Chapter 175 Falling asleep 1
"Oh." Ran Zijin stood up with Leng Muxuan's help, stepped on the skateboard, and was frightened when he heard a "snap".

"It's okay. Don't be afraid." Leng Muxuan smiled and comforted Ran Zijin, whose face had changed a little, "This noise is normal. You remember when you stepped on the skateboard, the soles of your feet were caught in the front, and the back heels were pushed back vigorously. , and then you hear a loud "snap" like just now, and that means you're on the skateboard."

"Oh." Ran Zijin nodded, blushing slightly, just now she thought she was too heavy to trample on someone else's skateboard!If you really step on it, it's a shame!
Leng Muxuan took Ran Zijin to ski on the white ski resort, and Ran Zijin was too scared to let go of his hand.

"Relax, don't be afraid, remember the essentials I gave you." Leng Muxuan patiently guided Ran Zijin, "When you feel that you are about to fall, squat down so that you can fall safely."

"Yeah." Ran Zijin held the ski pole in his hand, every time he moved it, he felt like a baby learning to walk, and when he was nervous, he couldn't remember the essentials that Leng Muxuan told her.

She was still walking on a flat ground, and she was already too worried, but fortunately, Leng Muxuan was patient and meticulous enough to make her relax a little.

"Don't worry, just do as I do." Leng Muxuan is now teaching Ran Zijin how to walk on the snowboard without leaving the snow surface.

While observing Leng Muxuan's movements, Ran Zijin performed the movements of his hands and feet.

The movement of snowboarding without leaving the snow surface is relatively simple, so Ran Zijin, who has a foundation in skating, learns and accepts it relatively quickly.

But the next step is to walk away from the snow surface with more difficult snowboards.

Ran Zijin didn't dare to lift his feet no matter what he said, he felt that his heels were as heavy as if they were tied with plaster, and he was afraid that if he lifted his feet, he would fall.

"Zijin, be bold, lift your feet and walk forward. Like this." Leng Muxuan demonstrated to Ran Zijin, making it look like this walking movement is not as difficult as she thought, "Use your big moon back to drive Xiaoyue retreat, and then use Xiaoyue retreat and feet to drive the skis forward."

"Oh." Ran Zijin looked at Leng Muxuan's movements, and felt that it really wasn't that difficult, but when she retracted her eyes and was about to walk forward boldly, she accidentally tilted her foot, and the skis hit Leng Muxuan's skis , fell back all of a sudden, and screamed in fright at the same time.

"Zijin!" Leng Muxuan stretched out his hand nervously to grab Ran Zijin, but he couldn't. He lost his balance when he was hit by her, but he didn't fall down.

But Ran Zijin fell down, he didn't have time to think about it, he swayed inwards, pulled Ran Zijin to his side, stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed her shoulders and brought her over to him, at the same time he had already fallen to the ground.

Ran Zijin didn't hurt from the fall, turned his head to see that Leng Muxuan was being crushed by him, and hurriedly struggled to sit up, touched his face with distress and asked, "Muxuan, are you okay? I didn't do it." Hurt you?"

"No, how can I be so delicate." Leng Muxuan also sat up, comforting Ran Zijin with a smile.

Because he was afraid that she would be worried, he didn't tell her that when he fell, her skis hit his knee. The impact was not small, and even though he was wearing ski clothes, he still felt the prickling pain.

After a while, Leng Muxuan stood up first, helped Ran Zijin stand up, and continued to teach her to practice.

After learning to walk, he instructed her to practice basic skills such as lateral climbing exercises and horoscope climbing exercises.

The two people at the ski resort were chatting, laughing and making noise, very relaxed and very happy, but they didn't know that the cold house was full of gunpowder at the moment.

"Qing Bai, look at it, look at it!" Kong Jiayi sat on the sofa and beat Dayuetui excitedly, not even caring about her favorite toffee cat, "What a crime this is! We gave Mu Xuan The Hu Die introduced by Hu Die, the Hu family also agreed to get married, but he didn’t agree with life or death. It’s fine if we don’t agree, we will find another girl for him, but he just won’t meet her! Outside, I don’t know where I got a girl to show off by my side, so where does my old face go!”

Kong Jiayi was very excited, she felt that the blood all over her body was rushing to her forehead, and she quickly reached out to stroke her forehead when she was dizzy.

"Mom, don't get excited yet." Leng Muwan sat beside Kong Jiayi and squeezed her shoulders, "You have to ask about everything before you can find a solution. You are here to get angry, Mu Xuan You are still playing outside, so how can you know your situation. You just wait until he comes back and ask him clearly."

"What is there to ask? In the phone call just now, the people at the ski resort made it clear that your brother took a woman to Zishan. Not only did they live together in his exclusive suite, but they also arranged Both the Sun Observation Terrace and the ski resort are closed, leaving him to have fun with that unknown woman!"

Kong Jiayi was still very excited. Ever since she got the news, she couldn't calm down at all.

The person who called just now was not the staff of Zishandu Manor, but a strange woman, but Kong Jiayi had no time to take care of this, so she immediately called her cronies in the manor to investigate the authenticity, and their answer was exactly the same as what the strange woman said !
"Mom!" Leng Muwan stopped beating Kong Jiayi's back and shoulders, and said seriously, "If Mu Xuan is really willing to do this for a girl, I'm very much in favor of them being together."

"What?" Kong Jiayi shook her head angrily, and stared at Leng Muwan with eyes of hatred, "Do you know what you are talking about? You... oh!"

She sighed regretfully, sat there and looked at Leng Qingbai.

Holding the newspaper in his hand, Leng Qingbai heard and remembered the conversation between the mother and daughter, but he just remained indifferent, as if he didn't hear it.

Kong Jiayi was even more annoyed by the way he hung it up high, picked up a book in hand and slammed it on the coffee table with a 'slap'.

Only then did Leng Qingbai raise his eyes slightly from behind the newspaper to glance at her, but only for one look, and then went to pay attention to the newspaper again.

Leng Muwan also sighed, and her attitude was extremely firm, "Mom, although I'm married to the Mo family, and it's not appropriate to meddle in the affairs of Mu Xuan and the Leng family, I still want to say, I I don’t want Mu Xuan to go my way!”

Leng Muwan sat beside Kong Jiayi, talking about her marriage for the first time after marriage.

"Young Master Mo and I are both married, and we have absolutely no feelings for each other. Even if you don't know the inside story, you can still see what the current state of life is like. But I never blame you or hate you, Because I was born in Leng's family, as the daughter of Leng's parents, I have the responsibility and obligation to contribute to this family. But..." Leng Muwan moved her body and faced Kong Jiayi, "Mom, you and Dad can't let Mu Xuan That's it! He is not happy, so can you be happy?"

"Talk about your mother, don't drag me." Leng Qingbai shook the newspaper and said without raising his head.

He knows his son better than anyone else. Once he is serious, no one else can persuade him.

Although the girl Ran Zijin is an orphan with an ordinary background, she is not worthy of Da Leng's family.But Leng Muxuan's energy in petting her is really comparable to what he had when he was young.

Sure enough, his son still inherited his good style of doting on women!Leng Qingbai secretly sighed.

"What do you mean by talking about me? Is Mu Xuan my son alone?" Kong Jiayi felt that no one was on her side, and even Leng Qingbai, who had always loved to listen to her words, no longer supported her, so she asked him angrily .

(End of this chapter)

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