The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 227 Ran Huabo of False Mercy

Chapter 227 Ran Huabo of False Mercy

Ran Zijin went downstairs to take a walk in the garden, but he didn't expect to meet that person.

She had only just walked out of the hall when that person walked right in front of her.

Subconsciously, Ran Zijin stopped, turned and walked to the other side, but the man followed her with a shy face, followed her, and called her, "Zijin, why are you in the hospital? What's wrong with you?" ?”

Ran Zijin originally wanted to completely treat this person as nothing, but his greeting made her angry for no reason.

She stopped, turned her head and stared at Ran Huabo fiercely, "If I'm not feeling well, you shouldn't be the one who should be the most happy? Why are you pretending to be merciful? Also, I forgot to tell you that your happiness will be in vain. I am in good health Very good!"

During He Yacheng's hospitalization, Ran Zijin often came to the hospital with He Yacheng, and met Ran Huabo several times, but they never had a direct confrontation.

Those few times, he didn't see her, or to be precise, he must have found Leng Muxuan by her side, that's why he didn't dare to come forward to talk to her.

"Zijin, that's not what I meant. Don't get me wrong, I just care about you." Ran Huabo smiled flatteringly, the flattery in his eyes couldn't be concealed even if he wanted to.

Ran Zijin looked at Ran Huabo with disgust, feeling that he was sad and pitiful, and he was reduced to the point where he wanted to flatter his daughter.

"When I was your daughter, why didn't I see you come to care about it? I'm afraid it's uneasy to care about it now. What good intentions?" Ran Zijin knew that Ran Huabo always liked to look at people with perverted eyes. For a tree like Leng Muxuan Big tree, he wanted to climb up to his life and death, but helplessly Leng Muxuan never paid attention to him, so he had no choice but to be nice to her, just wanting to start with her.

"How could it be? You really misunderstood me." Ran Huabo continued to laugh dog-leggedly, pressing down in a hurry.

But he was very timid in his heart, for fear that Ran Zijin would see his real intention to stop her.

In fact, he has been thinking about that matter for a long time, but because of Leng Muxuan's strength, he has never dared to tell Ran Zijin, and he has never found a chance to talk to Ran Zijin alone.

Today, he finally had a chance, but she was so vigilant, he felt that it was not appropriate to speak up, and after thinking about it, he had better find a chance next time.

Anyway, he found out clearly that the one named He Yacheng will be hospitalized for a while, and she and Leng Muxuan will definitely come to the hospital often.Therefore, this time he is not in a hurry, and he must not be in a hurry, otherwise if the plan fails, he really has nothing to do.

"I'm not your daughter now, we have nothing to do with each other, don't appear in front of me again." Ran Zijin didn't know that Ran Huabo had other messages in his heart, but he thought it was because he wanted to get closer to Leng Muxuan, He was also afraid that he would use his identity as her father to force Leng Muxuan to do something for him, so he said very heartlessly, so as to cut off his thoughts.

Ran Zijin knew Ran Huabo, and also knew Leng Muxuan. The former one was good at flattering and taking advantage of people. Although the latter one was ruthless and cold, it seemed that Ran Huabo wanted to use his status to force him. Because of her relationship, he absolutely will compromise.

After all, no matter how much she wanted to break off contact and relationship with Ran Huabo, the fact that his blood was flowing on her body could not be changed.

But she really has no feelings for him, and she doesn't want Leng Muxuan to compromise with anyone for her sake.

She doesn't want to be his burden and burden. Although she can't be his right-hand man, as long as she doesn't cause him any trouble, she can be worthy of her heart.

"Zijin, don't be like this. If you don't like seeing me, I'll leave now. Don't be angry!" Ran Huabo saw that Ran Zijin's complexion was not good, and seeing that his temper was about to flare up, he backed down and coaxed her to leave with a few words .

He didn't really care about her feelings, he just thought that if he offended her this time, it would be even harder to speak next time.Make a good impression on her this time, so that you can coax her next time.

Ran Zijin glared at Ran Huabo's back angrily, and was about to walk away, but Ran Huabo ran back again.

"Zijin, I was in the hospital because I thought my younger son was sick. I know you are not happy to hear these things, but I think it is better to tell you. After all, you are also my daughter. Whether you admit it or not, we are still a family. People." After Ran Huabo finished speaking, he pretended to smile naively to show his sincerity and to show that he was a good father regardless of previous suspicions, "That's it, I'm leaving. It's cold outside, you go back earlier."

After finishing speaking, this time he completely disappeared from Ran Zijin's eyes.

Ran Zijin suddenly lost the mood for a walk, walked to the edge of the flower bed not far ahead and sat down, staring blankly at the front, feeling in a mess.

Ran Huabo's caring words were not untouched by her, but there was a voice in her heart telling her that it was just Ran Huabo's acting and the beginning of his conspiracy.

But at the same time, some nerves were telling her to relax her guard against him. Now that he knew how to say these caring words, maybe he really wanted to ease the relationship with her.

From the bottom of his heart, Ran Zijin didn't like Ran Huabo, nor did he have much affection, because he had disappointed her too many times.

What is helpless is that his mother loves him extremely deeply. Due to his mother's relationship and taking into account the wishes of his dead mother, if he really wants to make peace, as long as he goes to his mother's grave to apologize, she will still reluctantly To ease the relationship with him.

But she will not forgive him, nor will she forget the wrong things he has done. The biggest concession she can make is to call him his nominal father.

"Zijin, what's the matter?" Leng Muxuan went downstairs to look for Ran Zijin, and as soon as he left the hall, he saw her sitting there crying alone.

"It's okay." Ran Zijin smiled hard, only to realize that she was crying. She missed her mother so much, and hated Ran Huabo too much, "I think of Hu Die, and I'm a little worried."

"It's going to be fine, don't scare yourself." Leng Muxuan pulled Ran Zijin to stand up, wiped her tears, his face under his fingers was cold, and his heart also felt uncomfortable.

"En. Can I go home?" Ran Zijin stopped crying and asked while tugging at Leng Muxuan's clothes.

She wanted to leave here as soon as possible, and also prayed that she would not meet Ran Huabo again, because as soon as she met him, she would think of her mother's death, feel sad, feel worthless for her mother, and feel guilty and uneasy about her mother.

"Well, I just came to ask you to go home together." Leng Muxuan covered Ran Zijin's equally cold hands and rubbed them, and then let her go when she got warmer, "Let's go now. Go to have supper first, or take Do you want to eat when you go home?"

Ran Zijin didn't have the habit of eating supper, but would eat it occasionally. Leng Muxuan figured that she might catch a cold when she was outside for a while and cried again, so she wanted to ask her to eat some supper to warm her body.

"Go home directly. I'll cook supper when I go back home. The part-time worker at home bought the ingredients for glutinous rice balls, and I'll make glutinous rice balls for you." Ran Zijin wanted to find something to do, otherwise the mood spoiled by Ran Huabo would continue, and she really felt that she would go crazy Lose.

"I want some with black sesame stuffing, is there any?" Leng Muxuan didn't particularly like glutinous rice balls, if he ate them, he would only eat black sesame seeds.

"It seems to be there. I forgot. I'll just go to the supermarket in the neighborhood and buy a bag." Ran Zijin really couldn't remember what the part-time worker bought to make stuffing, so she bought it directly.

The two parked outside the supermarket, Ran Zijin jumped out of the car to buy glutinous rice ball stuffing, and bought two lollipops at the same time.

After getting in the car, she tore off the package and forced one into Leng Muxuan's mouth.

"Both are strawberry-flavored. One for each person, and it tastes good when eaten together." Ran Zijin has a lollipop in his mouth. He hasn't eaten this kind of gadget for a long time. When he saw it just now, he wanted to buy it to reminisce about his childhood a feeling of.

"My first time eating this." Such childish stuff.

Leng Muxuan said that he used to think that this kind of snack was for girls, so boys would be very motherly if they ate it, so he never ate it.

But now that Ran Zijin bought it for him, he naturally no longer thinks it's such a girly thing, but it's just a little childish, so that he looks so awkward with a lollipop in his mouth.

"Mu Xuan, let me compensate you for the things you didn't have the energy to do in childhood! Okay?" Ran Zijin suddenly blinked and said, she felt that what she did was very grand.

"How to make up for it?" The lollipop in Leng Muxuan's mouth made him slur his speech, and the taste of strawberries was not as good as eating strawberries directly.

"It's the childish game I played when I was a child. I'll take you through everything I've experienced." Ran Zijin held the lollipop in his hand and counted with his fingers, "I'll take you to hide and seek and play with you Jiajia, take you to a picnic, accompany you on an outing, and buy you those little snacks you ate when you were a child..."

"I'm getting younger and younger, and I'm going back to my childhood." Leng Muxuan said with a smile.

"Oh, do you agree or not? I just want to accompany you." Ran Zijin said coquettishly, licking the lollipop.

She knew that Leng Muxuan missed his childhood and a lot of simple little happiness because he wanted to achieve his current achievements. She felt sorry for him and wanted him to relax now.

"Of course I agreed!" Leng Muxuan hurriedly replied as if he was afraid that Ran Zijin would regret it. He didn't really want to reminisce about his childhood. Saying it is different.

She didn't get her father's love in her childhood. Even if she experienced so many beautiful things that she should have experienced in childhood, it was not perfect after all, so since she wanted to relive her childhood memories, then this time he came to be her playmate and give her When she becomes a father, she also learns about her past.

He couldn't help wanting to know everything about Ran Zijin, and he also regretted that he had missed the whole nine years of Ran Zijin because of Ruan Yifei, and missed everything she had experienced in those nine years.

He wants to make up for her, so what she wants to do, he will do everything possible to satisfy her.

Supper was supposed to eat glutinous rice balls, and Ran Zijin did make glutinous rice balls, boiled a pot, filled two bowls and put them on the tea table in the living room, and ate them with Leng Muxuan.

But this guy, eating glutinous rice balls, his mouth was late on her body, he gnawed and bit, and even moved his hands and feet.

As a result, the supper was eaten directly from the living room to the bed in the bedroom, from the bed to the bathroom, and then back to the bed. The two bowls of glutinous rice balls on the coffee table in the living room were almost intact until the next morning when the hour came. When I came, I packed it up and poured it into the garbage bag.

Ran Zijin was squeezed by Leng Muxuan all night, and he was exhausted the next day. He stayed at home for a whole day, and Leng Muxuan brought food and drinks to the bedroom himself.

Apart from eating, she just leaned on the bed to read, or played games online with her laptop.

Leng Muxuan was sitting next to him with a notebook in his hand, but he was really working hard.

He occasionally stood up to go to the bathroom, or to pour boiling water for Ran Zijin and get a fruit plate.

Ran Zijin was playing Tiantian Love Elimination, talking to his classmates on QQ from time to time.

Spent the weekend at home like this.

In the new week, two things happened, which shocked Ran Zijin.

One is that Shangguan Wei Le has died, and the other is that Qiao Zheqing has returned.

Shangguan Wei Le died by jumping off a building. The news in City H, the entire Guangbo was discussing this matter, and it was two days later when Ran Zijin knew about it.

She didn't hear clearly from her colleagues, and when she returned to her desk, she searched for news on the Internet, only to find out that Shangguan Weile was dismissed by Guangbo, and because she had sold important company information, she could no longer find him. When it came to work, I was too stressed to jump off the building.

"Secretary Ran, do you want some coffee?" Luo Yining asked Ran Zijin on the way to make coffee.

"No need, I'll go by myself in a while." Ran Zijin was still feeling sorry for Shangguan Weile, and he was not in a good mood.

"She can't even take this little blow. Even if she finds a job in the future and can't withstand the pressure, she will jump off the building sooner or later." Luo Yining saw the webpage opened by Ran Zijin, and caught such a sentence before leaving.

In fact, as for how Shangguan Weile died, he knew best.

Shangguan Weile was tortured by Nangong Lie and the others from time to time. Once she escaped, climbed into the elevator, and found a stranger to send her back to her parents' house.

Nangong Lie called her and told her to go back to the small apartment she rented, otherwise she would go to her parents' house and tell her parents to "enjoy happiness" with her.Shangguan Weile was really afraid that Nangong Lie would do that, so he thought of a way to come back.

After returning, Nangong Lie continued to torture her from time to time, and she didn't dare to run away. She really felt that life would be worse than death, so she wrote a suicide note and jumped off the building.

The suicide note was full of evidence of how Nangong Lie dealt with him. She even took photos of her injuries with her mobile phone and saved them on her computer. She also said that this was what Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin ordered Nangong Lie to do.

(End of this chapter)

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