The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 351 He Doesn't Love Me

Chapter 351 He Doesn't Love Me
But... she was only 17 years old... crying to death!

Nangong Lieya looked at the little goblin in front of him itchingly, such a small one would tantalize people, and always made his heart flutter, but he couldn't do anything!
"People can fall in love when they go to college, and they can fall in love even before they reach college! Girls in ancient times were already married and had children!" Ran Zimu continued to lose her temper. She really envied those ancient women who could marry so early. Man, if only she lived in ancient times, she would already be Lie's wife by now!Do you still use her to try her best and play tricks here in order to create a little ambiguous atmosphere with him? !
"You live in modern times!" Nangong Lie wanted to knock on Ran Zimu's head to see what was inside, why did she always have so many weird ideas, why was her way of thinking different from ordinary people's? !

"That's why I married before I was fifteen or sixteen, and I fell in love only when I was in college!" Ran Zimu secretly scolded Nangong Lie for being a pighead, and he just didn't say what she wanted to hear the most!
"That won't work either! If you're under eighteen, you can't fall in love!" Nangong Lie said with a dark face, "This is a rigid rule!"

"I'm in love! Anyway, you don't know I'm in love!" Ran Zimu said intentionally. She had been making trouble for a long time, but he didn't know what to say!

"you dare!"

"I dare!"

"It's against you!" Nangong Lie lost his temper, and was so angry at Ran Zimu, he rushed over and pushed her against the car door. Their faces were close to each other, and they could feel each other. Feeling that each other's breath is so hot.

"You..." Ran Zimu blushed, and pretended to be shy and said, but he didn't know how happy he was, and secretly thought: Hurry up!You posted it quickly!Kiss directly, domineering, I like it best!
Ran Zimu has been screaming in his heart, hoping that Nangong Lie can go further, can break through, and stop being bound by those useless rules and regulations. She is 17 years old, and she can do many things!
Nangong Lie looked at Ran Zimu's slightly trembling lips because of breathing, shyness and fear. They were bright red, very beautiful, as attractive as red apples, and he couldn't help but want to stick them on and taste the delicious taste. Taste, but he can't, he can't kiss her, she's not there yet, she's still a child!
He felt that this posture was a little too intimate. He didn't intend to do this at first, but just wanted to poke her in the head and teach her a few words. Who knew that he would suddenly become the present Such an intimate look.

"Zimu..." Be obedient, don't fall in love...

Before he could finish his words, his mouth was blocked by someone, and the sequined red lips were warmly attached to him, and he was still kissing awkwardly.

Nangong Lie's mind went blank for a moment, and she actually took the initiative to kiss him again. This was the third time, no, counting the one when she was three years old, this was the fourth time!
Do you want to respond?Should you respond?Can you respond?Nangong Lie's brain was in a tangle, and his mind was also messed up by Ran Zimu's kiss, and he lost his heartbeat.


The car stopped, and Ah Qiang sat motionless without looking sideways, like a lifeless puppet.

Ran Zimu pushed Nangong Lie away, looked at him with a blushing face, and his eyes were also a little red, "I'm going to fall in love! I like someone for a long time! I like him to the bottom of my heart! I am To like him is to fall in love!"

After finishing speaking, she opened the door as soon as she jumped out of the car and ran into the restaurant quickly. Nangong Lie saw her wiping away tears, and that stubborn back made him feel distressed and helpless.

She is already 17 years old, she is a big girl, she knows what feeling is love, she also wants to fall in love, and wants to leave him...

He was reluctant for her to leave, but he didn't want her to be sad, and he didn't want to force her to do things she didn't want to do...

What should he do?

"Get out of the car!" Nangong Lie was upset and didn't want to hear anyone talking.

Ah Qiang's eyebrows trembled, and he got out of the car speechlessly.

The gentleman is really more stubborn than the lady!He just wanted to tell him that the person Miss said she liked was actually Mr. himself, but he didn't ask him to tell!

well!About love, the authority will always be a fan of the bystanders. The lady and the husband are chasing each other and guarding each other.

"Zimu! What's the matter? It's your birthday today!" Ran Zijin, who had already arrived in the private room, saw Ran Zimu come in with red eyes, obviously crying, so he walked over and put his arms around her shoulders and asked. "Where is Lie? He didn't pick you up?"

"No." Ran Zimu shook his head and rubbed his eyes aggrieved.

When she heard Ran Zijin mentioning Lie, she felt uncomfortable again. She was so open and proactive, that guy Nangong Lie didn't even know how to respond to her!He must still regard her as a child, must feel that he is her parent, and loving her is a duty and responsibility, and he will never think about love at all!

When she said she wanted to fall in love, she just wanted to hear him tell her not to fall in love, because he didn't want her to fall in love with someone else!She didn't expect him to say that it was because he loved her that he didn't ask her to fall in love!

He is not willing to satisfy her with such a simple thought!He's not a fool, he must know what she's thinking, but he just doesn't satisfy her!
He must not love her--love's kind of love!It's the kind of love a man has for a woman!
Because he has no desire for her!

Zhang Keke said that when a man likes a woman, he longs for everything about her, including her body!That kind of kissing, holding hands, hugging, these are the most basic, and also the most common and frequent way of expressing and asking for love!Only the combination of the body is the highest state, the most perfect, the true love!
She thought he rushed over to kiss her just now, where she was secretly excited for a long time, but he didn't respond and didn't say anything, and wanted to shrink her neck back, she took the initiative to kiss her before he retracted, she There was no response, no response at all, and it made her feel like she was kissing a piece of wood, which really frustrates her!
Did she just fail like that? !Don't you even have the charm to mess up the person you like? !
"Sit down first!" Ran Zijin was the one who came here, and seeing Ran Zimu's reaction, he knew that she and Nangong Lie were having a fight, so he didn't say anything more, pulled her to sit down, and poured her a glass of water.

Ran Senyang sat aside and smiled secretly, with a look of gloating.

Leng Haohe tilted her head and looked thoughtful. When Nangong Lie pushed the door in with a livid face, she shook her head and said, "The culprit is here!"

"Shut up!" Ran Zijin poked Leng Haohe's little head. Her daughter is only seven years old, but her small thoughts are not something ordinary people can keep up with. She was afraid that her daughter would say something earth-shattering again. Let this tense atmosphere become more tense.

"Brother, Dou Miao bullied me!" Leng Haohe held his mouth and complained to Ran Senyang pretending to be wronged.

"It's okay." Ran Senyang was in a good mood, he lowered his head and whispered into Leng Haohe's ear, "Let's watch a good show!"

"You're so immoral!" Leng Haohe's aggrieved expression disappeared, and immediately changed into a expression of being speechless towards you.

"Sister who knows me!" Ran Senyang smiled wickedly, Ran Zimu usually likes to take him to see her aunt, but she is only five years older than him, okay?

Why should he call a little girl who is five years older than her and not as tall as him Auntie!

And she is always 'relying on the old to sell the old', using her aunt's status to suppress him every now and then!

She cried today, can he not be happy? !In an instant, there was a kind of serf who turned over and drove away the joy of singing!
Nangong Lie was in a bad mood, and there was nothing extra to say when he came in, so he asked the waiter to serve the food, thinking that he would go back earlier after eating, he really didn't have the energy to deal with this kind of dinner party.It was a happy birthday banquet, but now it has become a torture for him and Ran Zimu!

"Zimu, come and eat this! This is specially prepared for you, your favorite lobster." Ran Zijin, a peacemaker, took food for the sullen Ran Zimu.

Nangong Lie sat opposite Ran Zimu, drinking non-stop, staring at Ran Zimu who bowed his head and said nothing, his brows were almost furrowed into a ravine.

Ran Zimu raised her head and forced a smile at Ran Zijin. From the corner of her eye, she saw Nangong Lie drinking non-stop, so she angrily picked up the empty wine glass and poured herself a glass, then raised her head and drank it in one gulp.

"Zimu..." Ran Zijin didn't expect Ran Zimu to be like this, she knew she would drink a little wine, but today's wine was strong wine, and she drank such a big glass in one go!

"What can you do if you don't know how to drink!" Nangong Lie angrily dodged the wine bottle and glass in Ran Zimu's hands. She drank one drink and wanted a second one. What a nonsense!

"You care about me!" Ran Zimu glanced at Nangong Lie lightly, and wanted to throw the handkerchief on him, but because there were so many people around, she endured it and stood up without looking back. Walked out of the private room.

"Where are you going?" Nangong Lie asked displeased.

"Bathroom!" Ran Zimu didn't even know how to answer.

"Let me go and have a look." Ran Zijin was afraid when he thought of Ran Zimu's glass of wine just now, it's too dangerous for a drunk girl to go out alone.

"No need to go, if she wants to make trouble, tell her to make trouble!"

Nangong Lie didn't tell Ran Zijin to go, but Ran Zijin looked at his dark face and didn't go out.

Ran Zimu stood in the lobby on the first floor, looked back at the direction of the elevator, the elevator went up and down, down and up again, it had been several times, the people around her came and went, but there was still no figure chased by Nangong Lie, she was disappointed With a sore nose, he turned his head and walked out.

He really didn't love her!

In the past, he relied on her for everything and was spoiled by her. It was because she was still young, a child, and children needed the care and love of adults.

(End of this chapter)

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