Chapter 353 Hidden

Looking at Ran Zimu's back, Nangong Lie opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Just now he wanted to tell her that he cared about her and loved her, but she interrupted him so calmly and indifferently that he couldn't speak anymore.

Ran Zimu was carrying a schoolbag and was walking heavily. If she hadn't stopped Nangong Lie in time, he should have said that he wanted her to leave him long ago.

She don't leave him!
Even if he really doesn't like him, she won't leave him!
As long as she is by his side, can see him, hear his words, and feel his breath every day, even if she doesn't get his love back for her, she will be satisfied.

What's more, she is not someone who admits defeat so easily, as long as she stays by his side, she still has a chance.As long as she works hard, she can always find opportunities, and there is still a glimmer of hope.

Being absent-minded in the morning reading, Ran Zimu kept staring at the backs of the study committee members in the first row in a daze, wondering how he could be as gentle and quiet as others, and look like a lady.

"Ran Zimu, come up and recite "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng"!" The Chinese teacher knocked on the blackboard, threw the pen in his hand casually, and threw it into the pencil case.

Ran Zimu stood up, walked to the podium hesitantly, facing the dozens of students in the audience, his mind went blank.

"The old county of Yuzhang, the new mansion of Hongdu. The stars are divided into Yizhen, and the ground is connected to Henglu..."

Zhang Keke secretly reminded Ran Zimu, Ran Zimu frowned, even looking at her mouth shape, she still couldn't remember what was in the article.

"Go on! Study hard! There are still a few days until the exam, so we can talk about it after graduation!" The Chinese teacher shook his head helplessly.

His eyesight was a little bit bad, just now he thought that the person Ran Zimu was looking at was Qiu Shao in the front row, and he had heard rumors about her and Qiu Shao, so he reminded Ran Zimu like this.

"Don't think about it anymore, the exam is important!" Zhang Keke also reminded the friends who came back to their seats, "The exam is over, and a few months are enough for you to solve the problem."

"En." Ran Zimu nodded lightly, his eyes were empty.

After finally waiting for the morning reading, she pushed away the book in her hand and ran to the front to find the study committee member.

"Miao Miao."

"Zimu, what's the matter?" Miao Miao slowly put down her pen, slowly raised her head, and asked with a smile. She is the study committee member.

"It's nothing. It's just—" Ran Zimu hesitated, "I want to ask you, how did you become such a lady?"

"Oh, this one, it's very simple. It is to speak slowly and be polite; to walk slowly, not too big; to smile slowly, not to show your teeth; to do things more Slow down, but this is not just a slow speed, but a more steady movement, don't make people look frizzy, but make people feel orderly..."

Miao Miao kept laughing when she was talking, the kind of quiet smile, it made Ran Zimu feel extremely inferior.

She groaned secretly, the 'very simple' that Miao Miao said turned out to be such a simple method!Isn't this killing people?Although she is not a lady, she is not a girl who doesn't talk about her image, but it is really difficult to become like Miao Miao!

"Is this what you usually demand of yourself?"

"Well. These are all my mother taught me. She also supervises me in normal times. I am also very conscious, so I have developed such a personality. However, I think my personality is too quiet, and sometimes it makes me more nervous. Like an invisible person, with no sense of existence at all." Miao Miao still liked Ran Zimu very much, and also envied Ran Zimu's cheerfulness and liveliness, so she said a few more words when she was originally quiet.

"No more. I think your temperament is the best! I'm going to learn from you now and become your personality. Only when you are quiet can you look like a girl." Ran Zimu made up his mind. Although the road is hard, But she can't give up, because giving up this is tantamount to giving up Nangonglie.

After chatting with Miao Miao for a while, Ran Zimu returned to his seat, wrote down everything she said in a small notebook, took it out to read whenever he had time, and then forced himself to pay attention to every detail, and strive to become Miao Miao as soon as possible. people like that.

Throughout the day, Ran Zimu was quiet and talked even after class, making Qiu Shao think she was sick and came to care for her several times.

After school in the afternoon, Ah Qiang came to pick her up. She didn't see Nangong Lie, but she felt better in her heart - give her more time to practice, so she can perform better in front of him!
Hearing the noise in the living room, Ran Zimu stood up from the desk, told himself repeatedly to walk slowly and slowly, and then went out to meet Nangong Lie.

"Lie, you're back?" She smiled without showing her teeth, this is one of the rules that she has memorized all day today.

"Zimu, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?" Nangong Lie walked over and touched Ran Zimu's forehead in distress, "I'll call the doctor."

As soon as he came back, he heard the servants at home say that she was very quiet, listless, as if she was sick. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, it was indeed what everyone said.

"No. I'm not sick, and I don't have any discomfort." Ran Zimu shook his head, "Lie, sit down and rest for a while, I'll go and see if the auntie in the kitchen has finished cooking."

A good woman must learn to take care of a man!

This is what Ran Zimu did on Baidu on the computer just now, and now he immediately puts it into practice.

She waited until Nangong Lie sat down, soaked the water herself, went to the kitchen and helped her aunt set the table, and then came out and called him, "Lie, it's time to eat."

Nangong Lie nodded with a smile, and followed her to the dining room. He had been watching her busy figure just now, and suddenly felt that she had grown up and become a little woman who would be busy in the kitchen, but this little woman seemed Not happy at all.

At the dining table, apart from serving Nangong Lie the dishes, Ran Zimu was always quiet, chewing slowly, without making any sound.

"Zimu..." Nangong Lie looked at Ran Zimu with pity, " was my fault, I..."

"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't be self-willed, and I've made you worry." Ran Zimu took the initiative to admit his mistake, although she knew that he didn't come to chase her yesterday, and he didn't worry about her at all.

"Let's let this matter go like this! You prepare for the exam first, and after the exam is over, let's talk about some things, okay?" Nangong Lie wanted to say something, but considering that the college entrance examination is coming, it is better to focus on the exam.

"Okay." Ran Zimu forced a smile, she didn't know what Nangong Lie was talking about, so she felt uneasy.

The next morning, Ran Zimu got up early and prepared breakfast and clothes for Nangong Lie himself.

"Zimu, you have to study very hard, you don't have to get up so early, get some rest." Although Nangong Lie was very happy with what Ran Zimu had done for him, he was afraid that her body would not be able to bear it.

She has been studying, and in his heart she has always been a child who needs care and attention. He never thought of asking her to do anything for him, and he has always been doing everything for her.

Today she suddenly took the initiative to do this for him. It would be fake if he was not moved or excited, but why did he suddenly feel sad and distressed in his heart.

"I'm fine. You work hard every day." Seeing that Nangong Lie was about to leave, Ran Zimu hurried to get his shoes, and after he changed them, he put away the slippers.

"Zimu, these are done by servants, so you don't need to do them." Nangong Lie frowned slightly, the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger. He put his arms around her shoulders and forced her to look into his eyes, "I brought you When you came back, you never thought about making you suffer another day, you don’t need to do these tasks yourself, you just need to do what you like and what you want to do.”

"I know." Ran Zimu smiled, a little hollow, look, this is how a parent cares for his first child, he doesn't need her to care about him like a woman, all he wants is her to take care of him Do what you say, and listen to what he says, "But I can do these things, and I want to do them."

"You..." Nangong Lie frowned, sighed secretly, turned and left.

Originally, he wanted to send her to school, but her appearance of pushing him thousands of miles away made him really not in the mood to stay with her anymore. This was simply a mutual torture.

"Miss, sir, last night..."

"Ah Qiang! Drive me today and ask my driver to deliver Zimu!"

Ah Qiang couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to explain. He could see that the reason why Miss was like this was because she misunderstood Mr., thinking that he didn't go to her last night.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Nangong Lie, and he didn't dare to say anything to Ran Zimu, so he could only follow him resentfully, "Sir, why didn't you explain to Miss? Look, Miss... ..."


Nangong Lie let out a low growl of displeasure, and Ah Qiang shut his mouth consciously.

Although Ah Qiang kept his mouth shut, he felt uncomfortable all the time. He didn't understand why the husband was being stubborn. Explain to the lady and say a few nice words. Wouldn't it be all right?

Nangong Lie leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and rested his mind, but his heart was in a mess.

Both Leng Muxuan and Ran Zijin said that the person Zimu likes is him, but why does he always feel like he can't catch her? Even if she is right in front of his eyes, he still feels that she seems to be far away from him.

He looked at her and smiled, but there was no emotion in the smile.Her eyes were empty, without any emotion, no sorrow or joy.Her face was flat, so flat that it looked like a calm lake without any ripples.

Her emotional changes used to be so clearly written on her face, in every movement and every word she said.

But now, everything is hidden by her, what happened to her?
(End of this chapter)

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