
Chapter 694 Killing Sword

Chapter 694 Killing Sword

"It took me a long time to save the money for that meal, and you know it's hard to come by, so I really enjoyed eating during the dinner. But not long after you ate that dish, you suddenly changed. It looked like it scared the hell out of me at the time."

"Not to mention the rash all over his body, his face is purple and swollen, his veins are bulging, and he can't even breathe. That's right... just like in front of me..."

The white and slender jade fingers were raised gently, and the tone was quiet and flat, as if he was talking about the good weather today, the clouds were light and the wind was light, falling into Zhu Jingyu's ears, every word seemed like thunder.

Because of that, apart from her and herself, even Lin Lang and Rong Feng didn't know about it.

In order to celebrate his birthday, she saved a long time to invite him to Yuanbaolou for a meal.

Lin Lang knew it, so naturally she didn't dare to follow her, because she was the closest to Lin Lang. Although she had the title of master and servant, she was like a sister. Even Zhu Jingyu is used to it.

Lin Lang likes to eat sweets, which is different from their tastes. If she comes, Gu Huan will definitely order her a few more dishes that she likes alone. The dishes in Yuanbaolou are not cheap. Lin Lang feels sorry for her daughter, so she finds an excuse Did not follow.

Naturally, Zhu Jingyu also knew that he was thoughtful about Gu Huan, so he also sent Rong Feng to order two dishes outside, and he followed Gu Huan into the private room alone.

Even Rongfeng rushed in after hearing Gu Huan's cry, and saved his life in time with the pills he always had.

At that time, he was in a hurry, except him and Gu Huan, who knew what kind of food he used to get that appearance?
It was after that day that Gu Huan found out about his secret.

She is a sensible person, she will definitely not tell others, even lovesickness, he has tried it before, she doesn't know about it.It was even more impossible for Gu Huan to tell others.

and so……

Chest tightness was severe, and breathing became more and more difficult, but Zhu Jingyu's mind was clearer than ever before, his heart was joyful, but also sour, he stretched out his hand towards her, and murmured, "Ah...Ah joyous……"

However, when his hand touched her clothes, Ye Xinyi turned sideways to avoid it, "I'm not Gu Huan!" The voice rang out coldly, and it fell in his ears very clearly through the distant mountains and heavy fog, with The deep indifference made Zhu Jingyu's heart ache.

The bloodshot eyes stared at her blankly, and the veined hand slowly clenched into a fist.

"Gu Huan grew up with you, remembering how well you treated her in the past. Even if her family fell because of your father, she died because of it. She never blamed you for ignoring you. But when she died, The friendship from the past is also gone. But I'm not Gu Huan, I don't remember the friendship from the past, let alone forget...you, kill my father!"

"That man's father treats you very well?" Zhu Jingyu squeezed out a few words from his throat, as thin as a mosquito, ask, before Ye Xinyi could answer, he muttered to himself in a daze, "Yes , he is really good to you!"

Zhu Jingyu didn't like to kill people very much, and with Fang Nan and the others as hidden guards by his side, most of the time, even if he killed someone, he didn't need to dirty his hands.But it doesn't mean that there were only a few people who killed him. As for Ye Shi'an, it wasn't a big deal to him, but maybe it was because of Ye Xinyi's relationship that his memory was always fresher.

Thinking of the father who only wanted to save Ye Xinyi regardless of his own safety. Zhu Jingyu already had the answer in his heart.

In fact, Zhu Jingyu is a bit conceited and stubborn in his bones. He seldom regrets the path he has traveled and the things he has done.The only thing that made him regret it at the beginning, and every time he thought about it, it was the matter of Gu Huan, but now, thinking of the sword that was stabbed that day, he actually tasted a little bit of regret in his heart. meaning.

If he had admitted the similarities between Ye Xinyi and Gu Huan earlier, had discovered those coincidences earlier, had become suspicious earlier, had figured everything out, and hadn't stabbed that sword, would it be different now?

At least when they met again, he called her "A Huan", and she could also hear her call him "Brother Jingyu", right?

Through his words, Ye Xinyi also thought of Ye Shi'an. Those good things that had accumulated in his heart did not fade away because of the passage of time, but became deeper in his heart, and then became clearer. My heart was deeply burned, and as the days passed, a little bit of pain and hatred fermented in the bottom of my heart, and I was tormented.

Her eyes were red, she gritted her teeth, and burst out a word "Yes!"

"No wonder." Zhu Jingyu had a long smile on his pale face, he couldn't tell if he was relieved or unwilling, "You want to say that you are not Gu Huan! Compared with Gu Huan, Ye Xinyi is much happier."

"Father-killing revenge, we can't share the sky!" Ye Xinyi said, and with a slap, he pulled out the short sword hidden in his sleeve.

Zhu Jingyu smiled faintly, that smile was like the moon in the water in the mirror, and there was a moment of emptiness, "That's good too!"

Ye Xinyi rushed out the dagger in her hand, but at almost the same instant, the wind behind her changed suddenly, and the dagger she thrust out abruptly turned around, thrusting it behind her, and blocked it with a neat move, with a "clang" sound When it came into contact with another sword, Ye Xinyi spat out all his strength, and the man was shocked to retreat. Ye Xinyi suddenly turned around to look, but it was too late.

In that short moment, Zhu Jingyu was already surrounded by several black-clothed warriors.If you miss one hit, you have already lost the opportunity.

"Young Master!" With a shout from behind, Rong Feng, who had led Shen Yue away just now, ran up. Seeing Zhu Jingyu's mood, he hurriedly took out a porcelain bottle from his chest, poured out a pill, and was about to send it to Zhu Jingyu. in the mouth.

Who knows, Zhu Jingyu gently stretched out his hand to push him away, endured the pain, looked up at Ye Xinyi and said, "You really want to kill me so much?"

Ye Xinyi didn't answer, looked around, saw the figures in the bamboo forest, the warriors in black clothes probably had more than 20 people at a glance, and there were quite a few people beside Acacia, one of them was holding a torch in his hand, Ye Xinyi had good eyesight At a glance, he saw the black gunpowder under Xiangsi's feet that had been placed at some time.

Her eyes flickered slightly, "Master Zhu really came prepared today."

"I originally thought that if that was the case, I would invite you to go on the road with Shen Yue. This black powder is not only found in Acacia." Zhu Jingyu panted heavily, and said intermittently.

Ye Xinyi suddenly understood, looked around, and didn't see gunpowder for a while, but the soil in several places was indeed the color of freshly turned. She raised her foot calmly and stomped down under her feet, and heard a muffled sound.

There are here, and naturally they will not let go of Shen Yue and Leng Changru who have already left.

When she raised her eyes to look at Zhu Jingyu again, her almond eyes were gloomy, but it seemed like an ancient well without waves, without fear or surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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