Chapter 100
"Aunt Zhang?" Ran Zijin closed the door, entered the house, went to sit next to the child, and said to the part-time worker who was cleaning the house inside, "We have a guest."

She didn't dare to leave this child, he moved too fast, and she was afraid that if she dodged, he would take away something important to Leng Muxuan, so she not only had to keep the child safe, but also had to find a way to contact him as soon as possible. Leng Muxuan came back, otherwise she would really do nothing to this child.

"Miss Ran, I'll come right away." Aunt Zhang was cleaning the house just now, when she heard the knock on the door, she planned to come to open the door, but Ran Zijin said she would open it when she was free, and she ignored it and continued to clean.

Hearing that Ran Zijin said that there were guests, he put down his work and went to the kitchen to pour water.When passing by the living room, she frowned slightly when she saw the so-called guest. Why does this child look a bit like Mr. Leng?Could it be an illegitimate child?
But as a part-time worker, Aunt Zhang definitely has work ethics, so this idea is just swept away.She made a cup of tea, brought it to the living room, put it in front of the child, and said, "Tea, please."

The child glanced at the tea in the cup lightly, did not speak, and ignored Aunt Zhang.

Ran Zijin thought for a while, and said to Aunt Zhang: "Aunt Zhang, he is a child, he probably doesn't like tea, why don't I trouble you for a glass of juice. Thank you."

"Okay. Ms. Ran, don't be so polite. It's because I didn't think carefully." Aunt Zhang went to squeeze the juice.

Ran Zijin turned back and asked the child, "Now can you tell me who you are?"

"I'm Leng Muxuan's illegitimate son." The child suddenly sat up, sat up straight, and said seriously, looking at Ran Zijin with fixed eyes.

"Illegitimate child?" Ran Zijin was indeed startled this time. She opened her mouth and couldn't utter a word for a long time.

She had already thought of this statement, but now that she heard the child say it himself, she still couldn't accept it.

It was as if a stone had suddenly been crushed in her heart, and Ran Zijin couldn't breathe. She clenched her hands on her knees tightly, and even trembled slightly.

"Yeah. An illegitimate child. I don't know who my mother is, but I know my father is Leng Muxuan anyway." The child said it so directly that even Aunt Zhang, who came to deliver the juice, was not on guard, nor was she afraid that something would happen if she heard it.

Just as Leng Muxuan turned the key and pushed the door open a small gap, he heard the people in the room say such words, so he leaned against the door, did not push the door open again, but secretly watched and listened to what happened in the room everything.

"Then what did you come to see me for?" Ran Zijin uneasily stretched out his fingers and squeezed his tightly clenched hand, his expression a little unhappy.

Ever since she heard this child's words, she felt that she was in a bad mood, as if she had been cheated by someone, and she also had the feeling that someone was going to steal her things. In short, that feeling was very bad.

"It is said that you are living with my dad now. Let me see my dad's new woman. Maybe you will be my stepmother in the future. I don't want a stepmother with a cruel heart." The child took a sip of juice, He said with disgust, "The juice my dad hired as a part-time worker is not good. Go squeeze a cup and see if your stepmother is qualified."

Ran Zijin was speechless.


What kind of novelty is this?

She seems to have only heard it in fairy tales, but she has never seriously accepted this word in reality!
Not only did she have to accept this meeting, but she also had to be the child's stepmother?
please!She has nothing to do with Leng Muxuan, so why should she be the child's stepmother?

Ran Zijin smiled helplessly, and said to the child: "Did you make a mistake? I don't have that kind of relationship with Leng Shao, because I won't be your stepmother. If you think the juice is not good, I can re-squeeze it for you." Have a cup. But this has nothing to do with stepmother or not."

She smiled palely, stood up feebly, and went to the kitchen to squeeze juice for him.

He is really Leng Muxuan's son!That arrogant vigor, cold aura, and face with superfluous expressions are simply a replica of Leng Muxuan!
Both father and son are the same, they are not easy to contact or get along with!
Ran Zijin, who became inexplicably irritable, pulled Leng Muxuan and the child together and beat him to death.

"Go quickly. Stepmother!" The child's face was cold, but he stuck out his tongue at Ran Zijin mischievously.

"I'm not your stepmother!" Ran Zijin was going to squeeze juice for him, but when he heard him calling her stepmother, he immediately became furious, and immediately turned around and said to the child in a heavy tone.

In fact, if the person sitting across from her was not a child, she felt that she would get angry right now and yell at him instead of just emphasizing her tone.

"Stepmother, you are so fierce! How did Leng Muxuan fall in love with you?" The child's face finally had an expression other than coldness... Horror!
He looked at Ran Zijin with horror, as if looking at a monster, but with a little playfulness.

"You..." Ran Zijin was about to go crazy, she plucked her bangs, put her hands in front of Yueji, and looked at the child angrily, "I repeat, I'm not your stepmother! I don't want to be your stepmother! don't want!"

"Then be a real mother! Hahaha..." The child suddenly laughed, but instead of looking at Ran Zijin, he looked in the direction of the door.

"Lie, well, stop joking." Leng Muxuan pursed his lips and smiled, pushed open the door, walked in, and stopped Nangong Lie's nonsensical joke.

"Leng Muxuan! What's the meaning of this joke? What do you mean? Is it fun to bully me?" Ran Zijin saw Leng Muxuan walking in, and took all his anger on him.

And Ran Zijin, who was inexplicably angry, didn't realize that the first time she called Leng Muxuan's name, it was the first and last name, and it was majestic.

"It has nothing to do with me. I was also made a joke by Lie." Leng Muxuan explained to Ran Zijin, then walked over and gave Nangong Lie a pampering slap on the back of the head. "You brat is getting fatter and fatter! You dare to make such a joke!"

"It's just for fun! Besides, brother Muxuan, this is a meeting gift for sister Zijin. If the meeting ceremony is not special enough, I'm afraid sister Zijin won't remember me!" Nangong Lie shrugged and explained logically.

Ran Zijin blinked quickly, resting his forehead with one hand, "You...I...forget it! I'd better go to the study to read!"

After she finished speaking, she went to the study.

This rhythm jumps too fast, and this world is too fantasy, she can't accept and adapt to it.

Where did this kid pop out?Calling Leng Muxuan's father for a while, and brother for a while, what a mess of generations!
Ran Zijin's figure disappeared at the door of the study, and Nangong Lie said to Leng Muxuan with a smile: "After the test just now, I think sister Zijin is completely destined for Brother Muxuan! She has you in her heart, you have to Work harder! Hurry up and get married!"

"You know again." Leng Muxuan patted Nangong Lie on the head again.

Nangong Lie's teeth hit the edge of the glass, making a crisp sound. He raised his head in protest in dissatisfaction: "Brother Mu Xuan, what if my teeth are broken and my face is disfigured? I'm so handsome, are you jealous of me?" ?”

"No matter how handsome you are, you're still second, and I'm number one!" Leng Muxuan leaned on the sofa with his arms folded, his expression frightened.

Nangong Lie would only act like a normal child in front of Leng Muxuan, and Leng Muxuan, who was with this normal child, would occasionally act childish.

Every time the two of them were joking, Luo Yining would feel that he brought two children out instead of his boss and his right-hand man.

"And!" Nangong Lie cast a disgusted glance at Leng Muxuan, and said in the tone of a young adult, "Sister Zijin is indeed good, suitable to be a sister-in-law. She is not only vigilant, but also kind and innocent, unlike those women outside. Philistine and worldly."

(End of this chapter)

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