Chapter 156
"How can I be willing to let you go. I have been looking for you for a long time, and I have spent so much time thinking. I really want you to be with me. We can go to Japan or go back to Australia. Zijin, you make the decision. Wherever you like, we will go."

Daniel found Ran Zijin this time and wanted to take her away.

In fact, he didn't know about Ran Zijin's existence at the beginning. If it wasn't for the time that Leng Muxuan found him in Japan, he began to suspect that Leng Muxuan had a change of heart and came to China to inquire about him. Ruan Yifei looks exactly like a woman.

From the beginning of wanting to separate Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan, to now I want to keep Ran Zijin by my side as Ruan Yifei's shadow, just because he loves Ruan Yifei so much.

During this period of time in China, he was always secretly following Ran Zijin. After observing again and again, he found that she couldn't help but look like Ruan Yifei, and even missed some movements and expressions, and some small habits were the same.

He gradually saw Ruan Yifei when she was alive from her, which made him miss Ruan Yifei uncontrollably and crazily, so much that he wished to catch Ran Zijin back to live by his side instead of Ruan Yifei.

He knew she wasn't Ruan Yifei, but when he looked at her, he still told himself to lie to himself, this was his beloved Ruan Yifei, and his Yifei was back!

Ran Zijin ignored Daniel, the lunatic, and turned to look at the other corner.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and the curtains were not drawn, so it was a little dark. Ran Zijin was only thinking of procrastinating, not going anywhere, just waiting for Leng Muxuan to come to her.

"Zijin, where do you want to go?" Daniel asked Ran Zijin persistently.

Anyway, she is Ruan Yifei's substitute, so let's pamper her a little, and it can be regarded as comforting himself that he is loving Ruan Yifei.

Ran Zijin still didn't speak, and didn't go to see Daniel, and let him sing a one-man show alone.

Daniel talked for a while by himself, and seeing that Ran Zijin was no longer struggling or trying to escape, he got up and turned on the TV, "Zijin, watch TV with me."

He walked back to Ran Zijin, took her hand and dragged her to the bed, and he himself sat on the bed beside her.

Ran Zijin bit her lip, and the anger that had calmed down began to burn again. She stared at Daniel, got up from the bed and stood aside.

She would never want to sit on the same bed with Daniel and watch TV together.

"Zijin, you have to get used to getting along with me like this." Daniel reached out to pull Ran Zijin.

Ran Zijin hid far away, stood beside the bed, opened the curtains, and opened the window. Outside the window was the bustling street, and they were on the 8th floor.

Daniel leaned against the head of the bed, looking lazily at Ran Zijin, "Zijin, you won't jump off."

Ran Zijin turned his head and clenched his fists tightly, wishing to kill Daniel with his eyes!
She wanted to escape from here for a moment just now, but now that she saw the situation outside, she couldn't escape at all.This is the eighth floor, jumping down will only lead to death, she doesn't want to die easily!

"Daniel, do you want me to accompany you?" She thought for a while and asked slowly, her tone very calm.

"Yeah." Daniel nodded.

"Okay, so from now on, I will sit on the sofa and you will sit on the bed. You will watch your TV and I will read my magazines. I like this way of getting along. If you can accept it, I will not try to escape. If you can't accept it, then I'll jump off from here! I'll do what I say!" Ran Zijin had already grabbed the edge of the window, ready to climb up and jump off.

She was just playing psychological tactics with Daniel. Daniel said that he liked her, and she could see that he was not willing to hurt her, so she bet that he would agree to her conditions and not let her really jump to her death.

Daniel saw Ran Zijin climbing the window, his eyes tightened suddenly, thinking about standing up to stop her.

Seeing his movement, Ran Zijin speeded up her climbing movement, and one foot had already reached the edge of the window. She stopped and looked back at him, her eyes full of intransigence.

Daniel finally breathed a sigh of relief, and opened his arms to look at Ran Zijin, "Okay, I promise you. You come down first."

"You'd better do what you say, otherwise I will always have a way to commit suicide, and you can't stop me!" Ran Zijin made the final confirmation.

"I promise to do it. You read magazines, I watch TV, and don't interfere with each other." Daniel finally found someone who could act as a substitute for Ruan Yifei. He was so willing to lose again, so he compromised with Ran Zijin first.

Then Ran Zijin got down from the window, sat on the sofa where he had been sitting just now, and took a magazine from the top of the TV in his hand.

She didn't want to read magazines, but just wanted to spend time in a safe way. As long as Leng Muxuan couldn't find her after get off work in the afternoon, he would always come to her.

And she was very sure that if she drove Luo Yining's car and didn't go back for a long time, Luo Yining would call her, and if she couldn't get through, she would find out that something might have happened to her, and she would talk to Leng Muxuan.

Always, she should calm down first, protect herself, and wait to be rescued.

When Leng Muxuan went to the suburbs for inspection, he meant to have a general look first, and then he had to look at the specific matters later, and discuss with the partners in detail, so it didn't take long.

On the way back to the city from the suburbs, he called Ran Zijin and wanted to ask if she had lunch, worried that she would stare at him and go back to have dinner and lunch together.

Leng Muxuan felt that it was a little strange that the reminder "the number you dialed has been turned off" kept coming from the phone. Ran Zijin never turned off the phone, and he would not turn it off at night, at most it was set to vibrate.

He remembered that Ran Zijin told him on the phone that she drove Luo Yining's car, so he suddenly became nervous and called Luo Yining.

"Assistant Luo, has Zijin returned to the company yet?"

"Not yet. She's not with you?" Luo Yining heard that the CEO left Ran Zijin in Tianyuan, so he wasn't surprised that she didn't come back in the afternoon. He thought she went to the suburbs with the CEO.

"No. Now Zijin's phone can't be reached. You should quickly find someone to check if there is any traffic accident in City H in the afternoon. I'll contact Lie and find Zijin together." Leng Muxuan changed when he heard that Ran Zijin didn't return to the company. Got even more nervous.

"Yes, I will act immediately." Luo Yining also realized the seriousness of the matter at this moment, but at least he was calmer than Leng Muxuan. After all, Ran Zijin is not his heart, so he quickly thought of a suspicious person, " President, I will send someone to investigate Daniel first, this guy is too dangerous."

"Hmm. Move faster!"

It's fine if you don't mention Daniel, when Luo Yining mentions Daniel, Leng Muxuan's nervous palms are about to sweat.

He hung up Luo Yining's phone, and quickly called Nangong Lie.

"Brother Muxuan, is there something wrong with sister Zijin? I'll take someone to look for it now! If there really was no traffic accident, but was taken away artificially, I probably know who it is!" Nangong Lie these days Tian was sent by Leng Muxuan to complete other tasks, so he neglected some Ran Zijin, and unexpectedly took advantage of the loophole.

Nangong Lie is the same as Luo Yining, the first suspicious person that comes to mind is Daniel.

Recently, he has investigated Daniel's whereabouts very clearly, even where he lives. He remembers that his daily transportation is a rented black Volkswagen.

"It's Daniel?" Leng Muxuan would rather that Ran Zijin was taken away by others than Daniel, if he told Ran Zijin about Ruan Yifei, then there would really be a gap between himself and Ran Zijin.

The oolong incident of Shangguan Weile last time had already made Ran Zijin so angry. If she knew that she and Ruan Yifei looked alike again, she would definitely think that he was her substitute and would never forgive him again.

(End of this chapter)

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