Chapter 261

He waited for her to grow up and mature enough to tell her his feelings for him, so as to enlighten her to accept his existence.

"I'm so glad I didn't go home!" Ran Zijin still said such words cruelly, trying to stimulate Ran Qinchen to wake up so that he could let her go.

"Ran Ran, don't... don't get married..." Ran Qinchen cried bitterly, completely ignoring that he was a man, all he knew was that he felt uncomfortable.

Ran Zijin struggled for a long time to no avail, and after calming down for a few minutes, he suddenly thought of a move, moved his body, raised his arms, and used his elbow to slam into Ran Qinchen's Xiaoyue quickly and ruthlessly.

Ran Qinchen was so hurt by her bump, so he let go of his hand, bent over to cover his stomach, his face was full of tears, and looked at Ran Zijin in pain, with one arm stretched out to grab her, "Ran Ran... Ran Ran... ..."

Ran Zijin dodged a little, and after being far away from him, he tidied up his clothes, wiped off Ran Qinchen's tears on his neck with a tissue, turned and walked out of the bathroom.

When she returned to her seat, she was talking to Lu Zichen who was sitting opposite her.

"You're back?" Lu Zichen greeted Ran Zijin familiarly.

Ran Zijin nodded and sat beside Hu Die.

"Why has it been so long, I've been planning to look for you." Hu Die asked Ran Zijin worriedly.

"I met an acquaintance and said a few words, so I wasted some time." Ran Zijin explained with a smile. God knows how hard it is for her to laugh.

Her heart was still pounding. Damn it, it was an unacceptable fact that her brother confessed her love to her!
"Oh. Then let's wait here. Ya Cheng said that he would come to pick us up later. My parents have prepared meals at home, and let you and Mr. Leng go over to have a gathering at home." Hu Die just talked with He Yacheng on the phone, and he She has picked up her parents and is on their way from the airport.

He had to send her parents home before coming to pick her up.

She told him that Leng Muxuan's driver, Yang Ming, was here and that he didn't need to come here, but he just didn't trust him and insisted on coming to pick her up, so she didn't refuse anymore.

"Okay. Then I'll tell Yang Ming to go back first and don't wait for us." Ran Zijin said, if He Yacheng is going to come, it goes without saying that Leng Muxuan will come too, naturally there is no need for Yang Ming.

Hu Die nodded to Ran Zijin, Ran Zijin called Yang Ming, and she went to talk to Lu Zichen again.

"We're having a family reunion."

"Is Ran Zijin considered your family?" Lu Zichen asked with a smile, "Are you sworn sisters?"

"No, but it's as good as a real sister. I've always regarded her as my younger sister, and no one can bully her. I can't spare that person." Hu Die said pointedly.

"She is Mrs. Leng, who would dare to bully her." Lu Zichen replied very politely.

Ran Zijin called Yang Ming and asked Yang Ming to leave first, then sat quietly at the side, watching Hu Die talk to Lu Zichen, and occasionally she would say a word or two.

After a long time, Lu Zichen still didn't leave, Ran Zijin didn't understand what he was going to do, but Hu Die knew very well that he just wanted to seize the opportunity to get close to her and Zijin.

But because he has no bad intentions and just wants to establish a relationship to pave the way for future business, Hu Die doesn't hate him that much, and He Yacheng also said that he still cares about her younger brother, so she also wants to ease the relationship between them Relationship.

Ran Zijin sat there, looking towards the bathroom from time to time, but he never saw Ran Qinchen coming out of there.

She was actually a little worried about him. After all, he was so fragile just now, and anyone who saw him would soften his heart, but she had no way to care about him. She couldn't untie the knot in her heart, and she couldn't accept his confession to her. .

In fact, she was really scared just now. After being loved by her brother for so many years, she didn't know what a horrible thing it was. Just thinking about it made her hair stand on end.

Ran Zijin felt that he was quite strong mentally, otherwise he would probably be so frightened that he would have psychological shadows.

"Hu Die!" He Yacheng's voice interrupted Ran Zijin's wild thoughts, and also interrupted Hu Die's voice talking to Lu Zichen.

"Ya Cheng!" Hu Die was very happy to see He Yacheng, and then said to Lu Zichen who was sitting opposite, "Sit inside and ask your brother to sit outside."

Lu Zichen and He Yacheng glanced at each other, and when they thought of their elder brother's title, they both felt goosebumps. Although it was an indisputable fact that they were brothers, neither of them admitted it generously, let alone shouted at each other. brother brother.

The corners of Lu Zichen's mouth were bent downward, and he moved a little inside. He Yacheng also reluctantly sat beside him.

"Why are you here?" He asked Lu Zichen displeased.

"I'll accompany my new girlfriend." Lu Zichen looked at Hu Die and smiled, and replied to He Yacheng.

He Yacheng couldn't hold back, and slapped Lu Zichen on the head as soon as he stretched out his hand, "Call me sister-in-law!"

"You..." Lu Zichen didn't expect that He Yacheng would hit him, and saw Ran Zijin and Hu Die smiling at him, so he could only endure it, and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm not married, what's your name!"

"Don't appear in front of Hu Die if you have nothing to do in the future! She will be annoyed when she sees you!" He Yacheng was dissatisfied that Lu Zichen was alone with Hu Die.

Although Lu Zichen's affection for Hu Die was acting, but he did have a lot of intimate things with Hu Die. Whenever he thought about it, he would get angry and wished to drag this kid Lu Zichen out and beat him up.

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't you see that we had a good conversation just now?" Lu Zichen was not afraid of He Yacheng, he just liked to see him not feeling well, why did he feel so comfortable when he was not feeling well!

"Don't be polite, a big boss is a big boss!" He Yacheng saw Lu Zichen talking to Hu Die when he came here, so he was angry, and his words naturally became a little bit poisonous.

Lu Zichen was so eager to slap him against the wall that he couldn't buckle him up. Isn't he just not as educated as him, but isn't he also the president of the company? As for looking down on people like this? !
"I don't have the same knowledge as an ordinary person like you!" Lu Zichen disliked He Yacheng and called him a big boss, so in return, he called him an ordinary person, "A ordinary person like you only sees people on the surface!"

"Okay! Stop bickering!" Hu Die watched the brothers fight back and forth. Although it seemed that no one could see anyone on the surface, there was still affection. At least they would not draw their swords to hurt each other, but it was true. One thing that makes people happy.

"Who likes to fight with him!" He Yacheng muttered, then pointed to Lu Zichen and said to Hu Die, "Our queen mother, can you stop seeing this kid in the future?"

"Pfft!" Ran Zijin couldn't help laughing, and then saw Leng Muxuan walking over.

"Zijin, why are you laughing so happily?" Leng Muxuan walked to Ran Zijin's table and didn't sit down, looking at Ran Zijin with burning eyes.

"They're bickering, it's fun." Ran Zijin was still smiling, sweetly, in order to hide her fear, she didn't intend to let him know about Ran Qinchen.

"Master Leng." Lu Zichen greeted Leng Muxuan.

Leng Muxuan looked at Lu Zichen, nodded and said nothing.

He knew Lu Zichen, even though he had dealt with him before, he had never spoken to him.

"Shall we leave now?" Seeing that Leng Muxuan didn't intend to sit down, Ran Zijin probably meant to leave.

"Well. Go to Hu Die's house first." Leng Muxuan was thoughtful, they went to Hu's house for dinner, and they would leave empty-handed, so they had to take Ran Zijin to buy some gifts first.

"Well, good." Ran Zijin stood up holding his bag, "Hu Die, Mu Xuan and I will drive there first, and you and Ya Cheng will come behind."

"Okay. See you at home later!" Hu Die waved to Ran Zijin.

After Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan left, Hu Die and He Yacheng also left.

He Yacheng looked at Lu Zichen, "We are leaving, you can go back if you have nothing to do, and manage the company well and take care of the business."

"You don't need to worry about it!" Lu Zichen stood up first, "I'm leaving!"

After speaking, he left first.

"Does his company have any plans recently? I heard from everyone that he has recently rectified in the company." Hu Die asked He Yacheng as they walked out.

"It should be. There is a big rectification and a transformation. This is good, it is safer than they used to be." He Yacheng walked outside with Hu Die, "You wait for me here, and I will pick up the car."

"Hurry up." Hu Die stood under a tree, waiting for He Yacheng.

He Yacheng walked to the underground parking lot, just as Lu Zichen's car pulled out, the flamboyant slammed on the brakes in front of him.

He Yacheng stared, without Hu Die, he didn't have to give Lu Zichen any face.

"You have to find something, don't you?!" He questioned Lu Zichen who shook the glass.

"I'm not that free!" Lu Zichen raised his eyebrows, and suddenly asked He Yacheng, "Su Maqi didn't look for you recently? Did you forget the shot she blocked for you so quickly? I always thought you and Su Maqi were the same people , and Hu Die are really not the same way!"

"What do you mean?!" He Yacheng didn't understand why Lu Zichen mentioned Su Maqi in front of him every time, but he just hated the part where people talked about him and Su Maqi.

If it weren't for the relationship with Su Maiqi, Hu Die wouldn't have been in a car accident for so long. When he thought about it, he felt sorry for Hu Die, felt guilty, and felt sorry for Hu Die.

Now he has no relationship with Su Maiqi, but Su Maiqi is still deliberately ignored by him, and he doesn't want anyone to mention it in front of him and Hu Die. He is afraid that Hu Die will think too much and make her sad.

"It's nothing interesting, I just think you and Su Maiqi are a perfect match!" After Lu Zichen finished speaking, he kicked the accelerator and rushed out of the underground garage.

He Yacheng is the same as Su Maqi, two fools, of course they are a perfect match!
Lu Zichen thought happily, how could a woman like Su Maqi be so kind that she would actually block a shot for He Yacheng, only an idiot like He Yacheng would believe it.

However, he didn't want to tell He Yacheng prematurely what the specific situation was, he had once watched such a good show!
He Yacheng was baffled by Lu Zichen, but he thought that Hu Die was still waiting for him. This was his first time going to Hu Die's house for dinner, so he quickly picked up the car to pick her up, and he didn't have time to think about it.

"Hu Die, the first time I went to your house, I didn't know what my uncle and aunt liked. Now I didn't have time to prepare carefully, so I asked Ma Dai and the others to prepare some casually. I'll take you to the 'poison' first, help me Staff staff!" He said to Hu Die while driving, in fact, he had already discussed this matter with Leng Muxuan just now, and it was also prepared based on Leng Muxuan's experience.

"Well, there's actually no need to prepare so many things. My parents mainly care about how well you treat me!" Hu Die rarely saw He Ya admitting the truth, and this time he seriously prepared gifts for her parents. In fact, it is quite moving.

"That has to be prepared, this is my filial piety."

"Since you have this filial piety, then I will satisfy you!"

The two laughed and rushed towards the 'poison'.

Over there, Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin also prepared their things. They arrived at Hu's house first, and Hu Die came back not long after.

Hu's father and his parents asked someone to prepare a snack and fruit plate in the garden. Several people sat in the yard. The two old people watched Leng Muxuan and He Yacheng show them the gifts they bought, and they were very happy and happy.

"Hu Die, you and Mu Xuan had no fate back then, so I think it's better for you to recognize them as brothers and sisters. Mu Xuan took good care of you in the United States, and you are an only daughter, so it's good to recognize Mu Xuan as your brother." Hu Die Mother has always admired Leng Muxuan, and felt more or less uncomfortable that he did not become her son-in-law.

"Mom, I don't want a brother! Do you want a son? How about you give me another brother?" Hu Die joked with Hu Mu with a smile.

"This child, you are talking nonsense! How old is your mother and I, can I give you another brother?" Mother Hu said with a smile.

"Auntie, can't you just treat He Yacheng as your son?" Ran Zijin also smiled at the side, and she envied Hu Die's family's relaxed, loving and sound family model.

"Hehe, that's a good suggestion." Father Hu took a sip of tea from the teacup, then shook the teacup in his hand slightly, "The son-in-law is half a son."

"Uncle, aunt, half a son is not good, you just treat me as your son!" He Yacheng took the opportunity to draw himself into the relationship with Hu's parents.

"If we treat you as a son, your mother won't be happy." Mother Hu laughed and teased He Yacheng. She didn't look down on him, but compared with Leng Muxuan, he was indeed incomparable.

And she asked Hu Die to recognize Leng Muxuan as her brother, but she actually had another purpose.

It was such a good thing that the Hu family married the Leng family before, but the relationship between the two families was too shallow to make a relationship.If Hu Die recognized Leng Muxuan as her elder brother, she would take the opportunity to recognize him as her godson. Coupled with Hu Die's relationship with Ran Zijin, the two families would be close again.

Being in such a big family, Mother Hu had no choice but to maximize the benefits of everything. While considering Hu Die's marriage, she also had to make some long-term plans for the benefit of the entire Hu family.

(End of this chapter)

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