
Chapter 48

Chapter 48
At this time, Ye Shi'an was wearing an outer garment, standing by the stove door and watching her.

She finally regained her composure and shouted in a low voice, "Daddy!"

However, Ye Shi'an had already noticed the sudden change of expression on her face, which was flickered by the fire in the stove, "Scared you? I'm sorry, it's because Dad didn't think carefully."

Ye Xinyi shook her head, still blaming her for being too preoccupied with thinking about things.

She didn't want to get entangled in this topic, her eyes fell on the hot water that was already smoking white smoke, and she remembered the question Ye Shi'an asked her just now, and said, "Chuan Bai worked hard today, I'm afraid he will suffer tomorrow I thought about boiling some hot water and giving him a warm compress, so tomorrow will be better."

She is working hard to be a good Ye Xinyi, a good daughter, a good sister, and live every day well.

Ye Shi'an's peaceful eyes became softer due to the night, "It's hard for you to be thoughtful. It's just that you are tired, and the water is boiled, so you take some water and sleep by yourself. Chuanbai's place , give it to Daddy." At this point, he seemed to think of something again, turned his head and walked through the doorway to the shop.When he came back after a while, he took two medicine bags and handed one to Ye Xinyi.

"Sprinkle this on the veil and compress it, it should be better."

Ye Xinyi raised the medicine bag to his nose and smelled it, "Is there any medicine?"

Ye Shi'an smiled and nodded, "Recently, I have really improved a lot, and I can smell it through the medicine bag."

Ye Xinyi smiled a little embarrassedly, "Didn't you think that what Daddy packed must be medicinal materials for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, so you just guessed?"

"If the same medicine bag is given to Chuan Bai, he may not be able to sniff it out."

"Chuan Bai is also working very hard. Recently, he has improved a lot in terms of medicine and kung fu. He works very hard, otherwise he wouldn't be so tired."

"Okay, you don't need to talk about him, you know it in your heart as a father. Okay, go back quickly and get some hot compresses, and rest earlier."

At this time, the water was ready, Ye Xinyi scooped up two basins of water, and Ye Shian each carried one basin, she went back to her room, while Ye Shian went to Ye Chuanbai's room.

The lights in the small courtyard of the Ye family were quietly turned off, and the night was also quiet.

Silent all night.

When she got up early in the morning, Ye Songlan was already boiling water for washing her face, and Ye Chuanbai just came out of the room, grinning when she moved.

Ye Xinyi saw it, but didn't know.

If Ye Shi'an hadn't given him hot compresses last night, and also added medicine packs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, today would have been even more difficult.

She hastily washed and washed, then went out to the shop.

It was still early, Ye Shi'an had just opened the partition, but there were very few pedestrians on the street, let alone sick people.

However, every day, Ye Shi'an took advantage of this spare time to clean the shop, tidy up the medicine cabinet and medical records.

Ye Xinyi went and helped him tidy up.

"Father, the medicine cabinet is half empty. You should take the money first. At least you should buy all the medicines first. Otherwise, if you see a doctor here, but go to other herbal medicine shops to get medicine, how can we make money to support our family?"

Ye Xinyi handed over a heavy purse.

Ye Shi'an was not that kind of hard-hearted person, not to mention the low consultation fee, if he was in such a poor family on weekdays, he really couldn't afford the consultation fee, and it was not uncommon for him not to receive a penny.

In the past, the medicines at home were still complete, so those who came here to see a doctor would naturally buy medicines here, even if the price of the medicines was set a little lower than that of other raw medicine shops, at least they still made money.

But now...

If things go on like this, the pharmacy will only collapse.

Ye Shi'an didn't reach out to take it, but frowned and said, "Where did you get so much money?" Just looking at the money bag, he knew that there were at least dozens of taels.

"I gave Liang Shen my makeup box for the time being, and he lent it to me." Ye Xinyi was straightforward, without hiding it at all.

"That makeup box is left to you by your mother." Ye Shi'an was in a hurry.

"I know, that's why I didn't take it to the pawn shop, but gave it to Liang Shen. Originally, he wanted to lend it to me, but I thought that there must be something as collateral. This That’s why I gave it to him.”

If you send it to a pawn shop, the price will be suppressed miserably, and it is even more difficult to redeem a good item.

"Father, it's fine to leave the makeup box with Liang Shen, and it's impossible for him to covet one of our makeup boxes. At most, if we have money, we can return it to him and take the makeup box back immediately. But if we don't give it away If the medicine is completed, our shop will not be able to make money, and the family will not be able to open the pot.”

Ye Shi'an is not that pedantic, he knows that everything Ye Xinyi said is reasonable.After struggling for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and reached out to take the money bag over, "Okay! Daddy must return the money as soon as possible and bring back your makeup box."

Ye Xinyi smiled, that's right.

"By the way, Daddy, there is one more thing." After a moment's pause, Ye Xinyi said again, "Our Chuanbai family is not too young, and it's time to go to school. I visited our street on the second day of the Lunar New Year. Mr. Qiu, he promised me that our family can pay Shuxiu once every six months, and my daughter will pay with the two taels of silver that my father gave me before. When the school starts on the eighth day, let Chuanbai go to study with Mr. Qiu !"

"It is said that reading is sensible. This year is not enough. If you have extra money next year, you should also send Wolan to study. What do you think? Daddy?"

Ye Shi'an looked at the eldest daughter with a complicated expression. After a long time, he said "OK" in a hoarse voice.

He didn't expect that Ye Xinyi would think so deeply and thoughtfully, and before he knew it, she had already done so much quietly.

"Who said you're going to school? I won't go." Who knows, the conversation between the two was overheard by Ye Chuanbai.

He was standing at the door opening from the inner courtyard to here, his little face was tense, and after leaving this sentence, he turned around and ran in.

Ye Shi'an was about to take a step, but Ye Xinyi raised his hand to stop him, "Daddy, guard the shop! I'll go and have a look."

Ye Shi'an looked at the eldest daughter's eyes that were more peaceful now, and nodded.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Ye Xinyi saw Ye Chuanbai who had already taken off his coat and was chopping firewood with an axe.Ye Silan watched from the side, the corners of her mouth fluttered, as if she wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it, seeing her coming, she hurried over.

Ye Xinyi gave her a wink, she nodded hesitantly, and went to the kitchen to continue preparing breakfast.

Only then did Ye Xinyi step forward, "It's a good thing now, I have developed strength, and I can work hard."

Ye Chuanbai paused as he swung his axe, but he turned his head, glared at Ye Xinyi, and said in a rough voice, "Who told you to make your own decisions? I didn't say I was going to school. You hurry up The two taels of silver will be returned."

Ye Xinyi thought, and heard a lot, "Don't you want to study?"

"I don't want to." Ye Chuanbai gritted his teeth.

The dead duck's mouth was stiff, and Ye Xinyi raised his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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