
Chapter 57 Water disaster

Chapter 57 Water disaster
"Sister?" Seeing that Ye Xinyi didn't speak, Ye Songlan just frowned in a daze, her expression was still very bad, a little scared, she quickly called her in a low voice.

Ye Xinyi finally made a decision, "I'll go out for a while, and you cook dinner. If I don't come back, don't wait for me to eat."

Before he finished speaking, the person had already rushed out of the doorway.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, it is better to believe it than to believe it.This letter, as well as Liang Yin's attitude, will not be aimless.

Liang Shen has helped her so many times, I hope she can help him once.

However, when she was out of the door, she still raised her head to look at the sky, the sun was still high, and the ion was still far away.

Only then did he grit his teeth and run wildly again.

Ye Xinyi didn't know where to find Liang Shen, so he had to try his luck and went to the restaurant on North Second Street first.

The shopkeeper Xu received Liang Shen's orders, and treated her warmly and considerately. When he asked about Liang Shen's whereabouts, he didn't hide it.

Ye Xinyi gritted his teeth again, and the shopkeeper borrowed a horse, and as soon as he got on the horse, he galloped away.Seeing that the shopkeeper surnamed Song and the waiter were speechless, they never expected that this little girl could actually ride a horse?And looking at that appearance, the riding skills are still very good.

Ye Xinyi went all the way to Maxi, left the city gate, went straight to the outskirts of the city, and arrived at the mountain where Liang Shen grew medicinal herbs.

Then he abandoned his horse and went up the mountain.

Only halfway up the mountain, I could vaguely hear the noise of people above.

In the quarrel, there was even faint cursing mixed in.

Ye Xinyi paused slightly, frowning slightly.The next moment, he resolutely walked towards the noisy place and walked away.

She tried her luck, and it went well, and Liang Shen was indeed there.

But this luck was not so good, and he found Liang Shen, but it was here and now.

When Ye Xinyi reached the top of the mountain, he saw Liang Shen blocked by several villagers with sticks and hoes, while the two servants he brought and the long-term laborer hired to work on the mountain were protecting him. the other end.

Ye Xinyi frowned, then avoided the crowd and rushed to Liang Shen's side, which was not difficult for her.

"Liang Shen!" she called softly.

Liang Shen turned to look at her, but his face changed slightly, "Why are you here?"

Obviously, this time is not about Liang Yin and the love letter she is tucking in her sleeve now.

"What's going on?" She asked, naturally it was the situation at hand.

But before Liang Shen could answer her, those villagers started to make a fuss again, "You have to give an explanation today, what have you done on this mountain, so that the rainy season doesn't come, the earth and rocks will collapse and hurt you?" People, but you want to lose money, how can it be so easy?"

"That's right! They still use our village's water, so they must have cut off the water source, so they don't even have enough water for irrigation. How can we just lose money?"

"Give me a way!"

"There must be an explanation!"

Ye Xinyi looked over, and there was a crowd of people, but there were clearly two voices deliberately instigating it, which aroused the excitement of the crowd.

Naturally, it was impossible for Liang Shen not to notice it. He tugged at her sleeve and gave her a wink.

Ye Xinyi narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

On the other side, the villagers were already shouting loudly, waving hoes and sticks, and surrounded them.

"Let's go." Those people are definitely not just ordinary villagers. Liang Shen has already realized that, so when they start to lose control and start to move, he grabs Ye Xinyi, and the two of them move forward at the same time. The back hurriedly retreated, and the boys and long-term workers were responsible for cutting off their backs.

But they are outnumbered, and they can only buy them more time.

Ye Xinyi had no choice but to run after Liang Shen, and when he turned his head, he saw several figures brandishing hoes chasing after him.

After running across the mountains, the more you run, the denser the forest will be.However, those people are still chasing after them.Gradually, only the sound of their footsteps and heavy breathing could be heard. As for other human voices, they were far away.

Ye Xinyi turned his head slightly, and heard the sound of a sharp knife unsheathing behind him.

And those people, after staying away from the crowd, had obviously put aside their scruples and chased after them like flying.

At this speed, they cannot escape.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xinyi pulled Liang Shen, and the latter was forced to stop.

In fact, there is no way to escape.

In front, there is a cliff, and there is no way.

On the cliff, a waterfall cascades straight down, noisy and lively, amidst the sound of splashing water, it is really like the Milky Way falling straight down, and the snow-white water splashes up, and you can feel the moisture on your face.

The two of them turned their heads and saw that those figures had already thrown away their hoes, and they were holding bright silver blades in their hands, clanging loudly.

No longer pretending to be simple and honest as a villager, showing the coldness of killing people and licking blood.

Under the sun, the inch-by-inch cold light slowly approached.

"Liang Shen, how hated are you, that someone would even hire an assassin to kill you?" The murderous aura on these people has been accumulated over the years. If one looks at it, it's not good, they must be dealing with human life.

On Liang Shen's white and chubby face, there was not much fear. He smiled and handed his chin to those people, and said, "You ask me? Why don't you ask them?"

Ye Xinyi weighed the pros and cons. Both of them are half-baked, but these killers will never show mercy to them.

Seeing those killers blocked all their ways, they slowly closed the circle and forced them to the cliff.

Ye Xinyi turned his head and looked down the cliff. It wasn't considered high, only more than 20 meters, and there were lush trees on the cliff, but there must be a deep pool under the waterfall.

She glanced at Liang Shen, and noticed that he was looking at a certain place, with the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, so she followed along.At a glance, she frowned slightly, but at the same time, she noticed something farther away.She narrowed her eyes slightly, without turning her head, she just asked him, "Can you swim?"

Liang Shen opened his mouth slightly, as if startled. He looked at her, and it took him a while to realize what she meant, and hurriedly said, "No need."

However, before she could say anything, Ye Xinyi had already grabbed his hand that was holding her back tightly, and smiled suddenly at him.

That smile was so brilliant that it could dazzle people's eyes.

Liang Shen was one of those who were stunned by the laughter.

It wasn't until he was dragged into a jump, his feet flew into the air, and his body fell down uncontrollably, that he was so frightened that he came back to his senses, and yelled, "Ye Xinyi, I don't know how to swim! "

However, it was too late, and the body shuttled through the dense branches. Fortunately, Ye Xinyi was prepared, and when he jumped down with him, he turned around, supported the branches with his back, and when he fell, The branches were constantly breaking, causing some pain, but it also slightly slowed their speed, but they were also slumped, and there was no place that could completely stop their fall, but it would be over in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xinyi grabbed him again and turned over. After two breaths of "plop" "plop" falling into the water, the two of them fell into the deep pool under the waterfall without exception.

Just like Ye Xinyi had figured it out early in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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