Chapter 276 So Cruel
Looking at the content of the text message, Ran Zijin suddenly felt his legs go weak and he was a little dizzy.

She helped a big tree by the flower bed and changed her mind before realizing what she was going to do.

With a pale face, she went upstairs as fast as she could, took her bag, and went out to block a taxi, "Master, Ren'ai Orphanage! Please hurry up!"

"Oh, that's in Jialing Ancient Town. If you go there, the fare is very high, so I can't give you a discount." The driver said, looking back at Ran Zijin who hurried into the car and closed the door.

"I know! Please drive! Move faster!" Ran Zijin clenched his small bag tightly in his hand and yelled at the driver out of control.

Her complexion was very bad, it was not yet April, and the temperature was not hot, but she was sweating because of anxiety, her thin body was trembling constantly, even if she leaned on the back of the chair, she couldn't cry out. She felt supported.

"A total of three hundred and eight." The driver still didn't drive, but looked at Ran Zijin asking for money first.

"I'll give you five hundred, don't need to look for it! You drive me quickly!" Ran Zijin took out five one-hundred sheets from her bag and threw them on the driver's hand. She was so angry and anxious that she almost wanted to drive the driver down and drive by herself. up.

But she knew that she couldn't drive because she was emotionally unstable at the moment, and what would Mama Gu do if something went wrong.

Perhaps the driver felt at ease when he saw the 500 yuan, but Xu was frightened by Ran Zijin's irritable appearance. Anyway, he didn't say anything, and drove off quickly without even picking up the money that fell on the chair.

Ran Zijin leaned on the back of the chair, the phone in her hand was so hot that she pinched it, except for the text message just now, there was no new message or call coming in.

She swiped open the screen lock, opened the text message again, and read it again with trembling heart.

The content of the text message is very short, but every word is worrying, and every word is scary!
"In the woods behind the Ren'ai Orphanage, Gu Meihua's eyes were gouged out, don't you want to come and see?"

I don't know how much effort it took before Ran Zijin couldn't hold back from crying, but his heart was hanging. He didn't know what happened to Mama Gu, and who she offended, so that those people would treat her so cruelly. hand.

Moreover, the number on the text message shows that the origin of the call is unknown, and the person who sent the text message did not mention anything except Mama Gu's condition, so she couldn't figure out what kind of event it was.

In Ran Zijin's heart, Gu Meihua is like a mother. She always loves her very much and takes good care of her.

For Gu Meihua, she could even let go of the hatred in her heart, and promised to donate bone marrow to Ran Qindi, even though she had no chance to donate later.

So, now that someone actually went to goug her eyes, how could Ran Zijin not worry about being sad.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Ran Zijin kept yelling at the driver.

"You don't have the ability to use a car as an airplane! Miss, please see for yourself, how fast is my speed?! No matter how fast I charge you, the fare is not enough for me to pay the ticket! And I The driver's license points have been deducted, can I still eat?" The driver was also angry, and his voice became much higher.

"I'll pay you all the money, and I'll give you all of this! I'll help you with fines and points deductions. If you don't have a job, I'll give it to you! But——" Ran Zijin took out more than 1000 yuan to put She got on the chair in the front row and yelled loudly, but when she sat back in her seat, she couldn't yell anymore. She frowned in pain, almost begging the driver in a low voice, "Master, please Hurry up! Otherwise, people will die! I beg you! I am not short of money now, but I am afraid that the people I care about the most will leave me one by one!"

"Oh. Okay. Well, miss, you sit down, I will try to speed up! Don't be sad!" The driver was moved by Ran Zijin's grief, and he was also worried for her, so he stepped on the gas pedal and moved forward. open.

It usually takes more than three hours, but the driver arrived in only two and a half hours.

Before the car stopped, Ran Zijin opened the door and jumped out of the car. Because of his haste, he fell to the ground.

The driver just got out of the car and wanted to help her, but she got up by herself, and ran forward desperately regardless of her pants being torn.

"Miss, you gave too much money! I haven't given you any change yet!" He shouted towards Ran Zijin's back.

Hearing his shout, Ran Zijin suddenly realized something, stopped and turned back to the driver and said, "Master, please don't go! I'll go and check the situation, maybe I need you to help me take someone to the hospital. I will thank you Also, Master, if I haven’t come back after an hour, you remember to search the phone number of Guangbo Group’s front desk, find the president Leng Muxuan, and tell Ran Zijin that something happened, and tell him to come to the Ren’ai Orphanage! Please!”

After finishing speaking, Ran Zijin ran away again. The woods were said to be behind the orphanage, but in fact there was still a long way to go, and what was even more frustrating was that cars could not pass that part of the road, only her I ran forward by myself.

It's not like she didn't think about notifying Leng Muxuan along the way, but then she thought that she didn't know what was going on, if it was just a prank, wouldn't she tell him to mess around with her!
He still has a meeting in the afternoon, he has to meet a client, and what else to do, Ran Zijin can't remember, but she remembers that in the schedule, today his schedule is full, and one is in a hurry, so she You can't mess with him at all.

Time stood still and digested Ran Zijin's words, thinking of such a powerful group of Guangbo Group, and recalling Ran Zijin's pale face just now, suddenly remembered that she was the wife of the president of Guangbo Group. At the wedding, how many men and women have envied this girl, and even his wife has talked to her several times!
Thinking of this, the driver really didn't dare to leave indiscriminately, and obediently stood at the door of the car waiting for Ran Zijin, for fear that if something happened to her, the rumored very cold and ruthless Master Leng would not be able to spare him.

Ran Zijin ran for a long time, and there was only one road like that in the woods, but after entering along the road, he never saw Gu Meihua's figure.

She called Gu Meihua's cell phone on the way here, but the cell phone was always on, but no one answered.

Ran Zijin ran past a big stone bag, and suddenly heard something moving behind the stone, so she turned back and stood in front of the stone.

The half wall of the stone was about the size of one side of the classroom wall. It stood on the side of the road. Behind the hand was a ditch, and the voice Ran Zijin heard came from that ditch.

To see what was in the ditch, Ran Zijin had to climb to the top of the rock first.

The rock was steep and not easy to climb. She dropped her bag, took some effort, and climbed to the top of the rock after falling several times. Looking down, she saw Gu Meihua crawling forward on the ground, and the person she had climbed over The place is bloodstained all the way.

"Mother Gu!" Ran Zijin's heart ached as if being gouged out by a knife, but she could bear it all. What she couldn't bear was the next second, when Gu Meihua raised her head.

"Mother Gu! Oh my God!" She staggered, and as soon as her body went limp, she fell and sat in the crevice of the stone, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

Gu Meihua raised his head, his face was covered with blood, the places where his eyes used to be were bloody and bloody, and it was completely impossible to tell that there used to be a pair of eyes that radiated wisdom and kindness.

"Zi... Jin..." Gu Meihua heard Ran Zijin's voice, called her with difficulty, and then lost the strength to speak again.

She was lying on the spot, breathing in pain, and there was darkness in front of her eyes. She didn't even know where she was crawling. She only knew that if she didn't crawl forward, behind this big rock, she would be lucky to be found after three or five days. , it is possible that she will remain undiscovered until she dies from pain or bleeding to death.

"Mother Gu, don't move! I'll save you!" Ran Zijin wiped away tears, forced himself to cheer up, and managed to get down from the rock to Gu Meihua's side again.

"Mother Gu, are your legs and waist injured and you can't move anymore?" After going down, Ran Zijin discovered that the reason why Gu Meihua was crawling forward was because her legs were broken and her waist was also injured. Just can't stand up.

"It seems to be." Gu Meihua replied weakly.

"Damn it! If I know who did it, I'll goug his eyes too!" Ran Zijin gritted his teeth and said angrily, while helping Gu Meihua to sit on the rock, and squatting beside her , asked her to climb on his back, and climbed up the rock with difficulty on his back, to return to the road when he came back.

"Zijin, call someone..." Gu Meihua's body was slightly fatter, and she weighed about [-] kilograms more than Ran Zijin. She knew how difficult it was for Ran Zijin to carry her on his back.

"No, we have to hurry! Mama Gu, if you don't go to the hospital and miss the best time for treatment, what if you lose your eyesight forever?" Ran Zijin wouldn't let go of Gu Meihua, even though she was indeed Step by step, I climbed with both hands and feet.

"Phone..." Gu Meihua couldn't see anything, and the tip of her nose was full of bloody smell, but she had recovered from the shock of having her eyes gouged out, so she was calmer than Ran Zijin.

After her reminder, Ran Zijin took out her mobile phone from her pocket, called the hospital in the town, and called an ambulance to pick him up, while she continued to walk with Gu Meihua on her back.

It was already evening when Gu Meihua was sent to the hospital in the city.

After emergency treatment, she was sent to the ward, where doctors said her legs were severely fractured and her waist was sprained, and it would take a long time to recover.

Ran Zijin gritted her teeth and knew without thinking that these traumas were caused by Gu Meihua when those people retreated from the rocks down the ravine.They are simply too cruel!
"Then doctor, how is Mama Gu's eyes? Can she recover her eyesight?" Ran Zijin is more concerned about Gu Meihua's eyes than the kind of trauma that can be recovered in time. If she can't see her, what will happen to her? What should I do with half my life!
During the time when Hu Die couldn't see, she had already experienced the pain of not being able to see seriously, so she couldn't bear to see Gu Meihua!
"Her two eyeballs have been gouged with a sharp tool, and her retina has been severely damaged and detached." The doctor carefully explained to Ran Zijin, "We plan to operate on her at night. The retinal replacement surgery is divided into 'external' and' There are two types of internal approach. The external approach is performed from the outside of the eyeball without opening the eyeball. It is generally suitable for relatively fresh retinal detachment. Moreover, the retinal hole is located in the peripheral part of the retina. The patient cannot do this, it must be done' 'inside'."

"What about the 'inner road'? Will you be able to see it after the operation?" Ran Zijin asked anxiously.

"The 'inner approach' is to use the vitrectomy technique to reattach the retina in the eyeball. However, because the 'inner approach' operation is complicated, the secondary damage to the eyeball is relatively large. As for the recovery of vision, we cannot give you this. Guaranteed, because after all, this is retinal repair, even if the vision is restored, it is impossible to reach the previous level of vision. In addition, the cost of this operation is relatively high, and there are many complications, so you must be mentally prepared."

"Money is not a problem, doctor, please make sure Mama Gu can see, as long as she can see, even if her eyesight is impaired, you can wear glasses, as long as she can see!" Ran Zijin grabbed the sleeve of the doctor's white coat and begged him.

"We will try our best. Then you go to teach the operation fee first."

"Okay! I'll go right away!" Ran Zijin stood up, ran two steps in a hurry, and turned back to ask the doctor, "Please, doctor, Mama Gu is very important to me, I don't want her to suffer if she can't see her." !"

The doctor nodded, indicating that he understood.

Ran Zijin used the card Leng Muxuan gave her to pay a considerable amount for the operation fee, and when she returned to the ward, she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

When she first sent Gu Meihua to the hospital, the attitudes of the doctors and nurses were not very good. Gu Meihua was sent to the ward, but no one was there after the nurse hung up the bottle, but now the dean is in the ward personally. Check Gu Meihua's injuries.

"Mrs. Leng, I'm sorry, we were a bit busy just now, and we didn't take good care of you. Don't mind! We will definitely go all out and try our best to treat the patients!" The dean saw Ran Zijin walking into the ward, and hurriedly greeted her. He climbed up and opened his mouth to apologize to her as a guarantee.

"Then thank you all!" Ran Zijin thought for a while, she must have swiped the card to pay the bill just now, and those people knew that she belonged to Leng Muxuan's wife.

Her wedding with Leng Muxuan was considered a sensation, but there were very few photos of the wedding day that were actually circulated, and she wore makeup and a phoenix coronet that day, which was very different from her current appearance. It's normal to be recognized.

"This is our duty and obligation, so don't thank us! Mrs. Leng, why didn't you see Mrs. Leng?" The dean wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Leng Muxuan, but he didn't want Leng Muxuan to never show up.

"He probably won't be here until later." Ran Zijin said, and walked over to see Gu Meihua, not in the mood to deal with the dean and the doctors anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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