Chapter 243 Zijin's Brother

"Oh." Ran Zijin casually agreed, looking at the man walking towards her, his eyes gradually became angry.

Wu Yanan didn't know it, and continued to drag Ran Zijin to talk about things, because there were cheaper things she liked more.

Ran Zihan only felt that the center of her eyebrows was throbbing, her temples were bulging, and her head was about to explode. She deliberately ignored that person, her eyes were only on the clothes Wu Yanan was talking about, but she couldn't feel at ease in her heart.

"Ran Ran." The man walked up to Ran Zijin, greeted her with a smile, and still called her as he did when he was a child.

"Huh?" Wu Yanan heard someone called Ran Zijin, turned around and saw a handsome guy, his eyes lit up immediately, he caught Ran Zijin and asked, "Sister Zijin, is this your friend?"

Ran Zijin frowned slightly, shook his head, "No."

And the man on the opposite side also said: "No."

Wu Yanan's curious eyes flicked back and forth between the two people around her, why did she feel that there was passion between them!

"She—is my younger sister." The man said with some difficulty, and then introduced himself, "My name is Ran Qinchen, and I am Ran Ran's elder brother."

He didn't say anything extra, and he didn't want to say it. In fact, he liked Ran Zijin very much, but he was very unwilling to admit that she was his sister.

"Do you have something to do? If it's for your brother, then you don't need to say anything, I won't agree to your request." Ran Zijin said to Ran Qinchen straight to the point without explaining anything.

Ran Qinchen is Ran Qindi's elder brother, his own elder brother, the same father and the same mother, and she is a half-brother with her. She doesn't want to see him, no matter how he treats her.

"I just returned to China not long ago. Although Qin Di has known about it for a long time, I don't agree with my father's doing that." Ran Qinchen explained patiently. It can be seen that he still cares about his sister Ran Zijin.

As for Ran Qinchen, Ran Zijin treated her differently from the rest of the Ran family, and would not treat her differently. Ran Zijin also admitted this, but she just couldn't overcome the obstacle in her heart to accept the existence of him and Ran Qindi, just like She can't accept Zhao Qingqing's existence either.Because if it wasn't for their mother and son, she and her mother would not have been driven out of Ran's house by Ran Huabo.

"If that's the case, that's better. I'll go first." After Ran Zijin finished speaking, he dragged the stunned Wu Yanan away.

Ran Qinchen still wanted to stop Ran Zijin to finish what he hadn't finished, but seeing that she still didn't like him as before, and still spoke sarcasticly to him, he shook his head and held back.

"Sister Zijin, is Ran Qinchen really your brother?" Wu Yanan couldn't help but look back several times at Ran Qinchen who was still standing there.

"En." Ran Zijin responded.

"But I think the way he looks at you is strange—" Wu Yanan tilted his head and thought for a while, "It's very strange, I can't describe it, but it's definitely not like the way a brother looks at his sister."

"You think too much." Ran Zijin never cared what Ran Qinchen thought of him, anyway, she never liked him, so no matter how nice he was to her, he would complain, and of course his eyes would be strange.

"Uh, maybe." Wu Yanan turned back and stretched her neck to look at Ran Qinchen, who was about to disappear, and suddenly smiled and said to Ran Zijin, "I think Ran Qinchen is quite handsome, with a unique type of handsome!"

Ran Zijin stared at Wu Yanan for two seconds in a daze, and then poured cold water on her without hesitation, "A handsome person is not necessarily a good person, but also a scumbag. Can you not just look at the surface of a person? word?"

"..." Wu Yanan only felt that a crow flew over his forehead, leaving behind a row of black spots, did anyone say that about his brother's sister?
Ran Qinchen picked up the car and drove directly outside the city.

He didn't expect to meet Ran Zijin by chance on the street. After all, when he came back from abroad, Gu Meihua told him that she was in the United States.

At the entrance of the orphanage, Gu Meihua waited at the door herself. When she saw a car approaching, she walked over with a smile and waited for the people in the car to open the door and get off.

"Qin Chen, you are finally back. You haven't been to the orphanage for several years. Auntie misses you so much."

"Auntie, I miss you too." Ran Qinchen greeted Gu Meihua with a western-style hug, then turned around and took a lot of fitness products from the back seat to Gu Meihua.

Gu Meihua and Ran Qinchen walked into the orphanage with a smile.

"Qin Chen, come drink tea." Gu Meihua made tea for Ran Qin Chen.

Ran Qinchen took a sip with a smile, "Auntie, is this the tea the children picked in the tea garden?"

"Yeah." Gu Meihua nodded, "You have studied abroad these past few years, the man still remembers this."

"Of course I remember. Several times when I came here, it was the children who went to pick tea, and I secretly followed them to see it." Ran Qinyu couldn't help recalling that he often came to the orphanage in the past few years. Look at Ran Zijin, but always secretly, not daring to let the stubborn she know.

"I remember, you even drove back the tea leaves picked by the children." Gu Meihua sized up Ran Qinchen. After all, the child had grown into a man, and he was no longer as childish as before.

"Auntie, I'm here this time, and I actually need your help with something." Ran Qinchen sat for a while before telling Gu Meihua the purpose of this visit.

"You say, you say, I can do it, and I will definitely help you." Gu Meihua thought of Ran Qinchen's contributions to the orphanage over the years, and was very grateful to him, and would be happy if he could do something for him.

Here Ran Qinchen and Gu Meihua were chatting enthusiastically, while Ran Zijin and Wu Yanan were strolling around the street with their own thoughts.

When Leng Muxuan came out of the office, he habitually looked at Ran Zijin's office area. There was no one there, and his heart was empty.

After making a cup of coffee, he went to Ran Zijin's desk and sat down, flipping through the messy papers on her desk, but saw the words 'Bone Marrow Transplantation' on a piece of paper, his brows twitched suddenly After thinking for a moment, he directly opened Ran Zijin's computer and entered the password.

Because Ran Zijin often stays in the United States recently, he told Leng Muxuan the password of his computer so that he could find something conveniently.

Leng Muxuan opened the webpage and found some of the webpages Ran's family had browsed recently, which were actually related to leukemia, and even some introductions about bone marrow transplantation.

He held the coffee cup in one hand and the mouse in the other, staring at the four large characters on the paper on the table. The four characters were traced over and over again by Ran Zijin with a black signature pen. The handwriting was somewhat unclear, but It was still a little dazzling in his eyes.

No wonder Ran Zijin didn't seem to be in a good mood recently, no wonder she had such a big mood swing after meeting Ran Huabo that time, it turned out that he asked her to donate bone marrow to his youngest son!
Leng Muxuan turned off Ran Zijin's computer, walked back to the office with a sullen face, his thoughts kept spinning.

The phone rang, and Leng Muxuan answered it irritably.

"President, a gentleman surnamed Qiao came to you downstairs, saying that he had something urgent to do. But he didn't make an appointment in advance." The front desk lady said respectfully to Leng Muxuan.

President Secretary Ran Zijin asked for leave, so she could only call Luo Yining, but Luo Yining was away, so she had to call the Chief Staff Office directly.

"There is an appointment in advance." Leng Muxuan was a little impatient, maybe he had to meet so many Mr. Qiao in person.

"But Mr. Qiao said that he came to you for Secretary Ran."

Leng Muxuan paused, "Take him to meet me in the small meeting room."

After hanging up the phone, Leng Muxuan stood up and walked to the window to stand still.

He still found it.

This was something Leng Muxuan expected, but he didn't expect that he would find him so soon.

When he arrived at the small conference room, Qiao Zheqing was already sitting there.

Seeing Leng Muxuan, Qiao Zheqing said, "It's really not easy to see you. I don't think it's suitable to talk about private matters here. Why don't we make another appointment?"

"Yes. You decide the time and place. I have time to deal with Zijin's matter at any time."

"Then tonight, at 8 o'clock, we will meet in front of your company building and decide on the location. I don't think we will talk for a long time, and I want to resolve the matter of Zijin as soon as possible."

"no problem."

As soon as Qiao Zheqing left, Leng Muxuan couldn't help shaking his head, feeling that he was too impatient, he just restricted his actions when he saw Zijin, so he came to him on his own initiative.

At eight o'clock that night, Leng Muxuan drove out and saw Qiao Zheqing's Buick in front of the building. He put down the glass and asked him who was also sitting in the car, "Where do you decide to go?"


Leng Muxuan raised his eyebrows, and started the car first to drive there.

The night wind brought the smell of salty sea water, and in the distance were the lights of thousands of houses. Not far from where Qiao Zheqing and Leng Muxuan parked, there were wooden fishing boats of all sizes moored.

The two walked a long distance in silence. Leng Muxuan stopped, jumped lightly, and sat on the side of an old fishing boat. It seems that he is just a tourist who came here for a ride.

Qiao Zheqing was a few steps away, standing upright, and the thick night could not cover up the tension and uneasiness he deliberately wanted to hide.In fact, he had already thought about what he wanted to say, but amid Leng Muxuan's relaxed performance, he was a little confused and didn't know how to speak.

In the darkness, he couldn't see his fingers, but with Leng Muxuan's keen perception ability, Qiao Zheqing's thoughts and emotions were all known to him.He didn't speak, he waited for Qiao Zheqing to speak.

I don't know how long it took, Qiao Zheqing took a deep breath secretly, walked to the side of the rock and sat down, and said with utmost composure, "I think I am more qualified than you to handle the matter of Zijin."

Leng Muxuan raised his eyebrows, "Which one are you referring to?"

In the afternoon, after Qiao Zheqing left, he suddenly thought of one thing, that is, Qiao Zheqing should have known about Ran Huabo asking Zijin to donate his bone marrow earlier than him, so he went to Zijin frequently.

And he restricted his actions to see Zijin, just because he didn't want him to disturb Zijin anymore, and he didn't want him to be an obstacle between him and Zijin.

But obviously, Qiao Zheqing was wrong. He thought that he was preventing him from helping Zijin solve the problem of bone marrow donation, so he took the initiative to go to the company to find him.

Qiao Zheqing did not answer Leng Muxuan's question, but asked instead: "Then do you know that Zijin likes me very much, she said that she will go wherever I go."

"But we will hold a wedding soon, and she will be my bride. After all, you are one step too late, or it can be said that you missed the opportunity." Leng Muxuan said confidently.

"I know. But Zijin doesn't love you, and you won't be happy together. I can see that you are a little different from Zijin, but it's just that you guys are tired of playing and want a change. Zijin and The girls you have seen are different, you are just a temporary novelty to her, or you still have your desire to conquer. You can't give her happiness if you tie her by your side like this. "

"You can also see the difference between me and Zijin, because I love her very much. But, you are wrong, that is, Zijin also loves me very much. We are very happy together." Leng Muxuan put his hands on the side of the boat , Looking up at the sky full of stars, I suddenly remembered that confession ceremony. The starry sky that night was so beautiful, and the mood between him and Zijin was also very beautiful, so the memories up to now are also so beautiful.

"Zijin is not suitable for a family like yours, and he won't like a family like yours." Qiao Zheqing said decisively. From what he knew, Ran Zijin hated rich people very much because of Ran Huabo.

"Whether it is suitable or not depends on the person, not the family. Similarly, it is also the person who likes it or not." Leng Muxuan paused, "As for who is more qualified to take care of Zijin. I think I am more qualified than you. I am Zijin's boyfriend, who is about to become her husband, and you are just her friend. I am a woman of Young Master Leng, and I will never let others interfere."

"Don't be so absolute. Maybe Zijin doesn't want you to interfere."

"You also said that maybe, of course, this also includes, maybe Zijin needs me to take care of it." Leng Muxuan jumped off the side of the boat, patted the ashes on his hands, put his hands obliquely in his trouser pockets, and moved towards the side closer to the sea. place to go. "What are the odds that you'll find bone marrow?"

"What about yours? How big is it?" Qiao Zheqing didn't expect Leng Muxuan to ask this question, and he also knew that his rhetorical question had already defeated him.But before he came to look for Leng Muxuan, he really didn't think about this issue. He just wanted to do his best to protect and help Ran Zijin, and then snatch her back and let her return to him.

Leng Muxuan stood on the beach not far away, and Qiao Zheqing also stood up and walked to him, standing side by side with him.If it was daytime, the two men standing like this would definitely become the most beautiful scenery on the beach.But at this moment, the two of them were secretly full of murderous intent, wishing to knock each other down and get the final spoils - Ran Zijin.

"99%." Leng Muxuan paused, "This is because Zijin is unwilling to let me help. If she is willing to let me help, then it is 100%."

(End of this chapter)

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