Chapter 325 Hacking the Old Fox


"Well, brother A Lin, do you want me to do something? Ask me to go out to play?" Hu Die heard Kong Bilin's leisurely voice coming from the other end of the phone, and he didn't care what he said or wanted to say, anyway, he just said to himself After talking to herself, she thought that someone as smart as Kong Bilin would not fail to understand her.

"Would you like me to pick you up?" Kong Bilin curled his lips into a smile, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the streetlight in front of him.

"Yeah." Sure enough, he is smart, but does this old fox want to be so high-profile? !

"But I'm busy now and don't have time."

"Where are you?" Hu Die really wanted to ask Kong Bilin what he was up to, but he was afraid of revealing his secrets, so he could only ask his location implicitly.

"Drinking with a group of friends." Kong Bilin opened the CD in hand, and inside was the lively scene of friends gathering in the bar, as well as the voice of a woman saying "father", and the voice of a man who is not serious.

Hu Die pouted her lips, and pressed the speaker button on the phone in a leisurely manner, and then heard Kong Bilin's voice continued from the other end: "A lot of friends are together, and they are entangled by women and can't leave."

"Oh! That's why you asked me to help you out? Okay! I am very happy, who told you that you are my elder brother in the forest!" Hu Die replied with a smile, and then looked at her parents who were not very good-looking, and secretly smiled in her heart , Kong Bilin, you old fox, if you don’t come to rescue me, I will ruin your reputation, and I tell you to still pretend to be a good person in front of my parents, pretend to be decent, pretend to be decent!
"You want to save me? No, I still have a way to get rid of the women in the bar." Kong Bilin didn't know that he was originally going to act for Hu Die, but was misunderstood by her parents, so Still continuing to act, "Give me half an hour, dump these women, and I'll come pick you up."

"Okay!" Hu Die hung up the phone, winked at her parents, and looked like a good person you are looking for.

"Why is Ah Lin such a person?" Hu's mother looked at Hu's father with some doubts, feeling that she didn't match up with the decent kid at the meal just now!

"Among friends, a man always has friends. Let's talk about it later." Hu's father heard that Kong Bilin's character is quite good, but now that he heard it with his own ears, he felt a little unbelievable no matter what.

Hu Die snickered in her heart, but on her face she was very talkative, "Dad, Mom, fortunately I asked where Brother A Lin is, otherwise I really don't know that he likes this kind of thing..."

"Okay, don't kill yourself with a single shot, just like your father said, there are all kinds of people at parties. We believe that A Lin is not that kind of person." Hu's mother said embarrassingly, "Look again Besides, since Ah Lin is coming to pick you up, go out and have fun with him, the two of you get along well, and naturally know each other's temperament."

"En." Hu Die nodded.

Half an hour later, Kong Bilin's car appeared outside the gate of Hu's villa on time. Hu Die ran over and threw himself into Kong Bilin's arms, laughing and shouting, "Brother Ah Lin!"

Kong Bilin closed his pupils, he didn't understand why Hu Die suddenly changed his sex, but he understood in the next second.

Hu Die grabbed his white shirt collar and exclaimed in surprise: "Brother Ah Lin, you actually... This is a woman's lipstick mark! You made out with another woman and came to me again! You..."

"What's the matter?" Mother Hu heard Hu Die's shout, stepped forward to have a look, and held Hu Die who was about to cry, "A lipstick mark, don't make a fuss!"

"I made a fuss?! Mom, he just went on a blind date with me. He went out for less than two hours, and came back like this. How can you tell me to calm down?!" Hu Die grabbed the lipstick mark on Kong Bilin's collar, You must know that in order to get this lipstick mark, she sacrificed herself and threw herself into her arms!
Kong Bilin knew that he had fallen for Hu Die, but he was not so easily manipulated.

"Why is the color of this lipstick mark the same as the one on your mouth?" He pretended to be puzzled and said to himself.

"That's right! Hu Die, it's possible that you accidentally touched it just now! Didn't you give A Lin a hug just now?" Of course, Mother Hu was reminded by Kong Bilin's voice, which was just too big or too small to be heard by others up.

"How is it possible! It's normal for women to like the same color of lipstick! Mom, do you know that this color is used by many Hollywood actresses this year! This is the fashion benchmark, and all women who love beauty will buy it!" After Hu Die finished speaking, a When I stomped my feet, tears rolled down, and I ran away in small steps.

"Hu Die!" Hu's mother felt that her daughter was right, and the lipstick mark on the man's collar was indeed something difficult to say. She couldn't do anything except call Hu Die's name.

Kong Bilin went up to chase Hu Die, but saw her jumping into a car quickly, it was not a taxi, because this is a villa area, usually no taxi would drive in, and the luxury of that car was not as luxurious as his A Maserati is on par.

"What's going on? I'm in a hurry." Ran Zijin drove the car and asked Hu Die, who was wiping away tears beside him. This guy was still crying one second, but changed his face the next second. There was no trace of sadness.

"My parents forced me to go on a blind date. Did you see the one standing at the door just now? That's the marriage partner I was looking for, and I blackmailed it." Hu Die fixed her makeup in front of the small mirror, so as not to find any clues for He Yacheng when she went home.

"Godmother and the others are so stubborn? He Yacheng is the prodigal son now, why are they still not at ease?" Ran Zijin has served as Hu Die's rescuer several times, knowing that Hu Die's parents objected to her and He Yacheng, but he did not expect his attitude to be so firm this time.

"They really want me to marry someone who is right for my dreams. They dislike Yacheng's family for not having as much business as mine, and they also dislike him for having a relationship with Su Maiqi before. Zijin, why do you think I have such a miserable life? , At the beginning, a vicious female supporting role made me die, and I couldn’t be with Yacheng. Now it’s all right, the female supporting role is gone, why did my parents start to object again? You said it would be better if they opposed it earlier, then When I was in a nursing home in the United States for the first time, I directly cut off my contact with Yacheng. After so many years, I guess I have forgotten him almost by now, right?" Hu Die sighed, it is not a good thing to have strong parents! "Now Yacheng is so devoted to me. I want to marry, and he wants to marry too. The love is deep and deep, and the only thing that needs to be stamped is to grow old together. My parents just 'click' to stop it. This is better than the director. Shouting that the camera switch is so fast, I'm almost lost!"

"Don't worry, we're all on your side. When my godmother calls me home for dinner, I'll try to persuade her again."

"Well. I hope she can listen in." Hu Die took two sips of Ran Zijin's water, "Fortunately, I secretly sent you a text message just now, otherwise I will be under house arrest now, and I can't even get out. Don't count on it. Do you have any other plans?"

"It's no wonder there are so many typos. I read it with Mu Xuan for a long time before I understood what you meant."

"I hid my mobile phone under my clothes, and I fumbled for the typed words. I think you can understand them."

"It's true that only I can understand it. Mu Xuan didn't understand it after reading it for a long time. I figured it out after thinking about it." Ran Zijin and Leng Muxuan looked at the text message sent by Hu Die with typos just now. , really depressed for a while.

"Oh! God, bless me! For the sake of my love with Ya Cheng, please don't abuse me, please let me go! Tell me to marry Ya Cheng smoothly, even if it's just plain old. For the rest of my life, I am willing too!"

"You have been influenced by He Yacheng's mother, and you have started to believe in the heavens, the earth, and the Buddha?" Ran Zijin couldn't help laughing, Hu Die's appearance was really funny.

"Am I being forced?!"

"You really don't intend to tell He Yacheng about the blind date?"

"Well. It's useless to tell him. His menstrual cramps hurt so badly. It's a crime to run around in a hurry with me." Hu Die packed up her cosmetics and leaned against the car door, "My mother Said to give me another week, if I don't break up with Ya Cheng, they will attack the He family."

"Don't worry. He Yacheng still has Mu Xuan and Mo Shaochun here! If Mu Xuan is willing to intervene, the godmother and the others will definitely sell him some face." Ran Zijin reassured Hu Die, "I'll go back and brag to my mother-in-law There is wind in my ears, tell my father-in-law to persuade my godfather, we will do it in many ways."

"That's the only way to go." Ran Zijin turned the car onto another road, and found a suspicious car behind him in the rearview mirror, "Hu Die, we seem to be being followed. Could it be someone sent by the godmother? "

Hu Die stretched out her neck and looked back, then waved her hands weakly, "No no no! That's the car your godmother found for my blind date!"

"Why is he following here?" Ran Zijin frowned, and accelerated with a kick of the gas pedal.

"Come and follow, anyway, he will know about me and Ya Cheng sooner or later, it is better to let him know and give up on me!" Hu Die saw that Ran Zijin was speeding up to get rid of the Maserati behind, so she told her not to speed up .

"I see the posture of the people behind here. It's still a little difficult for me to get rid of him." Ran Zijin planned to circle around the small alleys of H City, but the people behind seemed to be quite familiar with this place. Always follow quickly.

Kong Bilin had a smile on his lips, he just wanted to see what kind of tricks Hu Die could play with him with the little girl, a game of cat and mouse, he would be more than happy to play with her.

Although his company is headquartered in Paris, it also has assets in China. He often comes back and knows the traffic in City H very well, so he is not afraid to catch up with the car in front of him.

"I'd better take you home!" Ran Zijin couldn't get rid of Kong Bilin, and Hu Die didn't ask her to do so, so she just sent her home.

After Hu Die got off the car, she rushed into the elevator and went upstairs.

When Kong Bilin chased after him, he saw the elevator stopped at a certain number, and the corner of his mouth curled up, remembering which floor Hu Die lived on.

"Why are you coming back now?" Although He Yacheng received a text message from Hu Die saying that he would be back late, this time was much later than he expected.

"Miss me? Do you miss me every day? Do you want me to treat you well?" Hu Die leaned against He Yacheng's arms with a sweet smile, raised her head and bit his chin, "The smell of shaving water So thick! But I like it!"

"Little fairy! Stand still, I'll take off your shoes." He Yacheng gnawed on Hu Die's lips, then squatted down to take off her shoes and change them.

"Yacheng, I want you to hug me! I can't walk anymore!" Hu Die put her arms around the neck of He Yacheng who stood up, and said coquettishly, this is an excellent way to divert his attention, and it has been tried and tested!

"Then have a perfect princess hug." He Yacheng smiled and hugged Hu Die horizontally, walked slowly to the living room, and put her on the sofa.

"Reward a princess's kiss!" Hu Die quickly kissed He Yacheng on the lips when he got up to leave.

"I'm going to put the bath water for you, you have to rest for a while."

Hu Die looked back at the back of He Yacheng walking into the yu room, and said with a smile: "You are simply a model of a good wife and mother!"

Underneath the smiling face is the sadness and anxiety that he tried his best to hide, as well as the deep helplessness and exhaustion.

"What?! You asked me to marry Kong Bilin?!" Hu Die almost jumped up from the leather chair, the news was like a bolt from the blue!
"Yes! Go get the certificate tomorrow! Otherwise, don't regret it!" Sitting opposite Hu Die, Mother Hu said powerfully.

"Mom, you are forcing a marriage! This is against the law and morals!" Hu Die put her right hand on her forehead and tried to calm herself down. Why does her mother always throw depth bombs at her? She doesn't even have a chance to escape !

After the blind date with Kong Bilin, the old fox never came to her, and her parents didn't do anything about it. A week passed, and she thought it was over. Came to her office.However, fortunately, He Yacheng is not at home at the company today, otherwise this would be all messed up.

"I don't care if you are legal or moral, you hurry home with me tomorrow to get a certificate from Ah Lin! We have already set the wedding date, and the middle of next month will be a good day, suitable for a wedding banquet." Mother Hu pretended that I am not here to discuss with you, but to inform, "Don't even think about playing with me first, I have all your important documents such as your household registration, and you have to have something with He Yacheng. It's impossible, so you better take it easy!"

"Mom!" Hu Die finally got angry, slapped the desk, stood up suddenly, gritted her teeth and held back her temper, and said calmly, "Mom, I want you to go, I won't go! "

"How do you talk, kid! I love your dad so much, who can be better than your dad?"

"That's right! Xi Shi is in the eye of the beholder. If you think my father is the best, I think Ya Cheng is the best! I will not marry anyone except Ya Cheng! Even if you tie me up, I won't marry you." Marry! If you want to marry, go by yourself!"

"Don't play tongue twisters with me!" Mother Hu thought for a while, but felt that it was still not right, so she changed her plan again, "Pack up your things and go home with me now!"

(End of this chapter)

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