The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 140 Zijin who was also shot while lying down

Chapter 140 Zijin who was also shot while lying down
"Ran Zijin, don't tell Young Master Leng that you have been to the 'poison'! Hu Die and I's happiness is entirely in your hands!" He Yacheng said to Ran Zijin as he walked out of the 'poison'.

"Why?" Ran Zijin was puzzled.

"If Mu Xuan knew that we brought you to such an uninnocuous place, the consequences... would be unimaginable!" He Yacheng deliberately said it seriously, and he had no choice but to stop 'poison' for rectification!
"Well. I don't want to say anything." Ran Zijin nodded innocently, still feeling ashamed of Hu Die because of Leng Muxuan's incident, so she tried her best to protect the happiness she met this time.

"Zijin get in the car!" Hu Die went to fetch her car and asked Ran Zijin to get in the car.

After Ran Zijin got into the car, he asked her, "Isn't He Yacheng together?"

"He drives by himself." Hu Die happily stepped on the accelerator and set off.

She was very happy to introduce her boyfriend to her best friend. The feeling of sharing everything with her best friend is really wonderful.

But she didn't expect that a dinner party worth looking forward to would be disturbed by an unexpected guest.

On the top floor of Tianyuan Hotel, in a luxurious bunk in the revolving restaurant, Ran Zijin, Leng Muxuan, Hu Die and He Yacheng sat around a big round table.

Leng Muxuan has a rather cold temper and doesn't talk much, even when he is with his little boy, he doesn't talk much, and sits quietly drinking tea.

Ran Zijin is also more introverted, but better than Leng Muxuan, and occasionally talks to Hu Die and the others, with a faint smile on his face all the time.

Hu Die and He Yacheng are both passionate and unrestrained, so I have been hearing them bickering and playing poor, but it complements the quietness of the other two people, and it is not bad to drive the atmosphere in the private room.

Because the president came to eat, Rao Xueying came in with the menu and asked Leng Muxuan to order.

Leng Muxuan looked at the menu, handed it to Ran Zijin, and curled his lips at her, "Zijin, you can order whatever you like, and I'll follow you."

"You should order some." Ran Zijin was used to Leng Muxuan relying on her for everything, but now that Hu Die and He Yacheng were here, she felt a little embarrassed.

But Leng Muxuan didn't care at all, he looked at Ran Zijin intently, as if Hu Die and He Yacheng didn't exist, and only Ran Zijin was in his eyes.

"There are the best Sichuan chefs here, and it's very convenient to eat Sichuan cuisine."

Ran Zijin blushed and had a slight fever. He held the menu in his hand and checked that there were indeed many authentic Sichuan dishes.

But she suddenly remembered that Leng Muxuan was injured, and it was not good to eat too stimulating food, so she said, "Eat light food. Your arm is still injured."

"Eh!" Hu Die and He Yacheng, who had originally looked at each other because Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin only had each other in their eyes, couldn't help but make a speechless voice at this moment.

Ran Zijin's face turned even redder after a swipe. He looked sideways at Hu Die and He Yacheng, and pushed the menu in front of them, "Come and order. Anyway, it's your treat, you have the final say."

Just as He Yacheng was about to say something, Leng Muxuan stood up and took the menu, and stuffed it back into Ran Zijin's hands, "Order what you like, and don't care what others do."

Ran Zijin pinched the menu in embarrassment, lowered his head and stroked his forehead, when did Leng Muxuan become so domineering?Do not!To be precise, when did he treat her like his exclusive product, he was so overbearing that he didn't want others to pay any attention to her, and he didn't want her to pay attention to others!

"Young Master Leng, you are so unkind!" He Yacheng said dissatisfiedly, "This is my treat, and I paid for it. Not only did you not ask my opinion, but you even took the menu for your sweetheart!"

"You treat us, we come to eat, of course we don't need to ask your opinion, we just agree." Leng Muxuan replied coldly.

The chef of Sichuan cuisine at Tianyuan Hotel was the one that Ye Simian invited to open a chain store. After knowing that he was doing this for Ran Zijin, Leng Muxuan decisively robbed him of his business. Not only did he not open a chain store, He also invited all the masters from the original store with high salaries.

Originally, Leng Muxuan wanted to take these people to the hotel of the newly built resort, but thinking that the resort was far away from the city, it would be inconvenient for Ran Zijin to go there, so he stayed directly at Tianyuan Hotel, which was very convenient for Ran Zijin, who likes Sichuan cuisine Come and eat.

"Yacheng, I don't think Mr. Leng is Zijin's boyfriend. He spoils Zijin so much. As my real boyfriend, why don't you put so much effort into him? I seriously doubt whether you love me or not!" Hu Die By deliberately saying such things, he wanted to forcibly reveal some relationship between Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan.

These two people are too boring, they clearly only have each other in their eyes, but they are still coy, neither of them confesses, neither of them pierce the window paper first.

"Love! Why don't you love me! You are my sweetheart!" He Yacheng looked at Hu Die with a smile.

His love for Hu Die is different from Leng Muxuan's way of expressing his love for Ran Zijin, one is restrained and the other is unrestrained, but they both make no secret of it and express it very directly.

"Okay. Okay. Stop joking around!" Ran Zijin listened to the three jokes openly, and directly ignored the central point of her joke. She blushed and felt embarrassed, so she said deeply. He took a breath, and glanced at the three of them one by one, "Let me order! Hu Die and I like to eat Sichuan food, so we ordered two Sichuan dishes. Young Master Leng can only eat light food, so I ordered some to help the wound heal Yes, tell the chef not to put any condiments like coriander. What flavor does He Yacheng like?"

She knew herself, Hu Die, and Leng Muxuan, but she didn't know He Yacheng, so she asked him.

"I also eat Sichuan cuisine." He Yacheng smiled like a thief, and looked at Leng Muxuan with bright eyes, "The Sichuan cuisine chefs here generally don't do it by themselves, I also follow someone to enjoy it, not to eat it. Don't stick it for nothing!"

After listening to He Yacheng's words, Leng Muxuan turned his eyes from Ran Zijin's body to He Yacheng's face, the tenderness just now was gone, and now he looked at him like two sharp swords.

He Yacheng couldn't help shaking his body to cooperate with him, and picked up the teacup to drink tea, but his face was still smiling.

Ran Zijin and Hu Die looked at the menu head to head and ordered together. After hearing He Yacheng's words, they thought he was talking about being honored by Leng Muxuan, so they echoed: "We are all honored by Leng Shao."

"Zijin!" Hu Die poked Ran Zijin's head, "Ya Cheng and I paid the money, okay? You actually said that you are in favor of Leng Shao! You only have Leng Shao in your eyes, and you just ignore us?"

After Hu Die poked Ran Zijin's head, he immediately felt a chill all over his body, and looked up at Leng Muxuan, and sure enough he was staring at her with eyes that were colder than ice.She couldn't help shivering, thinking that she would never dare to eat with them again, otherwise she said something wrong, did a wrong action, accidentally offended Ran Zijin, and that young master Leng's eyes would kill people, I'm afraid And really wiped her away with his hands!
"Spoof! I won't quarrel with you!" Ran Zijin sincerely felt that it was a mistake not to look at the old Huangli when he went out today, why he was sitting here, it was wrong not to speak, and it was wrong to speak, and he became someone else's point of view.

"You're blushing!" Hu Die picked her eyes, the smile on her face was the same as that on He Yacheng's face, both of them were treacherous.

Looking at them, Ran Zijin suddenly felt that the ancients had something to say... It's not that one family doesn't enter one family!These two people look so good as husband and wife, and they have such a tacit understanding, they are a natural couple, it would be a pity not to enter the family!

(End of this chapter)

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