The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 334 Fighting wits and courage

Chapter 334 Fighting wits and courage
"He Beibei, what are you doing in the bathroom again?" Hu Die drove to the supermarket, and when she came back, she heard the nanny say that her daughter was in the bathroom, so she paid extra attention.

She doesn't have to go to the company on weekends, but since she had two children, her weekends have been extraordinarily busy, but she always has to do everything related to the children by herself. Just now she went to buy snacks for the children.

"It's nothing, mom mouth rice, I'm peeing!" He Beibei heard Hu Die's voice, and immediately pressed the flush button, there was a sound of water in the toilet, and everything disappeared with a splash.

"Do you need to pee for more than half an hour?" Hu Die obviously didn't believe He Beibei, she quickly put down the things in her hands and walked towards the bathroom.

He Beibei had already run outside the bathroom door, looked at Hu Die with a smile, and hugged her Da Yuetui coquettishly, "Mom Mi, what delicious food did you buy me?"

"Nothing! Disobedient children have no snacks!" Hu Die broke He Beibei's hand, went into the bathroom, opened the toilet seat, and a fishy smell rushed up immediately. She turned her head and asked He Beibei , "What did you do again, tell me honestly!"

"I didn't do anything! If you don't believe me, ask the nanny!" He Beibei is only a little over two years old, but she is naughty like a boy. Compared with her brother He Baobao, she seems to be a boy, and He Baobao is a boy. Like a girl, it was a headache for Hu Die and even more for He Yacheng.

He Beibei doesn't have any special hobbies, she's just curious about everything, and she's become curious about their toilet these days.

The day before yesterday, I put He Yacheng's two fish into the toilet, saying that the toilet can be used as a fish pond. The fish are more comfortable in the toilet and swim more happily. If He Yacheng hadn't discovered it in time, his two rare species of fish would have been He died in Huangquan.

Yesterday, I poured a bag of live shrimps bought by the kitchen aunt into the toilet, and secretly hid the boiled eggs for breakfast, peeled them off, crushed them into pieces and threw them into the toilet. It is called raising shrimps.As a result, the aunt in the kitchen couldn't find the shrimps after searching for a long time. She thought there were wild cats and dogs coming at home, so she came to ask her whether to take preventive measures, and she ordered her servants to do it. Beibei's behavior is very strange, no matter how you look at it, there is a kind of secretly complacent.Finally, after some investigation, I found out that the bag of live shrimp was being raised in the toilet!
Today, she smelled fishy smell in the toilet again, but there was nothing in the toilet. This kind of result is not good, very bad!

"If I ask the nanny, you will definitely be beaten today!" Hu Die had a headache. Why is this daughter more troublesome than she was when she was a child? Could it be that the blue is better than the blue? !

He Beibei blinked her eyes with an innocent face, "I can tell you, but I definitely didn't do it!"

"Be honest!" Hu Die raised her forehead. Her daughter has so many things to do at such a young age. If she was a little older, wouldn't she have even more headaches and no way to deal with this little guy!

"The chubby next door brought his frog and turtle to me to play with my brother. He wanted to go to the backyard with my brother to play football. He said there was no place to put the frog and turtle, so he put them in the toilet." He Beibei said The truth, but definitely not all the truth. "When my brother left, he secretly told me that when Xiaopang left, he told me to wash away the frogs with boiling water. Because frogs are good friends of human beings, they can eat mosquitoes, but If they want to live in the field, won’t they go to the field if they walk along the pipe in the toilet?”

In fact, she was just curious about whether the frog could reach the field along the pipe, but when the frog was washed away, she realized that she couldn't follow the pipe like the frog, and she couldn't see where it would go.

"..." Hu Die was angry, the toilet was definitely going to be clogged this time!
"Later, I thought that the frogs were all gone, and the little turtle was boring to play alone, so I sent it to find the frogs." He Beibei continued to explain, those big eyes blinked and blinked, very innocent and kind, but God knows she That's fake!
The little turtle is so innocent, because she always went to catch people, and when he opened his mouth and bit her, she threw him down several times in anger, and was afraid that Xiaopang would come back and cry to her, so she simply refused to die. Leave the corpse, and then lie to Xiaopang that the frog jumped away and the turtle ran away by itself.

"He Beibei!!!" Hu Die almost went crazy, thinking about flushing a frog and a turtle in the toilet, can she still go to the toilet happily? !What a strange (jing) wonderful (song) feeling this is!
"It's not my fault! Didn't I tell you that my brother told me to do it?" He Beibei immediately ran away after hearing Hu Die's 'howling', and asked He Baobao who came in with Xiaopang , "Brother, don't you think so? Frogs are good friends of human beings!"

"Yes!" He Baobao said righteously, "So we have to protect the frogs and put the frogs caught by others back into the field."

"Hey baby!!!" Hu Die 'howled' again.

"What's the matter? Mother's mouth rice." He Baobao didn't know that he was being put together by He Beibei. Just now, he really jumped into the hole dug for him when he said that frogs are good friends of human beings.

He Beibei hid outside the door, secretly laughing until her stomach couldn't straighten up.

"How can you be a brother? My sister is already very naughty, yet you still give her bad advice!"

"What kind of bad idea?" He Baobao looked confused, "Mom eats rice, frogs are friends of human beings, this is what the aunt in the kindergarten told us! Am I wrong?"

"That's right..." Hu Die dropped the two dazed children and went to look for He Beibei. It's a battle of wits and courage to follow the guy!
"Where are my frog and little turtle?" Xiaopang asked He Baobao with a football in his hand, "I'm going home, so I have to take it away."

He Baobao saw Hu Die rushing out to find He Beibei in a hurry, and shook his head helplessly, "Little Fatty, please let your condolences pass! There are no little frogs and little turtles anymore, they are over!"

"Why?" Xiaopang was still at a loss, "Didn't Beibei say that they should be kept in the toilet so that they wouldn't die? Why are they still dead now?!"

As he said that, he started to cry. He was so sad that his little pet was gone.

"You're the only one who can trust He Beibei that much! Go find He Beibei! What's the use of crying?!" He Baobao hates and despises men who love to cry the most. He is much stronger and bigger than him, but he just loves to cry, crying at every turn, if he doesn't see it because he is his neighbor, and he has many pets that can satisfy He Beibei's curiosity Don't worry, he won't play with this crybaby!

[Master Xia is going out again, and the daily change is two thousand in the past few days! 】

(End of this chapter)

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