Chapter 177 Sorry, Mu Xuan 1
So, now she thinks that if she can't marry He Yacheng, it's not bad to have a shady woman beside him, at least she doesn't lack money or love.

But to do this, she has to work hard to make He Yacheng not marry Hu Die, otherwise, if Hu Die finds out about this, she will definitely not tolerate her existence, and will definitely ask He Yacheng to drive her away, and Hu Die's Power, she is also very clear, is not something she can fight.

Su Maiqi is not a fool, so she naturally knows that once Hu Die marries He Yacheng, then what she has to deal with is not just Hu Die, but the entire He family and Hu family.

"Are you in a bad mood? That's really congratulations!" Hu Die took He Yacheng's arm, smiled mockingly at Su Maiqi, and said to He Yacheng, "Yacheng, let's go, Zijin and the others are all gone."

He Yacheng nodded, was dragged forward by Hu Die, and then looked back at Su Maiqi meaningfully.

Su Maqi's eyes were red almost instantly when He Yacheng looked at her, and she looked at He Yacheng leisurely.

He Yacheng felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that Su Maiqi was not the kind of person who would secretly follow him and Hu Die without understanding, and because of her eyes were red, but soon he warned himself not to be soft-hearted, from now on in his life there can only be Hu Die This woman should be kept at a distance from other women.

Su Maiqi took a deep breath, and seeing that her tears could no longer hold He Yacheng, she smiled again, adjusted her mood, and followed, "Hu Die, I'm also alone, why don't I go for a walk with you."

"Who asked you to come with us? We are in pairs, are you in the way?" Hu Die didn't expect Su Maiqi to follow up like a brown candy again, so she felt very uncomfortable, but when she thought of He Yacheng by her side , I can't go too far, or I will make him a joke, so I didn't say anything, and walked forward still holding He Yacheng's arm.

And Su Maiqi followed behind them all the time, saying a few words from time to time, as if she had a good relationship with Hu Die.

Hu Die would answer once or twice if she was willing, and would not speak if she was unwilling, only talking to He Yacheng.

Su Maiqi was upset, but she couldn't have an attack, so she had no choice but to resist the urge to deliver the goods, and continued to pretend to befriend Hu Die.

She has always been a person who can act, but she doesn't act in front of everyone. She used to only act in front of He Yacheng, but now she has added Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin.Because Leng Muxuan loved Ran Zijin so much because he was afraid that they would interfere in the affairs between him and He Yacheng, he would definitely listen to her and tie her up to help Hu Die. In this way, he would have another strong opponent.

Hu Die and He Yacheng found Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan sitting on the grass by the lake by the artificial lake.

"Hu Die, come and sit here." Ran Zijin saw Hu Die and He Yacheng, but did not see Su Maiqi who was blocked by them.

"Are you looking at the stars?" Hu Die asked Ran Zijin enviously, and walked over to sit beside her.

He Yacheng is always very busy, it seems that he never has time to play with her, let alone take her to see the stars and enjoy the scenery. If Leng Muxuan arranged to come to Zishan this time, she really doesn't know when He Yacheng will come Will take myself out to play.

He Yacheng also sat down, and Ran Zijin found out that Su Maiqi was following behind. She pursed her lips and did not say hello to Su Maiqi.

Su Maiqi has always looked down on her, and has always been against Hu Die, so there is no need for her to pretend to like her and be friendly with her.

Su Maiqi loved He Yacheng and sat down, and pretended to touch the back of his hand unintentionally.

He Yacheng looked back at her, quickly retracted the hands that carried the sides of his body, and sat up.

"Zijin, let's go play in the water!" Hu Die suddenly became playful, and dragged Ran Zijin to play in the water.

This artificial lake has a relatively large area, and the water inside is brought in from the Zishan Mountain. The temperature is not low, and it is warm all year round.

So even at night, Ran Zijin was dragged by Hu Die to play in the water, Leng Muxuan was not worried that she would catch cold, but just reminded her to be careful, "Zijin, don't go too far, be careful."

"Got it!" Ran Zijin and Hu Die held hands, turned around and waved to Leng Muxuan happily, "We are not far ahead."

Leng Muxuan nodded with the corners of his mouth curled up, his gaze kept on Ran Zijin's back.

Although he wanted to keep her by his side, he thought she also needed to play with friends, so he didn't interfere with her choice.

"If you don't worry, just play with the past." He Yacheng suggested to Leng Muxuan half-jokingly when he saw that Leng Muxuan had been looking at Ran Zijin.

"Leave space for you?" Leng Muxuan withdrew his gaze, looked at He Yacheng and said.

"I gave you the chance!" Leng Muxuan noticed He Yacheng's small thoughts, but he would not admit it.

He wanted to send Leng Muxuan away, and then say a few words to Su Maiqi, telling her to leave quickly and stop following Hu Die and him.

He believed that Su Maiqi didn't come to Zishan to follow him, but now that she was sticking to them, he knew she did it on purpose.And what made him feel even more uncomfortable was that he couldn't see what she was going to do.

"Then there's no need, I have many opportunities." Leng Muxuan turned back to look at the calm lake, but didn't get up to look for Ran Zijin.

On the one hand, he wanted to give Ran Zijin a free space; on the other hand, he knew that Ran Zijin was always on Hu Die's side, so he was willing to help her and stand side by side with her friends.

He Yacheng had no choice, he couldn't make it too obvious, just tell Su Maiqi to go, or take her to another place for a private chat, so he just sat there quietly.

"Su Maiqi, you don't want to play with us, so let's play in the water together!" Hu Die, who walked away and then fell back, called her from behind Su Maiqi.

After she and Hu Die left, only Su Maiqi, a vixen-like woman, was left here. She was not worried if she wanted to seduce a man again, so she came back and called her together.

Su Maiqi was about to talk to He Yacheng and Leng Muxuan when she was interrupted by Hu Die, and she had no reason to refuse, so she stood up with a smile, pretending to want to go, and followed Hu Die to Ran Zijin's side .

"Is that woman okay?" Leng Muxuan waited for Hu Die and the others to go far away before asking He Yacheng.

"What's wrong right under our noses." He Yacheng naturally knew that Leng Muxuan was talking about Su Maiqi, and was worried that she would hurt Hu Die, and Ran Zijin would be implicated.

"Why is she here?" Leng Muxuan never paid attention to what kind of woman He Yacheng played with or brought out, but when Su Maiqi suddenly appeared, he felt a little uneasy.

"I don't know, I haven't had a chance to ask." He Yacheng also stretched his neck to look in the direction of Hu Die and the others.

"Clean up your mess early. If Zijin gets hurt, don't say we are young, I will not be soft." Leng Muxuan also looked in Ran Zijin's direction.

"Got it." He Yacheng was a little impatient, not because he didn't want to clean up, but because the other party was Su Maiqi, and she insisted on not leaving, he also had a headache.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, took one out and put it in his mouth, and threw the box to Leng Muxuan. He Yacheng then lit the cigarette and took a deep breath. He knew that he would meet Hu Die. What are you doing to provoke Su Maiqi?
Leng Muxuan also took out one, lit it with He Yacheng's lighter, took a short breath, then quietly held it between his fingers, and didn't smoke any more.

(End of this chapter)

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