The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 166 Do You Want To Kiss Me Again 3

Chapter 166 Do You Want To Kiss Me Again 3
If Ruan Yifei was still alive and in front of his eyes at this moment, he would reach out and cut her neck without hesitation!
This woman lied to his feelings, actually lied to his feelings!And the most important thing is that he and Ran Zijin who were supposed to be together nine years ago actually broke up!

"Mu Xuan, don't be angry, don't be angry with our Yifei." Although Mother Ruan knew that her daughter was wrong, she was dead after all, and she couldn't blame her anyway. "Yifei also has a reason for doing this, because she knew that she was sent to Ruan's house by her parents, so she thought she was abandoned by her parents, so she was jealous and resented Ran Zijin who still stayed with her mother. Although she knew that Ran Zijin had been kicked out by her father Ran Huabo Ran's family, but after all, she still has a mother who loves her, Yifei felt that she had nothing, so she blamed Ran Zijin. So much so that she wanted to take away everything that belonged to Ran Zijin, even you."

Leng Muxuan couldn't bear it anymore, stretched out his hand and crushed the ceramic teacup in front of him, making a table full of tea leaves and tea water, even on the ground and in his hands.

The fragments of the ceramic cup cut his hand, and blood flowed out, Luo Yining quickly pulled a piece of paper to him, "President, wipe your hands."

Leng Muxuan didn't catch the paper, he didn't care about whether his hand was injured at all, he was just angry that Ruan Yifei separated him and Ran Zijin!

Otherwise, they were together nine years ago, I don't know how sweet it is now!If he had been with Ran Zijin at that time, she wouldn't have gone to the orphanage to suffer so much and live so hard!

Going around, Ran Zijin was murdered by Ruan Yifei, and he hasn't had a good day in the past nine years!

"President, don't be angry, just listen to what uncle and aunt have to say." Luo Yining had been listening from the sidelines, and was also very angry at the moment.

What he hates the most are scheming women, women should stick to their duties, and don't be so thoughtful, otherwise they will really be unlikable.

Although Ruan Yifei and Ran Zijin are twin sisters, Ran Zijin is really much, much, much more kind and pure than Ruan Yifei.

"Uncle Ruan, if there is anything else, just tell me all at once." Leng Muxuan clenched his fist tightly, letting the blood flow from his hand, drop by drop onto the uncarpeted floor, A few drops even made it onto his own leather shoes.

"Yifie knew about Ran Zijin's existence, and after knowing that you liked Ran Zijin, she kicked Ran Zijin out of school, and then came back and begged us to transfer to Ran Zijin's school, so that we could approach you."

Ruan's father remembered that Ruan Yifei just came back and said she wanted to transfer schools, but suddenly, they didn't even tell them the reason, and they doted on the child so much that they couldn't hold her back, so they transferred her directly.

What they knew about Ruan Yifei and Ran Zijin, as well as Leng Muxuan's past, was after Ruan Yifei fell ill. They were curious about why she had a mole that was exactly the same as Ran Zijin's, so they kept asking her, and she told them.

"When Yifei first approached you, she didn't really like you. She just wanted to take away everything from Ran Zijin. As long as it belonged to Ran Zijin, she would get it, and she would definitely not keep it to her. And... "Father Ruan really didn't want to say such cruel things. After all, Leng Muxuan was very kind to them and loved Ruan Yifei before. Saying these things would really hurt this child.

No matter how indifferent Leng Muxuan is, how mature and steady he looks, Ruan's father and Ruan's mother, who love children urgently, always treat him like a child.

"And what?" Leng Muxuan frowned into a line, and his eyes were full of restrained anger.

He knew that he shouldn't get angry with the two old people in front of him, but he couldn't help it after all, so when he spoke, his tone was stiff and a little aggressive.

Anything that involved Ran Zijin, he couldn't calm down and control his emotions and temper.

"Yi Fei wanted to rely on your strength at the beginning to take away the part of the inheritance left by the Ran family to Ran Zijin. After Ran Zijin and her mother were kicked out of the Ran family by Ran Huabo, her mother had negotiated with Ran Huabo many times to fight for her. Although the amount is not very large, it is not small for Ran Zijin who grew up in the orphanage." Ruan's father couldn't help but feel sad when talking about these past events. scheming. "She even thought of using you to destroy Ran Huabo, his step-wife and sons, and snatch all the assets of the Ran family."

"Shit!" Leng Muxuan couldn't help cursing after hearing this, and punched the coffee table, the glass on the coffee table was smashed open like that.

The sound of broken glass made Ruan's father and Ruan's mother panic. The two leaned close together, nervously looking at the angry Leng Muxuan, and never dared to speak easily again.

Leng Muxuan stared at them with bloodthirsty eyes, his face was cold, his eyes were burning with anger, and his voice was like a sharp sword piercing out.

"You know the existence of Ran Zijin, why didn't you tell me! Why!"

"I..." Mother Ruan trembled, unable to speak.

She knew that Leng Muxuan always looked cold, but at least he was very measured in front of them and respected them. It was the first time he got angry like this, but it was enough to scare her to the bottom of her heart.

"We..." Ruan's father swallowed, his eyes moved from Leng Muxuan's body to Luo Yining's face, Luo Yining's eyes narrowed, the coldness and coldness were no less than that of Leng Muxuan, and he told him to hurry up He looked at Leng Muxuan again, and said tremblingly, "We only found out about it later. It was after Yi Fei fell ill that we learned about it from her. As for not telling you about Ran Zijin's existence at that time, it was because... ..." He looked back at his wife, closed his eyes and let it go, "We know that Yifei really loved you in the end, and I don't want you to know about it and hate her, and I don't want you to go to Ran Zijin and forget about it." Ify."

"You guys!" Leng Muxuan rubbed his brows. If there were two young people in front of him, their bones would have been completely broken at this moment. How could they still have the opportunity to sit and talk to him like this.

"Yifie has never kept a diary. She hasn't written since she was a child. It's because she has done a lot of shameful things, and she doesn't want to be caught by others. But..." Mother Ruan cried even more when she was frightened by Leng Muxuan. Great, sobbing, wiping away tears, said, "After she knew she had leukemia, she started to write a diary. She knew that she didn't have much time, and she didn't want to leave you, so she wrote a diary every day. Write down all the memories related to you. She flew to Australia frequently just to treat her illness, but she couldn't find a suitable bone marrow, so she died in the end."

"The year she disappeared was actually with us in a small town in Germany, which was not well-known. At that time, Yifei's hair had already fallen out due to constant chemotherapy, and even because of taking medicine and injections. Because the whole person is a little deformed. She said that she was too ugly, she didn't have the courage to see you again, and she didn't want to show you such an ugly look before she died. He was afraid that you would hate her. "

Ruan's father waited until Ruan's mother had finished speaking, then continued her words, and said earnestly: "Mu Xuan, it's for your own good that we don't tell you. Really. We have been avoiding you since Yifei's death. I don’t reveal a word, just want you to forget about Yi Fei and start over. No matter whether your new girlfriend is Ran Zijin or not, we don’t want to ask again, as long as you can cheer up and start dating and getting married again. Our Yi Fei is spoiled by us, but that is the only child we have ever fed, we can't stop loving her. So Mu Xuan, you have to know that our hearts are also very contradictory."

After finishing speaking, Ruan's father restrained his arms and hugged Ruan's mother, and they cried together in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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