Chapter 376
"Three thousand, or I won't leave!" The pickup truck driver was clearly ripping off people. It was only a few dozen yuan to get to L City by car, and he actually wanted 3000 yuan.

Luo Yining didn't even think about it, she just escaped from the wallet and gave a wad of money to the driver, "Okay! Hurry up! Take me to L City Airport, and I'll give you another five hundred."

"Success!" The driver counted the money, checked the real and fake one by one, and waved his hand, "Get in the car!"

As soon as Luo Yining put his hand on the car door, the driver hurriedly stopped him, "You can't sit in the car like this, go squat in the back!"

"Okay! Speed ​​up!" Luo Yining climbed up to the back of the car and squatted in a corner. For the first time, he felt that sitting in the back of the pickup truck was also a happy thing.

The heavy rain continued, Luo Yining was completely drenched, and he shivered when the night wind blew cold, but he gritted his teeth and persisted, he only hoped that he could go to the city quickly and buy a plane ticket to fly to City Q.

The phone rang, and Luo Yining picked it up carefully, he was afraid that the rain would wet the phone, and if something happened at this critical moment, he would not be able to contact everyone.

"Yining, we still haven't found Wu Yanan's whereabouts, but tomorrow we will send people to guard all the larger hotels in Q City." Although Leng Muxuan has not left for Q City, he has been using various methods Help Luo Yining find Wu Yanan.

"The church. And the church." Luo Yining said tremblingly, Wu Yanan said before that she wanted to hold the wedding in the church.

"That's simple. There are only three or four churches in Q City. I'll just send someone there. Be careful on the road. Keep in touch at all times."

"Yes. I see." Luo Yining put away her phone, leaned against the side of the car and asked the driver in the car, "Is it almost there?"

"Half an hour left."

"Then hurry up."

"I'm about to fly, how fast can I go! If you don't know how to drive, don't talk nonsense!" The driver yelled at Luo Yining impatiently, and then went to sing along to the music in the car.

Luo Yining didn't say anything, and quietly squatted back to the original position. He had had enough of rolling his eyes and being ridiculed by others all the way, but he didn't feel angry at all. As long as he could find Wu Yanan as soon as possible, let him He is willing to do anything.

In the East Cathedral of Q City, many people were already seated. The door of the church was closed, and everyone was waiting for the arrival of the bride.

Finally, the door of the church opened, and the bride, wearing a white wedding dress and stepping on a red carpet, walked slowly towards the pastor and her groom.

The bridesmaids followed behind, the flower girls sprinkled flowers, and the music moved people.

Wu Yanan smiled and walked forward resolutely. The moment she entered the door just now, when she saw the pastor and Louis, her heart suddenly ached, but she quickly adjusted it.

This groom is the one she only decides to follow; this wedding is the one she decides to hold; this marriage is also the one she decides to stick to...

Everything was decided by herself, so since she had already decided, she had no choice.

"Lewis Smith, do you take this woman, Wu Yanan, to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony! Will you love her, honor her, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking All others, be true to her as long as your both shall live?" The pastor asked the groom Louis while reading the wedding testimony in English.

"Yes, I do!" Louis nodded excitedly.

The pastor turned his head again, looked at Wu Yanan, said the same thing, but the names of the two were changed, and said it again, then looked at her, waiting for her answer.

Wu Yanan's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and she looked back at the closed church door with a cabinet-like inspection. There was no one there, so she turned her head, glanced at Louis, smiled slightly, and nodded to the pastor knowingly.

"Yes, I do!" She had memorized the words thousands of times, but the moment she was about to say them, she was interrupted by life.

"Wu Yanan, if you dare to say yes you do, I'll blow up this place immediately!" Luo Yining kicked open the door, stood there aggressively, and looked at Wu Yanan in front of him.

Damn woman, she actually put on a wedding dress and is really going to marry someone else!
Louis looked at the man at the door. Although he didn't understand Chinese very well, he could sense that the visitor was not kind, so he asked Wu Yanan in English, "Who is he?"

"I don't know." Wu Yanan replied in a very loud voice, everyone in the church could hear it, and Luo Yining could hear it clearly.

"Don't you love me to death? Why don't you know each other again?" He stood there and asked Wu Yanan aggressively.

"Sir, I don't know you, so how can I love you to death, you have misunderstood the wrong person!" Wu Yanan looked at Luo Yining lightly, the strange look in his eyes broke his heart.

"Okay! Then if you don't love me, I love you!"

"You love me?" Wu Yanan sneered, "Does this have anything to do with me?"

"Why not!" Luo Yining stared, "Wu Yanan, come here quickly, let's go home!"

"Sir, you love me. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me! I beg you not to love me? I'm going to have a wedding with my husband, please don't disturb us!"

"Wu Yanan!" Luo Yining looked at the stubborn woman, stepped forward a few steps, grabbed her arm and pulled it out.

Wu Yanan didn't go with him at all, Luis pulled the other arm, feeling like she was about to be torn apart.

"Let her go!" Louis said in blunt Chinese.

"Why let go! She is my wife, why should I let go! The one who should let go is you!" Luo Yining's violent temper is really good, and the roar made the hearts of those who came to the wedding in the church jump.

"S.h.i.t!" Louis cursed, let go of Wu Yanan, and punched Luo Yining directly.

Luo Yining dodged it, and wanted to fight back without showing any weakness.

Wu Yanan became anxious, and grabbed Luo Yining, "Don't hit Louis, please don't hit him!"

Luo Yining looked at Wu Yanan, and when he was hesitating whether to stop, Luis punched him on the temple, and then he punched him a second time, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't hit him!" Wu Yanan looked at Luo Yining almost pleadingly.

After all, Luo Yining closed her eyes and didn't move, but she yelled at the person sitting there who wanted to pull them away: "Get out! Get out!"

Wang Bing told Louis' friends to be calm and calm down, and wanted to go forward to persuade Luo Yining, and also wanted to tell Louis not to beat him, but the crazy appearance of the two made him unable to approach them.

"Get out! Fuck me out!" Luo Yining's eyes were red, and his face was seriously stained. This was a matter between him and Wu Yanan, and he didn't want anyone to get involved.

"Everyone go out first! Don't worry, I will take care of this place." Wu Yanan said anxiously to her classmates and friends, then repeated it in English, and begged the pastor to help her take everyone out.

There were only three people left in the church. Louis hit Luo Yining just now, and now he was so tired that he was out of breath, and he didn't have the strength to hit him again.

After listening to Wu Yanan, Luo Yining didn't move Louis with a finger, and was beaten up by him.

"Wu Yanan, I love you, will you come with me?" He held her hand and said angrily.

"I've said it before, you love me, it has nothing to do with me! I beg you not to love me! I beg you to disappear from my sight!" Wu Yanan was a little excited, but she was the kind who was very alienated from Luo Yining, " You tell me to get out, I get out, why are you still looking for me? I said that I will never appear in front of you again!"

"Are you going?" Luo Yining asked Wu Yanan no matter what she said.

When she said she liked him, he also had the same attitude - "It's okay! It doesn't matter at all! I beg you not to like me, is it enough?"

Now, the same words came out of her mouth, but his heart felt like a knife was being twisted.

"I was stupid to go with you! Luo Yining, you begged me not to like you, I did, why did you come to ruin my wedding?! You are really a big bastard!"

"I'll take you home! Go back and we'll get married!"

"Sorry, I'm married, Luis is my husband, and we already have a child!"

"You! Come with me when you have a child!" Luo Yining felt as if his heart had been ripped away when he heard Wu Yanan's words, he couldn't breathe due to the pain.

"Don't go! I want to continue the wedding with Louis!" Wu Yanan took a step back, "If you pull me again and hurt my child, you will be murder!"

"You insist on marrying this foreign devil, don't you?!" Luo Yining looked at Wu Yanan stubbornly like a cow.

"Yes! Louis is my husband, a pure American!" Wu Yanan raised her hand, where a diamond ring hurt Luo Yining's eyes, "I will only marry Louis!"

"Okay! Then you marry him! I'll let him die, and we'll see how you marry him!" Luo Yining shouted to the door, "Fire! Fire! Blow up this place!"

Wu Yanan thought he was going crazy, ignored him, stepped forward to support Louis, and planned to leave, but there was a loud noise at the door, and the door of the church and the wall collapsed.

"Are you crazy, aren't you?" She looked at Luo Yining in horror, and helped Louis to quickly walk aside, trying to get out through the back exit.

"Fire! Go ahead! Blow up this place!" Luo Yining looked at Wu Yanan, who was helping Louis away from him with bloodshot eyes, and shouted to the door with heartache.

(End of this chapter)

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