
Chapter 94

Chapter 94
"You are coming back now because you went to see your sister-in-law first?"

Shen Yue had just entered the city, but Duan Xian sent his luggage back, so the scholar and the others all knew that he was back, otherwise they would not have slaughtered a chicken to welcome him.

I thought he had something urgent to do, but it turned out that he went to meet the beautiful woman first?
However, looking at this appearance, it seems that this beautiful woman will get it, isn't it so smooth?
The scholar's throat was a little itchy, he coughed twice to stop his smile, and said, "You went at such a good time, this time, my sister-in-law didn't invite you to eat?"

"No." Shen Yue's voice was a little muffled, in fact, it wasn't that girl who kept him for dinner last time.

The scholar was silent, and then said, "Boss, there is no connection, you have to find a way to establish a connection. A girl naturally has the reserve of a girl, but you are a big man, but you should be able to bend and stretch."

"As soon as I returned to Beijing, I immediately went to her house." Shen Yue moved his arms a little away, revealing a pair of cold eyes, how could he bend or stretch?He was still injured, and he brought tea to honor his future father-in-law.

The scholar couldn't help laughing, "Boss, this is not enough, you are not thick-skinned enough. We went back this time, and it didn't work out. If we continue next time, we must let people see your sincerity, right? If you know If you retreat from difficulties, then who can look up to you?"

"Who said I'm going to retire?" Shen Yue muttered in a muffled voice.

The scholar had never seen his boss like this before, among other things, it was quite novel.

Such a boss is even more rare.So, this little sister-in-law is amazing, and she has to help the boss get it done.

"The most important thing is that this girl's family likes to talk sweet. When you go, you just go. Could it be that you have a few nice words, or you never say what the girl likes to hear?" Although the scholar has never been married, he often goes in and out of Goulan. Washe, he still has the arrogance and elegance of a literati in his bones, he has sincere friendship with those girls, and indeed has a few confidante friends, therefore, he understands the girls' thoughts much better than Shen Yue.

Shen Yue's eyes were fixed, as if he hadn't thought that there was such a thing, the blank look was the same as when he had been drinking, he was dull for a moment, and then said slowly, "I don't know, and I How do you know what she likes to hear?"

The scholar was very helpless, "Boss, you'd better listen to me. If it really doesn't work out, it must be that girl. Why don't you come to propose marriage directly? Even if it's just to show your identity, it's fine to take it by force, so that people have to agree. Why don't you say it after marrying someone in first? Otherwise, if you are procrastinating like you, and you can't get the girl to nod, if someone gets ahead of you, you will regret it too late."

Is it that serious?Shen Yue frowned, but after a while, he still shook his head, "I still don't want to. If you want to get married, you're unwilling, so what's the point?"

"What are you afraid of? Boss, let my sister-in-law and her family take a look at your naturally lucky physique. As long as you follow you, you are guaranteed to be promoted, rich, and prosperous. Which family will not happily marry their daughter to you?" Niu Zi and the monkey stepped forward. As soon as he entered the door, Niu Zi was very angry, and he opened his mouth to make up his mind.

To Shen Yue's ears, it was a bad idea, and he snorted, "Have you two cooked the chicken soup?"

"Isn't this stewing on the pot? We are worried about your injury, so we come to care about you." Unexpectedly, when we reached the door, we listened to the corner for a while, and cared about it on the way, Pihou giggled.

"You two care about yourself first, I don't need it! What are you doing?" The wound suddenly hurt, Shen Yue was unprepared, gasped in pain, turned his head suddenly, gritted his teeth and stared at the scholar behind him.

The scholar smiled innocently, "Of course I'm helping you, Boss! Aren't you hurt? Let's go to the pharmacy tomorrow. After all, we are not doctors."

Shen Yue was taken aback for a moment, and his dark eyes flashed twice.

Niu Zi still didn't know why, but Pi Hou suddenly understood, "That's right, that's right, isn't it the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow? It's best to stay there and eat before coming back. By the way, you can't go empty-handed, you have to prepare some gifts. "As he said, he slapped the thick beef shoulder with a heavy slap, "Isn't the widow next door to your house very good at making pastries? She also made moon cakes for you last year, didn't they say they were delicious? Let's go! For the sake of the boss, it’s good to sacrifice your appearance, but you must ask her to make something for you.” Before Niu Zi could react, he pulled Niu Zi’s sleeve and dragged him out.

Niu Zi didn't realize it until he was outside, but it was too late, the night wind was miserable, and a rough man whimpered and cried, "Boss, for the sake of my sacrifice, you must also immediately to success"

Shen Yue turned his head and looked at the scholar.

The latter smiled sweetly at him, "Boss, I hope that you will succeed in no time, so this small injury, you can't die overnight. The worse tomorrow, the more distressed you will be when you look at it." .”

Shen Yue "." Who are these people around him?

Shen Yue had just returned from a business trip, and this time he made a great contribution again, and he did it together with the Commander Lou.Today, Mr. Lou went to the palace to ask for merit, and Shen Yue was injured again. Mr. Lou generously gave him a few days off to recuperate. Therefore, he didn't have to go to comfort him these few days. Report to Siyamen.

In the early morning of the second day, Niu Zi really brought a basket of various mooncakes with a serious expression on his face.

The scholar brought an exquisite saving box and packed it.

Shen Yue answered with a blank face, and was kicked out of his own yard.

On the way out, he turned again to Qianmen Street, arrived at the most famous pastry shop, bought two more boxes of pastries and candied fruit, carried them together, and then headed towards Sanliu Street.

Because this day is a holiday, everyone wants to see a good omen, so if it is not necessary, they will not choose this day to see a doctor.

Therefore, although the shop was open, no one came to the door for a long time.

Ye Xinyi then discussed with Ye Shi'an who was sitting after the case, and said that they might as well close the shop before lunch, so that their family can have a good holiday.

Ye Shi'an responded with a smile.

Unexpectedly, when Ye Xinyi turned her head, she saw a person entering the door, and it was someone she hadn't expected.

She couldn't help but slightly rounded her almond eyes, and was momentarily stunned.

But Ye Shi'an laughed, "Isn't this Yingying? I just heard yesterday that you went out and brought me some tea. I haven't thanked you yet." His eyes caught a glimpse of something in his hand , looked at Ye Xinyi, and said, "What are you?"

Shen Yue glanced at the girl quickly, and then said, "Doctor Ye, this is not a big holiday, I came to see your injury, do you feel embarrassed? And I have come all the time, so I can't come empty-handed."

As he spoke, he piled up the boxes wrapped in red silk with both hands, went straight to the front of the case, presented it to Ye Shi'an, curled his lips, and looked at Doctor Ye with a smile. , and looked at the girl, "Doctor Ye, Miss Ye, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"

(End of this chapter)

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