Chapter 218
"Zijin, I have something to do tomorrow, all your activities are cancelled, you have to follow me."

"Why?" Ran Zijin didn't have any plans on Saturday, but now she is sneaky when meeting Hu Die, who else can she go out with.

"It's something, you'll know tomorrow." Leng Muxuan received a call from Luo Yining just now, and before the time set by him, they finally packed everything up, and tomorrow is the time for him to confess his love to Ran Zijin.

"Okay. I know, you're going to surprise me again, right?" Ran Zijin held the phone in one hand, and poked the broccoli on the dinner plate with chopsticks in the other.

Wu Yanan looked at the broccoli that had been destroyed by her, and put the plate in front of her to eat.

She likes to eat broccoli, but Ran Zijin doesn't like to eat it, she likes to eat that kind of white cauliflower.

"Hmm. It's definitely a big surprise. You'll know tomorrow. So, pretty lady, I'll be rewarded with tomorrow's time?" Leng Muxuan curled his lips, knowing the smile on Ran Zijin's face at this moment without thinking. .

"Then I will reward you as much as I can!" Ran Zijin joked, very happy in his heart, and said a few words to Leng Muxuan before hanging up the phone.

"There's a woman doing it!" Wu Yanan waited for Ran Zijin to hang up the phone, and pointed in her direction with chopsticks.

"Nonsense!" Ran Zijin watched Wu Yanan finish a plate of broccoli, and teased her, "Forget about marrying a professional broccoli grower in the future!"

"I'll talk about it later, now I'm talking about your problem!" Wu Yanan chased after him, "Tell me! When did you get hooked up, which company, is he handsome or not?"

"You have so many questions, only the last one is the key point!" Ran Zijin ate a mouthful of baby food, and gracefully sent a small mouthful of rice.

"Sister Zijin knows me too!" Wu Yanan said with a smile.

"Handsome! Much more handsome than those male TV stars!" Ran Zijin told the truth, anyway, she thought Leng Muxuan was the most handsome person she had ever seen.

In Ran Zijin's heart, what kind of handsome and handsome man is simply not worth mentioning in front of her family Leng Muxuan, he is simply a foil for him!
"Nympho!" Wu Yanan thought that Ran Zijin was teasing him, so he didn't ask any more questions. The two finished their meal while talking.

When leaving the restaurant and returning to the company, Ran Zijin's phone rang, and Wu Yanan waved her hand to signal her to leave first.

Ran Zijin nodded, and stood in front of the pillar in front of the main building of the group to answer the phone.

"Zijin, can we meet in the afternoon?" Hu Die over there said straight to the point. She was afraid that she would not be able to come back, so she always wanted to see Ran Zijin again, and asked about He Yacheng's situation by the way.

"I get off work at about five o'clock in the afternoon, can you wait?"

"Okay. See you at the old place then!"

"Then wait for me, I'll think of an excuse and see if I can leave earlier." Ran Zijin always finds an excuse to go out by himself, and now he feels that he can't find an excuse.

"Well, okay, I'll wait for you." Hu Die hung up the phone, and her family members urged her to take medicine again.

Her mother was also nagging her, saying that she was going to have an operation and she had to go out in the evening.

Hu's father was a little unhappy when he heard this, so he didn't ask Hu's mother to talk about Hu Die, after all, the child would feel very uncomfortable like this.

Ran Zijin answered the phone, turned around and saw Shangguan Weile standing behind her, which shocked her.

"Could it be that you want to meet someone in private? Do you still want an excuse to go out?" Shangguan smiled and looked at Ran Zijin, still proud.

Ran Zijin glanced at her, turned around and left without saying a word.

"If it's not a good friend, then it's a good friend?" Shangguan Wei Le didn't stop Ran Zijin, and asked in a strange way.

Ran Zijin glanced back at her and wondered in his heart, maybe Shangguan Weile already knew something, but she still decided not to say anything, so as not to miss something.

Shangguan Weile watched Ran Zijin's figure disappear behind the glass door before going to the restaurant for dinner.

She ordered food, sat in a corner, and took out her phone to make a call.

"Your chance is here! Isn't it time to pay?"

"That's natural!" The man on the phone said with a smile, he had been waiting for Shangguan Weile's call for a long time, and now that it finally came, couldn't he be excited.

"Wait for my call, and I will tell you the specific location. But the premise is that I have to see the remittance records on the bank card first!" Shangguan Wei Le finished talking and hung up the phone.

During this period of time, she had been secretly observing Ran Zijin, and found that she had been to Suoshan once, and she followed her there once two days ago, and found that she was meeting Hu Die.

She waited for a long time, and finally got the chance to act.

When he was about to get off work in the afternoon, Ran Zijin went to the president's office and gave Leng Muxuan an excuse: "I have an appointment with my classmates, and I want to go back to school to see my junior high school teacher."

"Would you like me to send you off?" Leng Muxuan didn't think too much about it. He had done things like the teacher's, and it was just a trivial thing.

"No. It's very convenient for me to take a taxi there. Don't work overtime, go home earlier." Ran Zijin was afraid that Leng Muxuan would have to work overtime again, so he told him a few words before leaving.

After taking a taxi to Suoshan, Hu Die was already waiting for her.

"Hu Die, haven't you been waiting for a long time?" Ran Zijin felt apologetic. She got off work late, and it would take some time to take a taxi. It was almost dark now.

"No. I just arrived not long ago." When Hu Die came out, her mother couldn't help nagging again, and naturally she had just arrived not long after she left.

"Zijin, have you seen Yacheng recently?" Hu Die was most concerned about He Yacheng's injury.

"No. But it seems that the plaster has been removed." Ran Zijin took Hu Die's arm, "Don't worry, go for the operation properly, and we can meet when you come back. His plaster is removed, so naturally there will be no serious problems. "

"um, I……"

"What's wrong?" Seeing Hu Die's hesitation, Ran Zijin couldn't help but raise his heart.

"It's nothing." Hu Die shook her head with a smile, "I just suddenly became a little nervous, thinking about going to the operating table for surgery."

"Don't be nervous, it's okay, just take a nap and everything will be fine after you wake up." Ran Zijin comforted Hu Die without thinking too much.

"Yeah." Hu Die nodded. In fact, she wanted to say that she really didn't want to have an operation.

After all, not being able to wake up is not much different from being dead!Anyway, she just couldn't see Ran Zijin, and she couldn't see He Yacheng either!
"Hu Die, wait for me here, and I'll go to the bathroom." Ran Zijin left after get off work, and didn't even have time to go to the bathroom.

"Yes." Hu Die stood there waiting for Ran Zijin.

The bathroom is on the Xiaoyang Building. Ran Zijin went upstairs, it was a bit dark, walked slowly, and found the bathroom in the corner of the corridor.

Hu Die walked around in circles, then squatted by the pond, but suddenly someone covered her mouth and eyes from behind and dragged her away.

She didn't know where she was dragged to, anyway, she should be in Suoshan, because she felt that she was thrown into a room after only a few minutes, and the people behind her were still blindfolded.

"Ran Zijin, right?" At this time, another person came in, clapped his hands and said with a smile, "It's really not easy to catch you!"

When Hu Die heard this, she realized that the person they were going to kidnap was Ran Zijin, but they mistakenly identified the wrong person and kidnapped her.

She didn't say a word, now that Ran Zijin was outside, and she would not be there sooner, she would naturally notify her family.If she gets involved again, it will be troublesome.

The man was about to go to Hu Die when the phone rang.

"The man has been caught." Han Zhizhi held the phone and laughed all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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