because of the three-inch golden lotus, although she walks swayingly, she is extremely slow, let alone chasing someone.

But not far in front of her was a young man in brocade clothes. He looked like he should be half a head taller than Ye Xinyi. Hearing the movement, he stopped and turned around to wait.

The woman walked slowly, but he didn't rush, nor was he impatient, he just waited quietly. Finally, when the woman came up to him, he shook off a fur cloak and gave it to him. The boy put it on, "It's cold, why don't you put on more clothes, don't be cold. Just take your time to do what your father told you, and we are not in a hurry. Come back in the afternoon and have dinner!" The voice is warm and gentle.

"Mother asked someone to bring it to me. Why bother to run this trip by yourself? It's cold, mother should go back soon!" The young man's voice was also clear and slow, and it sounded very pleasant.

However, after some distance, he turned sideways again. Ye Xinyi couldn't see his face clearly for a while, but he just thought, so, it turned out that they were a mother and son. Judging by the attire, they were still rich.

On the other hand, Ye Songlan sighed, and said in a low voice, "There are two kinds of people who have mother education and those who don't. Look at the second young master of the Liang family, he is more polite than Fatty Liang. If I were Master Liang, I would naturally like this better, who would like a domineering and troublesome person every day?"

The mother and son on the right side of the street were still talking in a low voice, but Ye Xinyi raised his eyebrows, "Is that the second young master of the Liang family?"

"That's right! The current wife and second young master of the Liang family." Ye Songlan recalled that her elder sister was weak and her parents seldom let her go out. It was normal for her not to know this.

Thinking about it again, her elder sister seems to have some intersections with Fatty Liang. She knows a little more, but it’s not bad. Mother, this is how Mrs. Liang came to be. I heard that she is the daughter of a family. She is the most knowledgeable and sensible. She also taught the second young master Liang very well. Both mother and son are very fond of Mrs. Liang. On the contrary, Fatty Liang He doesn't have the support of his mother, and he doesn't value Mr. Liang, if his uncle's family still has some power in the capital, Mr. Liang would still have to worry about it, I'm afraid, the family fortune will fall to the second young master."

Ye Xinyi's eyes darkened when he heard this. The current Mrs. Liang was only carried in after Liang Shen's mother passed away. But the Second Young Master Liang looked at him. Although he was a little thinner, he was not much shorter than Liang Shen. Four or five years younger than Liang Shen, how about cheating ghosts?
Ye Xinyi turned to look at the mother and son across the street, they had finished talking, the mother and son parted ways, Liang Yin left first, but Mrs Liang stood there watching, Liang Yin looked back, Mrs Liang waved a handkerchief, A beautiful picture of a loving mother and filial son.

However, Ye Xinyi raised the corners of his lips and laughed ironically, knowing the truth?Ho!
"Sister, why do you think Fatty Liang is so ignorant? If he is more obedient, Mr. Liang won't despise him..." Ye Songlan frowned.

Ye Xinyi turned her head, raised her hand to pat Ye Silan's head, and sighed, "Silly Silan, if you have a stepmother, you will naturally have a stepfather. Whether you are good or not, it depends on whether your father hates you. It really doesn't matter."

On the contrary, she finally understood the reason why Liang Shenren had two faces, and he was doing business secretly, and he didn't want to be known.Also, it was so hard, but he didn't say a word, where did he have the steadfastness to practice martial arts no matter what.

In the final analysis, everyone has their own suffering, and it is not easy.

After walking two steps, I felt something was wrong, stopped, turned my head to look, and sure enough, I saw Ye Songlan still standing there, her small face wrinkled into a ball, staring in a daze with deep hatred.

"Silan?" She called, but Ye Silan didn't respond, she was still thinking.

Ye Xinyi frowned, walked over, switched the paper bag from his right hand to his left hand, and raised his hand to pat Ye Songlan's head, "What are you thinking?"

Ye Songlan just came back to her senses, but she looked like she was about to cry, "Sister... you said, if our father also married a stepmother, wouldn't it...wouldn't care about us?"

Ye Xinyi was startled, then thought, yes!Why didn't she think of this?Ye Shi'an is only in his thirties now, with a good appearance, a rare charm of his own, elegant and gentle, and there is also a medicine shop with excellent skills. In the eyes of many women, this is a favorite.How could it be impossible for him to marry again?Naturally possible, very possible!
"Sister?" Seeing that Ye Xinyi didn't answer, but also followed in a daze, Ye Silan was about to cry.

But Ye Xinyi raised his hand and tapped her, "This is not something children should worry about, stop thinking about it. Go! Go home!" He reached out to hold her, turned around and continued walking towards the east end of the street.

"Don't make a sad face. I'll go home in a while. Daddy sees you and asks you, what's your answer? Do you want to tell Daddy that I'm afraid that you will marry a stepmother in the future?"

Ye Silan immediately shook her head like a rattle.

"Then be happy, like just now. Don't say that Dad doesn't have this idea now, even if he really married his stepmother, it doesn't matter. You still have Sister. Sister will never leave you and Ye Chuanbai doesn't care, so don't worry!"

Ye Songlan's little hand was held by Ye Xinyi, and Ajie's hand was warm and firm, which gradually made her fearful heart come true.

Yes!With sister here, she is not afraid.

Thinking of it this way, she finally felt better.

Ye Xinyi looked at her and laughed, "Let's go! Let's go back and learn how to make peanut cakes with Aunt He. Don't you like eating them? Let's buy more peanuts today and make them when we go back. During the Chinese New Year, you will eat peanut cakes every day. You can put it in a bag and eat slowly.”

"However, be careful with your teeth, don't be eaten by worms..."

After Ye Xinyi said this, Ye Songlan's mood finally turned back slowly.

Sometimes he retorted in a low voice, "I'm not a greedy cat, I don't know how to eat that much. But, one bag a day, can I invite Mao Yaer and the others to eat it? For me, can I just eat two a day?"

The two sisters talked and laughed as they walked, and gradually, they laughed and laughed all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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