Chapter 160
"I said I wouldn't say it, and I wouldn't say it even if you kidnapped me." Daniel was not afraid of Leng Muxuan and He Yacheng, so he wanted to stall for time.

As long as two more hours passed, and he didn't say anything and didn't go to see his friends, then someone would go to Ran Zijin and tell her everything, and that would be the time when Leng Muxuan lost Ran Zijin.

Leng Muxuan lost Ran Zijin, so he would not betray his relationship with Ruan Yifei, nor would he violate his promise to Ruan Yifei... He promised to love Ruan Yifei forever and marry her as his wife!
Daniel knew that he was unable to control Leng Muxuan's heart, but at least he could destroy his desire to marry another woman.

He has only one thought now, Leng Muxuan can't marry Ruan Yifei, but he can't marry someone else either, the position of Mrs. Leng next to him can never be filled by anyone, because that only belongs to Ruan Yifei!
"I always have a way to make you speak!" Nangong Lie shook his hand, and there was a large number of throwing knives in his hand. No one saw how he took out the throwing knives hidden on his body, and no one Know exactly how he hid so many throwing knives on himself.

But those who follow Leng Muxuan know that these throwing knives have no eyes, as long as Nangong Lie wants them to fly, they will fly there, and they can hurt people as much as they want .

When these flying knives go out, whether the opponent is dead or alive depends entirely on Nangong Lie's mood.

But Daniel didn't know about these things. He only thought of Nangong Lie as a child who could juggle shoes, so he didn't pay attention to it at all, because he knew that many people in China, especially among the people, were masters of juggling.

There was a faint murderous look in Nangong Lie's eyes, and a throwing knife went out and pierced Daniel's shoulder, causing blood to flow immediately.

Now Daniel looks at Nangong Lie differently, this child is really extraordinary.

Leng Muxuan leaned on the sofa, seeing Daniel who was not afraid at such a moment and didn't even wrinkle his eyebrows at his wound, I really felt a pity, if he was willing to tell everything, if he could be obedient and say Maybe I can get a good stop, after all, such a calm person is still rare.

Nangong Lie's flying knives were always coated with various strange poisons by him. This time, the poison was just enough to make the wound itchy, and it was extremely itchy.If someone can't help scratching their wound, the drug will penetrate into the skin around the wound with the tickling action, and the wound will continue to grow and become inflamed soon.

Like Daniel, who was stuck on his arm, as long as he dared to scratch it, the only end of the arm would be amputation.

"Do you want to talk?" Nangong Lie held up the throwing knife and planned to fly out the second one. He didn't believe how long this Daniel could last.

Daniel's wound was very painful and itchy. He wanted to scratch it, but his whole body was tied up and he couldn't move at all, so a fine layer of sweat oozes from his forehead.

"Don't say it!" He said with the corners of his mouth curled up. Although he tried hard to cover up, there was still a little tremor in his words.

"Very good!" Nangong Lie didn't talk nonsense, and threw a throwing knife out, stabbing Daniel's other arm.

This time his strength was a little stronger, so the wound was a little deeper and more painful than before.

Daniel couldn't help but gasped, the fine sweat on his forehead had gathered into large beads of sweat, rolling down his cheeks.

"The more you want to know, the less I will say, even if you want me to die, I will not say." Daniel laughed a few times after he finished speaking. If he dies, he can still go to heaven to see the one he loves so much. Yifei, this might not be a good thing.

In this life, he met Ruan Yifei too late, so she met Leng Muxuan first and fell in love with Leng Muxuan first, so if he was asked to die for her this time, he was willing.Maybe Ruan Yifei in heaven will fall in love with him when he sees everything he has done for her.

Yes, his death is definitely worth it this time!

Because he died, he will go to heaven before Leng Muxuan, and meet Ruan Yifei before him, and he will never be given the chance to know, get close to, and fall in love with Ruan Yifei. He must guard it in heaven and only belong to him. Yifei!
Thinking of this, Daniel raised his head and laughed for a long time.

What Leng Muxuan disliked the most was such a rampant person. He frowned and stared at Daniel fiercely.

"It's not up to you! Your life or death is not important!" He walked over, stretched out his hands to pinch Daniel's fat chin and shook it, then straightened up and kicked the two throwing knives stuck on his body .

The sweat on Daniel's body had already wet his clothes, mixed with the blood from the wound, and that sweat flowed into the wound again, stimulating the wound to hurt even more.

"Brother Muxuan, look at me!" Nangong Lie also walked up to Daniel, stretched out his left hand without holding anything, and flicked his fingers at his wound.

Everyone didn't think there was anything special about what he did, even Daniel who was close at hand didn't see anything special about what he did, but within two seconds he started rolling and howling on the ground.

As he rolled over, the flying knife on his arm continued to penetrate deeper into his arm, and the wound became more itchy and painful.

Nangonglie smiled coldly, "See if it's your hard mouth, or my poison!"

This is a kind of poison developed by Nangong Lie himself. He hides it in the gap between his fingernails. He only needs to flick his fingers, and it will be sprinkled with his strength to wherever he wants these colorless and tasteless poisons to fall. .

This kind of poison will generate high temperature. Once it touches human skin and human temperature, it will continuously generate high temperature and burn human skin continuously.

At this time, people are not allowed to move, because the more they move, the higher the temperature of the human body will be, and the temperature at which the medicine will emit will also increase. If it is serious, it will burn the person's skin and burn the clothes on the person.

Nangong Lie once used this medicine to burn a person to death, one can imagine how powerful this medicine is.

"What did you do to me?" Daniel's arms were burning badly, and the wound was itchy and painful. It still seemed to be on fire, and he couldn't hold it back.

But a powerful mind told him that he couldn't say anything, couldn't betray his promise that Ruan Yifei would watch over Leng Muxuan for her.

If you can't do it yourself, then you will be no different from that Leng Muxuan who didn't keep his promise!

He doesn't want to be the kind of person who betrays his feelings!
"If you don't want to die, then you'd better not move!" Nangonglie's cold voice sounded in front of Daniel's eyes.

Daniel's Chinese is so-so, and he can speak simple ones, but he can't speak difficult ones, so Nan Gonglie's words directly stunned him who was hurt and unclear.

He obediently stopped turning, enduring the pain and burning sensation on his body, because he interpreted Nangong Lie's words as saying that if you want to die, don't move.

Seeing that he didn't move, Nangong Lie thought he was afraid, so he stepped on the wound on one of his arms and continued to ask him: "Say it or not? I'll give you another chance!"

"Don't say it!" Daniel is waiting for two things now, one is his own death, and the other is the time he made an appointment with his friend.

When the time is up, he is dead, and Ran Zijin knows the truth, so he can go to heaven to see Yifei with peace of mind!

Nangong Lie half-closed his eyes, with a murderous aura that was about to erupt in his eyes. He stepped on Daniel's tied hands, took out a throwing knife, and just went down with the knife. Everyone saw blood splatter, and Daniel said It made a scream worse than that of a slaughtered pig.

"Say! Quick!" Nangong Lie held a throwing knife in his hand, and pressed it against the tip of Daniel's right index finger.

(End of this chapter)

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