The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 233 Don't cry, I feel bad

Chapter 233 Don't cry, I feel bad

Because he had found some clues, Ran Zijin's mood improved a lot, with a smile on his face, even his whole person seemed more energetic.

"Run slowly, and be careful not to fall." Leng Muxuan saw that Ran Zijin was running so fast in her high heels, and quickly stepped out to catch her, and helped her to stand firm, "It's good to have a clue, thank you .”

He reached out his hand to wipe the sweat off her face. In such a cold day, she was able to sweat all over her face. He felt distressed when he saw it.

"I'm fine." Ran Zijin hugged Leng Muxuan's waist excitedly, and no matter whether it was outside the hospital, people came and went as exhibits.

Xiao Zhao and Xiao Liu consciously turned their backs, and did not look at the two people who were showing affection, but they both showed envious eyes on their faces.

They are all women from ordinary families, and later worked in high-end hospitals like Lanshan. They usually take care of people from wealthy families. I have never seen any kind of people who love their women like He Yacheng and Leng Muxuan. Well, they are really rare, so naturally they can't help but envy Hu Die and Ran Zijin.

After Leng Muxuan took Ran Zijin into the car, the two of them climbed to the back seat and sat down in silence, consciously acting as invisible people.

"Take a lozenge, and your voice is hoarse." Leng Muxuan peeled a lozenge and brought it to Ran Zijin's lips. Ran Zijin opened his mouth to eat it, and he pinched her face again, "After you find Hu Die, you Give me a good rest for a few days, this little face is almost gone, and it still looks so bad!"

"My weight hasn't changed, it's always been that heavy." Ran Zijin watched Leng Muxuan start the car, shouting throat lozenges and said, Leng Muxuan smelled a nice smell of mint, refreshing , with sweetness, told him to directly stick to her lips and taste the delicacy in her mouth, but there were two outsiders sitting in the back seat, so he could only endure his impulse and drive back to the hotel silently went.

He Yacheng and the others also went home after receiving a call from Ran Zijin. Everyone gathered in He Yacheng's room in the hotel.

"The doctor named Lucy is the doctor who operated on Hu Die. Now we either send someone to follow her, she always has to see the healing of Hu Die's operation; or we directly call out the surveillance video." Ran Zijin inquired from the hospital After talking about the situation in detail, I then analyzed it with everyone, "I think tracking is more reliable. It is not easy to use surveillance video. After all, there are many roads outside the hospital, so it is impossible to quickly determine the movement."

"Then follow up, but the surveillance video must be adjusted at the same time. It is safer for both sides to work together." He Yacheng made a decision, and asked his men to come down to get the surveillance, and then ordered someone to follow the female doctor named Lucy.

"That's fine." Ran Zijin nodded, and she asked Hu Die that Lucy had performed the operation, but she couldn't find out where Hu Die was now, but this was already a big clue, and it was not far from finding Hu Die.

"Zijin, go back to the room with me to rest first, they will call us if there is a situation here." Seeing that the matter was settled, Leng Muxuan worriedly pulled Ran Zijin back to his room.

After they arrived in the United States, they searched for Hu Die non-stop. She was not even jet-lagged, and her complexion was very bad. If she continued to work hard, he was really afraid that she would not be able to hold on.

Although Ran Zijin was impatient, he couldn't hold back Leng Muxuan, so he had to drag him to sleep.

He hugged her and wrapped her in his arms, fearing that she would not sleep well, so he slept with her.

Ran Zijin was indeed exhausted and fell asleep in Leng Muxuan's arms after a while, but Leng Muxuan did not feel sleepy.

He looked at the lovely sleeping face in his arms, she had encountered too many things recently, even when she fell asleep, her complexion was not good, and her brows were frowning together.

Reaching out his hand to slowly smooth the wrinkles between her brows, he lowered his head and pressed a kiss there again, his movements could not be more gentle, worried that he would wake her who had finally fallen asleep.

Leng Muxuan was lying beside Ran Zijin, wondering what Ran Huabo said to her that day to make her mood fluctuate so much.

When he came back from a business trip, he asked her, but she said that she was in a bad mood because she looked at Ran Huabo and thought of her mother.

But he didn't think the matter was so simple, so he hesitated whether to ask Ran Huabo, but if he wanted to get the truth out of his mouth, he would probably have to use special means, and Zijin would probably be in trouble again.

And that Qiao Zheqing, Leng Muxuan also looked at it as an eyesore, really wanted to kick him back to Finland, why did he want him to stay in the city and often come to disturb her and make her restless.

Helplessly, neither Ran Huabo nor Qiao Zheqing, nor Ran Zijin wanted him to intervene, but he couldn't just watch her suffer all these things alone, so he always tried to help her solve these troubles secretly.

Ran Zijin was not at ease in Leng Muxuan's arms, he woke up several times during the night, and Leng Muxuan kept holding her without moving.

She felt sorry for his care and love for her, so she forced herself not to say or do anything, to sleep quietly, and not to ask him to worry about her.

She got up just after dawn, followed Leng Muxuan to find He Yacheng, everyone went to eat, and the two plans to find Hu Die were still in progress, and they hadn't been found yet.

Leng Muxuan saw that Ran Zijin's condition was very bad, her face was sallow, so she took her to the hospital to see a doctor. It turned out that because she was too tired recently, and she didn't eat well, the anemia became more serious.

"Ran Zijin!" Leng Muxuan pulled Ran Zijin out of the hospital, walked to the car door, let go of her hand, looked at her with a cold face, and roared bitterly, "I told you to take care of yourself, what are you? How did you take care of it?! Are you listening to me?! Next time you dare to make your body look sick like this, let me see how I will deal with you!"

After shouting, he pushed Hassan on Ran Zijin's forehead in frustration, opened the car door, carried her into the car, got into the car from the other side, and drove the car silently.

Ran Zijin's eyes were sore, seeing that Leng Muxuan was angry and didn't speak, she didn't dare to speak easily, so she could only sit obediently aside, and occasionally secretly raised her eyes to look at him.

Leng Muxuan directly drove the car to the underground garage of the hotel and parked it, and unfastened his seat belt, but he did not untie it for Ran Zijin. Seeing that she did not move, he said in a rough voice: "Get off. car!"

Ran Zijin looked up at her, pursed his lips, and finally cried, shaking his body, holding the bag full of medicine tightly in his hand.

Leng Muxuan felt extremely sad. Whenever she cried, he felt uncomfortable, but he just wanted to teach her a lesson, so he kept his face cold and ignored her.

"Mu Xuan..." Ran Zijin was sobbing, and stretched out his hand to grab Leng Muxuan's sleeve.

Leng Muxuan's expression was not good, and he shook her hand away with a flick of his arm, staring coldly at the front of the car and not looking at her, exuding a strange cold aura all over his body.

"Muxuan..." Ran Zijin cried even harder, and reached out to grab Leng Muxuan's sleeve again. This time, she was afraid of being thrown away by him, so she held on tightly, and did not let go of the buttons on his cuffs. .

Leng Muxuan glanced at her indifferently, and didn't shake off her hand again. His anger disappeared a little, but he still didn't speak.

He looked at her face full of tears, and he really loved and hated her. He loved her so much, but she was a little uncomfortable, and her mood fluctuated a little. He was so nervous, but she was still so uncomfortable. Take good care of yourself, how can you make him feel at ease, and how can you make him feel at ease to put her out of his sight!
"I'm sorry...Mu's my fault..." Ran Zijin tugged on his sleeve anxiously, and said with a choked voice, "I will take good care of myself in the future, don't be angry, and don't ignore me."

She has already encountered a lot of troubles, if Leng Muxuan ignores her again, she really doesn't know if she can hold on.

She didn't want him to worry about her, but she still made him worry. Why is she so useless? After being with him, she never made him feel at ease.

The more I thought about it, the more Ran Zijin felt that he had too many things to do, ignorant, and useless, and the more tears came.

"Don't cry, it hurts me to see it!" Leng Muxuan suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Ran Zijin into his arms, wiped her tears while kissing her forehead, "Next time if I do it again, I'll just put it on you." If you throw it out of the car, it will send you to the hospital!"

"No, I will eat well and sleep well in the future, and I will take care of myself." Ran Zijin smiled with his mouth curled up, but his tears could not stop, crying and laughing was very pitiful.

Leng Muxuan held her head, pecked her lips several times, and then reluctantly let her go, "I will forgive you today, and make it up to me when I get home!"

She is not in good health, it is better for him to ban bathing first!
Ran Zijin blushed, worried that Leng Muxuan had finally calmed down and came up again, so he nodded obediently, and promised straightforwardly: "Yes, yes."

"Go back to the hotel and take the medicine first." Leng Muxuan unbuckled her seat belt, got out of the car and opened the door for her, pulled her out of the car, and went upstairs with her arms around her.

Under his care, Ran Zijin took the medicine seriously, ate the soup he asked someone to cook for him, and lay down on the bed to rest.

Leng Muxuan accompanied her, and when she saw that she was fast asleep, she got out of bed softly, tucked in the quilt for her, and went out to find He Yacheng.

"Mu Xuan, there is a situation over there. It is said that the doctor came home after get off work, took the medicine box and went out again. Our people are following. If there is no accident, we should be able to find Hu Die." He Yacheng just talked with his men on the phone, I am searching on the computer according to the route reported by my subordinates.

"Well. There seem to be several nursing homes on this road, if I remember correctly." Leng Muxuan propped one hand on the table, and leaned over to look at the map on the computer with He Yacheng.

"Well. Sure enough, there are three nursing homes in total, one mainly takes care of the homeless elderly, and the remaining two are not very clear." After He Yacheng enlarged the map, he checked other information.

"Then wait and see, there is a call over there, let's discuss it with Zijin again. I think we can see Hu Die, and only Zijin can do it." Although Leng Muxuan didn't want Ran Zijin to be tired, but at this critical moment, Only she can do it, so I can rely on her.

He thought about it just now, Zijin was in a bad mood during this period, so he planned to squeeze out some time after returning to China, and take her on a trip to relax, which would also help her exercise her body.

"Well. That's the only way. Hu Die doesn't want to see me..." He Yacheng rubbed his face tiredly. He hasn't closed his eyes from last night to today's day, and has been looking for Hu Die's whereabouts with his men.

He was sure that Hu Die was still alive, and the time to see her was getting closer and closer, but he became more and more worried. He was afraid that she would never want to see him again, and he was also afraid that there was still a third of her that would not wake up. The probability.

"Go and have a rest first, I'll monitor it for you here, and I'll call you if there's news." Leng Muxuan patted He Yacheng on the shoulder. Good brothers don't need too many words. Everyone knows what each other is expressing with every movement and look. .

He Yacheng glanced at him, and then thought about finding Hu Die's place, and it would take a lot of trouble to see her, so he forced himself to go to the bed beside him and lie down.

Leng Muxuan was alone, waiting for news in He Yacheng's room, and returning to his room to check on Ran Zijin's situation. After more than two hours, He Yacheng's phone finally rang.

Before he answered the phone, He Yacheng jumped off the bed, rushed to the table and picked up the phone to answer it.

He Yacheng was not asleep just now, and subconsciously kept clicking on the phone, thinking about Hu Die, so he was able to move so fast when the phone rang.

Leng Muxuan waited for him to answer the phone before asking, "Did you find it?"

"Yeah!" He Yacheng's eyes were red with excitement, and he nodded heavily, "I found it, it's in the nursing home! Let's go there now!"

"Wait, I'll call Zijin. You go take a shower first and change into clean clothes." Leng Muxuan said to He Yacheng, and then said to Xiao Zhao, "Look at him, don't tell him to go first, Zijin and I will talk when we come over."

Xiao Zhao nodded understandingly, and asked Xiao Liu to find clothes for He Yacheng and put in the bath water.

He Yacheng looked at the clothes on his body that he hadn't let go of for several days, rushed into the bathroom, and turned on the cold water to take a bath without waiting for Xiao Liu to turn on the hot water.

Xiao Liu and Xiao Zhao anxiously called him outside, telling him to turn on the hot water, but he didn't know it. He quickly took a shower, and felt that he was too decadent in the mirror, so he shaved his beard and asked Xiao Liu to say: " Quickly fix my hair!"

Xiao Liu hurriedly took the scissors and trimmed his long bangs. Because he is not a professional, he didn't have such a good hairstyle, but anyway, it looked much more refreshing than before.

When Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin came over, He Yacheng had already packed up, and stood excitedly at the door, with expressions of wanting to laugh and cry, "Let's go quickly!"

"En." Ran Zijin nodded, held by Leng Muxuan, and looked nervously at He Yacheng in front of him.

"He will be fine, don't worry." Leng Muxuan comforted Ran Zijin, and then told Xiao Zhao and Xiao Liu, "You follow."

They are He Yacheng's caretakers, and they can help him if he needs anything on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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