Chapter 241 Do You Do It?
After her accident, her attitude towards him made him feel insecure. The moment he hugged her and pressed her down, he just wanted to have her fiercely, as if this was the only way to prove that she was still by his side and he could still touch her. When she sees her and feels her, even though she no longer loves him, but hates him like that...

However, he loves her so much...

Hu Die fell on the bed, curled up into a ball, not knowing what it was like.

Her body was full of scars, Zijin's hands would tremble every time she wiped her body, she wasn't sure how He Yacheng would react when he saw it.

She is afraid of being rejected by him, disgusted by him, so if she doesn't want to, then never let him see her.

"Hu Die, go to sleep. Have a good rest first." He Yacheng twisted a wet towel to wipe Hu Die's face, and then pulled the quilt to cover her body.

Hu Die pretended that she couldn't hear, so she showed no reaction, and no matter what He Yacheng did, she opened her eyes for a long time before blinking, and she didn't know where she was looking.

He Yacheng walked to the side helplessly, sat on the sofa, silently looked at the little body curled up on the bed, and his heart ached beyond measure.

Hu Die finally couldn't bear the sleepiness in her body, and fell into a drowsy sleep. When she woke up, He Yacheng was preparing a fruit plate for her, and the doctor and nurse were also there, about to wake her up and give her a physical examination up.

"Have you felt any discomfort recently? How is your throat?" Dr. Lucy took a flashlight and took a picture of Hu Die's mouth while asking.

Hu Die shook her head, "No discomfort, my throat seems to be better than before."

Although she didn't like He Yacheng, she was very cooperative with the doctors and nurses.

"It feels a little better when you speak than before, but you still can't speak loudly, try to relax and slow down when speaking." Dr. Lucy checked Hu Die's eyes and ears again.

"I see." Hu Die nodded, watching Lucy gesture around her body with medical equipment.

"Hu Die, how about we have another operation? It's still the head." Lucy said to Hu Die after the examination.

Hu Die paused, looking at Dr. Lucy, and He Yacheng threw the apple in his hand nervously, ran to the bedside to push the nurse away, put his big hand on Hu Die's shoulder, and looked at Lucy with questioning eyes.

"Hu Die, don't be nervous, don't be afraid." Apart from comforting Hu Die in this way, He Yacheng really didn't say anything else.

After a while, Hu Die opened her mouth and asked slowly: "Dr. Lucy, I have had an operation, is it possible that I still fall asleep and cannot wake up?"

Lucy shook her head, "No. This time it's a minor operation, and you won't fall asleep again. I'm asking you this because I think the sooner you have the operation, the better, but I'm afraid that you will be psychologically rejected by frequent operations."

"Oh." Hu Die nodded, "I have no objection, and I can stick to it. Just discuss it with my parents. I'll listen to your arrangements."

She behaved very obediently, just because she didn't want her parents to worry about her anymore. When the car accident happened, she felt the most sorry person was her parents.

They have worked hard to raise themselves for more than twenty years, and when it was time to enjoy their blessings, she was unfilial and got into a car accident, which caused them all kinds of troubles, made them worry and worry, and they couldn't live in peace when they were old.

"Okay. Then I'll discuss it with Mr. Hu and Mrs. Hu." Lucy smiled and encouraged Hu Die while packing up the utensils. "Actually, you have recovered very well during this period. Don't be discouraged. Let's work hard together."

"Well, thank you." Hu Die smiled sweetly at Lucy, but no one knew how sad she was.

In fact, she was very worried about this operation. Although she was not afraid of pain, she was afraid that she would worry her parents again, as well as He Yacheng beside her.

Lucy left with her men, but He Yacheng and the nurse were still there.

He went to get a fruit platter, picked an apple with a toothpick and put it in Hu Die's hand, "Eat an apple, I just bought it today, it's very fresh, it's your favorite red apple."

Hu Die didn't refuse, and obediently took a bite, but she still rejected He Yacheng, "You go back. Go back to the country. I don't want to see you."

She still needs surgery, and I don't know how many surgeries she will need. If she never goes back to China, is it necessary for him to stay here with her all the time, not even the company and family?
She can't be so selfish, and can't always burden him. He should have a better life instead of guarding her as a cripple.

"But I want to see you." He Yacheng wiped the juice from the corner of Hu Die's mouth with a tissue.

"I beg you, don't pester me anymore, let me go! Don't you see me like this, don't you remember how I became like this? Don't you have a trace of guilt in your heart? If you have that little If you feel sorry for me, go back and never come to see me again. I really really don’t want to see you again, and when I see you, I feel like a failure, useless, and cheap.”

Hu Die spoke slowly, but she spoke every word clearly. She really tried her best to bite the words clearly, and she said every word very hard and solidly. It was not a discussion tone at all, but a genuine He is chasing He Yacheng away.

"Hu Die, don't say that about yourself! Please, don't say that, please..." He Yacheng handed the fruit plate to Xiao Zhao, and he squatted beside Hu Die's bed, holding her hand. I know I'm sorry for you, but I still want to be by your side. You know that I love you. Without you, I have no life. Hu Die, do you know that when you disappeared for the first time, I thought you Really... At that time, I really wanted to die, and I wanted to go there to find you."

"Useless stuff!" Hu Die withdrew her hand and slapped He Yacheng again. This was the second time she had slapped him, and it was also the second time she had slapped him on the face. Tears, continued to say unfeelingly, "Your parents raised you up so much, didn't you think about repaying them? You want to die at every turn, are you a man? Are you trying to make me a sinner for the rest of my life? Do you want to kill me forever? How can you be so cruel! Get out of here! Get out! Get out as far away as possible!"

"Miss Hu Die, don't be angry, don't get angry, calm down." Xiao Zhao saw that Hu Die was very angry, so he put down the fruit plate, went to support her, patted her on the back to comfort her, and then signaled Xiao Liu with his eyes Go to Lahe Yacheng, pull it out first and then talk.

Xiao Liu went to pull He Yacheng to stand up, but instead of standing up, He Yacheng knelt beside Hu Die's bed, holding Hu Die's hand tightly with both hands, "Hu Die, please, tell me to stay, don't want it anymore I'm... Hu Die, I can't live without you, I can do nothing, but I can't do without you. No matter what you become in the future, in my heart you are the best Hu Die, you stay in my heart Good looks will never change. No matter what happens to you, it will always be that I am not good enough for you, you are the best, and I am not good at anything."

"Mr. He, get up first, Miss Hu Die is already angry." Xiao Zhao reminded He Yacheng in due course.

He Yacheng didn't get up, didn't say anything, but he didn't let go of Hu Die's hand.

Hu Die felt as though a knife was being twisted in her heart. She turned her head away from He Yacheng, but said to Xiao Zhao: "I want to go for a walk, you go and ask my parents to come and take a walk with me."

Xiao Liu realized this time, let go of He Yacheng, and said to them: "I'll go, I'll go, I'll be right back."

Xiao Zhao nodded, continued to comfort Hu Die, and said to He Yacheng: "Mr. He, get up quickly, it's not good for someone to see you later, have you forgotten what Miss Ran told you?"

When Ran Zijin left, he repeatedly reminded Xiao Zhao and Xiao Liu, telling them to keep a close eye on He Yacheng, lest he talk nonsense, that's why Xiao Zhao reminded He Yacheng like this.

He Yacheng knelt down and couldn't get up, Hu Die was impatient, thinking that her parents would be coming soon, so she pushed him away and slid to the bed to put on her shoes.

Xiao Zhao hurriedly put on her shoes and coat for her, and led her out the door first.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Hu's father and Hu's mother had already come this way and immediately arrived at the door.

"Why didn't you wait for us to come out first? What about Yacheng? Are you having a fight?" Mother Hu worriedly grabbed her daughter's arm and asked distressedly. She couldn't help worrying that this is the time for He Yacheng to take care of Hu Die , he should have sent her for a walk, why did she call them here.

"No. I just want you to accompany me!" Hu Die smiled and groped for Father Hu's hand with the other hand.

Hu's father hurried to the other side to hold his daughter, and joked: "You are so clingy, what will you do when you get married?"

"I'm not going to marry, I'm looking for a son-in-law." Hu Die said directly without any shyness.

Hu's father and mother were amused by her, and the three of them walked forward.

Xiao Zhao asked Xiao Liu to take care of He Yacheng, and he followed Hu Die and the others.

Hu Die felt uncomfortable, so she felt tired after walking far, so she said to Hu's father and mother, "Mom and Dad, you go for a walk. I will sit here and bask in the sun, and I don't want to leave."

"We'll bask in the sun with you."

"I'm fine, mom, you go for a walk with dad, there are nurses here, I won't wander around, just sit here obediently and wait for you to come back, and then we will go back to the room together." Hu Die said and put on the concrete platform by the roadside sat down.

"Miss Hu Die, wait." Xiao Zhao hurriedly pulled Hu Die up, then took off his white coat, folded it and put it on the concrete table, "Sit down now, lest you catch a cold."

Hu's mother and Hu's father saw that Xiao Zhao was taking care of him carefully, so they went for a walk in peace.

Hu Die was sitting there, Xiao Zhao was standing beside her, and she pulled her to sit down together, "You sit too, you are tired from standing."

Xiao Zhao was a little uncomfortable at first, and then he got better after sitting for a while, but Hu Die kept silent, so she told her some fun things.

Hu Die listened, and when she was interested, she tilted her head and smiled at her, and occasionally uttered one or two monosyllabic words.

Suddenly a shadow appeared in front of the two of them, Xiao Zhao looked up with a smile, thinking that Father Hu and the others had returned, but what he didn't want to see was a strange face.

It was an extremely handsome face, and the aura between the eyebrows and the whole body was somewhat similar to that of He Yacheng.

"Who are you? Do you know us?" Hu Die couldn't see clearly, but she knew it was a strange man.

"Well, I know, I don't know." The man smiled, the corners of his mouth curled up, more like He Yacheng.

Xiao Zhao couldn't help but wonder when did the He family have an extra son, but why hasn't she heard that the He family has a second son?

"May I ask who you are, our lady doesn't like to talk to strangers." Xiao Zhao protected Hu Die behind her, and if something happened to her, He Yacheng would definitely get mad at her.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not a bad person." The man raised his brows with a smile on his face.

"Is there writing on the bad guy's face?" Xiao Zhao rolled his eyes at the man. Although he was dressed expensively and well-dressed, he always gave people the impression of a ruffian, no matter how you looked at it, he looked like a hooligan ...

"Do good people also have words written on their faces?" The man waved his hands at Xiao Zhao in disgust, then pulled her aside, bent down to look at Hu Die who was sitting there, his face was almost pressed against her face, the smear on his face The smile was even more playful, "Hu Die, right? My name is Lu Zichen, and I came to visit a friend in the nursing home. I have been paying attention to you for a long time. Your ears and eyes are not working well, and you can't even speak like... "The man paused, "This is not the key, the key is that you are very beautiful, and then I think He Yacheng is not good enough for you."

"You..." Hu Die frowned, feeling a little displeased. She didn't know this man, but he said that He Yacheng wasn't good enough for her. She just liked He Yacheng, so what's the matter? Lu Zichen said, "This is my private matter and has nothing to do with you. I don't know you. You don't have to pretend to be kind."

Since childhood, there have been many people close to her, some of them are sincere, Hu Die can tell at a glance, so she is very good to Ran Zijin who treats others sincerely, although she can't see the man's appearance clearly now , but it can still be heard from his tone that he approached her for a purpose, but his purpose seems to be different from others, because he is not short of money and does not need her money.

"No, I don't think this is your private matter. Hu Die, don't you really want to drive He Yacheng away? Then I can help you. It's just a good show for everyone. Do you want to do it?" Lu Zichen looked at the guarded face Xiao Zhao ignored her, but sat directly next to Hu Die, and continued to tell her, "You don't need to pay anything, just pretend to love me very much, and act like you will die if you don't marry me. .I know that your Hu family doesn't lack anything, but I will still bear the props you need to act with me."

"Why did you do this? What's wrong with Ya Cheng? A business competitor?" Hu Die rubbed her hands together, it can be seen that she was a little moved by Lu Zichen's proposal at the moment, but she was also afraid that he would hurt He Yacheng.

(End of this chapter)

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