Chapter 300

Ran Zijin was on the evening train on a business trip, and went home to pick up things at noon, but received a call from Leng Muxuan, saying that Ran Zijin suddenly caught a cold and had a high fever, and had already been sent to the hospital for injections.

She didn't care about going back to the research institute to continue working, so she asked for leave and took a taxi to the hospital to see her child.

"How's it going?" Ran Zijin rushed into the ward, and saw Ran Senyang asleep, and more than half of the medicine in the hanging bottle had dripped.

"It's okay, the fever has subsided, and Shaochun said that he can go home after the IV drip." Leng Muxuan stopped Ran Zijin who was crying, and patted her on the back to comfort her.

"Oh. How did this happen? Didn't you have a good morning? Why did you suddenly have a fever?" Ran Zijin touched Ran Senyang's red face, feeling extremely distressed.

"The weather is changeable during this period, so it's normal to catch a cold easily." Mo Shaochun explained from the side, "It rained two days ago to cool down, and the temperature has risen again in the past few days. If you add or remove clothes too often, it is easy to catch a cold. "

"So that's how it is." Ran Zijin saw Mo Shaochun standing beside him, smiled apologetically, and greeted him, "Mo Shaochun, long time no see."

"Well, it's been a long time." Mo Shaochun nodded, "It's also been a long time with Hu Die. Have you seen Hu Die?"

"Hu Die?" Ran Zijin pretended to be surprised, "I haven't seen her, where has she been?"

"No. It's just that we couldn't find her. He Yacheng almost went crazy." Mo Shaochun said flatly, "If you happen to meet Hu Die, tell her for us that He Yacheng is really going crazy. If she doesn't want to see Ya Cheng is going crazy, come back quickly."

"Oh. Okay. If I can meet her, I will definitely tell her." Ran Zijin smiled a little stiffly.

Leng Muxuan continued to hold Ran Zijin calmly. When Mo Shaochun asked Hu Die just now, although she replied that she didn't know her movements, her body visibly shook, and he could clearly feel it.

"Okay, don't worry, Shaochun will be fine if it's okay." He tightly wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"You guys are here, I'm leaving beforehand." Mo Shaochun looked at the sleeping child lying there, then at Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin, and then went out while unbuttoning his white coat.

Leng Muxuan really loves Ran Zijin so much, so even this child whose origin is unclear can be cared for like this, but Ran Zijin still doesn't buy it, what a bittersweet drama!
Before Ran Senyang woke up after the injection, Leng Muxuan hugged him and walked out of the hospital with Ran Zijin.

"I'll take the child to my place, and Aunt Zhang will take care of him. I called Yang Ming over, and he will take you to the train station." Leng Muxuan said to Ran Zijin who was still worried after putting Ran Senyang on the car.

"Okay. Please, take good care of Xiaodou Miao!" The child is half of her life. Without Leng Muxuan, she finally has a child to accompany her. If something happens to the child again, she will really be disappointed in life , and I'm not sure if I still have the courage and enthusiasm to live on.

"Don't worry. Zijin, I said before, no matter whose child Xiaodou Miao is, I will love him as my own child. Because you care, I must care. This is the promise I made to you before, forever in the future." Count." Leng Muxuan held Ran Zijin in his arms, encircling the small and thin girl.

"Thank you." Ran Zijin's eyes were red. At that moment just now, she almost mustered up the courage to tell Leng Muxuan that the child was him, but his words dispelled her enthusiasm. She said no. Exported!

She knew that he was good to Ran Senyang, knew that Ran Senyang liked him, and knew that Ran Senyang was eager to have a father. After thinking about it for a long time, she felt that she should not deprive her child of the right to know who her father was, so she decided to tell him the truth , but he said something like this again.

At the research institute that day, she told him that the child's father was unknown, but she was just trying to get angry with him, but he really remembered it in his heart, and still believed that the child was not his. Now, if you look closely, is it simply a copy of him?

"Zijin, I'm sorry, Xiaodou Miao is sick, so I can't take you to the station in person." Leng Muxuan looked at the man with his head buried in his arms distressedly, "I will ask Yang Ming to pick you up when you come back, take the expressway, It won't take long." It takes a long time to take the train, and the train is chaotic, he really doesn't want her to suffer that.

"No need. I'll just come back by the expressway." Ran Zijin withdrew from Leng Muxuan's arms. The expressway was faster than the train, and the time was shorter. If she came back earlier, she could take care of the child earlier.

"En. Be good." Leng Muxuan pressed a light kiss on Ran Zijin's forehead, "I'll take Xiaodou Miao away first, you wait here for Yang Ming, he should be here soon."

Ran Zijin nodded and watched Leng Muxuan get in the car and leave.

Leng Muxuan brought Ran Senyang back to Isa Garden and asked Aunt Zhang to take care of him, and he invited a nurse from Mo Shaochun.

Ran Senyang didn't wake up until midnight, and when he woke up, he cried for Ran Zijin.

"Why don't I go cook some porridge for the child." Aunt Zhang didn't go home tonight because of Ran Senyang.

Leng Muxuan has a party at night, it's not good if he doesn't go, he hasn't come back yet, and Ran Senyang has a very bad temper, she and the nurse are really upset.

"I don't drink porridge! I want bean sprouts! I want bean sprouts!" Ran Senyang had never been to Leng Muxuan's house before, seeing the strange environment here, the strange people around him, and not seeing Ran Zijin, he felt completely insecure, so Just crying.

"Who is Dou Miao?" the nurse asked Aunt Zhang.

"I don't know either." Aunt Zhang was as dazed as she was, and then asked Ran Senyang patiently, "You said you want Dou Miao, then tell us who Dou Miao is, and we'll find it for you."

"Dou Miao is my mother..." Ran Senyang suddenly stopped crying, he remembered that Ran Zijin was on a business trip, and he was handed over to Leng Muxuan for management, "I don't want my mother anymore! I want my father! I want soybean sprouts! Soybean sprouts It's called Leng Muxuan! Is this his home?"

"Yeah. That's right. Mr. Leng has something to go out, and he probably won't be back in a while." Seeing that Ran Senyang was not crying, Auntie Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. Leng is already very difficult to serve, and this time there is another person called Mr. Leng Dad's young master, and she is still so difficult to serve, if the young lady doesn't come back, she won't dare to work here any longer.

"I've already called Mr. Leng, and he said he'll be right back." The nurse saw that Ran Senyang was crying too much, so he called Leng Muxuan.

"Is Dad coming back?" Ran Senyang heard that Leng Muxuan was coming back, so excited that he stopped crying and told Aunt Zhang, "Grandma, I want porridge! Remember to cook an extra bowl for Dad!"

"Oh, good! I'll go right away, young master, please wait a moment." Aunt Zhang nodded, thinking that when the child is not crying, he is actually quite obedient, with a sweet mouth, very sensible, and knows how to care for others.

Ran Senyang sat there, looked at the surrounding environment, and felt that the decoration here was simply too luxurious.

"Can I look around?" he asked the nurse nearby.

"You can go to the field. But if you can look around, we won't be sure. Besides, isn't this your home?" The nurse was a little dazed.

"Yeah." Ran Senyang didn't explain, and wanted to go to the ground, the nurse quickly helped him put on his coat and shoes.

"Young master, slow down, don't knock and fall." The nurse said to Ran Senyang worriedly, they didn't dare to walk around in this room, so they didn't dare to follow Ran Senyang, so they could only tell him a few words.

"Got it!" How could she be so delicate!Ran Senyang curled his lips secretly, ran to the study, and saw the books that Ran Zijin used to love, as well as Leng Muxuan's books, and even Ran Zijin's notebook on the table.

The reason why it is said to belong to Ran Zijin is because Ran Senyang discovered that the word Zijin had been written on the outer box of the notebook with fingertips for a long time, so that the two words were printed there.

"It seems that Young Master Leng really loves Dou Miao so much. When I don't see Dou Miao, I write her name in her notebook. It's so romantic!" Ran Senyang imitated Leng Muxuan's handwriting, and traced a side of Ran Zijin. name, and ran to another house.

This happened to be the master bedroom, and there was a wedding photo of Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin hanging on the wall, as well as on the C head cabinet.

"The bean seedlings look good, and they look good in everything! The ancient clothes look so strange, how come they look like emperors and queens." Ran Senyang had never seen traditional Chinese wedding dresses, so of course he felt strange.

"Huh? There's smoke here! Doumiao hates smoking men the most, no, I have to tell Dad not to smoke, or I'll be passed by Doumiao!"

"I don't smoke. I put it there. When I'm upset, I pick it up and smell it. It will calm my mind."

"Father!" Ran Senyang heard the voice behind him, and threw himself into Leng Muxuan's arms as soon as he turned his head.

Leng Muxuan hugged him and touched his forehead, "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah. Except for my dizzy head, everything else is fine!" Ran Senyang hugged Leng Muxuan's neck, "Father, your home is well decorated. The place where Doumiao and I live is like a slum!"

"Then when Zijin comes back, let's find a way to get her to live here, what's the matter?"

"Well, good! Dad, Hurry up and remarry Dou Miao! Then I will go to school in the second half of the year, and you will send me to school with my mother. I will tell the children: Look, the most handsome one is my dad! Stand next to him The most beautiful woman is my mother! They must be envious of me!" Ran Senyang was dreaming, when he was studying in France, everyone had a father, but he didn't have one, and there were children who laughed at him, but he didn't want to make Ran Zijin sad , never said this in front of her.

"Well. Then I will drive a luxury sports car, won't it be more attractive?" Leng Muxuan carried Ran Senyang to the living room.

"Of course!" Ran Senyang nodded, "Dad, can I sleep with you tonight? I want to sleep with Dad, but I have never seen Dad, so I can only sleep with Dad in my dream."

"Sure. Xiaodou Miao, if you don't dare to ask Zijin, you can replace me with me, and I promise to satisfy you, but the premise is that it will help you grow up healthily." Leng Muxuan looked at Ran Senyang's sensible look , Distressed as if looking at his own son.

"So it's great to have a father!" Ran Senyang was sick, physically and mentally weak, but when he heard Leng Muxuan doting on himself like this, he couldn't help crying, "It would be great if I met you as soon as I was born!"

"Fool! Well, stop crying, even men are still crying!" Leng Muxuan wiped Ran Senyang's tears, "You can sleep with me tonight, but there is a condition."

"What conditions?"

"I can't go to the company to play with me tomorrow, and have a good rest at home. There are too many people in the company, the air is not good, and it is easy to get sick."

"Okay! Then I'm in good health, so I can go again, right?"

Leng Muxuan nodded, and asked Aunt Zhang to bring the porridge to the living room, and he and Ran Senyang drank the porridge together.

At night, Ran Senyang slept with his so-called father for the first time. He was very excited and kept talking, but Leng Muxuan never lost his patience talking to him, and he fell asleep only after he was lulled to sleep.

Ran Senyang always liked to kick the quilt at night, Leng Muxuan woke up several times to cover him with the quilt, his arms were tightly hugged by him.

Twice when he moved, he pouted and wanted to cry, and shouted: "Dad, don't go, don't leave Xiaodou Miao! Xiaodou Miao is very obedient, don't go!"

After this night, Leng Muxuan finally knew how hard it was to raise a child, and also how difficult it was for Ran Zijin to be alone for four years.

He went to work listlessly, and everyone in the company was shocked. The president, who was always energetic and imposing, actually sometimes languished.

"The child is fine, resting at home, I hired a nurse to take care of it." It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon when Leng Muxuan received Ran Zijin's call.

"That's good. I guess I'll be able to take a bus to Gaoke Station in a while, and it should be late in the evening when I come back. Byte and I will go to Isa Garden to see the children."

"Well. The door lock hasn't been changed. You have the key. Zijin, see you at home later."

"En." Ran Zijin was already worried about Ran Senyang's body, so he didn't have time to play word games with Leng Muxuan.

She was supposed to go back tomorrow, but she was too worried about the child, so she entrusted some unimportant work to other colleagues, and she went back today.

After all, it was the first time that Ran Senyang had such a severe fever since she was a child. She was a little scared yesterday.Ran Senyang's health has always been very good, and he has almost never had a cold or fever. Even if he has, he can take two pills. If it is so serious that he needs to be hospitalized for an IV, this is the first time for him to receive an IV.

After returning to the city by car for more than four hours, Ran Zijin couldn't stop feeling Isa Garden, and before Aunt Zhang opened the door, she took out the key and opened the door and walked in.

"Young Madam!" Aunt Zhang thought it was Leng Muxuan who had returned, but she didn't expect it to be Ran Zijin, she was quite surprised.

"Where's Xiaodou Miao?" Ran Zijin didn't bother to greet Aunt Zhang.

"Inside. The nurse just finished his drip." Aunt Zhang pointed to the room.

"I'll go and have a look." Ran Zijin walked over to have a look, couldn't hold back a scream, and cried anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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