Chapter 286 Driver and Cook

"I know. She already hates me, and things like identity cannot be changed. I know what I'm doing, and I won't hurt her."

"Well, don't hurt her anymore." She has been hurt too much and too deeply.

And why isn't she herself?
"Hu Die, have you ever thought about leaving here?" Ran Qinchen asked after being silent for a while.

"What do you mean?" Hu Die asked, actually already had a guess in her heart.

Sure enough, Ran Qinchen's answer was her guess.

"If you are willing to go to Paris, I will help you there, and He Yacheng will not find out. But I have a condition, that is, after you go, can you help take care of Ran Ran, she is going to have a baby in a few months It will be very hard to take care of the children alone." Ran Qinchen said all the plans in his heart, "In the past, I can also help you find a lower-key job, and the salary is also easy to talk about. But, I miss you Don't care about the wages."

"Yes. I will leave within three days, okay?" Hu Die replied without thinking.

She knew that it was not by chance that she met Ran Qinchen here. It turned out that he came to her for this matter.

"No problem. Can you give me your contact information? I need to contact you when I go through the formalities."

"This is my number." Hu Die took Ran Qinchen's mobile phone from his hand and dialed his own number, then hung up after getting through, "I saved yours too."

"Okay. Aren't you going? I'm leaving first." Ran Qinchen also came to Suoshan often, because Ran Zijin used to come here often, so he always wanted to come and sit here to see the sky and scenery she had seen.

When he came, he saw Hu Die sitting here several times, but he didn't go up to pay attention to her.

This time, if he hadn't heard that she had broken up with He Yacheng and that he no longer wanted to see He Yacheng, he would not have come to her.

Ran Zijin left for Paris, but he didn't want others to know, so he kept it a secret for her.But now, he decided to ask Hu Die to take care of her.

"You go first, I'll sit down again." Now look at the scenery here more, and you won't be able to see it again in three days.

"En." Ran Qinchen stood up and straightened his coat, walked two steps, then turned around and said to Hu Die. "Please keep the matter of Ran Ran in Paris a secret."

Hu Die nodded in the thick night, she understood Ran Zijin's mood and thoughts very well at this moment, because she also wanted to be like her, avoiding this place that broke their hearts, and someone who broke their hearts .

The morning sun poured in from the window sill, illuminating the small but tidy hut.

Ran Zijin looked at her hair in the mirror and made sure it wasn't too messy, so she went out with her bag.

After arriving in Paris, she was pregnant and felt uncomfortable every day, so her waist-length hair had been cut off by her, like a kid.

In this way, it is convenient to wash and dry her hair every day, but every morning when she wakes up, her hair looks like a bird's nest. Before going out, she has to look in the mirror several times to make sure her hair doesn't look like a bird's nest.

After changing shoes at the entrance, as soon as she opened the door, before she could take a step out, a person rushed in, yelled 'I'm so tired', and threw herself directly into her small sofa.

Ran Zijin nervously looked at the people on the sofa, and then looked outside the door, making sure there was no one else outside, then closed the door again with peace of mind, walked back to the sofa, and kicked the person on it who was pretending to be asleep, "What are you doing?" Did you find it here? Didn’t it attract any dangerous elements to me?”

"I'm here by flying, don't forget that I'm Hu Die." Hu Die opened her eyes and made a joke with Ran Zijin in a rare good mood.

"That's not the point, the point is the next question!" Ran Zijin stood in front of Hu Die with a handbag on his wrist, his chin was even more pointed, and his belly was bulging and looked big.

"No, no, don't worry!" Hu Die sat up suddenly, and replied impatiently, immediately hugged Ran Zijin's waist, put her ear on her stomach and listened, "Why is there no movement? Isn't it five months?" ?”

"Before you came, he had already moved. When you came, he stopped moving." Ran Zijin was amused by Hu Die's way of constantly moving her ears to listen to the fetal movement.

"What do you mean? Don't you welcome me? This kid is really disobedient!" Hu Die looked up at Ran Zijin's stomach, said with gusto, and then patted it.

"Hey! You thought you were taking pictures of watermelons!" Ran Zijin quickly took a few steps back, fearing that Hu Die would come and take pictures again.

"It's like a watermelon!" Hu Die pouted, "Ran Zijin, I'm so hungry, I want to eat."

"You didn't eat the meal on the plane? I'm going to work, so I'll go to the kitchen to fiddle with it." Ran Zijin was talking about fiddles, not cooking, because she knew that Hu Die didn't know how to cook at all, so it would be nice if she could make some food. .

"Airplane food is not good, I never eat it!" Hu Die wrinkled her face and looked at Ran Zijin aggrievedly, "I don't know how to cook, you don't want the kitchen to catch fire, you don't want me to be burned to death, you should give it to me yourself Let's cook and eat!"

"But I really have to go to work. What will I eat with my baby if I don't go to work?"

"I will raise the baby in the future! I can raise it with you for the sake of my nephew or niece. However, the premise is that you have to cook for me." Hu Die looked like a rich woman Said.

"Then wouldn't it be better for you to hire a nanny directly?" Ran Zijin finally put down his handbag, went to the kitchen to wash his hands and cook for Hu Die.

Money is important to her, but this girlfriend is even more important to her!
She would never hurt her, unlike someone else!

Ran Zijin's heart throbbed, and then he tried his best to forget that person's face, and seriously fried eggs for Hu Die.

"Hu Die, do you want to live here for a long time? Why do you come here?" While cooking, she asked Hu Die who came into the kitchen.

"Well, I will live with you from now on. Anyway, your house is big enough."

"This is big? Please, Ms. Hu, can you stop joking, my whole house here is not as big as your bathroom!" Ran Zijin gave Hu Die a white look, "Be honest, what is the reason for coming here, and the purpose What is it, is the motive pure or not?"

"There is no reason, no purpose, no motivation, why is it pure?" Hu Die grabbed the egg that Ran Zijin had just fried, tore a piece into his mouth, and shouted inarticulately while jumping, "It's hot!" Kill me, Zijin, my mouth!"

Ran Zijin glanced at her with a smile, and suddenly remembered that there was once a person like this, as long as she was cooking in the kitchen and he was at home, he would come to steal the food she hadn't prepared, and call her name when he was burned. Burned my mouth.

"Here, milk!" Ran Zijin turned the milk and gave it to Hu Die, then walked out with a plate of fried eggs and put it on the coffee table in the living room.

She doesn't have a restaurant here, so she can only make do on the coffee table in the living room.

Hu Die was not unaccustomed to it either, and sat on the carpet next to the tea table, crossed her legs and started eating.

Opposite Ran Zijin, when she raised her head to drink milk, she found that Ran Zijin's face was not in a good mood, so her face drooped, and the smile she had just pretended was gone.

"Zijin, you still can't forget him, right?" She asked in a low voice.

"Huh? Oh, no. I felt the baby move just now, and I felt a little uncomfortable." Ran Zijin lied.

She despised herself in her heart, why after seeing Hu Die, she began to think of Leng Muxuan non-stop, those details that she thought she would never be able to remember in the future, but today she remembered all of them, and all of them It was clearly played back in her mind over and over again, just like the slow motion in a movie, so slow that it seemed that she was still doing those things with him instead of remembering.

"If you don't call me fetal movement, is it still moving now?"

"No more. The baby moves a lot at night. If you come to listen at night, you can definitely hear it." Ran Zijin said about the baby, and a smile appeared on his face again.

Her only treasure is the little bean sprouts in her stomach. In the future, there will never be a person named Leng Muxuan in her life, but she has a child with him. Cheng Xiaodou Miao will always be by her side.

"Okay. Zijin, I want to go to your work place with you. I'm going to an interview." Hu Die finished eating fried eggs, drank all the milk, wiped her mouth, and helped Ran Zijin pick up her handbag, "Let's go now. "

"..." Ran Zijin hadn't figured out what was going on, but Hu Die had already dragged her out of the house and down the stairs, into a very low-key red car.

"This is my car. It's probably the cheapest car I've ever seen and driven in my life, but as long as someone gives it to me, I don't mind it." Hu Die started the car, without Ran Zijin's command at all, and headed towards the car. The place where she works is gone.

"Hey, why do I think you planned this completely!" Ran Zijin looked at Hu Die who was driving and said, "Everything is ready, everything is perfect, I am afraid that going with me is not an interview, but going straight to work?"

"Bingo! You're right!" Hu Die turned her head and smiled, "Zijin, I came to Paris to accompany you! I dumped that bastard He Yacheng! Sister, I don't care about him anymore! He's a bitch What, it's not that my sister is wanted by no one, and she just won't let him go!"

"You..." Ran Zijin was surprised, but then he understood again, "How did you learn from me! But how did you find me?"

"Zijin, let me tell you, you can't be angry, and you can't think about leaving here anymore. If you promise this, I'll tell you." Hu Die gave Ran Zijin a vaccination first.

"Okay. I promise you, tell me!" Ran Zijin didn't even think about where to go, she was used to life here, and all the baby's checkups were done here, and she even went to the doctor who gave birth. All right.She didn't want to run around anymore and hurt the child.

"Ran Qinchen told me." Hu Die told her everything Ran Qinchen told her in Ran Zijin's surprised eyes, "I came here because of his help, I think he is still a very good person, suitable to be a friend .”

"I bought you off with this sugar-coated cannonball?" Ran Zijin didn't expect that Ran Qinchen had done so much for herself. She originally wanted to rush to Ran Qinchen and tell him to stop worrying about her, but when she thought of the child, she still didn't care. up.

"Tch! My name is Zhien Tubao!" Hu Die stopped the car, and there was a traffic jam ahead, "Zijin, I think your brother really has nothing to say to you, can't you let go of your personal prejudices and shake hands with him? ?”

"You are a lobbyist sent by him!"

"No. I did it voluntarily, and I said I would repay you!" Hu Die patted the steering wheel, "He also gave this car. He said that you have to work hard on the subway every day, but you dare not drive. He asked me to be your driver. Yes. But I thought about it later, I can be your driver, but you have to be my cook."

"Deal!" Ran Zijin laughed.

Personal prejudice, what a ridiculous word.

She was so stubborn and bad-tempered before that she hated so persistently.

"Ran Qinchen also told me that he loves you, but he will not hurt you, and he will never mention that in front of you again." Hu Die added to Ran Zijin's surprised eyes, "He promised me .”

"I really hope he really sees it." Hearing these words in his heart, Ran Zijin felt a little relaxed and relaxed.

"I believe he won't hurt you, otherwise he wouldn't always pay for you in secret. Zijin, aren't you moved?" Hu Die looked at the car in front and slowly moved the car. It's really annoying.

"I'm not a rock." Ran Zijin rubbed his belly habitually, "If he wasn't my elder brother, he would actually be a good marriage partner. He is polite, gentle and persistent, patient and meticulous. Marrying him will not suffer."

"Yes! He is much better than He Yacheng and Leng Muxuan!" Hu Die agreed.

"Hu Die, I think we have to agree on an unwritten rule."


"Don't always talk about He Yacheng and Leng Muxuan, it sounds like you're making trouble! Please consider my feelings as a pregnant woman, thank you!"

"Hahaha! No problem. I don't want to mention them either!" Hu Die looked at Ran Zijin's hand stroking his belly, and felt uncomfortable.

In fact, she still envies Ran Zijin very much. At least, her child is still growing up in her womb healthily, but hers is gone.

She left He Yacheng and left nothing behind.

Sometimes when she thinks of what He Yacheng's mother said about her overcoming He Yacheng, she can't help but wonder whether she overcame him or he overcame her, and why after she was with him, she had a car accident first, and then someone secretly took away her child, making her Get hurt all over!

After arriving at the school where Ran Zijin works, Hu Die also got his work certificate, and both of them became teachers here.

"We are really brothers and friends in trouble!" Hu Die teased in pain.

"Don't be too disappointed. There are many handsome guys here, and they are all second-generation rich. With your beauty, there will definitely be many suitors within a day! I promise!" Ran Zijin patted Hu Die on the shoulder and took the Textbooks are gone.

Hu Die turned her head, and a handsome guy was walking in front of her!
(End of this chapter)

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