104 Marry Me 1

A sudden cold snort caught everyone's attention. Everyone turned their heads and saw Shangguan Weile walking towards the crowd with a purse in his hand, with disdain and contempt on his face.

Everyone didn't like Shangguan Weile very much, because she was a bit arrogant and high-spirited, and hated to speak harshly, and didn't like to interact with people very much, so they didn't want to talk to her, so they all dispersed.

Ran Zijin stood there, planning to leave, to change his overalls and start working.

But Shangguan Weile obviously didn't want to miss any chance to laugh at Ran Zijin.

She walked over and flung her hair arrogantly in front of Ran Zijin, "Think you can have everything by being beautiful? A beautiful woman also needs her own strength! Someone like you who looks like you will be eliminated sooner or later!"

"Secretary of Shangguan, don't talk too much, lest you slap yourself in the mouth in the future!" Ran Zijin has been ridiculed by Shangguan Weile many times, and he is very angry, so when talking to her, he imitates her eloquence.

"Hmph! I'm telling the truth, why are you guilty?" Shangguan Weile raised his eyelids, as if he didn't see Ran Zijin in his eyes at all.

"Why am I guilty? Could it be that you feel pressure and danger, and are afraid of being squeezed out of your current position by someone with strength, so you are so hostile to others?"

"A joke! A person like you is not worthy of being my competitor!" After finishing speaking, Shangguan Weile turned around and took a few steps, then turned back and said to Ran Zijin, "I forgot to tell you the business, during the few days you were away , a man came to look for you. Is that your friend? Did you rely on him to come to Guangbo?"

Ran Zijin looked at Shangguan Weile very displeased, although he was curious about who came to see him, but he still didn't ask her, turned around to change clothes and got ready to go to work.

"Zijin, don't pay attention to Shangguan Weile, here..." The girl who works with Ran Zijin pointed to her brain, "There is a problem! It's serious! Everyone in the company knows this!"

"I guess so too." Ran Zijin straightened his bow tie and said to the girl with a smile.

In fact, she not only felt that Shangguan Weile had brain problems, but also had neurological problems, which could be called a neurosis.

She is a little front desk lady, what does she have to do with the president's secretary on the 32nd floor, but she always comes to trouble her, always sneering at her.

Even if she is an airborne army, but with her work ability, many people's views on her have changed recently, they no longer say she is an airborne army, but this Shangguan Weile still insists on this.

"Sister Zijin, the man that Shangguan Weile mentioned just now is really personable. He looks imposing, and he is not an ordinary person. Is that your boyfriend? Or is he not yet in love?" The girl is a few years younger than Ran Zijin Yue, came to Guangbo before her, but his mouth is very sweet.

"Actually, I don't know who the man you are talking about is. I know very few male friends, and I can count them on five fingers."

"It's okay. You will know when you get off work at noon." The girl smiled mysteriously, "He said he would come to you again."

"You look more excited than me." Ran Zijin looked at the girl and said.

"Hehe. You have always been very calm. When did you get excited? I seriously doubt that you have no emotional ups and downs." The girl smiled sweetly again, "I'm just kidding, sister Zijin, the key is that I prefer to look at handsome guys, no How worthwhile it is to spend money and still look good!"

Ran Zijin smiled lightly, are all girls infatuated?It seems that even she herself likes to look at Leng Muxuan's handsome face that can turn all living beings upside down, and she dare not look into his eyes. Every time she looks at it, she feels that she will be sucked in, and then she can't get out.

Don't look at Leng Muxuan's eyes as clear as a spring, but she always felt that it was an appearance. In fact, behind the clear spring was an endless vortex, once she stepped in, she would sink into it, and the more she struggled, the deeper she sank.

After get off work at noon, Ran Zijin brought a lunch box, so he didn't need to go to the staff canteen for lunch, so the girls who went to work together went with others.

The girl came back within a few minutes of going out, and shouted excitedly to Ran Zijin: "Sister Zijin! Sister Zijin! The handsome guy is here! That man is looking for you again. He asked me to call you!"

Ran Zijin put down the lunch box in his hand and went out with the girl, when he saw Ye Simiao standing outside the gate.

"Zijin!" As soon as Ye Sizhen saw Ran Zijin appear, he called her name and waved to her.

Ran Zijin didn't expect anything, she hadn't seen him for some days, to be exact, they hadn't seen him or contacted him since Ran Huabo took her away that time.

She didn't really want to see Ye Simian, not only because he kissed her when she didn't want to, but also because he saw Ran Huabo's existence.

"Zijin." Seeing that Ran Zijin didn't seem to want to see him, Ye Sihe quickly walked towards her.

Ran Zijin wanted to turn around and leave, but there were people coming and going at the gate, and if she overreacted, she would attract attention, so she stood there without saying anything.

Ye Simian walked up to her, a little nervous, because in his expectation, Ran Zijin should turn around and leave when he saw him, but she didn't leave at this moment.

"Zijin, I've come to see you many times. They said you were sick and didn't go to work recently. Are you feeling well?"

"Okay. Thank you for your concern. If you're okay, I'm going to eat." Ran Zijin said lightly, with a very alienated tone.

"I..." Ye Simiao hesitated for a moment, but finally said, "Zijin, I want to talk to you, just for a while, and it won't take up much of your time."

"We have nothing to talk about." Ran Zijin looked at Ye Simian stubbornly, "I consider you a friend, but you don't respect me. I'm very disappointed in you! So I think our friendship can only end here. "

"Zijin, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have done that. But..." Ye Simian looked at Ran Zijin's eyebrows with slightly scarred eyes, "After the incident, I also regret it. Really!"

"I accept your apology, but when something happens, it happens. It's impossible to pretend that it didn't happen." Ran Zijin really didn't want to think about the moment when Ye Sizhen kissed her that day.

At that moment, her heart was full of panic and fear, and she called her mother over and over again, hoping that her mother could protect her and not be forced to do things she didn't like.

"I know." Ye Simian took a deep breath of frustration, and then asked Ran Zijin worriedly, "Zijin, who was the man who took you away here that day? He looks very dangerous."

Ran Zijin suddenly raised his head and glared at Ye Simian, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting. I'm just worried about you. You're a girl, and that person looks so unkind. I'm afraid you will suffer." Ye Siqiu saw that Ran Huabo was not a good person at a glance that day, and then took him away Ran Zijin, and Ran Zijin didn't come to work for a long time, so he was even more worried about her.

"Whether I suffer or not is my own business, it has nothing to do with you. Ye Simian, live a good life in the future and don't come to me again." Ran Zijin knew that Ye Simian cared about him, and eventually he couldn't harden his heart, but he didn't want to Ye Simian delayed himself because of himself.

She knew herself very well that even if Qiao Zheqing was not the one she chose in the future, it would definitely not be Ye Simiao.So aside from the things he did that annoyed her, she didn't want him to pester her again and get hurt. She didn't want to owe anyone an emotional debt.

Because, in this world, the most difficult thing to repay is the emotional debt.

Ran Zijin took the elevator to the 32nd floor, and watched the numbers on the elevator change one by one, feeling in a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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