
Chapter 85

Chapter 85
Not far from the Zhenfusi Yamen, there is a large prison made of solid stones, and it is also the Jinyiwei Imperial Prison that makes people tremble and fear when they hear the reputation, and it is no worse than purgatory.

The sky was overcast, and this gray prison looked even more gloomy.

Even if the sky is blue and the sun is bright, there is almost no sunlight in the prison, and the sound of footsteps echoes in the empty prison cell, and every sound can make people's hearts tremble.

The sound of unlocking made the people in the cell look up, the door suddenly opened, and the sudden light made people who had been in the dark for a long time feel dazzling, so they closed their eyes suddenly.

"Go out!" In the darkness, people's senses became particularly sharp.

There were four people standing at the door, the first person opened the mouth, took the tung oil lamp from the person behind him, and stepped into the dark room, with a "squeak", the iron door behind him closed again.

When the person who was hung on the torture rack opened his eyes again, in the dark room, in a corner illuminated by the lamp like beans, a tall and thin figure in a flying fish suit was holding the tung oil lamp in his hand. He and a plate of something were put on the table, and he moved a chair and sat down on it.

The man on the rack sneered, "Master Shen is here again? Or are you really not giving up?"

"Luo Hu!" Naturally, Master Shen didn't think of anyone other than Shen Yue.His voice was as bright as jade, and he rang out in the dark room, "It has been almost a year since you were arrested by me, right? During this year, intermittently, the torture in my prison was almost Have you tried all the means one by one?"

"I would also like to thank Lord Shen, and all the adults who are merciful, otherwise, how could Luo Hu be alive today?" The man on the torture rack grinned.

Although the torture methods used by the Imperial Prison are scary, if they don't want you to die, there are countless ways to make your life worse than death and torture you alive.

Shen Yue raised his eyebrows, those eyes were darker than the night in this dark room, making it impossible to see through.

"So, have you changed your mind now? Or have you made up your mind and said nothing?"

"Since Mr. Shen already knows my answer, why bother to come here again and ask this time?" There was a hint of sneer in the man's tone.

"You are very loyal. You have been tortured and refused to reveal the location of Wanhu Village. You just don't know if your brothers will treat your family well after you die if they know that you are so tight-lipped." He changed hands and squeezed something from the plate at hand, squeezed lightly, and there was a crisp "click".

The man on the torture rack raised his brows, it turned out to be a plate of... peanuts?
Shen Yue looked very focused, lowered his head slightly, and peeled the peanuts. He waited until the pink peanut kernels rolled into his palm, and then he picked one up and put it in his mouth, chewed it, and it tasted pretty good.

When he raised his head, he saw the man on the torture rack staring at him with amazement, but he showed no sign of change. Instead, the man shrank his neck and said, "Master Shen was joking, I said it earlier, my family members They're all dead, with nothing to worry about, where is there any family?"

"Really? Luo San's family probably forgot the girl surnamed Fei in Xiaozhu Village?" Shen Yue said casually as he peeled the peanuts.

On the torture rack, Luo Hu, known as Luo San's master, had an expression as if he had been struck by lightning, the smile on his face could no longer hold, and the pieces were cracked.

"What did Lord Shen say?" There was a hint of weakness in this voice.

Shen Yue finished eating the peeled peanut, clapped his hands clean, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve pocket, and shook it open lightly.

"This veil is the only thing that was found on your body. In such a dangerous situation at that time, it was so precious and precious. Hiding it next to your body must be an extremely important thing for you. However, the material of this veil is ordinary. The embroidery work is also poor. I checked, but found nothing. The only thing is that the girl who embroidered this handkerchief is used to embroidering an orchid with missing petals on the embroidery work. At first I thought, this girl might be in the name There is a word for orchid, but I can't figure out why this orchid is missing a single petal. Later I found out that she likes orchids, but there is a word for orchid in her mother's name, although she has never pronounced it. The book is also sensible, so I specially embroidered one petal of this orchid, which is regarded as a piece of filial piety."

"Such a pure, filial and kind-hearted girl, but God was unfair to her. She ran into a group of bandits and was spotted. She was snatched into the village and became Mrs. Yazhai. I said this, yes. Right? Luo San is in charge?"

Hearing what he said, Luo Hu's complexion was already gray and pale, and something seemed to have disappeared in his eyes, but there were other hopes that lit up again. "Have you seen her?" Otherwise, how could he investigate so carefully?Not to mention the involvement between them.

"It took some effort." Last night, he sent out all the contacts he could use under his hands, and he didn't sleep all night, so he got today's result.Shen Yue picked up another peanut, "It's just that some things were just my guesses, but now it seems that I guessed it right."

"But, presumably, Miss Fei has also been to Wanhu Village, so it doesn't matter if you don't tell me." Shen Yue stood up as he said.

"What are you coming at me, don't touch her." Luo Hu said suddenly before Shen Yue could finish speaking.

Shen Yue looked back at him, "You still have so much friendship, I can't be a dewy marriage, Luo San will not keep it in mind, otherwise, how could he treat her like that and ruin her life?"

Luo Hu narrowed his eyes and did not speak. Some things, what is right and what is wrong, and why the blunders happened are already unclear.In short, he really owed that woman and was thinking about that woman.

After a while, he asked with a wry smile, "Is she okay?" Even though he knew that he was handing the handle to the man in front of him, he still couldn't help asking.

"Not good." Shen Yue said mercilessly, "She's crazy."

Those three words caused Luo Hu to raise his eyes suddenly, his bloodshot eyes were full of shock and pain.

However, Shen Yue said flatly without any ups and downs, "When I found her, she was already crazy. After all, a big yellow girl was kidnapped by bandits, and when she came back, she was innocent and pregnant. If you are not crazy, how can you live?"

"What?" Luo Hu couldn't believe it, and repeated dumbly with his mouth half-opened.

"She is pregnant, doesn't Luo San's family know?" Shen Yue asked back.

Luo Hu was completely dumbfounded.

"Conceived in October, Miss Fei gave birth to a son for you. I've seen it before, and it's very cute. I forgot to say congratulations, Luo San is the head of the family." Shen Yue's tone was cool, seeing Luo Hu finally reacted, eyes He was filled with joy, but he was not in a hurry, and poured a basin of cold water over his head, "However, in the life of Luo San as the head of the family, I am afraid that he will never see his mother and son again. Let alone Luo San The head of the family is now imprisoned, there is no way to say whether he can get out, even if he can go out, I am afraid that he will never see him again."

(End of this chapter)

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