Chapter 120: Go Home and Call Your Name 1
After finishing speaking, Leng Muxuan left without looking back. The cold aura exuding from his whole body made Daniel tremble in his heart.

Ran Zijin walked out of the teahouse, feeling very bad. After looking for a long time, he found Leng Muxuan's car, but stood in front of the car door in a daze, and did not open the door to get in the car.

After Leng Muxuan came out, she was still standing there.

He walked over and opened the car door for her, "Zijin, get in the car, let's go back."

Ran Zijin got into the car mechanically, watched Leng Muxuan also get into the car, fastened her seat belt again, and finally fastened it himself, and then drove away.

"Master Leng, what did Daniel's words mean just now? Do you have anything to hide from me?"

Leng Muxuan just drove in silence, and the heartbeat on his face was as cold as an iceberg, and Ran Zijin couldn't help but ask him.

"It's okay. Don't think about it. Daniel is crazy. You should be able to hear it from the way he speaks." Leng Muxuan had a cold expression, but he was still very gentle when speaking to Ran Zijin.


"Zijin, there's nothing wrong with it." Leng Muxuan stared at the road ahead, holding the steering wheel tightly with his fingers, trying his best to dispel Ran Zijin's doubts, "Daniel is a lunatic, you don't have to listen to a lunatic. Just listen The people in the company said that someone came to inquire about you. After I knew that person was Daniel, I was very worried that that lunatic would hurt you, so I came to take you away. Zijin, you can’t meet Daniel again in the future, remember No?"

"Is he really a lunatic?" After listening to Leng Muxuan's words, Ran Zijin thought about the episode with Daniel just now, and really thought that Daniel was a lunatic.

"You think I'll coax you?" Leng Muxuan looked back at Ran Zijin, his eyes full of seriousness.

"No." Ran Zijin shook his head, Leng Muxuan was very kind to her, even to Mama Gu, how could he coax her!
"Then remember my words, don't meet Daniel in the future, don't even answer his phone calls. He is a dangerous person." Seeing that Ran Zijin believed him, Leng Muxuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was too dangerous just now, if he was a step late, maybe Daniel would have told Ran Zijin about the existence of Ruan Yifei.In this way, the peaceful state he tried to maintain would be broken, and Ran Zijin would also be hurt.

He has never talked about Ruan Yifei with Ran Zijin, he just doesn't want her who has no sense of security to be hurt, and he also wants to protect her to the best of his ability so that she and himself can have a smooth future.

"Oh. Remember." Ran Zijin felt even more scared after knowing that Daniel was a lunatic.

She thought to herself that if Leng Muxuan hadn't appeared in time just now, maybe Daniel would have hurt herself, because when she was about to leave, Daniel reached out and grabbed her with a lot of force.

"Zijin, don't think too much, with me here, you'll be fine. I won't let you be." Leng Muxuan could see from Ran Zijin's bloodless face and her panicked eyes that she was very scared , so I comforted her.

"I know. You protected me just now." Ran Zijin smiled at Leng Muxuan.

His words made her feel very at ease, as if she was not so afraid all of a sudden.

"Sister Zijin, are you officially going to the 32nd floor today?" The girl who always worked at the front desk with Ran Zijin asked when she saw Ran Zijin packing her things.

Ran Zijin nodded with a smile while packing her things, "Well, the procedures are all done, and I'm going to work today. But I feel a lot of pressure."

"Don't be under pressure. You don't think Shangguan Weile is as capable as you are. You have already become the president's secretary. Others don't know about your ability. Don't I know about your ability? Come on!" The girl smiled and compared to Ran Zijin. Made a V sign.

She has a relatively simple mind and is kind to others, so Ran Zijin has a better relationship with her.

Now that Zi Ran Zijin is leaving, she is really cheering for her.

"Yeah. I'll try my best." Ran Zijin packed up all the things he didn't have much, and left the key to the drawer for a girl, "When a newcomer comes, I'll give it to him."

"Okay. Sister Zijin, don't forget me when you go up! Come and play with me when you have time. Let's go to karaoke!" The girl waved to Ran Zijin.

"No problem. Goodbye." Ran Zijin left with his things in his arms.

She took the elevator directly to my 32nd floor, and as soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw Shangguan Weile in that prominent position, typing furiously at the computer, as if the computer keyboard had a grudge against her.

Shangguan Weile heard the elevator bell, and typed a few more words before looking up in the direction of the elevator, but she didn't think it was Ran Zijin.

She couldn't express her anger at the keyboard just now, but now she saw Ran Zijin even more seriously.

Ran Zijin felt Shangguan Weile's obviously unfriendly eyes, and ignored her, and went directly past her to find Luo Yining.

After Ran Zijin left, Shangguan Wei Le, who was ignored, pushed the mouse and put it on the table and made a loud sound, and then a glass of water was brought down by the mouse's connection cable, spilling over the table.

"Ah!" Shangguan Weile finally couldn't help but yelled, leaving aside the quilt and other things, and went directly to rescue the documents on the desktop.

These documents, she worked overtime last night for a long time before typing out and printing them. The president will ask for them later, and printing them will delay the time, and the president will definitely be unhappy.If the president is unhappy, then her image in his heart will be compromised again.

Shangguan Weile rescued it for a long time, but many documents were still wet by water.

In fact, there are other people opposite her, but she is not friendly enough to those people, so those people saw her predicament and pretended not to see it. No one came to help her, so they just gloated and watched her being dismissed by the president for a while. The assistant scolded.

The flustered Shangguan's face turned green with anger, wishing to throw away all the documents and smash the computer keyboard in front of her, but in order to maintain her dignified and virtuous appearance in front of Leng Muxuan, she endured it.

"Secretary Shangguan, have you finished all the documents you typed out yesterday?" Luo Yining appeared in front of Shangguan Weile when she was holding the wet documents and had nowhere to vent her anger.

Ran Zijin came with Luo Yining.

"Part of it is good, but there is still a part that hasn't been finished. And..." Shangguan Weile pursed his lips vigorously, and glanced at the wet paper in his arms, "Some parts are wet. I have to print again .”

"Which copies got wet? Now you give the USB flash drive to Secretary Ran and ask Secretary Ran to print it. Quickly type out the others and send them to Secretary Ran to print." Luo Yining took a few pieces of paper at random After looking at it, the expression on his face immediately became a little colder, "Why is this format like this? Have you figured out the situation?"

Shangguan Wei Le was often scolded by Luo Yining, so she was used to it, if she was usually secretly angry at most, she didn't dare to say anything else.

But now she lost face in front of Ran Zijin, so she couldn't hold her breath, so she complained and said to Luo Yining: "Assistant Luo, I worked overtime last night to type these things out, and it should be a favor to make a mistake occasionally. Is it excusable? I have been working continuously for nearly [-] hours, even the machine will get tired, make mistakes, and break down!"

"You worked overtime for [-] hours in a row last night, but the president worked overtime all night and didn't sleep. The president didn't even complain that he was tired. If you feel tired and can't continue, just hand over the resignation report to me. I will give You approve." Luo Yining ignored Shangguan Wei Le's complaint.

(End of this chapter)

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