Chapter 19 
Ran Zijin resisted the urge to laugh. In this era, such a shy and innocent man can be called a rare species.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I made an appointment with a friend before, so I can't help it." Ran Zijin smiled apologetically, but even if it was okay, she would not agree to Chen Ke.

She has always attached great importance to feelings, so she knows that she can't respond to other people's feelings, so she won't start.

Of course, others are the same to her.

After rejecting Chen Ke, Ran Zijin hurried to the bus station.

In order to save money, Ran Zijin took several buses to get to the airport, but he was already late for more than half an hour.

Rushing into the airport hall, Ran Zijin embarrassedly took out the pick-up card and looked around.

"You're 31 minutes and 23 seconds late."

Mu Chunfeng's voice sounded behind him, Ran Zijin quickly turned his head, and bumped into the black pupils that the handsome man withdrew from his watch.

Ran Zijin was stunned for a moment, and then immediately put on a natural and generous smile, "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay." Ye Simian smiled, stretched out his hand to smooth Ran Zijin's messy bangs, his movements were natural and familiar, "Don't worry, I will always wait for you."

He would always wait for her to come, he had been waiting for her to come.

Ye Sizhen will never forget his heartbeat when he saw Ran Zijin's photo for the first time.

Although it was the most ordinary photo in Dad's work diary, Ran Zijin stood out in an inconspicuous corner without makeup, but it stood out alone, attracting his attention as if by magic.

After waiting for a year, he finally returned from his studies. He finally found the princess he wanted to see day and night.

Ran Zijin blushed slightly, this Ye Simiao was so gentle and a gentleman, he was completely different from the animal Leng Muxuan.

"Mr. Ye, I'll call a car to take you home right now." Ran Zijin dragged a suitcase of Ye Simian and walked forward with his head bowed.

Ye Simian followed and took the suitcase from Ran Zijin's hand, "It's heavy, I'll drag it." He smiled at Ran Zijin's fair face, "Didn't you promise my dad to have dinner together?"

"Actually, you don't need to thank me, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Ran Zijin politely refused, and called a taxi.

The driver helped Ye Simiao load the luggage into the trunk, but Ye Simiao opened the door, but made a gesture to invite Ran Zijin to get in the car, "If you don't go, how can I explain to my dad, he definitely said that I didn't treat people well. "

"I'll call Principal Ye to explain..."

"It's just a meal, why are you so polite." Ye Sizhen interrupted Ran Zijin with a smile, taking advantage of the moment when she was stunned, he stretched out his arms to hug her and stuffed her into the car.

Ran Zijin blushed and didn't recover for a moment.

But Ye Sizhen acted as if nothing had happened, and told the driver after getting in the car, "Go to No. 18, Sunshine Road."

He has to go back to take a shower and change clothes before going to eat.

When the lights came on, the people of City H started their nightlife in the gradually spreading night.

Tonight's cold house is brightly lit, and everyone is busy.

Leng's parents were sitting in the hall, waiting for Hu Die's family to arrive, but Leng Muxuan was nowhere to be seen.

No. 18 Sunshine Road, Ye Sizheng's house.

"Zijin, you eat fruit and watch TV. I'll take a shower and change clothes." Ye Simian turned on the TV, and put the remote control panel into Ran Zijin's hand, "You can adjust what you like to watch." After speaking, he went upstairs .

Ran Zijin breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Simiao was a little too familiar, mouthful of each other, so that she thought he had known her for many years.

Although Ye Simian acted very friendly, Ran Zijin did not hate him for the first time.

Maybe it's because his voice is very similar to Qiao Zheqing's, and his demeanor is comparable to Qiao Zheqing's.

Ran Zijin put the remote control board on the low table, clenched his hands, and sat upright nervously.

At the airport, the moment Ye Simian's voice sounded behind her, she really thought it was Qiao Zheqing who had returned.

Five years ago, Ran Zijin was still in her third year of high school, and Qiao Zheqing, who was going to A foreign language university as a freshman, suddenly went to Finland to study.

At that time, Ran Zijin, who wanted to go to the same university as Qiao Zheqing, fell ill from crying.

What made her sad was not that Qiao Zheqing broke their agreement, left her, and went to Finland alone.

She was sad that when he left, he didn't say a word to her.She still got the news of his departure from her friend, and when she got the news, he had been in Finland for more than ten days.

During this period, Qiao Zheqing never contacted her, but she just couldn't forget that first love that ended without a problem.

Tears overflowed his eyes, Ran Zijin wiped his eyes and wiped them clean.

Qiao Zheqing loved her so much, there must be a reason why he left without saying goodbye.

She has been waiting for him to come back before continuing the relationship.

But, now... her broken body, how can she still be qualified...

"Zijin, let's go. I guess my dad and the others are waiting impatiently." Ye Simian deliberately ignored the loneliness in Ran Zijin's eyes, and plucked his wet hair in a very chic manner.

"Okay." Ran Zijin immediately put on a gentle smile, and put away the low mood just now.

Ye Simiao drove his own Buick and drove Ran Zijin to the entrance of the hotel.

Ran Zijin's eyes hurt from the huge hotel signboard, she clenched her fists, calmly turned her eyes away from the words "Pacific Grand Hotel", and followed Ye Sizhen into the room.

This hotel was a place that Ran Zijin never wanted to come to again in his life, but by coincidence, he was brought here again by Ye Siqiu's family.

And even more coincidentally, the private room chosen by the Ye Simian family turned out to be the "Peony Pavilion".

Ran Zijin tried her best to forget what happened with Leng Muxuan that night, and calmly sat on the chair that Ye Sime had pulled out for her.

When the waiter came to serve tea, Ye Simi took off his suit jacket and hung it on the back of the chair, unbuttoned the cuffs of his white shirt, and tied it up.

Such a casual Ye Simiao is not sloppy at all, but has a clean and neat feeling.

He asked the waiter gently and kindly: "Is everyone else here yet?"

According to the time, my father and mother should have arrived early, but now there is no one.

"Mr. Ye and Mrs. Ye said that there is something urgent, so it is good to let Mr. Ye accompany Ms. Ran for dinner." The waiter replied.

Ye Simian nodded with a satisfied smile, his parents let him and Zijin be alone.

No matter how slow Ran Zijin reacted, he understood Principal Ye's meaning at this moment...he asked her to go on a blind date with Ye Simiao!

She lowered her head and hugged the teacup to drink water, concealing her embarrassment and uneasiness. It was the first blind date in her life, but she was tricked into it.

"Zijin, since my parents can't come, let's order food, shall we?" Ye Simian thoughtfully asked Ran Zijin for his opinion to ease her anxiety.

Ran Zijin smiled and nodded.

"We're meeting for the first time, and I don't know your tastes and preferences. Let's order together." Ye Simian took the menu, walked to Ran Zijin's side, bent over, supported Ran Zijin's chair back with one hand, and slid on the menu with the other . "Zi Jin, just order what you like, so that I can understand your preferences."

(End of this chapter)

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