Chapter 305

Leng Muxuan's heart moved, and he was also full of emotion. Obviously he was the one who surprised Ran Zijin, but he was more moved and excited than her.

He finally got her again, the feeling of holding the woman he loves tightly in his arms, nothing can compare to it.

Hugging Ran Zijin vigorously, Leng Muxuan took the initiative instead of being passive, absorbing her beauty and sweetness with satisfaction.

Ran Zijin felt dizzy, felt being picked up by Leng Muxuan, walked into the gate of the flower garden, walked straight forward, and after walking for a long time, she was placed on a couch in a room.

"Zijin, let's make a little bean sprouts!" The forbearing Leng Muxuan no longer wanted to forbear.

"Hmm..." Ran Zijin blushed, it was the first time she came to the flower garden with him, and she did this without doing anything!
Time and time again, Ran Zijin didn't know how many times she was asked, anyway, she fell asleep in the end, and when she woke up again, she was lying in Leng Muxuan's arms.

Leng Muxuan sat on the sofa, looked at her sleepy face, smiled and raised the corners of his mouth, "Do you feel better?"

"Yeah." Ran Zijin nodded, fortunately she was used to his seizures at any time, otherwise she really couldn't bear it.

"That's good." Leng Muxuan smiled narrowly, pressed Ran Zijin on the sofa, lowered his head and raised his hand...

"Ah..." Ran Zijin screamed, why is this person starting again? !
After being folded, stretched, and flipped N times, she could only lament weakly, "The rich president is not easy to mess with..."

After finally waiting for Leng Muxuan to be satisfied, Ran Zijin really had no strength left. She followed him out of the room, and what came into view was a large field of roses.

"Do you like it?" Leng Muxuan asked Ran Zijin.

"I like it!" Ran Zijin nodded excitedly. This sea of ​​roses is bigger and much bigger than what she saw when she went to the flower show. nice!"

"This is the kind of rose you saw in Tianyuan. You like it. I invited the master from the previous flower garden to plant it in our flower garden. If you want to, if you have time, you can come and find that rose The master communicates."

"Mu Xuan, don't waste it like this. Someone will give it to you. It's too expensive to invite someone over." Ran Zijin held Leng Muxuan's hand distressedly, "You work so hard to make money, so I don't want to waste money."

"The money I make is for you and the children. If you don't spend it, what should I do with the money?" Leng Muxuan said proudly, "Men make money to support their families!"

"Pfft! Look at what you said, if I don't spend your money, it would be a mistake!" Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan walked in the flower garden holding hands.

She was thinking about what kind of virtues she had accumulated in her previous life, so that she met such a good man in this life, who made her have no worries about food and clothing, who made her live in a stable place, who made her live peacefully, who made her feel happy, who made her feel happy. Touched by happiness...

After two months, Ran Senyang has been in the kindergarten for a month. This month, the kindergarten has a parent-child activity, and all the parents of the children are required to participate.

Leng Muxuan deliberately didn't go to work, and drove Ran Zijin and Ran Senyang to the kindergarten by himself.

"Father, Mom, we must compete for the first place in the event, and we must not lose to others!" Ran Senyang was very positive about this event.

He used to go to school in Paris, and his mother was always the only one who took part in activities in person. Sometimes when Ran Zijin was busy, Hu Die would replace him, or Ran Qinchen. God knows how much he wished that he could be like other children, and his parents would accompany him to participate in activities. .

"No problem! Your father and I have such a high IQ, I will definitely help you get the first place!" Leng Muxuan was also very excited to accompany his son to an event for the first time.

Compared to the excitement of their father and son, Ran Zijin was very calm. He leaned against the car window lightly, looking at the receding street outside the window, frowning slightly.

"Mom, why are you unhappy?" Ran Senyang didn't get any response from Ran Zijin's excitement, so he lay on the back of her chair and asked with his arms around her neck.

"I'm not unhappy. Sit down, Xiaodou Miao, Dad is driving." Ran Zijin endured the discomfort, forced a smile and said to Ran Senyang.

"Okay! Then mom will work harder later!" Ran Senyang sat down obediently.

Leng Muxuan looked at Ran Zijin, her complexion was not very good, "Zijin, is there something wrong? Do you want to go to the hospital first?"

"No. I slept and dreamed too much last night, and today I just have a heavy head. Go straight to the kindergarten and don't delay Xiaodou Miao's activities." Ran Zijin was really uncomfortable, but she also considered that it was her and Leng Muxuan. I accompanied Ran Senyang to participate in an event together, so I didn't want to disappoint Ran Senyang, so I kept enduring it.

"Then close your eyes and rest for a while." Leng Muxuan said to Ran Senyang without looking back, "Son, bring the small stall at the back to Mom."

"it is good!"

Ran Senyang took the small stall from the back and handed it to Ran Zijin, who closed his eyes and rested after covering it.

When we arrived at the kindergarten, Leng Muxuan looked for a parking space and parked the car. Ran Senyang quickly jumped out of the car, opened the door for Ran Zijin and told her to get off.

Ran Zijin lifted the blanket, moved a little, and before getting out of the car, he vomited with a 'wow'.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Ran Senyang was terrified.

As soon as Leng Muxuan got out of the car, he bent over from the car door and saw Ran Zijin vomit, so he hurried back into the car, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and directed Ran Senyang, "Xiaodou Miao, open a bottle of mineral water for mom to rinse her mouth." .”

The two were in a hurry, but Ran Zijin still vomited. At first, he vomited something, but then he retched and couldn't vomit anything. He just vomited and shed tears in pain.

Leng Muxuan patted Ran Zijin's back lightly in distress, "Zijin, no, I can't take it anymore! We have to go to the hospital!"

"That's right! Mom, hurry up and ask Dad to take you to the hospital to see a doctor!" In Ran Senyang's memory, Ran Zijin was in good health. This was the first time he had seen such violent vomiting, and he was really frightened.

"It's okay. I'll just take a break and I still have to participate in activities." Ran Zijin shook her head, a guess formed in her heart, and she knew her body best.

"My activities are fine! My mother's body is the most important thing!" Ran Senyang held his mouth and cried out of fear. Although he has always been smart, he is still a child. "I can handle this kind of activity by myself without my father and mother." It’s okay, I will fight for the first place!”

Ran Zijin had a sore nose, retched, and grabbed Ran Senyang's hand, "Son, wait a minute, mom will be fine soon! Trust mom! Mom was like this when she was pregnant with you!"



The two men, one small and one large, spoke in unison.

"Little bean sprouts!"

The two men, one small and one large, spoke in unison again.

"Zijin, let's go to the hospital. Vomiting like this is not an option." Leng Muxuan was excited and distressed, and covered Ran Zijin with the blanket again, "I asked my parents to accompany Xiaodou Miao, and we went to the hospital for an examination."

"There are little bean sprouts! Great, there are little bean sprouts!" Ran Senyang clapped his hands and cheered excitedly after knowing the situation.

"It's okay! I'm really okay. It's just a simple morning sickness. It happens from time to time. It'll be fine after that." Ran Zijin felt a little better now, holding a mineral water bottle to drink water, but was given by Leng Muxuan. stopped.

"This is too cold to drink, you wait." Leng Muxuan quickly got out of the car and instructed Ran Senyang to take care of Ran Zijin. He went to a small shop outside the kindergarten and ordered a cup of boiled water for Ran Zijin. "Drink this. Zijin, I'm pregnant. Be careful with what you eat and drink. Don't be too casual. Just tell me what you want, and I'll do it."

"Okay!" Ran Zijin nodded, grinning happily. When she was pregnant with Ran Senyang, she ran around by herself. How could she be taken care of like this? Now it feels good to have Leng Muxuan by her side.

"Dad, Mom, I have contacted my grandparents. They came to take care of my mother. Just sit aside and watch me and my father participate in activities. This way you can accompany me again, and my mother will not be in trouble!" Ran Senyang happily reported his decision while shaking the phone in his hand.

"Good job, boy! For this, Dad will definitely win the first place for you today!" Leng Muxuan stroked Ran Zijin's belly with one hand, where a small life was being bred, which belonged to him and Ran Zijin. .

When he knew that Ran Senyang was his child, he was very excited, but he didn't feel excited at the moment, because he didn't accompany Ran Zijin through the hardships of being pregnant in October, so he didn't feel the great feeling of life.

He even felt a little unbelievable, here, right here, a life is being bred in the small belly, it grows from a small seed, grows a head, grows limbs, grows into a human shape, and then grows from a small seed. Come out here, and then grow into a cute child like Ran Senyang...

What a miraculous process, what a mysterious process, and what a process full of expectation and hope...

Being pregnant for ten months, the hard process, with Leng Muxuan's company and care, Ran Zijin felt that it was not so long, as if it arrived all at once.

The due date of delivery is only a few days away, and Leng Muxuan asked someone to prepare everything for the delivery early on, and the hospital also contacted Mo Shaochun in advance.

"Sister is coming out!" Ran Senyang is also excited these days, every day after returning from school, he listens to and touches Ran Zijin's belly, "Mom, will my sister look as good as me?"

"Then do you want to look good or not?" Ran Zijin asked Ran Senyang, they already knew that the child in their stomach was a girl, the little bean sprout that everyone was looking forward to.

"It's good-looking! It's good for a girl to be good-looking, and it doesn't matter for a boy. Just be a good man like my father!" Ran Senyang has always followed Leng Muxuan as an example, determined to be a man who is good to women and has a career. Cheng, a decent man with an excellent reputation.

"Then the little bean sprouts will look good!" Ran Zijin is also looking forward to knowing what the little bean sprouts look like, whether she looks more like herself or Leng Muxuan, and she hopes that her daughter can be like Hu Die, with a good personality, Good looking, cute.

"Someone is coming!" Ran Senyang heard the doorbell, and ran to open the door quickly.

As soon as Ran Zijin turned around, his stomach suddenly hurt.

As soon as Hu Die came in, she saw Ran Zijin clutching her belly, and immediately exclaimed, "Zijin, is she about to give birth?"

"Well, maybe." Ran Zijin supported the back of the sofa. She was not sure if she was about to give birth, because when Ran Senyang gave birth, her stomach hurt for several days, and she went to the hospital after a lot of tossing, and finally gave birth come out.

"Send it to the hospital first." Hu Die just returned to China today, and as soon as she came back, she ran into Ran Zijin about to give birth, so she hurriedly contacted Leng Muxuan with Ran Senyang.

Leng Muxuan didn't go far, and went to the supermarket downstairs to buy snacks for Ran Zijin, so he came back soon, and drove Ran Zijin to the hospital.

When Ran Zijin arrived at the hospital, her stomach pain stopped. The doctor said that she was not about to give birth, but it was only a few days ago, and told them to be ready at any time.

"Then live in the hospital directly. Running back and forth is troublesome and dangerous." Leng Muxuan made a decision and asked Ran Zijin to be hospitalized.

Ran Senyang asked Ran Senyang very curiously: "Dou Miao, does it take several days to give birth?" Otherwise, what did the doctor say to make them ready in these few days.

"No, it's for a while, maybe more than a dozen hours, but not for a few days." Ran Zijin explained to Ran Senyang that she didn't know if she had a baby for a few days.

"Oh, please come out quickly, sister, don't make Doumiao's stomach hurt!" Ran Senyang said before Ran Zijin's reading again, "Sister, tomorrow is my birthday, come out! We can work together in the future It's a birthday party! I will definitely give you half of the cake and half of the presents, please come out quickly! Be good!"

"Pfft!" Hu Die was amused by Ran Senyang, "Do you think Little Bean Sprouts can hear you?"

"Yes! She is my younger sister. We always have a way to communicate. This is called blood relationship! The teacher said, blood relationship is amazing!" Ran Senyang is already in elementary school, and usually loves to read. Although he doesn't understand many things, But he can also understand in his own way.

"Okay!" Hu Die looked defeated by Ran Senyang.

"Aunt Hu Die, do you have a boyfriend?" Ran Senyang sat beside Ran Zijin and asked Hu Die.

"No." Hu Die pretended to be disappointed and shook her head, "What should I do, Xiaodou Miao, Aunt Die Die is old and can't get married, no one wants her!"

"It's okay, wife, you are mine! I'll just ask, it's better if you don't have a boyfriend!" Ran Senyang touched M Hu Die's face to comfort her, "Honey, when I'm older, I'll marry you!"

"But when did you grow up! I'm already this old, and I'll be even older in the future!" Hu Die continued to play with Ran Senyang.

"I'll grow up soon! I'll be 5 years old tomorrow!" Ran Senyang stroked M Hu Die's hair again, "Honey, don't worry, I'll try to grow as fast as possible! Then we'll get married! I'll give you the biggest diamond ring! Okay? Good wife?"

"How dare you promise!"

Hu Die nodded contentedly, but was interrupted viciously just as she was about to say hello.

(End of this chapter)

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