The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 136 The Huge Standing High 3

Chapter 136 The Huge Standing High 3
"Ahhhhhhhhh..." Ran Zijin howled and rushed out of Leng Muxuan's bedroom, went to his own bedroom and washed his face with cold water, but he still couldn't calm down.

She anxiously walked around the house a few times, took a magazine and fanned her face to cool down, her breathing was heavy and short... She actually... actually saw that?How could she push the door open so carelessly?She has absolutely no voyeurism!
Ran Zijin, who was always calm and composed, finally went crazy in front of Leng Muxuan's good brother.

She pulled her hair, and suddenly remembered that Leng Muxuan was still fainting, so she quickly took out her mobile phone to call Luo Yining, but after pressing the call button, she hung up the phone again.

Ran Zijin sat on the edge of the bed, considering that she couldn't call someone over at this moment, otherwise she would not be able to clean herself up even if she jumped into the Yellow River if she saw such an embarrassing scene.

After thinking about it anxiously, she finally returned to Leng Muxuan's bedroom, and called out to the bathroom twice: "Young Master Leng? Are you awake? Young Master Leng? Leng Muxuan!"

Ran Zijin, who was very anxious, called out Muxuan's name with a cold face, but there was still no response from inside!
She walked to Leng Muxuan's closet speechlessly, planning to find another pajamas to cover Leng Muxuan, and then get him out.But as soon as she opened the cabinet, she saw a neatly fallen bullet inner storehouse, and she was completely speechless and slammed her head on the cabinet.

Hitting her head hurt, she grinned and hissed again, and continued to search elsewhere, and finally found a nightgown.

Ran Zijin held the nightgown to cover Leng Muxuan's body, walked to the bathroom door, slowly moved into the bathroom, turned his head to the other side, and fumbled to cover Leng Muxuan's body with the bathrobe. Accidentally touched his huge cock with his fingers!

The hot feeling scared Ran Zijin to withdraw his hand immediately, and he didn't dare to move for a while, his heartbeat accelerated a lot.

She stretched out her right hand and looked, it was this hand that just touched Leng Muxuan's...

Ran Zijin wanted to die, she moved her gaze a little, and saw that the bathrobe had completely covered Leng Muxuan, so she turned her head decisively, tied the strap of the bathrobe around his body, and then dragged him to the bathroom go outside.

Leng Muxuan was tall and strong, and Ran Zijin couldn't support him at all, so he had to drag him away.

After finally dragging him to the bed, she couldn't get him out of the bed no matter what.Panting heavily, Ran Zijin sat at Leng Muxuan's feet, rested for a while, and then got up to find a blanket to spread on the carpet. Excited, Leng Muxuan got it on the carpet, and pulled the quilt to wrap it around. on him.

"I'm exhausted!" Ran Zijin stood up and clapped his hands, finally able to look directly at Leng Muxuan.

She turned around and found a thermometer in the medicine box and put it in Leng Muxuan's mouth. When she was pulling him just now, she could clearly feel the scorching heat on his body through the nightgown.

Ran Zijin, who had already learned some simple medical knowledge in the orphanage, knew at a glance that Leng Muxuan had a fever, so he had to take his temperature first, and then give him medicine.

After about the same time, she took out the thermometer and looked at it, and it was 39 degrees.

Luckily, there was antipyretic medicine in the medicine cabinet. Ran Zijin found it out, fed Leng Muxuan the medicine, found an ice pack and put it on his forehead, and wiped his palms with alcohol.

After two or three changes of the ice pack, she pulled over his injured right arm and tended to his wound.

Gauze was wrapped around Leng Muxuan's wound, and Ran Zijin tied a beautiful bow before getting up to change the ice pack, sitting cross-legged beside him, observing his condition.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ran Zijin took out her mobile phone to check the time, it was more than four o'clock in the morning, Leng Muxuan hadn't woken up yet, but his fever had completely subsided, so she couldn't resist the drowsiness and leaned against the edge of his bed Fell asleep.

When Leng Muxuan opened his eyes, it was already bright. He reached out to remove the ice pack from his forehead, and when he turned his head, he saw Ran Zijin sleeping soundly beside him.

There was nothing on her body, and she held his right arm firmly with both hands. There was a cute bow on his right arm. Leng Muxuan couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth.

This little thing must be afraid that he would press the wound by moving around, so he grabbed his hand so nervously.

Leng Muxuan slowly withdrew his hand from Ran Zijin's, then stood up, put on the nightgown that Ran Zijin had casually covered him, and then put her on the bed with her in his arms, and covered him with a quilt.

He touched her cold cheek and pressed a kiss on her brow before going to clean up the blanket on the floor.

Although the sky was bright, it was not too late, only after eight o'clock.

After washing up, Leng Muxuan dressed neatly, looked at Ran Zijin who was sleeping soundly, and then walked out of the bedroom.

"Morning, Mr. Leng!" The hourly worker also came at this moment, and greeted Leng Muxuan who was about to leave.

Leng Muxuan nodded, and told the hourly worker: "Wake up in a while, prepare some nutritious meals for her."

"Understood, Mr. Leng." The part-time worker knew that Leng Muxuan didn't eat breakfast at home, unless Ran Zijin made it, so he didn't ask him whether he would eat or not.

Leng Muxuan went downstairs, Yang Ming was already waiting downstairs.

Luo Yining knew that he would not have a good rest last night, so he sent Yang Ming to pick him up.

When Yang Ming got out of the car and opened the door for Leng Muxuan, he almost burst out laughing... The pretty and cute bow on the CEO's arm, with his iceberg-like aura, really doesn't match at all!
Leng Muxuan sat in the car as if nothing had happened, he was wearing short sleeves today, just to avoid damaging the wound that Ran Zijin carefully bandaged for him, as well as the pretty bowknot.

She must have been exhausted taking care of him last night, so she fell asleep lying beside him like that, so let her have a good rest today.

On weekends, Leng Muxuan usually goes to the company to work overtime when he has nothing to do, but Ran Zijin doesn't need it.But since he became a secretary on the 32nd floor, he occasionally likes to take her with him when he works overtime on weekends.

He didn't want her to go to work, he just wanted her to accompany him when he was working.

When Leng Muxuan walked into the company, the security guard at the door had the same reaction as Yang Ming, his eyes almost popped out.

They have never seen the president wear short sleeves. No matter how cold or hot it is in spring, summer, autumn and winter, the president is always dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He is very neatly dressed, not even showing his wrists, let alone showing most of his body in short sleeves. arm up!

And that lump on the arm is called a bowknot?
Can the president's arm be tied with a bow?

sky!The security guard looked at the sky in silence!
Which nurse sister has the courage to put a bow on the CEO's arm that doesn't match his temperament?Which nurse sister is this who can be so pampered and pampered by the president, and let her 'run wild' on him?
The four security guards were so shocked that they forgot to say hello to Leng Muxuan, and forgot to open the revolving door for him, but Leng Muxuan didn't mean to blame them at all, and even slightly raised the corners of his mouth to greet the security guards. .

The security guards instantly petrified... What rhythm is the CEO doing today?
They looked at themselves and at each other, and said in unison, "I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

Leng Muxuan, who had already pushed the revolving door into the hall, heard what they said, and turned around and replied in a good mood: "No. You have done a good job."

sky!Not only was the security guard petrified, but he was also struck by lightning, and piles of scum fell from his petrified body!
The president, who has always been strict in his work, has never praised any employee, but today he praised someone for the first time, and he praised four at the same time in a performance!

(End of this chapter)

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