Chapter 220
The previous few times Ran Zijin met Hu Die for a very short time, basically only about half an hour, as long as he went down the mountain, he would be in the city within a few minutes, so Nangong Lie's people didn't notice anything unusual.

But today, more than an hour has passed. They called Nangong Lie and checked Ran Zijin's mobile phone. They found that she was in Suoshan, so they sent the people closest to Suoshan to check, and found that Ran Zijin had been kidnapped.

"President, sister Zijin was kidnapped by Han Zhihui! She is in Suoshan!" Nangong Lie answered the phone call from his subordinate, and immediately ran to another room to report the situation to Leng Muxuan.

"Go to Suoshan right away!" Leng Muxuan rushed out of the hotel by the beach and rushed to his car like flying, asking Nangong Lie to step on the accelerator and drive to Suoshan immediately.

He was so nervous that he took out his phone with trembling hands and called Han Zhizhi.

"Yo! Mu Xuan! Now remember that grandpa is here?" Han Zhihui is a distant relative of Kong Jiayi's hometown. He only knows that he is from Uncle Leng Muxuan's generation, but he doesn't know what Leng Muxuan called himself. , so he simply called himself a grandfather.

"Han Zhihui, I advise you not to touch Hu Die. I can't afford to offend the Hu family. Do you think you can do it?" Leng Muxuan wanted to protect Ran Zijin, so he could only say nothing to her, making Han Zhihui feel that she was not him. Someone who really cares.

He attracted Han Zhihui's attention to Hu Die, because he expected that he would be afraid of the Hu family and dare not really fight against the Hu family.

"I'm not targeting Hu Die, you know that too, right?" Han Zhihui didn't expect Leng Muxuan to be so fast. Ran Zijin spoke for less than an hour, and within 10 minutes, his call came up.

"Han Zhihui, I know you are not targeting Hu Die. But now that you have kidnapped Hu Die, can the Hu family let you go? Your company is still waiting for me to save you. I’m afraid even gods can’t save your company. Think about it for yourself, do you want to obediently wait for me to help you, or do you want to make a mistake and wait for the Hu family to come?” Leng Muxuan patiently said so much, but his heart I am very worried about Ran Zijin.

And he was also very curious, what happened to Hu Die, who popped up just fine, and was still with Ran Zijin.

After thinking carefully about Ran Zijin's performance recently, he suddenly realized that she had been meeting Hu Die without telling him.

"Are you willing to help me? Then I'll give you half an hour to sign the contract, or don't blame me for being rude!" Han Zhihui hung up the phone after finishing speaking, staring at the two women in front of him, feeling puzzled.

Shangguan Weile said that Ran Zijin was the woman Leng Muxuan cared about the most, and she was his weakness, but this kid has never paid attention to Ran Zijin today, but he feels very sorry for Butterfly. Could it be that Hu Die is Leng Muxuan's darling? Shangguan Weile made a mistake up?

He reached out and touched Ran Zijin's face, Ran Zijin couldn't dodge, and was touched by him, but he couldn't get angry, so he opened his mouth and bit his hand.

Han Zhizhi was in pain and raised his hand to give Ran Zijin a slap, but Hu Die stopped him: "You dare to slap her! Don't forget that I am the only daughter of the Hu family. The person I care about and the things I want to do are my parents' love." You have to rely on me!"

Han Zhihui looked back at Hu Die and smiled, "Well, that's true. Then let's just wait for that boy Leng Muxuan to come."

When Han Zhihui walked to the door, his subordinates found a lame chair from some room in Xiaoyanglou and told him to sit down.

The back of the chair was leaning against the wall, and he sat on it, put one foot up on his leg, kept shaking his leg, and yelled a weed vine.

"We won't run away, let your subordinates let us go." Hu Die felt a little hurt when her arm was twisted by those people, and she was very uncomfortable.

Han Zhihui thought for a while, but said nothing.

"Leng Muxuan is coming. Why are we running? There are only one window and a fence on all four sides of this room. If you block the door, we can't fly out even if we grow wings! Or do you have no confidence in your ability?" Ran Zijin He glanced at Hu Die distressedly, and said to Han Zhihui.

Hu Die's injury is still not healed, being pinched and pulled like this, she is really worried that something bad will happen to her injury.

"Let them go." Han Zhihui took out the grass and vines from his mouth, and directed his subordinates, "You four stand beside them and let me keep an eye on them. You stand guard at the door!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Ran Zijin and Hu Die who were loosened and arranging their clothes: "You better be honest! Otherwise, so many brothers will fuck you one by one, I see if you can get out alive!"

Ran Zijin didn't even look at Han Zhihui, pulled his clothes, then walked up to Hu Die, pulled her to look left and right, and asked nervously, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay. Don't worry." Hu Die comforted Ran Zijin, and then said, "Let's sit here and rest for a while. Anyway, we don't have the ability to go out, so let's resign ourselves to fate."

After finishing speaking, Hu Die sat on the corner of the ground. There used to be three lights in this room, but now one is broken, and the remaining two lights are always flickering, but fortunately, I can see clearly. Not too scary.

Ran Zijin nodded, and wanted to sit next to Hu Die, but one of Han Zhizhi's men grabbed his collar, "Sit farther away, don't try to play tricks together!"

Ran Zijin glanced at him, turned around and sat down on the other side.

Now she is quite sure who is manipulating Han Zhihui behind his back, who else is there besides Shangguan Weile!

Not long after, there was the sound of parking and people running outside. Ran Zijin and Hu Die looked at each other and knew that it was Leng Muxuan and the others who came, but they didn't know that He Yacheng was also coming together.

When Han Zhihui heard such a voice, he immediately shouted to his subordinates: "Get them under control!"

After listening to his words, the subordinates immediately twisted the arms of Ran Zijin and Hu Die to control them again.

When Leng Muxuan rushed to the door, Han Zhihui just stood up from the chair and looked back at him with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be so fast!"

Leng Muxuan walked past him, looked at the intact Ran Zijin inside, and was slightly relieved.

He Yacheng's arm was injured, the car was behind, and he came a little slowly, he pulled Leng Muxuan away and rushed into the house. When he saw Hu Die, he froze.

Just now, Leng Muxuan called to say that Hu Die was still alive and had been kidnapped by the person who kidnapped Ran Zijin by mistake. His heartbeat had been in a state of disorder, and he was afraid that something might happen to her. Now that she was fine, he still didn't feel relieved.

When Hu Die saw He Yacheng, she was also shocked, but immediately turned her head away, not looking at him, and did not notice his fiery gaze on her.

"Let them go, we have something to discuss." Leng Muxuan said to Han Zhihui lightly.

"Sign the contract first, and then it's not too late to release them." How could Han Zhihui be willing to let go of the hostages he had captured with great difficulty, and for the sake of this contract, he endured his desire all the time and did not touch the two women.

"Don't let him go? Then there's no need to discuss it, just call the people from the Hu family." Leng Muxuan said in a non-negotiable tone.

"It's okay to let people go, but I can only let one go. This is my biggest concession!" After Han Zhizhi finished speaking, he said to his subordinates, "Let Hu Die go first!"

Hu Die was let go, and He Yacheng, who had not acted rashly just now, was waiting for the opportunity to get off the phone, and immediately pulled Hu Die to him, protecting him behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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