Chapter 327

"President, the company's biggest order this month has been cancelled, and the person in charge of the other company needs you to come back and talk face to face."

"What?! What's going on? You speak slowly. Okay, I'll be right back!" Hu Die was about to check the ticket and get on the train, but was confused by the hasty phone call and hurried out of the train station to rush to the company .

She managed to settle down with He Yacheng, and lied to him that she was going to Guangzhou for a week on business, trying to find a way to avoid being forced to marry Kong Bilin tomorrow.

Her documents are all with Mother Hu, so she can't fly, and she can't buy good train tickets. She can only do this kind of very low-end car. It took a long time in the past, and she couldn't even stay in a good hotel, but it's good. There are still friends over there, and the board and lodging can finally be resolved.

But now there is a problem with the company's order, and the other party has to meet and talk on their own, so I can't go to Guangzhou.

After blocking the taxi to go back to the company, Hu Die was dying of a headache. It was already past nine o'clock in the morning. When I went back to the company, I was really not sure if I would be caught by Kong Bilin and her parents to get married, but the company's business couldn't either. No, after all, an order of tens of millions is not a small amount for a small-scale company like her, and she has so many people under her staff who have to wait for her to send money for food.

"President, the other party's person is in your conference room, and he told you to go now." Xiaoya finally hoped for the president to come back, and hurriedly led the way nervously, while reporting the current situation, "The other party The president of the company came here in person. He has been waiting for a long time. He has a bad attitude. He even threw a cup for Mia just now. He disliked our coffee for being too bad. He said that he would wait here if he didn’t see you. He wanted to disturb me anyway. We just can’t work.”

"Well. I'll go and see what's going on first." Hu Die has never met the boss of the company who placed the order this time, and she and the president of the other party were not in charge of the entire process before. Now that he is here, it is really true Unexpectedly.

Xiaoya pushed open the door, let Hu Die in, and whispered to her: "President, just sit over there. I'll go and prepare coffee for you." Then she left first.

Hu Die walked in, gritted her teeth, and stood behind the motionless man, and just about to speak, the man kept his original appearance, speaking in a calm tone, but with the aura of controlling the world.

"Here you come back obediently?"

"Kong Bilin, you scoundrel!" Hu Die cursed speechlessly, resisting the thought of throwing her handbag directly on Kong Bilin's smooth and neat hair.

"I'm a scoundrel?" Kong Bilin turned back slowly, stood up and looked at the person in front of him with leisure, "Hu Die, what did I tell you last night? How did you do it? I told you in advance, and You have to foul first, how can I not foul?"

"It turns out that President Kong Da came prepared, and I, Hu Die, underestimated you!" Hu Die smiled mockingly, and sat on the sofa on the other side, neither angry nor anxious. What can we do, just take one step at a time and see what happens.

"There will be no pie in the sky. Since no one dares to offer a better price than me, and no one dares to compete with me for business, you should think about the problem." Kong Bilin sat down again and shook hands. Putting his hands on his knees, he still had a smile in his eyes, obviously elegant and generous, but it made Hu Die feel very underwhelmed.

"Thank you, President Kong Da, for reminding me!" Hu Die gritted her teeth secretly. This time, she was really careless. She didn't expect that such a generous orderer would have dug a hole and waited for her to jump! "But what are you going to do, can I trouble you to explain clearly at once, I don't have time to play guessing games with you!"

"Come with me to get the certificate now, or I will refuse to sign the contract." Kong Bilin said directly, "You know, if I am willing to pay too high a price for a low-profit business, no one in the industry would dare to follow me." Fighting, my price is the highest, no one but me dares to offer this price! Hu Die, whether you want tens of millions or not, it is just a matter of minutes for you. Have you thought about it?"

Hu Die secretly scolded Kong Bilin for being an old fox. He first gave her some sweets, but now he grabbed her lifeline. Seeing that as soon as the contract was signed, everyone was just waiting to make money, but he threatened her with the matter of getting married. up!

If the contract is not signed, her company will have to stop production, and others will not dare to take over Kong Bilin's stall. She will lose tens of millions in a blink of an eye, but to Kong Bilin, it is just a loss. It's just money for food and water.

"I still need to think about it? As the president of the company, the most important thing is to have the quality of making quick decisions and making decisive decisions. It's not good for you to hesitate like this!" Kong Bilin looked up at the moon. Step back, go closer to the sofa, staring at Hu Die hard.

Hu Die suddenly hooked her lips into a smile, "It's only tens of millions, which is nothing compared to Yacheng! If you don't do business, you won't do it. I'm not short of this money, and all I want is He Yacheng. Kong Bilin, I advise you to It's better to give up, don't try to destroy me and Yacheng, no matter what your intentions are! I can tell you very clearly that I will, and it is impossible to marry you, at your mercy, to be your ideal A good wife and mother!"

She only had a few conversations with him, but every time she could hear from his words that he had a deep manly plot, and he wanted to shape women into his ideal perfect type.

Not to mention that she, Hu Die, doesn't love him at all, even if she loves him, she will not accept his arrogant masculine dignity, and regards women as men's accessories, she can only live for men, and blindly sacrifice for men Ego's corny thoughts.

"Exchange tens of millions for He Yacheng, so in your heart, he is worth this price!" Kong Bilin suddenly laughed out loud, and felt that Hu Die's words were very funny, so he laughed for a long time before opening his mouth again, "Do you think you don't know?" Lack of money, is it because the He family's business is good? Or do you think that the Hu family's property will be given to you after you marry He Yacheng despite your parents' dissuasion? Are you being a little too naive?"

"Even if I don't have a penny, I won't leave Yacheng! You don't want to threaten me with anything!" Hu Die said coldly.

"Very good! This game is really getting more and more fun!" Kong Bilin stood up, straightened his clothes, and buttoned up his suit, "I'll play with you again!"

He couldn't believe it, the game he started first couldn't win!Hu Die is a woman who can really hold her breath and not compromise in the face of reality!
"Damn old fox!" Hu Die breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she didn't have to follow Kong Bilin to get the certificate today, but the old fox really didn't sign the contract anymore! "Don't you have the quality to distinguish between public and private?! You can't do such a basic thing. It seems that your broken company is as scumbag as you!"

"The distinction between public and private depends on the person!"

"You..." Hu Die didn't expect Kong Bilin to turn around and retort when he complained, didn't he already go away? !He can't roll in a straight line, so he has to roll back and forth? !

"As I said, I don't mind using coercive means for people I care about and people I love. Of course, I will make an exception. You are a private matter to me, and it is also a business matter!" Kong Bilin pushed with one hand With one hand slanted in his pocket, he stood casually at the door, "Yu Si, you are my wife, Yu Gong, you are the young wife of the Kong family!"

"Get out! Get out in a straight line! Go far away!" Hu Die finally couldn't help but get angry. Why does this old fox feel so good about himself? She is his wife. He thinks it's better to go directly to that old character!
"When I have your name on my household registration book, I'll take you with me! Now, I'll go first!" Kong Bilin chuckled, and the little white rabbit also frowned. It was really fun!
"Your sister!" Hu Die went crazy, and then she swears!
Sure enough, all people have potential. Hu Die never knew that he could swear, and Kong Bilin forced this potential out!

"President, have we really given up on this business?" Xiaoya asked everyone in disbelief after hearing about Hu Die's decision.

"Yeah. I gave up. We don't care too much! Xiaoya, you go back and tell Sister Wang who is in charge of this order, if someone is willing to take this order, it doesn't matter if the price is lower."

"Well, good. That one will go to Miss Wang now." Xiaoya saw Hu Die yawned from the cigarette holder before leaving, and then said, "President, why don't you go and rest for a while? You seem to be very tired recently, pay attention Body."

"I see, thank you Xiaoya. The design contest is about to be selected, so hurry up, I guess I'm too busy to help you look at the pictures."

"I'm ready." Xiaoya's design drawing has been drawn long ago, and has been revised many times. Now that it has been finalized, it is waiting for the day when the draft is due to be delivered.

After Hu Die waited for Xiaoya to leave, she didn't have time to rest. She went to wash her face, put on makeup casually, went downstairs to pick up the car and went to the hospital to accompany He Yacheng.

Here, Kong Bilin left, and her parents didn't move, so she knew that the three of them were plotting something again, and they wouldn't come to her for a while.But she didn't know what their next move was, and she couldn't guess it, so she was very passive, which made her very worried.

Mo Shaochun was upstairs, and when he saw Hu Die parking downstairs, he quickly called He Yacheng, "Hu Die came to the hospital again, you just leave, you can figure it out!"

"Why is she back? Didn't she go to Guangzhou, won't it take a few days?" He Yacheng panicked when he heard that Hu Die had returned to the hospital, and hurriedly waved to the horse in front to stop.

Ma Dai parked the car on the side of the road, looking back nervously at He Yacheng, He Yacheng signaled him not to speak, so he could only obediently remain silent, got out of the car and got a ticket in the traffic policeman's hand and got in again.

"What are you going to do? Hu Die has already entered the elevator and will be going upstairs soon!" Mo Shaochun said impatiently.

"Tell her that I went out to meet my friends, and I'm on my way back to the hospital! Don't say anything else!" He Yacheng hung up the phone with Mo Shaochun, and directed Ma Dai, "Go back to the hospital!"

"Aren't we going to the airport?" Ma Dai asked, but the order to drive around was executed very neatly.

"I'm not going!" He Yacheng's eyebrows twitched. When he heard that Hu Die was going to Guangzhou for a while, he was ready to leave. He was about to go to the airport. Why did she come back? !
Now that she came back, he didn't know when he would have such a good opportunity to leave.

"Don't talk nonsense in front of Hu Die for a while!" He repeatedly told Ma Dai that he must not leak the news, otherwise he just wanted to leave, even if he had another chance in the future, he would not be able to leave.

Within a few minutes, He Yacheng's phone rang, and he knew it was Hu Die without even looking.

"Hu Die?" He answered the phone with a very natural expression, as well as the joy of seeing an old friend.

"Are you so happy to see your friends?" Hu Die didn't hear anything unusual from He Yacheng's voice, so she was relieved. Just now when Mo Shaochun told her that he went to see his friends, she was really worried if it was her parents. He and Kong Bilin dug some kind of hole for He Yacheng to jump into, so as to force her to submit obediently.

"Well, I haven't seen you for many years, so I'm naturally happy." He Yacheng lied without blushing, "Have you been to Guangzhou?" In order to present the lie, he pretended not to know that she hadn't gone to Guangzhou.

"I have something to do, I'm in the hospital, are you coming back soon?"

"I'll be right back, wait for me obediently, huh?" He Yacheng was really glad that he just left and the ward over there hadn't been tidied up yet, so it wouldn't arouse Hu Die's suspicion as it was.

Hu Die answered the phone, and went to Mo Shaochun to ask about He Yacheng's condition when he had nothing to do.

He Yacheng was busy, she sat there and waited for a while, and only after his guest left did she ask him.

"Shaochun, Yacheng has been taking medicine on time during this period, and is actively treating him. Has his symptoms eased?" She was a little worried. Every time she looked at He Yacheng's condition, she felt that nothing had changed, but this month's retreat What her naked eyes saw was not necessarily accurate, so it would be more reassuring to ask Mo Shaochun.

"The symptoms should not be relieved." Mo Shaochun answered Hu Die's question honestly, but lied and pulled her to be an ally with him, "Although the drug treatment is good, there have been new advances in medical research recently. The situation, we can treat it with surgery, I don’t know if you are willing to try it. Anyway, I told Yacheng this morning, and he doesn’t seem to plan to try it.”

"Why? Could it be that if the operation is not successful, there will be other serious consequences?" Hu Die suddenly became nervous, and her right hand unconsciously grasped the clothes around her heart.

"Maybe amputation."

"Then if there is no surgery, it will only be painful, so it won't be amputated?"

Amputation? !
This is not an unfamiliar word to Hu Die. She was told this by the doctor when she was in a car accident, but now the person who has to bear it is He Yacheng, so she has no way to accept it.

"It's hard to say, after all, no one can guarantee what will happen in the future." Mo Shaochun had told He Yacheng that he had to have an operation, but he just refused to listen to his arrangement. If this continues, let alone one month less. , even death is possible.

He couldn't watch He Yacheng love Hu Die regardless of his life, so he wanted to start with Hu Die and asked her to persuade He Yacheng to have the operation.

(End of this chapter)

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