Chapter 225 Die together
He Yacheng didn't seem to hear Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin's words. He kept chanting Hu Die's name, got up from the ground, and walked to the gate of "Poison", still hoping that Hu Die would wait for him outside the door.

Seeing this, Leng Muxuan stepped forward, pulled him back, dragged him, resisted the urge to punch him a few more times, and said coldly: "He Yacheng, follow me to the hospital!"

His tone was not negotiating, but commanding, making it undeniable to follow his wishes.

He Yacheng was stunned, looked at Leng Muxuan, and suddenly grinned stupidly, "What's the use of me going to the hospital? Hu Die doesn't want me anymore, she doesn't want me anymore, she doesn't even want to hate me, her heart is dead, yes I'm dead."

"Don't do this! If Hu Die was here, she would definitely not want you to become such a careless person." Ran Zijin also walked over to He Yacheng, and said to him sadly, "We all thought that you would be going through that kind of life and death. After that, you will definitely grow up, become mature, become responsible, and understand responsibilities and obligations better than before. But you are still like this, and you are not able to face things bravely. Why are you called Hu Die? Dare to come back to your side, is it possible to hurt your evasive and childish temperament again?"

Tears gradually appeared in her eyes, she felt sorry for Hu Die falling in love with someone like He Yacheng, but she also worried about the unstoppable entanglement between them.

Ran Zijin breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "This time you have hurt her and almost died. How are you going to hurt her next time? What else can you do to her? Don't you?" Think for yourself, don't cherish yourself, don't know how to become mature, but can't you not think about Hu Die? How much sacrifice she made for you, and secretly paid for you, do you know? ! "

At the beginning, Ran Zijin was still calmly enlightening He Yacheng, but the more she talked later, the more agitated she became, as if she was questioning He Yacheng, and questioning him on behalf of Hu Die.

Leng Muxuan looked back at Ran Zijin worriedly, and really wanted to step forward to hold her in his arms to soothe her agitated emotions, but he was afraid that if he let go, He Yacheng would run around like crazy again.

Ran Zijin understood what Leng Muxuan's eyes meant, she also looked at him, and spoke again, still speaking to He Yacheng.

"He Yacheng, you go to the hospital with us, go now! If you still come back like Hu Die! Don't be so naive!" She walked over, winked at Leng Muxuan, and pulled He Yacheng away. The horse over there Dai also came over to help, and dragged He Yacheng into Leng Muxuan's car.

He Yacheng didn't want to run around in the car anymore, curled up in the leather chair in the back seat, tears and blood stained his cheeks, and shouted Hu Die's name in pain.

Ran Zijin wiped away tears, and finally couldn't hold back and called Hu Die.

The nurse handed over the phone to Hu Die, and she asked the nurse to wait outside before asking Ran Zijin anxiously: "How is he?"

"Alcoholism, I hurt myself, there are injuries on the face and feet, and I probably didn't look at the arms. Mu Xuan and I are on the way to take him to the hospital. Do you want to talk to him?" Ran Zijin looked back at the skin on the skin He Yacheng, who was twitching in the chair, looked in pain, which made people feel uncomfortable, "Hu Die, please persuade him, tell him to go to see his body first, and deal with the rest of the matter slowly. He like this , really bad..."

Hu Die bit her lip, resisting the urge to cry, took a deep breath, and said slowly, as if she had made a big decision, "Turn the phone to speakerphone."

"Okay." After hearing this, Ran Zijin hurriedly pressed the hands-free button on the phone, "Go ahead. He can definitely hear you."

After finishing speaking, she said to He Yacheng behind: "It's Hu Die, do you want to listen?"

"Hu Die!" He Yacheng looked crazy, but when he heard the word Hu Die, he sat up from the leather chair and threw himself on the back of the chair in front of him, his eyes were red with excitement.

"He Yacheng, why are you doing this? Go see a doctor! You torture yourself to death, and I won't feel sorry for you, you will only suffer by yourself. I am operating in the United States this time, and it is unknown whether I will come to the operating table or not. , you have to toss, I'm dead, who will you show your bitterness?" Hu Die held her mobile phone, suppressing her tears and emotions all the time, telling herself to be as calm as possible when speaking, without revealing anything Get emotional.

"Hu Die! You lied to me, didn't you? You are going to lie to me again. You never went to the United States, and you will never have surgery again. You are lying to me again! You always lie to me!" He Yacheng cried in a hoarse voice shouted, Hu Die over there heard it, her heart twitched again, and she almost cried.

"I'm a person who has already lost half of his life. What's the point of lying to you? My chance of surviving healthy is one third, my chance of being in a coma for the rest of my life is also one third, and my chance of dying cleanly It is also one-third, but no matter what the result is, if you do this, you will never make me have any mood swings again."

Hu Die ruthlessly told the truth in order to force He Yacheng to go to the hospital for treatment, but he didn't do what she wanted.

He gripped the back of the front seat with both hands, exclaimed and said in despair: "Hu Die, I gave up when you were old, I know, then what's the point of my life, why don't I just die now, so as not to live in the world in the future , I feel uncomfortable thinking about you."

"He Yacheng!" Hu Die gritted her teeth, suppressed the roar, and still spoke in a low voice, so as not to be heard by the nurse outside, "I will give you two choices, either you don't go to the hospital, or I will crash my head to death in the hospital right now On the wall, even the remaining two possibilities are cut off together; either you go to the hospital, I go to the operating table and resign myself to fate, if you are still alive, it is still okay to let you see me once in a while! What do you want, you choose Bar!"

"Hu Die! You..." He Yacheng suddenly cried with a headache in his arms, "Is the probability of coming back intact is only one-third? How can you. You can't do this. I owe you and haven't paid it back. Don't you "He said incoherently, holding his head in pain, and kept pulling his hair.

"Give me your choice." Hu Die sighed, but finally said cruelly.

"I'm going to the hospital! But—" He Yacheng suddenly raised his head, took the mobile phone from Ran Zijin, and said seriously like a different person, "Hu Die, you have to go to the operating table obediently, and you have to maintain an optimistic attitude , you have to promise me not to give up on yourself, otherwise even if I take care of the wound, I will follow you..."

He couldn't go on anymore. He didn't have the courage to say the words that went with Hu Die, not because he was afraid of death, but because he was afraid of what might happen to Hu Die.

In a sense, He Yacheng agreed to go to the hospital, not because he really figured it out, but because he was completely desperate.But as desperate as he is, he doesn't want Hu Die to kill her head-on at the end. The only thing he prays for now is that she can survive, even if, as she herself said, he would be happy to ask him to see her occasionally.

He didn't want her to be separated from him, and he didn't even think about it.

If she really will never love him again, as long as he can see her, he will be content and complete.

After hearing He Yacheng's words, Hu Die couldn't hold back her tears after all, covered her mouth but dared not cry out, so she could only hang up the phone, buried herself in the quilt and began to cry.

If He Yacheng had done this earlier, had used such ruthlessness to break up with Su Maiqi earlier, how could they have come to this point.

She is not the kind of uncivilized person, nor is she stubborn, so even if He Yacheng told her about him and Su Maiqi, and asked her to give him some time to deal with Su Maiqi instead of completely keeping her in her bones, she would not How angry you will be, at most you may make a few noises when you hear the facts because of your fiery temper, but you will never give him time to mess around and you understand him.

But he... In the end, he actually made Su Maiqi want to kill her, and she...

These are actually unimportant, really unimportant, what is important is that He Yacheng has not learned a lesson from this incident, and has not become mature and responsible.

A busy tone came from the phone, He Yacheng lowered his head dejectedly, and let Ran Zijin take the phone away from him.

"He Yacheng, learn to become more mature, otherwise no woman would dare to entrust the rest of her life to you, even a strong and brave person like Hu Die, she would not dare, do you understand?" Ran Zijin wanted to tell He Yacheng what Hu Die said I am careful, but I feel that it is better for him to realize it by himself, so I can only remind him like this.

After He Ya accepted Hu Die's phone call, he became much quieter. He leaned on the back of the seat in the back row and looked out the window with a slanted body. He didn't know what he was thinking, but his state was obviously much better than before.

After arriving at the hospital, he also cooperated with the doctor's treatment very much. He would do whatever Mo Shaochun asked him to do, and he even obediently agreed to be hospitalized for gastric bleeding caused by excessive drinking.

Lying on the hospital bed, when he saw the nurse coming for an injection, he rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his arms consciously. When it was time to drink the medicine, he took the initiative to hold the cup without the nurse worrying.

Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan were relieved now, Mo Shaochun arranged special care for him, and Ma Dai also called his men to come down here to wait for orders.

"I knew why it was so in the first place." After Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan walked out of the hospital, looking at the gradually darkening evening sky, said something slowly but with great emotion.

Leng Muxuan's heart tightened, and he began to hesitate again, should he tell Ran Zijin about Ruan Yifei's incident.

He didn't want to lie to her, but he was afraid that she would think wildly when she knew the truth. After all, their relationship had just stabilized, and he didn't want to make any mistakes.

The example of He Yacheng and Hu Die is right in front of him, and Leng Muxuan’s heart is beating like a drum. After all, he is afraid and worried. As long as it is related to Ran Zijin, he will always be so hesitant and worried, and he will never be able to do what he usually does. The ruthless coldness in the movie is less.

Take it easy, tell her when you get married, Leng Muxuan thought to himself as he walked behind Ran Zijin to the parking place.

The days go by quickly, and Ran Zijin always feels that after meeting Leng Muxuan, the days go by faster than ever before, so fast that she can't catch the time.

Monday morning was still a meeting, and Ran Zijin was helping Leng Muxuan in the meeting room.

"That's it for this case, let's take a look..." Before Leng Muxuan finished speaking, Luo Yining interrupted him.

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, Luo Yining whispered something in his ear, Leng Muxuan's eyes darkened, and all the executives present panicked, wondering if the president was about to criticize others again.

However, Leng Muxuan did not get angry, but said: "Today's meeting will end here, and the remaining issues will be discussed next time, and the time will be notified."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said gently to Ran Zijin: "Clean up here, organize the materials, and send them to my office."

"Understood, President." Ran Zijin nodded.

Leng Muxuan just stood up and walked outside the meeting room, Luo Yining followed behind him, the two did not communicate, but the expressions on their faces were not very good-looking.

The others waited for the president and Luo Yining to go out, then slowly stood up, and walked out in an orderly manner, although they were puzzled, they didn't say anything.

After Leng Muxuan and Luo Yining went out, they didn't have an office, but went to an empty reception room.

"President, Han Zhihui, what should we do? Madam called, looking very angry." Luo Yining reported to Leng Muxuan.

He originally wanted to deal with Han Zhihui directly, but he didn't know who vented Kong Jiayi. Kong Jiayi felt that Han Zhihui was her natal family. If Leng Muxuan didn't give Han Zhihui this face, she would lose face at her natal family. So I want to tell Leng Muxuan not to deal with Han Zhihui, but also to ask him to cooperate with him.

Leng Muxuan frowned, very displeased, but said to Luo Yining without hesitation: "Go and deal with Han Zhihui, uproot him, cut grass and roots!"

"Yes, I understand, President, I'll go now." What Luo Yining was waiting for was Leng Muxuan's words. With his words, he didn't have to be afraid of his wife. Anyway, if something happened, the President would be there Block it in front!
After Luo Yining left, Leng Muxuan took out his phone and called Leng Qingbai. He knew that Kong Jiayi, who was angry now, would definitely not listen to his persuasion, but Leng Qingbai was different.

He knows his father well, and like him, he will not be emotional in everything, especially in business matters, and he will not let emotions influence his thoughts and actions, and delay Guangbo's development.

"I'll go tell your mother, you can figure it out." Leng Qingbai heard the truth from Leng Muxuan, although he didn't agree with what he did, but he didn't stop him either, "Zi Is that kid okay?" At the end, he didn't forget to care about his future daughter-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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