Chapter 362 Relief
"What are you arguing about!" Luo Yining dragged Wu Yanan behind her, and said to Xiaofen and Zhang Lu, "The relationship will hurt other people in the company, affect the company's image, and I will be fired immediately. If you make trouble again, you won't be able to go to work!"

Wu Yanan blinked, looked at Luo Yining who was like a wall in front of her, pursed her lips and smiled secretly, is he protecting her?Then she just obediently stand behind him and be protected by him!

"Assistant Luo."

"Assistant Luo."

Xiaofen and Zhang Lu looked at Luo Yining with some unsightly faces, but they didn't expect him to appear suddenly.

"Go and do whatever you want!" Luo Yining said coldly with a dark face.

"Yes, let's go now." Zhang Lu dragged Xiaofen, who was clearly unconvinced but unable to do anything, away.

Luo Yining turned her head and looked at Wu Yanan whose sweet smile turned into a bitter face in an instant, "The most taboo in the company is not to distinguish between public and private, don't you know?"

"I know." Someone is so good, that is, the little white rabbit who knew he was wrong and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"Then why are you so noisy? People yell at you, don't you know how to yell back?" Luo Yining looked at the top of someone's head, was she bullied by Xiaofen and the others into a discouraged ball?No, her combat power is beyond the reach of ordinary people!
"There are so many of them..." Keep pretending!Anyway, he has already taken the initiative to play the hero, so she will play the role of a beauty reluctantly!
"Bai Chang is so big!" Luo Yining gave Wu Yanan a blank look, "That girl always finds trouble for you?"

"Huh?" Wu Yanan raised her head, looked at Luo Yining suspiciously, and then realized that the woman he was referring to was Xiaofen, "It's not often, but when she quarreled with Zhang Lu, she would come to fight with me. "

"She stole your boyfriend away, and it wasn't you who stole her away. You can't be more righteous than her?!" Luo Yining poked Wu Yanan's temple angrily. Come out and deal with that pair of dogs and men! "How do you deal with mine, how do you deal with them!"

"I didn't clean you up! I was chasing you!" Wu Yanan explained weakly.

"You..." Luo Yining was speechless, was she chasing him? Why did he feel that she had turned his world upside down and turned it upside down!When he saw her, he just had a feeling and avoided her!

"Anyway, what you said the day before yesterday, I can't do it! I just want to chase you! I will always catch you! Luo Yining!" Wu Yanan leaned close to Luo Yining, almost touching his chin, and said in a declarative manner, " You can't run away! Even if you run to the end of the sky, I can catch you up!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Yanan raised her head and happily walked away with small steps, leaving Luo Yining with a disheveled face and sighed to the sky: I was out of my mind, so I came to help her out, so that I got into trouble , but also face the tragic situation of being chased by her!
"Assistant Luo, are you looking for me?" Xiaofen went to the reception room anxiously. Just now someone called her that Luo Yining was waiting for her here.

"have a look."

Xiaofen took a document from Luo Yining's hand and opened it, her face immediately became uglier than crying. "Assistant Luo, why did you transfer me to X City?"

"There is no clear regulation in the company that internal personnel are not allowed to fall in love, but falling in love affects normal work, so we have to deal with it separately." Luo Yining put his hands in his trouser pockets and explained lightly, "Zhang Lu was transferred to W City In this way, you should not affect your work. If it still affects you, you can directly submit your resignation to the personnel department."

"Assistant Luo! I was wrong, can you give me a chance to correct it?" Xiaofen really shed tears now. It is not easy to enter Guangbo Group, and it is even more difficult to get to the 32nd floor. Transfer her away and become an ordinary employee!
"Do you know what will happen to Xiao Wang?" Luo Yining asked instead of answering.

Xiaofen shook her head, then nodded again, "Transferred to the second floor."

"No! I'm dismissed. Think about it for yourself, what to say and what not to say." Luo Yining left the reception room without further explanation.

Xiao Wang's quick talk was so fast that it spread to Xiao Fen, and Xiao Fen came to find out about that paper tiger Wu Yanan.

He hated this paper tiger very much, but it was pitiful to see her being bullied by others. Who told him that he was kind-hearted, and would even help the most hated people!

After dealing with the mess, Luo Yining packed up his things and went out to work in the company. When he opened the drawer, he saw two small boxes side by side. Without thinking about it, he took them out and threw them into the trash can beside him. He stood up and walked in like the wind. elevator.

After get off work in the afternoon, Wu Yanan waited until almost everyone left before going up to the 32nd floor.

Ordinary people are not allowed to go up on the 32nd floor, but with Ran Zijin as a friend of the proprietress, Wu Yanan easily got a pass, and he can come to Luo Yining when no one is there during off-duty hours.

Wu Yanan stepped out of the elevator, and there was no one on the entire 32nd floor. Of course, she didn't know about the CEO's office. The door there was closed. Who knew if the boss inside had any secret things to do with the boss's wife!
The things on Luo Yining's desk were neatly tidied up, not even a piece of waste paper, Wu Yanan originally wanted to come and tidy up his work desk, but it seemed that he didn't need it.

She touched the mouse Luo Yining was using, smiled, turned and went downstairs.

"Xiao Nan just got off work!" A colleague greeted Wu Yanan, and added warmly, "Assistant Luo just joined the company, haven't you met?"

Wu Yanan shook her head, "I'll go first."

She is used to such a 'warm-hearted' with ulterior motives, but it doesn't mean that she will feel better.

Luo Yining returned to the desk, picked up the trash can and looked at it, it was empty, then went out to find the cleaner, "Did you see my two pink boxes?"

"What box? Small?" Aunt the cleaner asked with a mop in her hand.

"Yeah. So small, probably." Luo Yining compared the size.

"I put it on the table over there, you can go and see for yourself." Aunt the cleaner pointed to a table in the side room, which was her rest room. Objects, people come to claim them almost every day.

Luo Yining found two boxes from the table, looked at them, they were still the same.

"Is it a gift from my girlfriend? There are very few girls with such a heart." Aunt the cleaner said to Luo Yining with a smile.

"No." Luo Yining said lightly.

He took the box back and put it back in the original place, and took out a yellowed notebook from the side of the box.

The notebook has an orange cover, with the scenery of the West Lake printed on the cover. The style has been around for a long time, and it is full of local flavor.

When I opened it, there was nothing in it except for the words 'To my favorite Aning', but there was a photo in the middle.

The photo was also a bit yellowish, with many creases on it, Luo Yining stared at the person on it for a while, and squeezed it into a ball again, his whitish fingers were enough to see how hard he was.

Closing the drawer, Luo Yining went downstairs with the diary and the crumpled photos. Before getting into the car, he threw them into the grass beside him. It was raining, and tomorrow morning, they would turn into a pile of mud. Can't see anything either.

A slender figure stood in the wind and rain, holding a green umbrella, watched the car disappear outside the gate, two lines of tears rolled down his face, walked slowly to the grass, picked up the place which was already wet by the rain Carefully wiped the diary and photos, and put them in my arms, unwilling to leave for a long time.

"Luo Yining, you're back? The meal will be ready soon!"

Luo Yining opened the door, and saw that annoying figure wearing an apron, standing at the door of his kitchen, with a shovel in his hand, looking at him with a smile.

"Why are you here again?!" He pointed to the door, "Get out!"

Since the time he was drunk, she asked the real estate agent to open the door. After entering his house for the first time, she always came to his house. Once he changed the lock, she could find the key once.

He just changed this lock yesterday, and she came in again today!He seriously doubted whether she opened the lock company!

"I opened the door and came in!" Wu Yanan said with a smile, and turned back to the kitchen, "The last dish, wait a minute! It's only 5 minutes, and the meal can be served!"

"Wu Yanan!" Luo Yining supported his forehead, put down his clothes, went into the kitchen, dragged Wu Yanan out and threw him outside the door, "Go! Don't come to my house in the future, or I'll call the police!"

"Then hold it tight!" Wu Yanan pushed the door open, and started a tug-of-war with Luo Yining!
Luo Yining pushed the door inside to close it, and she pushed the door outside to open it. This kind of scene would happen every few days, and neither of them felt anything was wrong.


"I won't roll."

"Then go! Go quickly!"

"But my bag is still at your house! Take it out for me first!" Wu Yanan blinked and said innocently and obediently.

"I'll lock the door first!"

"Okay!" Wu Yanan took a step back obediently, and let Luo Yining lock the door, "My bag is next to the computer in your study! Go!"

Listening to the shouts outside the door, Luo Yining walked towards the study.

Wu Yanan smiled triumphantly, shook his head and took out the key from his pocket, "You have to take the key with you, otherwise you won't be able to enter the house!"

Luo Yining didn't find the bag, and when he came out, he saw someone sitting on the sofa in his living room, holding his bag in his hand, and said to him with a smile: "Sorry, I forgot, today's bag The bag is here!"

"Are you going?!" Luo Yining was swayed again, feeling annoyed in his heart.

"Don't leave. I'll cook! You are not allowed to leave either! If you dare to leave, I will come to your house every day! I won't leave at night either!" Wu Yanan looked at Luo Yining threateningly.

If you are disturbed once every day or every few days, it is still more cost-effective every few days!In order not to be bothered by Wu Yanan every day, Luo Yining decided not to leave!
(End of this chapter)

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