Chapter 37 This is the first time
"Zijin!" Ye Simian yelled worriedly.

The lights downstairs in the dormitory are a little dim, and you can't see clearly unless you look carefully. The person who took Ran Zijin away just now moved so fast that he didn't even see who it was, only the voice was a man.

"You go back first, I'm fine, I'll call you tomorrow." Ran Zijin was carried in his arms, and turned around to shout to Ye Simiao under the shadow of the lamp, her book was still in his hand.

She was taken outside the back door of the school and put into a Bugatti.

"What are you going to do?" Ran Zijin asked Leng Muxuan displeased.

"You only ask this question when you see me?" Leng Muxuan asked indifferently, unable to detect any emotion, his eyes, as deep as ancient ink, shone brightly under the light inside the car. Looking at Ran Zijin, there is a feeling that there is no escape.

"Then why are you downstairs in the dormitory? Waiting for Hu Die? She doesn't live on campus, and recently lives at home." Ran Zijin turned his head and looked out the window, as if looking at Leng Muxuan more often, there would be an inexplicable relationship Come.

In fact, for some reason, she didn't dare to look into his eyes. Every time she looked, she felt that she would be sucked in. Those were not two eyes, but two vortexes.

"Why are those people pointing fingers at you? How would they know?" Leng Muxuan always ignored Ran Zijin's question habitually.

He doesn't care, he doesn't care, he only cares about what he wants to know.

"Hu Die said." Ran Zijin replied truthfully.

She absolutely didn't mean to slander Hu Die's image in front of others, but since this incident happened for so long, there was no one around her who could talk to her and share the pain with her.

Leng Muxuan was also one of the protagonists in this incident. He knew everything, so she didn't have any psychological burden to tell him the truth.

She has been depressed for too long, and she needs someone to listen to her whining, even if she doesn't comfort her, it's good to just listen to her talk about it.

"What's going on, please be more specific."

"It was the last time..." Ran Zijin talked a little bit about how he was beaten that night, his face was flushed red, and his breathing was a little short of breath.

Leng Muxuan saw that she thought the car was too stuffy, so he opened the window.

The night wind came in through the window, messing Ran Zijin's hair.

She just tied a ponytail casually, with a slanted bang on her forehead, covering half of her right eyebrow.

Suddenly remembered that the man downstairs in the dormitory just reached out to rub her bangs more than once, so he held back the urge to rub her bangs in displeasure.

"Who was that man just now?"

"Huh?" Ran Zijin was taken aback, she knew that Leng Muxuan would not comfort her, but she didn't expect him to ask who Ye Simian was after listening to her.

"The man who touched you downstairs in the dormitory just now..." Leng Muxuan looked at Ran Zijin with disdain. He is usually quite clever, so why bother him now, "Who is he?"

"Friend. I just met you not long ago." After Ran Zijin finished speaking, he added belatedly, "He didn't touch me."

"It's always like this, like this, like this, and you still say you didn't do anything?" Leng Muxuan followed Ye Simian's way just now, rubbing her hair, patted her shoulder, and finally touched her cheek.

"That's because I had a worm on my cheek. I didn't take it off myself, but he took it off for me." Ran Zijin explained, and looked at Leng Muxuan with eyes that were obviously overthinking you.

"I don't know if a man and a woman can accept or not, and if I can't take it off by myself, I won't ask a female classmate to help me?"

Ran Zijin's face was slightly hot, and he seemed to have to pay attention, otherwise it would be bad if Ye Simiao misunderstood him.

She wanted to explain something at first, but suddenly thought of why she had to explain to Leng Muxuan, what business did she have to do with him?

"Be careful next time." Leng Muxuan was very satisfied with Ran Zijin's honest attitude, and he hated others lying to him. "Girls need to love themselves."

"Understood." Ran Zijin curled his lips secretly, and the occasional gesture of intimacy among friends, as for such a high level of self-love?

"Don't curl your lips!"

"I haven't." Ran Zijin replied stiffly, as if he wasn't so afraid of Leng Muxuan anymore.

In fact, she was quite touched, at least he was the second person who would tell her that girls should love themselves besides Gu Mama in the orphanage.

Leng Shao is actually a good person.

Ran Zijin secretly sent Leng Muxuan a good person card in his heart.

"Tough mouth!" Leng Muxuan was not angry that someone contradicted him, and he reached out his hand to ruffle Ran Zijin's hair as if to relieve his anger. "Go and pack some clothes and follow me."

"Where are you going?" Ran Zijin straightened his messy hair.

"I don't want to go back to school and be gossiped by others, so I quickly pack up my clothes and follow me." Young Master Leng was arrogant again.

Ran Zijin thought about it, the rumors in the school these days made her almost breathless, it might be a good thing to follow Leng Muxuan.

And she was inexplicably convinced in her heart that Leng Muxuan would not do anything outrageous to her again.

Because he is a good man.

At least that's what she thinks, she just sent him a good person card, now it's time to increase her charm by ten points.

Ran Zijin packed up a few pieces of clothes casually, and followed Leng Muxuan away.

It's not too late, it's only after eight o'clock, the streets are full of traffic, and the nightlife has just begun.

At an intersection, it happened to be a red light, Leng Muxuan stopped the car, and Ran Zijin lay on the window and looked out.

"Sit down." Do you know that this is dangerous?


Before he could finish speaking, Ran Zijin screamed, and threw himself into Leng Muxuan's arms, hugged his waist tightly, and grabbed the shirt on his back.

Through the thin shirt, Leng Muxuan felt that his back was scratched by her, burning and hurting.

"What's the matter?" Leng Muxuan stretched out his hand and patted her on the back, the little guy was shaking all over, pitifully like a stray cat.

"Car, car accident..." Ran Zijin said tremblingly, his head still buried in Leng Muxuan's arms.

Leng Muxuan stretched out his head to look, a sports car ran a red light, but fortunately no one was killed, but the car was damaged.

"It's all right, there was no car accident, get up."

In Leng Muxuan's gentle voice, Ran Zijin slowly raised his head and sat up straight, but he was still trembling, his small face was pale and bloodless, and cold sweat was still breaking out on his forehead.

"I'm sorry." She felt that her actions just now were a little too intimate, and quickly apologized to him.

"Especially afraid of car accidents?" Leng Muxuan took out a piece of paper and gave it to Ran Zijin to wipe her face.

"Yes." She nodded, "Mom died in a car accident."

Every time there is a car accident, Ran Zijin will think of the car accident that year.

Such a big truck drove straight towards her and her mother. When her mother pushed her away, she was crushed under the wheel, and her leg was bloody in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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