The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 179 She is not that kind of person

Chapter 179 She is not that kind of person

"No." Ran Zijin burst into tears after hearing Leng Muxuan's words.

She knew that he didn't want her to have trouble, and would protect her, but when he was not around, she couldn't protect herself well, causing him trouble and making him worry, why was she so useless!

Ran Zijin was crying with self-reproach, but Leng Muxuan didn't understand what was going on in her heart. He thought she was frightened, so he patted her on the back and kissed her side face lightly, "Zi Jin, don't cry, don't cry. Let's go back and change clothes."

"Yeah." Ran Zijin nodded vigorously, then apologized to Leng Muxuan crying, "Muxuan, I'm sorry, I didn't take care of myself well, and I made you worry again."

She promised him to take care of himself, but she broke her promise, he must be sad.If he is sad, she will be sad too.

"Fool! Stop crying." Only now did Leng Muxuan realize what Ran Zijin was talking about and why she was crying, so he hugged her even harder, "Just protect yourself next time, and you don't need to apologize to me."

Leng Muxuan blamed himself for hugging Ran Zijin. He felt restless just now, but he damnedly didn't follow her, followed her to protect her, and now his Zijin was frightened like this.

"Su Maiqi! You are a vicious woman!" Hu Die saw that Ran Zijin woke up, but she was so frightened that she burst into tears, and Leng Muxuan was worried, so she looked at Su Maiqi angrily, and said through gritted teeth, "I want to know what is under the water Do you want to taste it? Then go down and taste for yourself the despair of being on the verge of death and no one to save you!"

After she finished speaking, she imitated how Su Maiqi pushed her just now, pushed Su Maiqi, and even kicked her in confusion.

She only knew that Su Maiqi was not a kind person, but she didn't expect that she would be so bad as to hide her murderous intentions, and she was moved to kill her.

"Ah!" Su Maqi was pushed, so she instinctively protected her body with one hand, and pulled He Yacheng beside her with the other, so she didn't fall off the lake, but she fell down on the grass, and blood flowed from her body immediately.

"Ah! Ah! It hurts to death!" Su Maiqi fell to the ground, her whole body was covered with blood, her complexion was very bad, and she was twisted and deformed, "My child! My child! Help me child!"

Hu Die stood there like a log, completely frightened, she didn't know that Su Maiqi was pregnant, and she just pushed her lightly, so she wouldn't fall so hard that even the child would be miscarried!

He Yacheng also stood there stiffly, looking at Su Maiqi who was lying on the ground in disbelief... She was actually pregnant!

He had a hunch that this child was his, even though he had touched her for a long time, because she was very obedient and never got close to other men, how could she do that kind of thing with others.

It's just why she didn't tell him?

He had been telling her to leave here to live in the United States, and never come back, but she kept finding excuses not to leave. It turned out that she was pregnant with a child!

He Yacheng stood stiffly, just like Hu Die. Not only could the two of them not accept the facts in front of them for a while, but they were also frightened and trembling slightly. They couldn't hear Su Maqi's crying and painful voice at all, and couldn't see it either. She was sweating in pain and crying sadly.

Ran Zijin's small face wrinkled badly. Seeing Su Maiqi like that, she finally softened her heart. No matter what wrong things she did, it's Hu Die's fault now. She caused someone to lose their child, and that child was a life.

Leng Muxuan didn't care about everything that happened around him, he just lowered his head and hugged Ran Zijin, and after hearing Su Maiqi's screams behind him, he wanted to leave with Ran Zijin in his arms.

"Mu Xuan, no." Ran Zijin tugged on Leng Muxuan's clothes, telling him to stop, "Wake up Hu Die and He Yacheng, and tell them to take Su Maqi to the hospital!"

Leng Muxuan didn't want to take care of this mess, and because Su Maqi's appearance hurt Ran Zijin, he hated her so much, why would he care if she was in danger.

But when he heard what Ran Zijin said, he knew that she was soft-hearted and kind-hearted, so he didn't want to go against what she said, so he yelled at He Yacheng: "He Yacheng! Are you standing there stupidly waiting to kill someone? Do you want to die? Don't die here! Bad luck!"

After Leng Muxuan yelled, he didn't care whether the stunned He Yacheng and Hu Die woke up or not, he just carried Ran Zijin and left.

Hu Die was sobered up by Leng Muxuan's roar, looked at Su Maiqi on the ground, then at He Yacheng who was still in a daze, then reached out and shook his arm, "Yacheng, we have to send her to the hospital! "

Hu Die was almost crying. On the one hand, it was because Ran Zijin was sad because she fell into a coma and felt sad, and on the other hand, she was afraid, worried, and regretful because she accidentally lost Su Maiqi's child.

Even though Su Maiqi was not at odds with her, Hu Die knew that this was a matter between the two of them, and she couldn't involve others, especially Su Maiqi's child. That child who seemed to be unformed was innocent and shouldn't be ruined by herself. life.

"Ya Cheng! Let's send her to the hospital!" Seeing that He Yacheng didn't move, Hu Die thought that he felt that his heart was too bad, so he didn't want to pay attention to him anymore, and cried even harder.

She stretched out her hands and rubbed her face, things shouldn't be like this, no!She is not a bad-hearted person, not someone who wants to kill, Su Maqi is the one who wants to kill, but in fact she killed the innocent child in Su Maqi's stomach.

He Yacheng was shaken by Hu Die, cried again, and finally moved his footsteps as if waking up from a dream, walked to Su Maiqi, bent down to hug her, turned around and left, without turning off Hu Die who was crying hard behind him.

When Hu Die saw that He Yacheng ignored her and left with Su Maqi in her arms, she cried even more sadly, and her heart turned cold, feeling that the relationship between herself and him had come to an end.

She knelt down and cried in pain, buried her face in her palms, but she didn't find the moss on her palms when she rescued Ran Zijin just now, and no matter how bad the smell of her palms was, she just cried like that, lonely helpless and hopeless.

Su Maqi held He Yacheng in her arms, and looked back at Hu Die who was left behind by them, with a smug smile on her face that she had succeeded in her trick.

But she quickly accepted this smile, turned her head to look at He Yacheng, with both hands hanging around his neck, just like before, this embrace belongs to her, Su Maiqi, and only she can enjoy the warmth of his body and his embrace warmth.

"A Cheng, I'm sorry, I lost our child. I'm sorry..." Su Maiqi cried sadly, her eyes were full of guilt towards He Yacheng and blame for herself.

"Don't talk, I'll take you to the hospital." He Yacheng was upset and didn't want to hear anyone talking.

He carried her to the hospital just because the child in her stomach was his own, and Hu Die was responsible for the child's disappearance, or he was responsible for it, and he himself was the most direct cause.

"A Cheng, are you angry? A Cheng, I didn't mean to lie to you." Su Maiqi shed tears and looked at He Yacheng pitifully. Her body was covered in blood, which made He Yacheng's body red.

"I know." He Yacheng responded mechanically, and then stopped talking.

"A Cheng, the few times you told me to leave and go to the United States, it's not that I don't want to go, it's not that I want to embarrass you, I just want to protect my child." Su Maiqi knew that this was an opportunity, if she didn't say it now If she said these words, she would never have such a good opportunity, so she just acted to the end, pretending to be even more pitiful when the child was no longer sick. "I was pregnant with a child and flew to the United States, and then various discomforts would affect the child. If the fetus moved, it would be miserable. A Cheng, if you want me to go, I will definitely go, but I really just want to Leave when the baby is born."

(End of this chapter)

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