Chapter 215 It's Really You 2
She was afraid that the call she received was a prank, and there was no one she wanted to see here.

She is also afraid of seeing her own person is another person, but she has to tell her a fact that she cannot accept.

Ran Zijin covered his heart, took deep breaths for a long time, and after doing mental training, he walked lightly, walked through the corridor of the small western-style building, and walked to the back.

Walking through the corner, she closed her eyes unconsciously, and then took a deep breath before opening them decisively.

"Hu Die!" When she opened her eyes, she was so pleasantly surprised, who is the person sitting by the pond if not Hu Die?
Ran Zijin ran over and hugged Hu Die, crying out of breath, "Hu Die, it's really you! I thought..."

Hu Die also hugged Ran Zijin and cried with her, "Zijin, I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too! Hu Die, where have you been all this time?" Ran Zijin let go of Hu Die, sat beside her, took her hand, and asked her recent situation.

Since Hu Die was transferred from Lanshan Hospital that day, He Yacheng said that she was dead, and then they went everywhere to inquire about her, but there was no result.

In the end, everyone agreed that Hu Die died, and the Hu family didn't want to cause disturbance from the outside world, so they didn't announce her death to the public.

Ran Zijin was very sad during that time, as long as she thought of Hu Die's death, she would feel very painful.

"I'm at home." Hu Die's face was full of tears, but she wiped Ran Zijin's tears with a smile, "Zijin, I'm sorry to make you worry."

"I'm fine, but He Yacheng is really not well." Ran Zijin suddenly remembered that Leng Muxuan called Mo Shaochun that day, saying that He Yacheng was always going around to get drunk recently, and made troubles everywhere when he was drunk.

"I know he's not doing well." When Hu Die said about He Yacheng, his heart ached.

She insisted on not coming to see these friends, just because she didn't want to see He Yacheng, but she missed him so much when he didn't see him.

Thinking of him is sad, and thinking of him is also sad. Hu Die really can't bear this kind of suffering, so she came to see Ran Zijin.

"Zijin, I didn't transfer to the United States for treatment that day. In fact, I woke up that day. My parents invited experts from the United States to treat me at home." Hu Die slowly explained what happened after that day.

She wore a wool hat on her head, and she had lost a lot of weight.

Ran Zijin didn't need to think about it to know that her hair had been shaved to treat the injury, undergo surgery and so on, and now at most it would only grow back a little bit.

"Then why didn't you tell us? I was worried to death. Later, He Yacheng said you... I thought it was true. I felt so uncomfortable during this period. When I think of you, I feel so sad that I want to cry. I blame me when I think about it." , if it weren't for me, you wouldn't..." Ran Zijin wiped away tears, Hu Die had an accident, she blamed herself even more than He Yacheng.

"It's none of your business, don't think about it!" Hu Die looked at Ran Zijin distressedly. She has always played the role of the older sister in their relationship and has been taking care of Ran Zijin, so she couldn't bear to see her feel a little uncomfortable .

"I don't want to let He Yacheng know, I'm afraid you will tell him if you know." Hu Die paused and said, "He dared to lie to me. I love him so hard, and I forgive him for being raped in the bar." My truth is, I overcame many psychological barriers and accepted him, but he had a dirty relationship with other women! Zijin, in fact, I knew that he was very fickle in the past, and I thought he would take it easy when he met me. Even if he couldn’t completely I have corrected my previous problems, but at least I can't still be with Su Maiqi!"

When 'Poison' was raped by a woman, she was really desperate. She felt that she was not only sorry for herself, but also for the entire Hu family. She wanted to discredit her parents and the family.

For a period of time, she always locked herself in the house, drinking alone and sleeping alone. She didn't even dare to turn off the lights at night, and she didn't want to go out unless necessary.

Later, when she found out that that person was He Yacheng, and found that she also liked him, she slowly walked out of that incident. At least she felt that she would always marry him in the future, so she would not discredit the family, so she did not feel that she responsibility.

He didn't like to sleep with the light on, so she followed him and turned off the light to sleep.At the very beginning, every late night when she slept with him, listening to his even breathing and seeing his sleeping face, she was so uneasy that she panicked, and would suffer from insomnia all night.

But she never told him, because she didn't want him to feel guilty towards her for that matter, and she didn't want him to worry about herself.

"I really think I'm so stupid, Zijin, I'm so stupid!" Hu Die grabbed her hat and wrinkled her face in pain. "I could have discovered the matter between him and Su Maiqi, but I believed in him so much, so I never paid attention to it."

For a while, when He Yacheng was with her, he always answered the phone behind her back. Even if he didn't carry her behind his back, he still felt a little unnatural when talking on the phone.She thought it was his company's business, so she consciously didn't ask anything.

Thinking about it now, at that time, he should have been talking on the phone with Su Maiqi.

"Hu Die, don't be sad." Ran Zijin took Hu Die's hand to prevent her from pulling the hat, but he saw the gauze still wrapped around the back of Hu Die's head from under the crooked hat, "Hu Die! Will you come out like this?" Will it be dangerous? Did you sneak out? What does the doctor say now?"

She touched her forehead, feeling that she simply could not accept what she saw!
Although after Hu Die's accident, she knew that she had been in the emergency room for several days, and she must be undergoing surgery or something, but now seeing the prudent gauze, and thinking of those wounds, her heart still twitched. tight.

"It's much better now. The doctor said that another operation will be needed in a month or so, because there are blood clots in the head, and the blood clots are not removed, fearing that the nerves will be compressed." Then it will lead to blindness or paralysis.

But Hu Die didn't want Ran Zijin to worry, so she didn't say anything later.

"Then can you come out by yourself now? You'd better sneak out, otherwise if you have any problems, I will never talk to you again!" Ran Zijin was still worried about Hu Die, afraid that she would come out by herself. Run, if you encounter some problems, it will be really troublesome.

"No, it was my parents who agreed. The driver at home sent me here." Hu Die confessed honestly, but she didn't say that she begged for a long time before her parents agreed to her going out.

"That's good. Now go ahead and talk about what happened that day." Ran Zijin finally felt relieved.

"When I woke up that day, I was afraid that my parents would blame He Yacheng if they knew about me and He Yacheng, so I didn't dare to tell my parents the truth. My parents didn't ask you to come and see me, so I followed them. I didn't want them to know about He Yacheng. It's related to this matter." When Hu Die woke up, the first person she wanted to see was He Yacheng, but she held back when she saw her parents crying beside her.

Even though He Yacheng has a hundred things wrong, she still can't restrain herself from loving him. She loves him so much that she doesn't even care about her own safety, but she still cares about whether he will be scolded by her parents.

When her parents asked her why she was driving He Yacheng's car, she lied to them and said, "Zijin and I went to play together. When we came back due to urgent matters, we didn't have a car, so we borrowed He Yacheng's car."

Her parents also trusted her, so they didn't check He Yacheng again, and gave He Yacheng the fare.

Hu Die knew very well that if the parents knew the truth, the blame for He Yacheng would not be just blame, it would be a struggle between the two families.

After all, the He Yacheng family is slightly inferior to the Hu family, so as long as the Hu family wants to suppress the He family, the He family will not go bankrupt in the end, and it will be miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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