Chapter 274

"Auntie, there are too many of these. If you take them home and eat them all, they will be broken."

Ran Zijin was about to leave, and Hedgehog's mother packed a lot of souvenirs for her.

"It won't go bad, keep it in the refrigerator. Remember to ask your servants to take out these dried vegetables and dry them in the sun, so they won't go bad for a year." The hedgehog mother held up two big bags in her hand and said to Ran Zijin, "Stir-fried pork with dried bamboo shoots is delicious. I think Leng Shao likes it quite a bit, so you can ask the cook to fry it for him. When you are done eating, call me and someone will go to the city, and I will ask you to bring some more." go."

Leng Muxuan waited for Luo Yining to drive up, and also said goodbye to the hedgehog family.

"Auntie, come to play at home when you have time, Zijin and I will pick you up." Leng Muxuan said to the hedgehog mother, then pulled the hedgehog and said, "Study hard, I told your principal, you can ask any questions Go to him, and the teachers of each subject will give you some tips. If you don’t get into a key university later on, don’t say you call me brother-in-law!”

"No problem! Absolutely important, I'm going to BJ to go to college!" The hedgehog imitated the characters in Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas and saluted Leng Muxuan, then ran to Ran Zijin who was already sitting in the car.

"Little hedgehog, come and visit me in the city when you are free. I will take you to see our new orphanage and Gu Mama." Ran Zijin opened the car door and said to the hedgehog standing outside the car.

"Okay! Cousin, send my regards to Dean Gu! You tell her that I have grown up and become an adult now!"

"I know you care about this most! I will definitely tell Mama Gu!"

"By the way, cousin, let me tell you in secret, don't tell my mother." The hedgehog lowered his voice and said, "Candy said that as long as I can go to BJ's university with her, she will agree to be my girlfriend. She I told others that day that she actually likes me very much, and I heard it!"

"Deser! Just know that she likes it. Your important task now is to study, don't delay your studies by thinking too much!" Of course Ran Zijin was happy for the hedgehog, but as a sister, she still wanted to remind him a few words. "You can't think about such things until you are all admitted to college. You see, your cousin-in-law and I only met when we graduated from college."

"I know this!" Hedgehog patted his heart and said with a smile, "Cousin, I still think that I must go to the same university as Candy, otherwise I'm always worried that she, who is so excellent, will be killed if she is not under my nose. Someone else took it."

"Then you have to work hard!" Ran Zijin couldn't help laughing.

"Get out of the way! The car is about to open! What are you doing in the way?" The hedgehog's mother came over, twisted the hedgehog's ears and gave way to the side of the road, waving to Ran Zijin and the others, "Zijin, Young Master Leng, slow down Let's go! Be careful driving on the road!"

The hedgehog grinned, trying to avoid his mother's twisting of his ears, but he couldn't get what he wanted. He could only twist his body and wave goodbye to Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan.

"Understood. Goodbye, aunt!" Ran Zijin looked at the mother and son with a smile.

As the car drove away from the small town, Ran Zijin propped his chin with one hand and looked at the scenery outside the window with a faint smile on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" Leng Muxuan leaned his head on her shoulder, admiring her profile.

"Nothing." Ran Zijin shook his head.

She won't tell him that she finally knows that in love, sometimes men feel less secure than women. This is the case with the little hedgehog, and so is the mature man beside her who is married to her.

She also won't tell him that when she was young in the ignorant love affair between hedgehog and candy, she suddenly thought clearly. There is no one in this world who loves her more than him, and there is no one who treats her better than him. She is such a precious person, she will never let go, she will cling to him for the rest of her life, clinging to him to let him continue to love her and continue to be good to her!






"Yeah. I'm here!" Ran Zijin looked away from the window, stretched out her onion-like fingers, put them between Leng Muxuan's eyebrows, and carefully and gently painted his eyebrows and eyes, trying to draw his eyebrows and eyes. It was engraved in her mind and in her heart.

"I'm sleepy, I need to sleep for a while. When you get home, call me." Leng Muxuan closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth were still slightly raised, and even the corners of his eyes and brows were smiling.

His Zijin finally followed her home, and he could finally sleep peacefully.

Ran Zijin took a blanket and covered Leng Muxuan's body, this time he turned his body to the inside of the car, quietly looking at the sleeping man, with the same reassuring and happy smile on his face.

When they arrived in the urban area, the car didn't go to the road to Yisha's Garden, but went directly to the cold house.

"Assistant Luo, did Mu Xuan arrange to go back to Leng's house?" Ran Zijin asked Luo Yining who was driving in front. Leng Muxuan didn't tell her where to go back to eat before going to bed.

"Yeah. Madam told my husband that you and the president haven't been home for dinner for a long time, so I told you to go back there for dinner today." Luo Yining replied.

"They know about my quarrel with Muxuan?" Ran Zijin didn't know why, but suddenly felt guilty. After all, she was a little self-willed and asked Leng Muxuan to suffer with her, and she left the company alone for many days. She was really afraid that her mother-in-law would blame her.

"Madam and husband don't know, and the CEO didn't tell them." Luo Yining stopped and waited for the traffic lights, then turned to Ran Zijin and said, "Young Madam, the CEO said that you went to the countryside to visit relatives."

"Oh." Ran Zijin was a little moved.

Luo Yining started the car again, and continued to whisper to Ran Zijin: "Young Madam, the CEO has spent a lot of trouble finding you, and he has suffered a lot during this time, and he has lost weight. You are back, Be nice to the president."

"Drive your car! Too much nonsense!"

Before Ran Zijin could reply to Luo Yining, Leng Muxuan suddenly opened his eyes and shouted at Luo Yining.

Ran Zijin pursed his lips, isn't this man sleeping? Isn't he a deep sleep? Why can he hear them talking so quietly!
"President, I'm driving!" Luo Yining put his hand on the steering wheel and laughed, the president must be shy!
"I said you hurry up and find a girl to marry, and stay by my side all day long, and I've been rumored to be gossiping with you!" Leng Muxuan has heard more than once or twice recently that Luo Yining is gay and falls in love with him Even if he married Ran Zijin, Luo Yining still wouldn't give up on the rumors.

Listening to Leng Muxuan's words, Luo Yining gritted his teeth but had nothing to refute!

He has listened to N+1 versions of such rumors, he is also very helpless, okay?

Besides, the president can't pick up which pot without opening it!He also wants to get married, but the person he likes... How should I put it... To apply the most popular lyric nowadays is: Falling in love with a wild horse, but there is no grassland in my home!
Ran Zijin smiled and said nothing. She had heard such rumors before she reached the 32nd floor, and most of the versions were heard from Wu Yanan.

Thinking of Wu Yanan, Ran Zijin couldn't help laughing for a while, and then said to Luo Yining: "Assistant Luo, have you seen Wu Yanan recently?"

"No. She is at the front desk, on the first floor, and I am on the 32nd floor. I haven't seen her once in ten and a half months." Luo Yining blinked, feeling that something was wrong, so she asked again, "What do you mean, Mrs. ? Is there a reason I must see her?"

"No." Ran Zijin suppressed a smile, and continued, "Recently, Wu Yanan keeps talking about you, and from time to time, he still asks about your movements on the phone."

"Are you going to spread rumors to me again?!" Luo Yining gritted his teeth again, the front desk is a breeding ground for rumors, and it is also the place where rumors spread the fastest, it can be called a radio station!

"Who knows!" Ran Zijin didn't explain, but brought up another issue, "Wu Yanan broke up with Zhang Lu from the engineering department for several months, and she never found another one. She was sad for a long time, and recently It's starting to cheer up."

"It has nothing to do with me, as long as she doesn't create rumors for me, I'll be thankful." Luo Yining drove the car into the Leng Zhai compound, got out of the car and opened the door, asking Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin to get out of the car.

After Ran Zijin got out of the car, he looked at Luo Yining with a smile, and said, "It's hard to say whether it's related or not," and followed Leng Muxuan into the house.

Luo Yining was confused, looked at the backs of Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan, frowned, and waited for the servants of Leng Zhai to take away all the souvenirs from the car before turning around and leaving.

"Dad, we're back!" Ran Zijin greeted Leng Qingbai who was sitting in the living room reading the newspaper as soon as he entered the door, and then asked, "Where's Mom? Isn't she at home?"

"Your mother is playing mahjong at a stall in the backyard! She is just like me reading newspapers and boxing. If she doesn't play mahjong for a few hours every day, she will feel uncomfortable." Leng Qingbai said.

It's strange to say that Leng Qingbai, who doesn't talk too much, and doesn't talk to Leng Muxuan about things outside of work, has an affinity with Ran Zijin. it is good.

"I'll go see Mom." Ran Zijin obediently went to the backyard, thinking that when he came back, he must greet the adults first, which is the most basic courtesy.

"Dad, relatives in Zijin's countryside sent a lot of souvenirs, and I asked someone to bring them here, and then I asked Aunt Li to cook them. There are several items in it that you want to eat, but you have never been able to buy." Leng Mu Xuan didn't go to the backyard, but sat down next to Leng Qingbai, drinking the tea brought by his servants.

"Then you have to explain to the people in the kitchen that some things need to be tidied up and not damaged."

"Then I'll explain it now." Leng Muxuan went to the kitchen to find Aunt Li, and explained some storage methods of souvenirs.

In fact, he didn't understand much, but when he came back, he heard what the hedgehog's mother said, so he just conveyed it to Aunt Li.

After he had nothing to do, he went to the backyard to look for Ran Zijin, who hadn't come back yet. Unexpectedly, when he arrived in the backyard, a small figure rushed towards him, accompanied by a sweet "Brother Muxuan" .

He quickly dodged to avoid the figure, and frowned displeasedly at the person lying on the grass in front of him.

"Brother Muxuan!" Bei Yiduo sat on the grass, half coquettishly, half complainingly looking at Leng Muxuan, "Get me up quickly! It rained last night, the ground is very wet, and you will get eczema !"

Ran Zijin stood behind Kong Jiayi, looked at Bei Yiduo who was acting on the ground, and said nothing.

"Get up!" Leng Muxuan said displeasedly, if it wasn't for seeing Bei Yiduo's mother sitting opposite to his mother, holding a mahjong in her hand, he wouldn't be so restrained and yelled over.

"Brother Muxuan~~~~~" Bei Yiduo still looked weak and aggrieved, looked at Leng Muxuan, saw that he still didn't pull her, then turned back to look at Kong Jiayi, "Aunt~~~ Look at Brother Muxuan, I was just saying hello to him!"

"This child!" Without waiting for Kong Jiayi's mother to speak, Bei Yingcai, Bei Yiduo's mother, spoke first, put down a piece of mahjong in her hand, walked over and pulled her daughter up, and said, "If you fall down, don't worry about it." If you don't get up by yourself, you'll make things difficult for you, Brother Muxuan! You see, your sister-in-law is embarrassing!"

"Hehe!" Ran Zijin laughed dryly, there was something wrong with her silence! "Auntie, I'm fine. But Duoduo didn't fall, right? Mu Xuan is like this, with a cold temper, and usually doesn't talk to people, so he can talk to me more because I'm his wife."

Hearing Ran Zijin's words, Leng Muxuan suddenly smiled, walked over and put his arms around her shoulders, and whispered in her ear with a voice that only two people could hear: "Four or two strokes, my Zijin is sure enough. It has become more powerful, more and more like the president's wife."

Ran Zijin ignored him, walked out from under his arm, went to Bei Yiduo, and asked with great concern and meticulousness: "Auntie, quickly check if Dodo has fallen, so I can ask someone to find the ointment."

"Sister-in-law, I'm fine. I'm not that weak." Bei Yiduo replied holding Bei Yingcai's arm.

"That's good. Otherwise, if it spreads that I, the host, treat the guests poorly, it will really embarrass Muxuan." When Ran Zijin spoke, there was a smile on his face. The demeanor of a good wife and mother.

Kong Jiayi did not speak from the beginning to the end, only listening to Ran Zijin's speech, she admired her somewhat in her heart.

"Zijin is really considerate, always thinking about the reputation of her husband's family, sister, you are really blessed!" Bei Yingcai returned to her original position and said to Kong Jiayi who was opposite.

"Where is it? Zijin is still young, and she doesn't know how to deal with many things. I have to teach her as a mother, otherwise what will happen!" Kong Jiayi said to Bei Yingcai, and then said to Ran Zijin, "Zi Jin, you sit down, let's make up the number and fight for a while. Just now, your Aunt Wang's family has something to leave, and the three of us are worried that we can't find anyone to make up the number!"

"Mom, my card skills are not good, you have to let me do it." Ran Zijin sat down with a smile, and started to draw cards with Kong Jiayi and the others.

Leng Muxuan leaned behind Ran Zijin, supported her shoulders with both hands, and looked at her cards, "Zijin, play with confidence! If you win, it's yours, if you lose, it's mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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