Chapter 288
"Baby, the bean sprouts are back!" Ran Zijin pushed open the door and shouted to the little man in the room while he was still changing his shoes.

"Dou Miao, you're back!" Hearing the shout, Ran Senyang ran out of the kitchen and threw himself into Ran Zijin's arms. It will be delicious!"

"It doesn't seem like it might be possible, but it must not be eaten!" Ran Zijin kissed Ran Senyang's forehead, "Did my little bean sprouts go out to play?" His forehead was full of the salty smell of sweat.

"Well, I'm playing football with the kids downstairs." Ran Senyang will be four years old soon, his eyebrows look exactly like Leng Muxuan, and he's just as stinky as Leng Muxuan. He has high requirements for everything and never likes it. pay attention to.

For example, when Ran Zijin was on a business trip, Hu Die cooked for him, but he was determined not to eat it. When Hu Die took him out to eat, he only went to places with a big enough brand and a high enough price.

But fortunately, Hu Die is not short of money, she can do whatever Ran Senyang wants, and take care of him like her own child.

"You two are heartless!" Hu Die held a rice spoon in his hand and an apron around his waist, standing at the kitchen door and looked at Ran Zijin's mother and son with dissatisfaction, "It's good if I cook for you! Ran Zijin, don't forget Now, I am myself, and you are the cook!"

However, when she is on a business trip, she has to be a chef, a driver, and a nanny!
"Didn't I come back in a hurry to improve your life?" Ran Zijin smiled and picked up two big bags from the ground behind him, "I bought a lot of vegetables, and we cook hot pot for ourselves!"

"Yeah!" Ran Senyang clapped his hands and cheered, "Dou Miao, I knew you would make my favorite food!"

"You little heartless!" Hu Die came over and patted Ran Senyang's head lightly, extremely intimately, "When Doumiao is not at home, who is clinging to me all day and asking me to buy him delicious food?"

"Ouch! Aunt Hu Die, don't be jealous, don't be jealous! When I grow up, I will buy it for you too!" Ran Senyang said sweetly to Hu Die, holding up his pants.

"You have a conscience!" Hu Die knelt down and stretched out her neck. Ran Senyang consciously kissed her on the cheek, "It's not too bad!"

"Hu Die! Are you going to destroy my stove?!"

Ran Zijin's exclamation came from the kitchen, causing Hu Die and Ran Senyang to run over together, and saw that the pot of porridge had overflowed and spread everywhere, and the pot was burnt and still smoking.

Ran Zijin was busy opening the window, turning off the power at the same time, and caring for Ran Senyang, "Xiaodou Miao, get out quickly, you will cough after choking."

"Ok!" Ran Senyang made an ok gesture, then glanced at Hu Die contemptuously, turned around and shook his head and went to the living room, muttering as he walked, "Aunt Hu Die is hopeless! She is so stupid! Who will come later?" If you marry her, you will have to clean the kitchen all day!"

"Zijin..." Hu Die leaned against the door frame, innocently looking at Ran Zijin who was in a hurry.

"You don't need to say it, I know what you want to say. But—" Ran Zijin's sharp eyes shot over, Hu Die shivered, "How many times have you cooked in the past few days? Have you cooked for the bean sprouts?" thing?"

The food she cooks is either burnt or half-cooked. It would be fine if it was eaten by children!
"No. I just thought it started to rain just now, and it was inconvenient to go out, so I cooked porridge." Hu Die explained honestly.

"Okay, you'd better accompany Doumiao to watch cartoons, Chinese ones!" Ran Zijin waved the butterfly away in disgust, so she cleaned up the kitchen and started cooking.

After Ran Senyang was born, Ran Zijin, Hu Die and Ran Qinchen had been speaking Chinese all the time, but this little guy could barely speak Chinese, but he could speak French and English very smoothly, even better than the Russian that Ran Zijin picked up. Chinese sounds nice.

For this situation, Ran Zijin has a headache, so as long as Ran Senyang is playing games, reading books, or watching cartoons, she will definitely show him the Chinese version to practice his pronunciation and intonation.

"Got it!" Hu Die happily took off the apron and put it in Ran Zijin's hand, turned around and ran away.

When Ran Zijin comes back, she and Xiaodou Miao don't have to have a meal!very nice!
Although she has been in France for three or four years, Hu Die still doesn't like the food here. It's okay to eat it once or twice, but she gets irritable if she eats it every day, so she especially likes the Chinese food made by Ran Zijin.

"I don't like watching this!" In the living room, Ran Senyang was very dissatisfied with the Chinese version of the animation that Hu Die found, so he protested in very smooth French.

"You have to watch it if you don't like it, or don't ask for the birthday present next week!" Hu Die threatened Ran Senyang, "Also, if you want the most detailed gift, then start today, except for going out to meet the French Besides, you can only speak Chinese!"

"You threatened me!" Ran Senyang continued to protest in French.

"You have already fouled once!" Hu Die said in Chinese, "Old rules, there are only three chances, and there are two more, you can grasp it yourself!"

"I won't do it!" This time Ran Senyang spoke Chinese honestly, but shouted at Ran Zijin in the kitchen to complain, "Dou Miao, Hu Die bullied Xiao Dou Miao!"

"I didn't hear anything!" Ran Zijin replied to Ran Senyang while washing Flammulina velutipes.

"Dou Miao, are you my real mother?" Ran Senyang asked when he heard that Ran Zijin didn't help him.

"No. I picked you up, it's in the garbage dump downstairs!" Ran Zijin teased Ran Senyang.

"Then I'll go find my dad! You said my dad is the trash picker, so I'll look for it now!" Ran Senyang jumped off the sofa and rushed outside the door.

"Come back to me!" Hu Die grabbed Ran Senyang and tickled him, "Dou Miao is not your real mother, I am your real mother!"

"Haha! Haha! Haha!" Ran Senyang laughed tickled, and rolled into a ball with Hu Die on the sofa, "Aunt Hu Die, I met that trash picker downstairs the other day, and he said he wasn't my dad! Haha !"

"You really asked!" Hu Die was quite surprised.

"I'm lying to you! I'm so good-looking and I have a Chinese face. How could I be the son of that French tramp! He looks so ugly!" Ran Senyang replied with a smile.

Ran Zijin listened to Ran Senyang fighting with Hu Die in the kitchen, with a smile on his lips, but he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Ever since Ran Senyang knew how to call her father, he often asked her where her father was, and she lied to him every time: "Little bean sprouts don't have a father. Little bean sprouts are grown from soybeans that are soaked in water and slowly germinate."

For this reason, she actually soaked a few soybeans in a glass and asked Ran Senyang to watch them every day. After a few days, green bean sprouts grew.

Later, when Ran Senyang grew up a bit, she no longer believed her words. When he was crying and disobedient, she lied to him and said: "I picked up the little bean sprouts from the garbage dump, and my father is the one who picked up the garbage downstairs." If Xiaodou Miao is disobedient, she will go pick up trash with the homeless."

After scaring Ran Senyang a few times, he didn't believe what Ran Zijin said, so Ran Zijin had no choice but to say to him: "Xiao Doumiao's father has gone to a far, far away place, and he has to walk a long, long way to come back, so it takes a lot of time to get back." A long time."

"Then why doesn't dad take a plane, a train, or even a car?" Ran Senyang tilted his head and thought for a while and asked Ran Zijin.

"Because the place where Dad goes is too backward, there are no planes, trains or cars, at most there is a bicycle, so it won't be fast."

"Okay then! How old will I be before Dad can come back?"

"I don't know. Xiaodou Miao has to listen to Dou Miao, maybe Dad will be back soon."

"Okay! I'll be obedient in the future!" Ran Senyang, who was only two years old at that time, patted his heart and assured Ran Zijin.

From then on, Ran Senyang was really obedient, except for the occasional temper tantrum, he never asked Ran Zijin to worry about him.

Sometimes, Ran Zijin looked at the obedient Ran Senyang and hesitated in his heart, whether to tell him about Leng Muxuan's existence, whether to take him back to have a look at Leng Muxuan, because a child without a father is really pitiful, but she He was also afraid that Leng Muxuan would snatch him away if he knew the existence of this child.

Leng Muxuan is such a domineering person, he will get what he wants, so Ran Senyang is his son, so he will definitely want to possess it.And even if he didn't want it, Kong Jiayi and Leng Qingbai would force him to have it, after all Ran Senyang is the blood of the Leng family.

Ran Zijin was not fully sure that Leng Muxuan could leave the child to her after knowing about Ran Senyang, so she would always look at Ran Senyang's little face that resembled Leng Muxuan, and Leng Muxuan's pictures in newspapers and magazines late at night. Photos cry.

"Bean sprouts!"

"Well, I'm here!" Ran Zijin was at work, and when he received a call from Ran Senyang, his voice softened all of a sudden, "Has Xiaodou Miao had lunch?"

"Let's eat! Uncle and Uncle have already arrived home. When are you coming back?" Ran Senyang remembered his birthday very clearly, because every year on his birthday, the two brothers Ran Qinchen, Hu Die and Ran Zijin would buy him a lot of presents.

"I'll be back in a while. I asked for leave in the afternoon. I came back specially to celebrate your birthday." Ran Zijin had already asked for leave, so he only needed to finish the work at hand and go to say hello to the director.

She didn't work in the previous training school, but changed to a cultural research institute, and many of them opened their own shops to spend more time with Ran Senyang.

Hu Die's child is gone, and she never mentioned it in front of Ran Zijin, but she was very kind to Ran Senyang, and Ran Zijin never thought about it.

Knocking on the door and entering the director's office, Ran Zijin said to the person behind the computer, "Director, I have sorted out all the materials you will use this afternoon. I will ask for leave in the afternoon, so I will leave now."

"Yeah." The director nodded, clicked the mouse a few times, and then looked up at Ran Zijin, "Zijin, I just want to tell you something."

"what's up?"

"It's our institute. The project I'm leading needs to be completed jointly with a research institute in China. I plan to arrange for you to go back. There are French and British people in the institute over there. It just so happens that your language is not a problem."

"I..." Can I not go.

Before the words were spoken, the director took a few pieces of paper and pushed them over to Ran Zijin, "This is the information of the China Research Institute, and there are addresses and so on. It is very detailed. You can take a look. Then I will give you ten days to prepare. Don't worry about this, I'll ask my assistant to prepare it for you."

When Ran Zijin looked at the information on the paper, she felt dizzy. It doesn't matter where the research institute is. It has to be in City H, or next to the X University she used to attend.

"What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?" Seeing Ran Zijin's complexion, the director asked with concern.

"It's okay. Nothing." Ran Zijin shook his head and forced a smile, "Then I'll go first."

If this is really God's arrangement, then she must obey it once!

Go back, go back this time, take Ran Senyang back together.

Even if she could see him from a distance in the crowd, look at the same sky and breathe the same air as him in the city with him, she would be content!
She loves him, it is a calamity that cannot be avoided in this life!
She loves him, it has become a habit, and she can't change it!

She loves him with crazy and passionate obsession, even the worst time can't kill her love!
Ran Senyang's birthday meal was prepared by Ran Qinchen himself. A large table was full of authentic Chinese dishes, and a super big and tall four-layer cake was placed in the middle.

"Xiaodou Miao is four years old! Come and blow out the candles!" Ran Zijin said to Ran Senyang.

"Dou Miao, Aunt Hu Die and uncles all gave me gifts, what about yours?" Before blowing out the candles, Ran Senyang asked Ran Zijin for a gift. "Dou Miao, can you transform Dad into Xiao Dou Miao?"

He pouted and looked at her. Every year, his mother took the initiative to change a gift for him, but why did she forget this year!
"Dou Miao has a bad memory!" Ran Zijin smiled, ignored Ran Senyang's request for his father, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and put it in front of Ran Senyang, "Xiao Dou Miao, mom will take you back to China next week, okay?"

"Really?" Ran Senyang looked at the paper, it was all in Chinese, he pulled Ran Qindi and asked him to read it to him, and then asked Ran Zijin in disbelief, "Mom, can we really go back to China?"

"Yes. Really." Ran Zijin nodded, with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah!" Ran Senyang cheered, as long as he returns home, he can find his father by himself!
Dou Miao said that his father had gone to a far, far place, so he didn't believe it!For other dishes, his father must be in H City, which is the hometown of Dou Miao!

Hu Die and Ran Qinchen looked at the paper in Ran Qindi's hand head to head, and both looked at Ran Zijin worriedly.

"Zijin, are you sure you want to go back?" Hu Die asked Ran Zijin, her voice trembling.

Ran Zijin decided to return to China, but what about her?

What reason does she have to go back?However, she also wanted to go back!

"Yeah." Ran Zijin nodded, "Because time is tight, I have to go first, go and find a place to live, and then you can help me deliver the bean sprouts."

"I'll take care of the house. I'll make sure you'll have a place to live when you go back." Ran Qinchen knew that things wouldn't change after Ran Zijin made a decision, so he didn't persuade her not to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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