Chapter 340 Happy Birthday
"Zimu, that was your brother just now, right? He is so handsome, and he treats you so well!" In the dressing room next to the school's performance hall, Teacher Zhang, Ran Zimu's head teacher, asked her.

Ran Zimu sat in front of the mirror, and Nangong Lie hired a special makeup artist to apply makeup on her. From the mirror, she looked at Teacher Zhang, who was surrounded by bright eyes and blooming flowers, and frowned displeasedly, " Lie is not my brother! Of course he is nice! Except for me, he never smiles at other women, nor is he nice to other women! "

The corner of Teacher Zhang's mouth twitched, feeling unhappy, and he rolled his eyes at Ran Zimu, "Surprised!"

Ran Zimu was young, but he was very proud of being used to by Nangong Lie. He glared at Mr. Zhang and said directly: "I'm telling the truth! If you don't believe me, ask this sister who puts on makeup! She is a private person specially invited by Lie. Makeup artist!"

Teacher Zhang looked up at the girl who put on Ran Zimu's makeup. Although she was unhappy, but after thinking about Nangong Lie's cold face, she still didn't dare to provoke Ran Zimu too much, so she stomped her feet and walked out .

She knows best that the children's cosmetics and makeup artists in this room, as well as the costumes and props for this performance, are all under the influence of Ran Zimu. Nangong Lie is responsible for all of them, and there is only Ran Zimu alone. People have a special makeup artist, she can't afford to provoke such a person, and she doesn't dare to provoke them. Even if she is envious or jealous, she can only shut up and keep it in her heart.

Teacher Zhang was able to come to such a good school to teach because of her connections. She managed to get in. She didn't dare to take the risk of offending people like Nangong Lie and Ran Zimu, and she would be dismissed by the school later.

"Sister, do you think Teacher Zhang likes Lie?" Ran Zimu still saw Teacher Zhang's figure in the mirror, and disappeared from the door angrily, then asked the makeup artist who applied blush to her.

"Your Lie is so good, who wouldn't like it?" The makeup artist joked with Ran Zimu with a smile.

She is a few years older than Nangong Lie, and she actually admires him a little bit, but it's just that the age gap is bigger, and she is beside him and Ran Zimu, and she knows very well that he treats Ran Zimu well, and she has long been aware of his side There was no place for her, and she didn't dare to act rashly, lest she not be favored by Nangong Lie, and she would be dealt with badly by him.

"Wait for me!" Ran Zimu heard the makeup artist's words, pushed her hand away, and ran out the door.

"Lie!" She found him in a room dedicated to Nangong Lie's rest outside the dressing room, threw herself into his arms, hugged him tightly, raised her small head, and blinked her big eyes , "Lie, I don't want to go to school anymore! I want to be by your side all the time!"

She wants to follow him and watch him, in case he is liked by another woman, or someone like Mr. Zhang likes him!

"Why? The school environment makes you uncomfortable? Then let's change to another school, huh?" Nangong Lie's heart tightened. What did this poor school do to make his Zimu unwilling to come to school? !

"It's not the environment! It's the people! When you came to school, those female teachers were very excited! Our teacher Zhang asked you specifically just now!" Ran Zimu pouted displeasedly, looking like she was about to cry. He can be proud and strong in front of others, but he can't do it in front of Nangong Lie. He is a little wronged, a little unhappy, and always has red eyes and wants to cry.

"Hahaha!" Nangong Lie was so happy after hearing Ran Zimu's explanation, it's because Kid Mu loves him!

"You're still laughing!" Ran Zimu was furious, and stretched out his hands to pinch Nangong Lie's cheeks on both sides, shaking them wildly, "It's all you!"

Saying that, Ran Zimu saw that Nangong Lie not only didn't comfort her, but laughed more happily, so he burst into tears.

"It's done! It's done!" Nangong Lie was about to laugh, and then hugged Ran Zimu to wipe her tears, "The makeup is all over, almost like a clown!"

"Wow!" Ran Zimu cried even harder, "You despise me for being ugly!"

Thinking of Teacher Zhang's mature face, wearing such mature and beautiful clothes and high heels, Ran Zimu felt uncomfortable, and when she heard Nangong Lie call her a clown, how could she feel better.

"When did I despise you for being ugly?" Nangong Lie was at a loss, it was really difficult to raise a villain and a girl, and it was even more difficult for the boy Mu to occupy both the villain and the girl!
"You said I'm similar to a clown!" Ran Zimu's crying shoulders twitched, it was so pitiful that it made people's hearts tremble.

Nangong Lie felt helpless, he was just a metaphor, she was really a child, so she really took it seriously.

"I just said that casually, Zimu looks the best, how could he be a clown!" He beckoned the people around him to find some tissue paper, his handkerchief was stained by the makeup on Ran Zimu's face up.

"Mr. Nangong, we are about to perform in our class. Zimu hasn't put on her makeup yet. Can I take her to do her makeup first?"

"Get out!" Nangong Lie looked up when he heard the door opening, thinking that his subordinates had come back, but he saw Teacher Zhang without thinking, didn't she see that Zimu was sad, and she was going to take her to make up!

"I..." Teacher Zhang looked at the angry Nangong Lie in confusion, his face was ashen, he didn't know what to do, and his heart was full of anxiety, feeling like a catastrophe was imminent.

And her feeling is also very right, she just asked Ran Zimu about Nangong Lie, it was the source of Ran Zimu's unhappiness, how could Nangong Lie let her go so easily!

"From now on, you don't have to show up here again!" Nangong Lie said harshly, and asked the subordinates who came to draw the paper to take Teacher Zhang away to deal with it, while he continued to wipe Ran Zimu's face.

Ran Zimu gradually stopped crying, but hiccupped because of crying so much just now, and asked Nangong Lie intermittently: "Why did you ask Teacher Zhang to leave?"

"Are you unhappy?" Nangong Lie stopped what he was doing, looked into Ran Zimu's eyes seriously and asked back.

Ran Zimu shook his head, nodded again, then shook his head again, and when he was about to nod again, Nangong Lei held his little head and stopped her from moving.

"Zimu—" he said to her gently, "I just want you to be happy, and I will find a way to deal with anyone or anything that makes you unhappy. It's not your fault that I asked Teacher Zhang to leave, she How can such a teacher who casually inquires about the family members of the students and doesn’t know the rule of knocking on the door when they come in teach good students? I am doing this because I am responsible for the students, not because of my will. I do this Say, do you understand?"

Ran Zimu heard Nangong Lie say such a long paragraph, thought about it, digested it carefully, nodded half understanding, "Understood."

"Good boy, you will understand when you grow up. There are many truths, you will understand when you grow up, you don't need me to teach you, you will understand by yourself." Nangong Lie also knew that the young Ran Zi Mu couldn't fully understand what he said, but he still wanted to tell her the truth.

Ran Zimu nodded, wiped the tears off his face on Nangong Lie's suit, and smiled wickedly, "I really want to grow up quickly! If only I could grow up tomorrow!"

Nangong Lie looked at the folds and folds on his suit, and knew that Ran Zimu was unhappy and purposely vented his anger on him, but he was not annoyed, instead he rubbed her heart subduedly, "I will grow up! "

He is also waiting for her to grow up, has been waiting for her to grow up, waiting so anxiously, and wishes that she will grow up tomorrow.

"When will the general grow up! I want to grow up quickly!" Ran Zimu can't wait that long, she just wants to grow up quickly and become as good as Teacher Zhang and the makeup artist sister, It needs to be fleshy and fleshy, and has bones and bones, so it looks good!

Look at her now, she is short, with some baby fat on her face, except for the chubby fat, she looks like a wax gourd, she has no appearance at all!
"Then grow up quickly! Well, I'll take you to put on makeup, and it's time to perform in a while." Nangong Lie pinched Ran Zimu's face. She was taller than her peers, and she was well-developed. It's also faster, and it looks more mature than children of the same age. It has a standard oval face and maintains a good figure. It has not become chubby like other children, and because of dancing, the whole person looks very temperamental.

Ran Zimu obediently put on her makeup and performed on stage. In addition to dancing with everyone as the lead dancer, she also performed a piano solo.

Before the piano performance, she still stood in front of the piano in a decent manner, and said seriously to the audience: "This piece is for me! I hope he likes it!"

Nangong Lie smiled happily, waited for Ran Zimu to finish playing, applauded with everyone, and then took the bouquet he had prepared a long time ago to the stage, presented flowers as if Ran Zimu was a lady, and gave her a kiss .

"Today is Zimu's first Children's Day, and it is also Zimu's sixth birthday. I have a small request, I hope everyone can sing a birthday song to Zimu with me." Nangong Lie faced the stage After the students and the teacher finished talking, they sat down to the piano and played the birthday song.

When the piano sounded, the teachers and students in the audience couldn't help singing along with the piano sound, and the tune of the birthday song echoed throughout the performance hall.

Ran Zimu walked up to Nangong Lie, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, smiling happily, with tears in her eyes, she had never seen her parents since she was a child, and she didn't know her own birthday, it was set on June [-]st, but Because it was on this day that Ran Zijin picked her up from the chair in the hospital corridor and brought her back to the orphanage. Although Ran Zijin would celebrate every birthday for her, there was no such shock.

This time on her birthday, she received the most shocking gift, and she also felt that Nangong Lie cared about her more deeply than her parents and Ran Zijin, which made her feel warm and warm Yes, I am so moved that I want to cry.

"Zimu, stand down!" Nangong Lie looked at Ran Zimu with a smile, and only said to her when the song was almost finished.

Ran Zimu nodded, and when she turned her head slowly, all the lights in the performance hall were turned off, and she fell into darkness. Just when she was about to scream in fear, she saw the fluorescent sticks that lit up at the same time in front of the dark eyes. , Those light sticks formed a few large characters - "Zimu, happy birthday!"

Ran Zimu covered his mouth in surprise, and finally couldn't hold back the tears that flowed down. He couldn't wait for the lights to turn on, and walked towards Nangong Lie gropingly.

When she walked to his side, he had just finished talking about the song, the singing in the audience stopped abruptly, and all the lights were turned on again.

"Zimu, let's go home for our birthday!" Nangong Lie smiled and picked up Ran Zimu and got off the stage. Regardless of other people's envious eyes, he walked straight out of the performance hall, entered the elevator and went downstairs.

After entering the elevator, Ran Zimu suddenly jumped out of Nangong Lie's arms, "Lie, wait for me! I'll come as soon as I go!"

Nangong Lie also came out, seeing Ran Zimu's small figure running towards the dressing room, he followed in confusion.

Ran Zimu entered the dressing room, rummaged around the place where he sat just now, and muttered: "It was here just now! Why did it disappear? I took it off and put it in a box, but the box They're all gone, what's going on?"

"Zimu, what are you looking for?" Nangong Lie came in and saw that Ran Zimu had turned the dressing room into a mess, and her face was sweating.

"My shoes! Red dancing shoes! I just finished dancing and came back to change clothes. I put them here, but they disappeared!" Ran Zimu was very anxious, but Nangong Lie spent a lot of effort to get them I got it for her, and she couldn't even bear to wear it anymore, how could I lose it!

"Is it this box?" Nangong Lie was tall, so he saw a box on the top of the locker, took it down and asked Ran Zimu.

"That's right! That's right!" Ran Zimu looked at the lost and recovered shoes and smiled happily, holding them in his arms without letting go, as if he would lose them if he let go.

When the shoes were delivered home in the morning, the packing box was so beautiful that she couldn't bear to break it, so she left it at home and replaced it with a new box, so she was not sure why she was called Nangong Lie.

"I'll just buy the shoes when I run out of them. What if I'm in a hurry?" Nangong Lie wiped the sweat off Ran Zimu's forehead with distress, and took her hand to leave together.

"You can't throw this away! It's unique, if you buy it again, it won't be meaningful!" Ran Zimu explained seriously.

"Silly girl!" Nangong Lie lowered his head and grinned at Ran Zimu.

"Lie, you look so pretty when you smile! From now on, can you only smile at me and sister Zijin, and not at other girls?" Ran Zimu is young, but everyone has a love for beauty, so I am always fascinated by Nangong Lie's handsome 360-degree smile with no dead ends.

"Of course!" Nangong Lie nodded. In his life, he never planned to smile at women other than Ran Zimu and Ran Zijin, and let alone laughing, he didn't even want to make other unnecessary expressions!

"Lie, you're so kind!" Ran Zimu jumped up and down into Nangong Lie's arms, and poked him on the face, "You are mine!"

Nangong Lie blushed, and his heartbeat became a little unstable. He is already 16 years old, just a sensitive age, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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