The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 143 Only belongs to Zijin 1 person 1

Chapter 143 Only Belongs to Zijin 1
Leng Muxuan leaned on the back of the chair, feeling that he had turned around at this moment, and looked at He Yacheng with a smile in his eyes.

He Yacheng only felt that the veins on his temples were twitching, and he had a headache and wanted to hit the wall.

He looked at Su Maiqi, she was still sitting between Hu Die and him, which made her even more headache. If he had known that she would appear in Tianyuan, he shouldn't have set the place to eat here.

Hu Die saw that Su Maiqi was sitting beside her familiarly, and said angrily: "I never thought that big stars like to eat other people's leftover food!"

"I've already eaten it, and I mainly want to catch up with you and Zijin." Hu Die lost her aggressive aura just now, and her eyes, which were always clear and lofty, were full of water vapor at this moment, shining brightly, making people feel pity How pity can be. "Or I can treat you to this meal."

"Don't bother you! See, the president of Tianyuan is sitting here, and it's not your turn to pay." Hu Die pointed at Leng Muxuan, this posture is to tear Su Maqi's pitiful and sympathetic face .

He Yacheng rubbed his eyebrows. He had heard Hu Die say that Su Maiqi was her college classmate with Ran Zijin, but he didn't know that her relationship with Su Maiqi was so bad.

He couldn't help but be thankful that he didn't tell Hu Die the truth, otherwise, with Hu Die's temper and she hated Su Maiqi, he probably would have the intention of killing him, so let alone ask her to forgive him.

But what he can rest assured is that Su Maiqi has always been obedient and won't talk nonsense, so he is not worried that she will say something in front of Hu Die, and he predicts that she will not dare.

Su Maiqi turned her head to look at Leng Muxuan, and said with a smile: "You see, I'm so stupid that I forgot that the real master is sitting here. I dare to say that I want to treat you. You really laugh at Leng Shao."

Ran Zijin sat aside and saw that Su Maqi's target was Hu Die, and thought that she always liked to compete with Hu Die for the limelight, but she didn't know the complicated relationship between her, He Yacheng and Hu Die.

Now hearing her talking to Leng Muxuan again, she felt very uncomfortable, she tilted her head to look at Leng Muxuan.

And Leng Muxuan was also looking at her. Hearing Hu Die's words, he didn't move his eyes, and of course he didn't answer her words.

He and He Yacheng are often together, and often meet Su Maiqi, but he seldom talks to her.Unless necessary, he will directly treat her as air, not even as good as air.

Leng Muxuan doesn't like women like Su Maiqi, and he doesn't understand why He Yacheng is so attracted to this woman.She looks very flirtatious, and she has done a lot of flirtatious things with He Yacheng before. He once despised He Yacheng for having a problem with his eyes, so he would find such an impure woman, and would not find a clean woman if he wanted to play Play.

"Hu Die, I heard that you have a boyfriend. When can I introduce you?" Su Maiqi was used to being ignored by Leng Muxuan, so she didn't feel embarrassed, and turned her head to talk to Hu Die.

"I'm out of my mind to introduce my boyfriend to you?" Hu Die frowned, wishing to tear up Su Maqi's fake face, and then push her out of the private room, but since He Yacheng and Leng Muxuan were both there, she didn't want to give it to him. They lost face, so they endured it all the time, but they didn't let her say much, "You should use your seductive skills on others. My Hu Die's boyfriend, you dare to pay attention and try!"

Leng Muxuan raised his eyebrows, and began to worry about He Yacheng, but felt that he asked for it.

He felt that compared with He Yacheng, he was much luckier. Although there were things he couldn't talk about, fortunately, Ran Zijin was much more docile than Hu Die, and he could still suppress him.But with Hu Die's staunch temper, it is estimated that He Yacheng has nothing to do.

"Hu Die, how can you say that? I..." Su Maiqi finally stopped laughing, and raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, "Forget it. I'd better go. I just wanted to chat with everyone... Now I'm so unreasonable See you later..."

As she spoke, she stood up and moved the chair with her bag, "I'm sorry to disturb everyone. I'll leave first."

Su Maiqi's eyes were slightly red, and she ran out of the private room door with her head down.

Seeing Su Maiqi's increasingly proficient acting skills, Hu Die sprayed and put the teacup heavily on the table, with a look of anger on her face. It was a good dinner, but that dead woman spoiled it all!

He Yacheng stood up, stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of Hu Die's hair, "Okay, stop being angry. You are the one who is so angry."

"I'm fine." Hu Die smiled at He Yacheng, a little far-fetched, "I don't know why, I feel that I'm born to be at odds with Su Maqi, and I always quarrel when we meet. I can't help it."

"There's nothing wrong with it, and I don't see her every day. I'll go to the bathroom." He Yacheng raised his eyebrows. Could it be that Hu Die, like his mother, also believed in superstitions like Buddhism?

He turned around and walked out of the private room, his heart became more determined to ask Su Maiqi to leave, otherwise if she always appeared in front of Butterfly, sooner or later there would be problems.

Rubbing between his brows, He Yacheng really regretted why he had been attracted to Su Maiqi back then, so much so that even today, he still doesn't have the courage to drive her away decisively.

"Did you see the lady in the blue cheongsam who came out of here just now?" He looked around but didn't see Su Maiqi, so he grabbed a waiter and asked.

"It seems to be over there." The waiter pointed to the direction of the bathroom. He remembered Su Maqi because her blue cheongsam and long wavy hair were so eye-catching. woman.

He Yacheng walked to the bathroom, and sure enough, he saw Su Maiqi arranging her makeup in front of the mirror.

"Maggie, why did you appear here?" He leaned against the marble table next to her displeasedly, crossed his arms, and looked sideways at Su Maggie who was concentrating on her makeup.

"Are you suspecting that I'm here to follow you?"

Su Maiqi applied it on the corner of her lips for the last time, then pursed her lips in front of the mirror, twisted the bottle of lip gloss, then stretched out her slender fingers, and wiped it under her lips with the fingertips painted with fiery red nails. Looking back at He Yacheng.

Her eye circles were still a little red. Although she had applied makeup, it still couldn't cover it up, which was enough to show how much she had been in the drama just now.Even she herself couldn't help wondering, if she was still in the entertainment industry, would she have already entered Hollywood because of her proficient acting skills?

"Then what are you doing here?" He Yacheng knew that Su Maiqi had always been obedient and well-behaved, and always obeyed him, even if she didn't think she would dare to follow him, but what happened today was really too coincidental, so he had to doubt her.

"I met an old friend. After I came out, I met Ran Zijin. Ran Zijin and Hu Die were roommates in my university. Before I moved out to live with you, we lived together. Although we didn't get along very peacefully, we also They can be regarded as sisters." Su Maiqi still had the kind of look in Su Maqi's eyes that people could hold back and cherish at a glance.

"Your old friend? Why haven't you heard of it before?" It is true that He Yacheng had never heard Su Maqi mention that she had any friends.

Outside the school where he took her to live, she almost only revolved around him, and rarely saw her play with others.Especially after she listened to his arrangement and quit the entertainment industry completely, he didn't see her go out and get close to anyone, and he even stopped interacting with others, how could he still have friends.

She is really like his canary in the cage, she has been well protected, and she listens to him very much.There was a time when he had a deep feeling for her and thought about marrying her, so he restricted her actions even more and forbade her to go out and contact people indiscriminately, for fear that if she accidentally said the wrong thing, her parents would It is even more difficult to accept her, and will not allow him to marry her.

(End of this chapter)

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