Chapter 41

Ran Zijin read two pages and felt his mouth dry, so he got up to pour water, but saw Leng Muxuan's gaze fell on the notebook, and he was in a daze.

She had never seen Leng Muxuan in a daze, this was the first time, she thought he was so handsome even in a daze, he was born with a good skin, and his belly was not filled with grass.

Why is he so good, good at everything?
Ran Zijin couldn't help sighing secretly.

She didn't interrupt his daze, went out and poured two glasses of water in.

Leng Muxuan was already reading her thesis.

"Is there any problem?" Ran Zijin gave him a glass of water, she believed that Leng Muxuan had the ability to help her revise the thesis.

"There are generally no problems, but some places still need to be revised. The cited literature is limited and not convincing enough." Leng Muxuan hit the nail on the head.

"Resources are limited." Ran Zijin's literature is indeed very small, because there are few English literature on library management.

She spent money on the Internet to buy some, but thought it was too expensive, and bought some, but they were not very useful, so she just let it go, but fortunately, the instructor didn't say anything.

"Defend next Friday?" Leng Muxuan didn't say much, just asked.

"Well. Answer in the morning."

Leng Muxuan nodded, indicating that he understood, and gave the paper to Ran Zijin.

Ran Zijin returned to his seat and continued watching.

Leng Muxuan opened MSN, saw that Mo Shaochun was online, and sent a message: "Help me find some paper materials."

Mo Shaochun: "You write a thesis? Can't you?"

"I need to use Zijin's graduation thesis."

Mo Shaochun first came up with a series of ellipses to express his speechlessness towards Leng Muxuan, and then he typed and asked, "Which aspect?"

As a doctor, Mo Shaochun often writes academic papers, so he is naturally good at finding paper materials.

Leng Muxuan roughly told Mo Shaochun about Ran Zijin's thesis, and at the end he threatened: "I want it tomorrow morning! If Zijin's defense is delayed, I'll never end with you!"

"Don't hang out with me, I'm not interested in men!"


Mo Shaochun pouted at the chat dialog box, he had a strong premonition that no matter who Ran Zijin was, Leng Shao would fall for her in this life, and he would definitely be a wife and slave in the future!
Leng Muxuan sneezed loudly at the dialog box, which made Ran Zijin tremble in fright, and the pen in his hand flew out.

It was past ten o'clock in the morning when Ran Zijin returned to school, and Leng Muxuan was all to blame for insisting on her preparing breakfast for him.

He ate breakfast, and happily drove the flamboyant BYD to work, and she cleaned the kitchen before taking several buses to school.

There was someone in the dormitory, Ran Zijin opened the door and went in, and saw that it was the roommate who was admitted to graduate school, and she was about to defend, so she naturally wanted to come back.

"Zijin, you didn't go back to the dormitory last night?" The girl knew that Ran Zijin would never live outside alone, and would only follow Hu Die to Hu's house, and Hu Die slept in the dormitory last night.

"San'er, I'm going to a relative's house." Ran Zijin thought of an excuse randomly.

"Oh." The girl named San'er nodded without thinking too much, but asked again, "Have you had a conflict with Hu Die? Hu Die called last night and seemed to say that she didn't intend to let you have a graduation defense."

Ran Zijin was startled, and her face turned pale. Did Hu Die tamper with her graduation defense?
"Zijin, are you okay? I also heard it by accident, so I just want to give you a breath, so you should be mentally prepared." San'er kindly said, Hu Die's family background, everyone in this school knows no one don't know.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the defense. Ran Zijin and the other students who were assigned to a group sat neatly in conference room No. [-], waiting for the number to be drawn.

Ever since she knew that Hu Die was going to tamper with her defense, she lived in a trance every day. If she failed the defense, she would not be able to get her graduation certificate and degree certificate, which meant that she hadn't studied in university for four years, and she couldn't find it when she went out. to the right job.

Without a job, there is no income, and it is difficult to support yourself, so how can you help the orphanage?
In the past few days, Ran Zijin has been looking for Hu Die, begging her not to embarrass her defense.

However, no matter whether it was a phone call or a text message, Hu Die didn't answer or reply, and she never came to school.

Ran Zijin went to Hu Die's house, but was blocked by the housekeeper, and he didn't even go in, let alone saw Hu Die.

This morning, she learned that Hu Die and herself had been assigned to a group to defend, but it seemed that the drawing of numbers was almost done, but Hu Die hadn't appeared yet.

"Ran Zijin, the number is drawn!" The teacher called Ran Zijin on the stage holding the box with the number.

Ran Zijin looked around, and he and Hu Die were the only ones who didn't draw a number.

As soon as she draws a number, the defense will begin, and it will be useless to count on Hu Die's mercy.

However, the teacher insisted on her drawing numbers, and she had no choice but to step onto the stage with shortness of breath to draw numbers.

"Don't be nervous, it's not that difficult to answer." The teacher thought Ran Zijin was nervous, and patted her on the shoulder to cheer her up.

"Well. Thank you teacher."

Ran Zijin smiled, opened the paper in his hand, and was shocked... She turned out to be number 1!
"Okay, let's start the defense. On the 1st, Ran Zijin will start when he is ready. If Hu Die didn't come, we will be the last one to defend." The defense team leader said.

In fact, it is not allowed to be late at such a critical moment for the defense, but the team leader did not dare to offend Hu Die, so he could only arrange it this way.

Ran Zijin returned to his seat dejectedly, took his thesis, walked slowly onto the stage, connected the USB flash drive to the computer, and opened the PPT adjustment made for the defense, his movements and expressions were very dull.

Suddenly the mobile phone in her pocket vibrated, startling Ran Zijin, she didn't expect that she was replying, so she took out her mobile phone to read the text message.

"Respond well, with the president here, nothing will happen!"

Ran Zijin carefully read the text message twice, and finally confirmed that it was from Luo Yining, only to belatedly realize that the CEO was referring to Leng Muxuan.

Did Leng Muxuan know?Will he help himself?
Ran Zijin hugged the phone excitedly, and for the first time felt that Leng Muxuan was really a god-like existence!

She is human and has selfishness, so this time, no matter how Hu Die makes things difficult for her, she must trust Leng Muxuan and rely on his help to successfully defend and graduate.

"Dear teachers and students, I'm ready and I can start my defense." Ran Zijin went to the middle of the stage, adjusted his posture, and was ready to start his defense.

Although Leng Muxuan gave her hope, but did not give her a guarantee of success, she still had to cheer up and face it.

The teachers asked Ran Zijin one by one, and Ran Zijin answered calmly.

But Hu Die still didn't come, not even Ye Simiao, who had promised to come to see her for a defense, didn't come.

Suddenly there was a small commotion in the audience, and Ran Zijin, who had been keeping his eyes on the teachers, followed the source of the sound.

After seeing the person coming, Ran Zijin thought he was hallucinating, and pinched himself quietly, only to be sure that it was not a hallucination... That person is indeed Leng Muxuan!
Leng Muxuan found a seat in a corner and sat down, signaled with his eyes to those teachers who were going to stand up to greet him that there was no need, and then told Ran Zijin with his lips: "Respond well."

Ran Zijin didn't know why Leng Muxuan appeared here, but he was very grateful to him in his heart, so he secretly smiled at him and continued to answer the teacher's questions.

Everyone's defense time is only five or six minutes. With Leng Muxuan's encouragement, Ran Zijin was not so nervous. Although he did not perform as well as usual, he completed the defense smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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