Chapter 272 You Liar

"I heard people say that your husband treats you very well. It's unbelievable. Is this true?" My aunt treats Ran Zijin very well, but now when she talks to her, she dare not be as casual as before. After all, she heard that she married a rich and powerful husband, and no one could afford to mess with her.

"It seems like people say that a lot." Ran Zijin tilted her head and stretched the folds on the quilt. She thought about it carefully, and it seemed that people who knew her and Leng Muxuan who knew her and Leng Muxuan all said the same thing. Good God will not allow it.

But, who knew, he used his life to make fun of her, and didn't tell her the truth about such an important matter!
"Oh! Then I'm even more curious. How did he treat you so well? Tell your aunt, she married a man with a bad temper in her life, and she has never lived a comfortable life like this in her life!" Hedgehog's mother It seemed as if he had opened up a chatterbox, planning to chat with Ran Zijin.

Ran Zijin looked at her aunt in astonishment, she had endless work to do every day, and she rarely had time to chat with herself, and she was still in a hurry when she was able to say a few words during meals.

"Tell me quickly! As a woman, I like to tell people about my family's gossip when I have nothing to do. Apart from these, I have nothing to tell others. I haven't studied much, and I know very little. Seeing that Ran Zijin was silent, the hedgehog mother said again.

"He——" Ran Zijin stopped his hands, frowned slightly, "he was really good to me. He gave me a good job, helped Mama Gu build a new orphanage, and helped me clean up the things that hurt me the most. Bad people are the most willing to spend money on me. No matter what they buy for me, they must buy the best and the most expensive. When I am not feeling well, he does not ask the nanny to take care of me, but always takes care of me with his own hands. My friend has an accident, no matter how tired he is at work, he will fly back and forth between China and the United States, take care of me, and care about my friends. What I want, he has never let me down, and he can always find a way to give it to me. My favorite The surprises he gave me made me feel like a spoiled princess every time. I think he is the best, the gentlest, and the sweetest to me in this world, except for my mother. A careful person. Among everything he gave me, what moved me the most was not how much money he spent on me, but the thought he put on me, which was warm and comfortable..."

Ran Zijin said slowly, but the hedgehog's mother didn't speak.

Outside the courtyard wall, under a cherry tree that had just bloomed and hung green fruits, a slender figure could not help but smile when he heard the voice of the woman in the courtyard.

"Since he is so kind to you, why didn't he come here to play with you this time?" Hedgehog's mother asked slowly after Ran Zijin stopped talking.

"He hid one thing from me, which made me feel very sad. I thought it was serious, but he didn't think so, and he was still fighting with me."

"Maybe he cares about you, that's why he fights you. This man is like a child sometimes, and you have to coax them." After the hedgehog's mother said something, she went into the house and never came out again.

When the figure outside the wall heard what Ran Zijin said just now, his heart was tightened and the pain was severe.

He wasn't trying to lie to her, he really just cared too much about her!
All his uneasiness, unsteadiness, and loss of control were all because of her alone.

Ran Zijin leaned against a cherry tree in the yard, looked up at the sunlight pouring down through the green leaves, and found the blue fruit shining brightly, his eyes were a little sour, and there were tears in them .

"This broken washing machine, I don't use it, it's fine, but as soon as I use it, it gives me problems!" Hedgehog's mother pushed an old-fashioned washing machine out of the house and put it in the yard to wash clothes, but when it was plugged in, it gave me problems. But it didn't work anyway, and kicked the washing machine a few times angrily.

Speaking of which, the washing machine was also strange. After being kicked, it started to work.

Ran Zijin looked at his aunt and walked over to help her with the laundry.

"Zijin, don't wash it now. The water is very cold, and it is easy to get sick. We are not afraid of our strong body." The hedgehog's mother held Ran Zijin back and put some money in her hand, "If you If you have nothing to do, go buy a bar of soap and a bag of laundry expenses for your aunt."

"Okay!" Ran Zijin took the money and left.

The figure under the cherry tree looked at Ran Zijin who was walking with her head bowed, and wanted to go up to hold her hand and walk with her, but she was afraid that she would appear rashly, so she ran away again, running far away, and he couldn't find her up.

Ran Zijin bought washing powder, and on the way back, he met a hedgehog who was going home for lunch.

The hedgehog was chatting and laughing with Tangtang. When Tangtang saw Ran Zijin, she obediently called her sister.

"Cousin, Candy took the first place in the test again, the first in the grade, and I was second!" The hedgehog showed off to Ran Zijin, as if the first place was taken by himself.

"Really?" Ran Zijin said with a smile, and said to Candy, "Congratulations! Let's go, I'll treat you to snacks to celebrate your good grades in the exam."

"Then go to my house!" said the hedgehog excitedly.

Ran Zijin could see what the hedgehog meant, and just before Candy was about to refuse, he helped him keep people, "Candy, let's go together! There are a lot of delicious food in Hedgehog's house! This guy has made money recently, and all he buys are only available in the city. snack."

Candy was no longer easy to refuse, so she agreed to go to the hedgehog's house together.

When entering the yard, Ran Zijin involuntarily looked under the cherry tree outside the wall, there was no one there, but she couldn't help but want to look, and when she looked there, her heart beat fast, Totally out of rhythm.

"Cousin, what are you looking at?" The hedgehog who had already entered the yard retreated and looked under the tree with her, "There is nothing!"

"I didn't see anything! Let's go, go into the house!" Ran Zijin shook his head, thinking that he must be crazy.

The figure in the corner looked at Ran Zijin who entered the yard, stood there for a while, and then slowly left unwillingly.

Candy ate some snacks and left without lunch. She had to go home and eat.

"Didn't you say that you study better than Candy? Why did Candy take the first place in the test and you came in second?" Ran Zijin asked the hedgehog as there were only two people left in the room.

"You don't know that! Since the first day of junior high school, I have been ranked second in the grade and the first in candy. Do you know why?" Hedgehog paused deliberately, "I let her! She has a strong self-esteem , if she doesn't get the first place in the exam, she will definitely cry. I don't want her to cry!"

"Then she will go to college in the future, what should you do?" Ran Zijin didn't know what to say to the hedgehog's behavior.

"What's the problem? I'll go to the same university with her, learn a major, and it's better not to take the same class!" The young hedgehog is full of beautiful fantasies about the future and ignorant love.

"You are so black-bellied!" Ran Zijin flicked the hedgehog's forehead, "Don't you feel wronged by letting her go like this?"

"Why are you wronged? Candy is the girl I like, and I have to hold it in pain. I will do my best to give her what she wants."

"Did you tell Candy about the bet you made with that boy?"

"No. Can't tell her."


"I told her that she was going to think wildly. She definitely thought she was my trophy. My feelings for her were not real. I just didn't want to lose face if I lost the bet, so I won others and approached her. Moreover, I also I just want to do my best to win her love for me, I care too much about her, I don’t want her to fall in love with others!” Hedgehog blushed and lowered his voice a lot, “Actually, I like She is a little unconfident when she likes her, she is so good, I am afraid that others will snatch her away. Cousin, there should be nothing wrong with trying to get what you want in love, right? "

Ran Zijin looked at the hedgehog's dazed eyes, and nodded slowly after a long time.

She suddenly realized that she was not even as good as a child who was not yet full!

A child even knows that it's okay to use some means in love, but she is so stubborn and can't figure it out!
The hedgehog went to school again, and before four o'clock in the afternoon, someone from my aunt's house delivered a new washing machine, fully automatic, and it was an excellent brand, and the price was not a problem.

"Aunt, uncle really made a lot of money in NMG, right?" Ran Zijin asked the hedgehog's mother calmly, looking at a room full of home appliances that hadn't been opened and no one had touched them.

"Probably so! Your uncle, who has a little money, burns out and doesn't want to spend it. He is not reconciled! When he was working in the city, as long as he was paid, he would buy this for me and the hedgehog when he came home. I bought that, and I don’t feel sorry for him at all because of his blood and sweat.” The hedgehog mother went to the kitchen to get a small bamboo basket, and came out and said to Ran Zijin, “I’m going to the field to find some vegetables, and I have to make them again later. It's lunch time. When the hedgehog comes back, remember to urge him to do his homework. This kid always comes second in the exam. I don't see when he can give me the first exam."

"Understood, I will tutor him in his studies." Ran Zijin smiled secretly. If my aunt knew that the hedgehog was deliberately pouring water into the candy, she would definitely twist his ears and threaten him again, saying that she would give him a good beating.

After the aunt left, Ran Zijin had nothing to do, so he collected and folded the dry clothes in the yard first, and put them in the cabinet when the aunt came back.

"Cousin, I'm back!"

There was a cry in the living room, and then Ran Zijin heard the sound of the hedgehog throwing the schoolbag on the coffee table and galloping out.

She chased it out and shouted at the hedgehog who ran out of the hospital: "My aunt asked you to do your homework, and asked when you will give her the first place in the test?"

"I'll make money first!" The hedgehog ran fast, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After running for a long time, he slowed down in the bamboo forest under the bridge outside the town. When he saw the person sitting in the bamboo forest, he walked over and said, "What delicious food did you buy today? You bought the washing machine again, right?"

"Yeah." Leng Muxuan nodded, and took a few bags from his side, "Hedgehog, these chickens, ducks and fish meat, you take them home and ask your mother to cook them, so as to improve Zijin's life. She has lost a lot of weight recently!"

"Hey! Mom and I didn't treat my cousin badly!" the hedgehog muttered dissatisfied.

"That's not what I mean. The key is that Zijin has too many things on her mind recently, and she can't think about it. Whenever she has something in her mind, she gets angry. She can't eat well, and she can't sleep well at night. After coming and going, her health is not good again."

"Then why don't you just take her home? Your nanny and cook should be great, right? I've seen it on TV, big families are like that!"

"She's still angry with me! I'll take her home after her anger subsides. Otherwise, she must run faster than a rabbit when she sees me! She is an ostrich. I like to tuck my head into the wings, don't look around, and don't listen to what others say, very stubborn."

"You are the ostrich! Guess you are very stubborn!"

A crying voice sounded behind Leng Muxuan and the hedgehog. They all turned their heads and saw Ran Zijin staring at Leng Muxuan with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

"Leng Muxuan! You are simply unreasonable! Don't you dislike me for not having you in my heart?! Then why do you come to me?!" Ran Zijin walked up to Leng Muxuan angrily, and pinched his arm again He twisted it again, and stepped on his feet hard.

Leng Muxuan smiled so much that flowers could bloom on his face, and waved his hand to the hedgehog, "You are still here as a light bulb? Hurry up and go home and cook, I will also go to your house for dinner tonight, town My stomach bleeds from eating the food in the restaurant!"

"Yes, sir!" The hedgehog also smiled, saluted Leng Muxuan like the characters in Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas, and ran away with the bag.

"What are you doing here if you have stomach bleeding and don't go to the hospital?! Are you really mad at me?" Ran Zijin took Leng Muxuan by the hand and pulled him up, "Follow me quickly! Let's go to the hospital!"

"Wait! Zijin!" Leng Muxuan smiled, and hugged Ran Zijin tightly, not telling her to go, "You heard me wrong, I was exaggerating, I didn't get sick! You don't need to go to the hospital!"

"Really?" Ran Zijin's teary eyes looked at Leng Muxuan in disbelief, but he had a previous record of hiding the truth from her!
"Really! Do you think I'm fine? It's just that there is some pain here!" Leng Muxuan said to Ran Zijin, pointing to his heart, with the expression of a child being wronged.

"You liar! You're going to lie to me again, aren't you?!" Ran Zijin didn't believe his heart would hurt!

"Really!" Leng Muxuan grabbed the fist that kept hitting him, and pressed it on his heart, "Zi Jin, I can't find you, so my heart aches. I found you, and if you want to go home, I will It still hurts. You cried just now, and I feel even more distressed."

"You deserve it!" Ran Zijin waved his hands, unwilling to pay any attention to Leng Muxuan, turned around and left, "I'm going back to help my aunt make dinner, go wherever you like!"

"I want to go to dinner with you, I miss your craftsmanship, Zijin..." Leng Muxuan followed behind Ran Zijin like a child, babbling, "I haven't had a good meal or slept in a long time. I feel good."

"That will have to wait until you confess your crime clearly!" Ran Zijin turned his head and gave him a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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