Chapter 323 Beaten by Mother

"Mr. Hu, there is a Mr. Wang looking for you outside. I don't know the client who made an appointment today." Mia came in and reported to Hu Die.

"Hmm." Hu Die raised her head, pushed the design drawing aside, and raised her eyebrows, "Where did Ya Cheng go?"

"Mr. He said he went to buy coffee for you. It took less than 5 minutes to walk." After being told by Hu Die last time, Mia has learned to keep an eye on He Yacheng's movements. Whenever Hu Die asks, she can answer.

"Well. After Yacheng came back, you just said that I went to see the client and told him to go home directly. I will call him later. Also, don't tell her that someone came to see me—" Hu Die squeezed the space between her eyebrows, Showing some fatigue and helplessness, "By the way, all the schedules for today have been postponed. I won't meet any guests today. Unless it's something important, don't call me and go find Xiaoya to solve it."

"Understood, Mr. Hu, do you have any other orders?"

"No. You go out first and ask that Mr. Wang to wait for me downstairs. I will go down in 5 minutes." Hu Die started to pack her things, and she couldn't tell Uncle Wang to wait too long.

Mia went out when she heard it. Uncle Wang heard that Hu Die would go downstairs to find her, so she went downstairs first.

Five minutes later, Hu Die appeared at Uncle Wang's car door on time, "Uncle Wang, what do you want from me?"

In fact, she has already guessed a lot.

"Sir and Madam asked me to pick you up and go home. You haven't been back for a long time." Uncle Wang is business-like. Although he is a person close to Hu Die, he gets his salary from Hu Die after all, so He can be regarded as his real boss.

"Can you not go back?" Hu Die frowned. During the few months she lived with He Yacheng, she basically didn't go home very much. We can't live in harmony like before.

Every time she came out of the house, she thought it would be better not to go home than to annoy everyone every time she went home, so after the last time she quarreled with Mother Hu, she hadn't returned for almost two months home.

"Miss, go back, don't embarrass me, or I won't be able to explain to my husband and wife." Uncle Wang looked at Hu Die distressedly, as if looking at his own daughter, "Miss, sir and madam love you too, don't want to You have a bad life, and you will suffer in the future. You go back and have a good talk with them, and there will always be a solution.”

"Uncle Wang, the so-called solution of my parents is to tell me to break up with Yacheng, and then listen to their arrangements. When they find someone who can marry, they tell me to marry. They don't care if I love that person or not. It doesn't matter whether I'm happy with that person or not, they just want me to find someone who can afford the Hu family's fortune, and won't let the Hu family's fortune be destroyed by my generation." Tears flashed in Hu Die's eyes Guang, holding his purse tightly with both hands, "The person I love is Yacheng. I will feel happy only when I am with him. A Cheng, I will feel happy and happy."

"I understand, but miss, you still have to go home. You should tell your husband and wife these words." Uncle Wang held the car door and waited for Hu Die to get into the car. He said in the tone of a loving elder, " Arguing can't solve the problem, but to influence others with sincerity and feelings can find a solution to the problem. Miss, you are so smart, you must know how to do it. "

"Thank you Uncle Wang, I know." Hu Die nodded helplessly, and got into the car, "Let's go quickly."

This is not a place to talk, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time, otherwise He Yacheng, who came back from buying coffee, will find that she is going back to Hu's house, and will definitely follow her.

When she first moved out of the house, every time she went home, He Yacheng would be with her, but every time he would be humiliated by her parents, and even hit him, although it was not as serious as the first time, but it was for He Yacheng It was really a matter of hurting self-esteem, and it was also a sad thing for her, so she went home secretly and never asked him to be with her again.

She also carried He Yacheng behind her back, and was forced by her parents to go on blind dates several times, but every time she succeeded in screwing up, making her parents very angry, but she couldn't help it, she didn't want anyone except He Yacheng, she could She will do everything for the love between them, and fight for a way out for their love.

Uncle Wang came to her today, without thinking about it, she knew that her parents definitely asked her to go home to go on a blind date, and her parents learned from the experience of the previous few times, came to a sudden attack, caught her off guard, and even messed up the assistant who was looking for a blind date. I can't find it, so I can only ask for luck.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Hu Die walked into the hall and greeted her parents who were sitting on the sofa waiting for her return.

"It's been more than a month, have you broken up with He Yacheng?" Mother Hu cut to the point, with a firm attitude and a stern tone.

She and Hu's father set a time limit for Hu Die and forced them to break up, otherwise they would attack the He family and ask He Yacheng to take the initiative to break up with Hu Die.

"Mom, I won't break up with Yacheng. I love him just like you love your father. Mom, I'm your daughter. Would you like to see me marry someone I don't love, and be depressed and unhappy all my life?" Is it?" Hu Die held back her anger, and said in a gentle tone, she listened to Uncle Wang's words and wanted to influence her parents.

"I love your dad. Your dad is a good man. He has a good character and a successful career. He has nothing to say to me and you! But look at the man you love?!" Mother Hu was excited He raised his voice, "When he was with you, he got entangled with that woman named Su Maiqi, and made a child with her, which caused you to have a car accident! You almost died in the car accident! Put you It was me and your father who saved our lives. We are only one child. Do we dare to hand you over to such an irresponsible man?! We only have you as a daughter. You only have one life for the Hu family's family business, if you dare to take risks, we dare not!"

"It was just a misunderstanding, and the person who did the bad thing was Su Maiqi, not Ya Cheng. The car accident was caused by my bad mood when I was driving. It wasn't the car driven by Ya Cheng, and it wasn't that he hit me." Hu Die saw her mother Without letting go, he turned around and looked at his father, starting from him, anyway, he was always easier to talk to than his mother, and loved her more than his mother, "Dad, I know there is some misunderstanding between me and Yacheng, but he is not real. If he wanted to hurt me, he only wanted to keep me by her side. It was only by accident that so many things happened later. We can't blame Yacheng, it's not all his fault..."

"But what happened later? He shouldn't hurt you again!" Hu's father was not as excited as Hu's mother, but his attitude in his usual tone was more determined than Hu's mother, "Where did Su Maiqi have another child? She and Hu Not to mention that He Yacheng has a child, and they want to hurt you with He Yacheng's mother, they actually want your life, or they will take your child! When you are sad and sad, where is He Yacheng?! If it weren't for you Lock up Su Maiqi before leaving, I guess he might have had more than one or two children with her now! Where will he remember you, why will he come to you!"

"Su Maiqi's child doesn't belong to Ya Cheng, it's just her acting to force me away. Ya Cheng didn't come to me because he was in a coma in a car accident to save me, so he couldn't come to me." Hu Die's eyes were sore, as long as When she thought that He Yacheng was in a coma at that time, but she misunderstood that he had deceived her and did not come to explain to herself, and did not go to the hospital to take care of him and accompany him, she felt that she owed him a lot.

Knowing the truth, she was very sad and very regretful. If she hadn't left so capriciously at the beginning, she and him would not have missed more than five years and would not have tortured each other.

And when his menopause hurts, she can accompany him, give him a pinch, and take him to see a doctor. Maybe his menopause will be healed now, instead of asking him to drag it in the past few years Yue Tui, who was in severe pain, looked for her everywhere, delayed the treatment, and became so serious.

"Bastard!" Mother Hu greeted Hu Die with a slap after hearing Hu Die's words, and slapped her hard on the face.

"Mom!" Hu Die bit her lower lip and looked at her mother, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a while, she didn't expect her mother to really beat herself.

On the day she came back from Paris, when she wanted to hit her, He Yacheng helped her stop it. After that, no matter how excited her parents were, they never planned to do it.

Her face was burning with pain, and she knew it was swollen even without looking. Hu Die covered her face, tears streaming down her face.

"You're such an asshole! Hu Die, others look down on you, why do you insist on getting close to other people's lives and humiliating yourself?! What's so good about He Yacheng's family? Why does his mother look down on you, and why does he, He Yacheng You are not loyal to you?! You are so willing to spoil yourself, to see the face of others every day, to make a big one for them, and then watch them raise a few small ones outside?! What is lacking in our family? What's missing, or is Hu Die missing arms and legs, deformed and mentally handicapped?!" Mother Hu gritted her teeth and said, she had already slapped her daughter anyway, so even if she felt sorry for her, she had to endure it and told her to break up with He Yacheng first. Besides.

"I didn't insult myself. Yacheng really loves me. His mother will understand Su Maiqi's nonsense after hearing Su Maiqi's nonsense, and she will accept me."

"No one can tell who Su Maiqi's child is. Since she can say that it belongs to He Yacheng, then she must have something to do with him. Otherwise, flies won't get into the cracks, and she won't say it belongs to someone else. Why? Said it was He Yacheng's?" Hu's father frowned, looking impatient, "He Yacheng's mother is so uninhibited, if she can listen to Su Maiqi now, she will listen to others in the future, and sooner or later she will have to target you! Just wake up Let's go! Your mother and I will never compromise on this matter, either you and He Yacheng break up voluntarily, or we start from the He family and tell He Yacheng to break up with you. We will give you another week at most."

"Dad! Do you have to force me like this? You..."

"Come here!" Hu's mother interrupted Hu Die directly, and called the person who served Hu Die, "Take her up to change clothes, it's almost time, the guests will arrive soon, tidy her up, and take care of her."

"Yes, ma'am."

The person serving Hu Die invited Hu Die to go upstairs, but Hu Die sat still, the man invited her again, she stood up and wanted to leave, but was carried upstairs by several people who came out from the side.

"Miss, don't struggle anymore, lest we don't make it easy and you suffer too." said the man holding the butterfly.

"Who is the person I want to meet today?" Hu Die knew that with his little skill, he was no match for the men in front of him, so he could only start with the blind date for a while.

"I don't know." The man replied, then put Hu Die in her room, turned around and closed the door, and stood at the door waiting.

Hu Die gritted her teeth, her parents are so hateful, they didn't even tell her the name of the blind date in advance this time!

She walked up to the window, stretched her neck and looked, and she became even more aroused. There was a row of people standing on the lawn under the window. They were not afraid of her running away, but what was guarding her!
"Ah!" She yelled helplessly, and fell on the quilt, "My face is swollen, I can't meet people, I can't go on a blind date! You go and tell my parents!" She directed the female servant who was serving her in front of her.

"Miss, we have hired a professional makeup artist. After putting on the makeup, you won't be able to tell whether your face is swollen or not." Moreover, Madam didn't do it too hard, and Madam's face wasn't swollen too much.

Hu Die kicked Yuetui indiscriminately, waving her arms back and forth, maddened to the extreme, she didn't want to go on a blind date, she didn't want to have dinner and dates with those men she didn't like, now she only wanted to see He Yacheng, only him Take her out for a walk...

Two hours later, in the dining room of Hu's family, Hu Die was dressed very solemnly. Opposite her was a mixed-race face, but fortunately his hair was not curly, which made her a little more comfortable, otherwise she would definitely vomit now up.

"Hu Die, this is Kong Bilin, the child of your Uncle Kong's family. You met him when you were young, do you remember?" Hu Die was smiling again, introducing her blind date lovingly to Hu Die.

"I don't remember. I meet so many people every day, who remembers who is who!" Hu Die said with an obviously bad attitude, without even looking at Kong Bilin, leaning crookedly on the back of the chair, a little Everyone doesn't look like a lady.

"This child!" Hu's mother couldn't help but smile and explained to Kong Bilin, "Hu Die is just spoiled by us, and she can't be willful. From now on, Ah Lin needs to take care of her more. .”

"Auntie, I think such a casual Hu Die is pretty good. He has only been alive for a few decades, so he should live a little more of himself. Hu Die's attitude towards life is still pretty good." Kong Bilin said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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