Chapter 170 You Are a Demon 1
He Yacheng put Hu Die down, raised a finger to his lips, and hissed, "Look."

"Huh?" Hu Die raised her eyebrows in confusion, but there was a hissing sound in her ears. She immediately turned her head to look at the scene in front of her, and excitedly grabbed He Yacheng's hand.

On both sides of the corridor, which is neither long nor short, small fireworks are being set off at the moment, and colorful stars and dots of light are sprayed out in various shapes, illuminating the entire corridor brightly, as if you are in the colorful night sky.

He Yacheng and Hu Die held hands and stood side by side at the entrance of the corridor, quietly watching the fireworks in front of them.

Hu Die's face was full of happy smiles, and her eyes were sparkling, more dazzling than those fireworks.

He Yacheng was also very happy to see them. Before, he was hesitating whether Hu Die would dislike these rose fireworks as too tacky, uncreative and romantic. Now that she likes them, he feels relieved.

He wanted to see that the flower sellers in the flower shop didn't lie to him, saying that girls said roses were too vulgar, but they didn't have to. Boys would definitely be angry if they didn't give them to them, because they disliked boys and didn't know how to flirt.He also said that watching the stars and watching fireworks, although it is already a vulgar plot in idol dramas, is never tired of for girls. As long as a man takes them there, they will be happy.

"It's so beautiful!" Hu Die praised sincerely until the fireworks were over.

"Do you like it?" He Yacheng was thinking, if Hu Die liked it, then he would often create such romance for her in the future.

He has been introspecting recently, before he always felt that Hu Die was a different girl from ordinary girls, so she should not like those things that are too hypocritical, so he never bought her roses, and took her to see fireworks and stars He didn't take her for a walk on the curb hand in hand, so seeing Hu Die's joy now, he felt even more guilty.

He used to take Su Maiqi to do these simple things together, because he was young at that time, and he didn't feel that these things should be left to his most cherished people to do together.

Now that he has Hu Die, he truly regrets his previous ignorance, so that this is not the first time he has done these seemingly small but very happy things with Hu Die.

Hu Die nodded, "I like it! I can't see that you still understand the romance!"

"As long as you like it!" He Yacheng walked along the corridor holding Hu Die's hand.

When he pushed open the door of his exclusive corner, Hu Die was surprised again, "There are roses even here!"

"Mmm. Flowers match beauties!" He Yacheng walked in while holding Hu Die's waist, and closed the door smoothly. "Beauties are more dazzling than flowers!"

Hu Die looked at the flowers all over the ground, and suddenly thought of a question, so she asked He Yacheng: "Did you bring in all the flowers here and place them yourself?"

The roses here are arranged in bunches in the shape of hearts. Although the appearance is not particularly regular, it has already shown the patience of the people who placed these flowers.

"Yeah." He Yacheng brushed his hair embarrassingly, "The technology is not enough, the placement is not good-looking, and the time is limited, so I can't do other styles."

"Fool!" Hu Die cursed sweetly, hugged He Yacheng's arm, got into his arms, smiled and looked at the flowers on the ground, her nose was full of the scent of roses.

For Hu Die, whose family is extremely wealthy, what she cares about is not what these flowers are or how much they are worth, but what she cares about is He Yacheng's heart for her.

His exclusive corner, except for him and her, no one can come in. To get so many flowers in, and to put on a good-looking shape, you don't have to do anything to someone who has always been taken care of well. For a man, it is really difficult.

Hu Die was really touched that He Yacheng could do this. She knew that this man named He Yacheng really put his heart into her.Regardless of whether he can make a promise to her at this moment, whether he can marry her right away, she can and has already felt his sincerity.

Hu Die stretched out his arm holding He Yacheng's arm, encircled his waist, hugged him tightly, pressed his cheek against his body, and told himself secretly: He Yacheng will not lie to her feelings, she Believe in him, and trust him unconditionally!
"Hu Die, it's time for me to take you home." He Yacheng didn't want to spoil the quiet and beautiful time, but the Omega on his wrist told him that it was late and it was time to send Hu Die home.

He knows that Hu Die's family members have been checking up frequently recently, and the most important thing is that he wants to maintain Hu Die's reputation and image, and he doesn't want her to gossip, so even if he is reluctant to part with her, he still has to send her back.

"I don't want to go back." Hu Die hugged He Yacheng and acted like a baby. She hadn't seen him for a long time, and now she finally reconciled, so she didn't want to separate so soon.

"Be good, your family will be worried." He Yacheng wanted to push Hu Die away, but she held him tightly like a koala and would not let go. "I'll pick you up early tomorrow morning, and I'll leave you all day, huh?"

"Don't!" Hu Die wanted to cling to He Yacheng, but she knew that he had a job and such a big company to manage, so how could he have time to spend with her for a day.

If it was possible, then he would have to work overtime for several nights, even all night, so she couldn't bear him to be so tired, so she would rather have him accompany her for a while now than tomorrow.

"Hu Die, your mother is going to call in a while." He Yacheng was also reluctant to let go of Hu Die, she was clinging to him again, so he really wanted to keep her for a night, but reason told him no.

"Don't be afraid! Wait for me!" Hu Die suddenly smiled strangely, let go of He Yacheng, and took out the phone from her bag.

He Yacheng looked at her, and he didn't know she was calling his mother until she called Mommy sweetly.

"Mommy, can I ask for leave and not go home tonight?" Hu Die hugged her phone and acted coquettishly to her mother on the other end of the phone, "Oh! He's going to live here with Zijin! I haven't slept with Zijin in the same bed for a long time , I'm going to sleep with her tonight!"

He Yacheng didn't know what Hu Die's mother said, but after a few seconds, Hu Die said again: "Mommy, Zijin's place of work is so far away from my house, it's inconvenient to live in my house! Well, I will live in Zijin's house." Jin is here! Zijin is taking a shower and will come out soon, I asked her to call you! Well! Got it! Mommy, I love you so much, goodbye, good night!"

He Yacheng heard Hu Die talking nonsense with her eyes open, looked at her fondly, smiled and shook her head, rubbed her hair, said nothing, and waited for Hu Die to call Ran Zijin for help.

Ran Zijin is no longer surprised to receive Hu Die's call, because she has been drawn by Hu Die many times as a protective shield, and now she can lie to Hu Die's mother without blushing or heartbeat.

"It's done!" Hu Die hung up the phone, threw the phone to him, and went to the bar to find water to drink. She cried too much just now, and now her body is dehydrated.

He Yacheng walked to the back of the bar, hugged Hu Die's waist from behind, and lightly rested his head on her shoulder, "It's been a long time since I hugged you like this, I miss you so much."

"Miss me? Want to hug me?" Hu Die tilted her head and asked with a smirk.

"Yes. I really want to." He Yacheng took a deep breath, the tip of his nose was full of the orchid fragrance from Hu Die.

"You want to buy me with these roses and fireworks?" Hu Die flashed out of He Yacheng's arms and leaned against the bar.

She held her slender waist with one hand, took a sip from the water glass with the other, and slowly licked her lips with the tip of her red tongue. How sexy and sexy she looked, to He Yacheng It is simply the temptation of Chiguoguo.

"Then what do you want to do to throw yourself into my arms?" He Yacheng raised his eyebrows, his throat rolled up and down, and a certain impulse full of primitive desire in his body was gradually awakened by Hu Die's temptation.

(End of this chapter)

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