Chapter 48 He loves and hates her

As long as she is willing to come, he is willing to give her a piece of pure land.

Hu Die took a bath, and He Yacheng carefully prepared a change of clothes for her, as well as a set of refreshing summer clothes.

"Why don't you give me a skirt?" Hu Die put on a sweetheart-neck short-sleeved T-shirt and cropped shorts, all in pink blue, which happened to be her favorite color, but it was not her favorite skirt.

"Wearing a skirt will cause you to get tanned, and it won't look good if you get tanned." He Yacheng grinned, looking at the almost tightly wrapped Hu Die, very satisfied.

He didn't want her to wear a skirt, so he went out to show these beauties to passers-by.

"Shouldn't be tanned. I used to wear it, and I couldn't get tanned." Hu Die took a look in the mirror. In fact, this kind of dress does not lose her femininity, and she has the ability of a white-collar worker.

"The girl who accompanied you to the bar yesterday, stay away from her." He Yacheng stopped Hu Die's waist from behind, sniffing her hair, really wanting to have her again.

He was always wanting her, always wanting more.

"Why?" Hu Die leaned against He Yacheng's arms, turned her head and quickly pecked at the corner of his mouth.

Women are very strange creatures. Once they have a physical relationship with a man, they will think that he is their man.

Hu Die couldn't avoid such clichés, knowing that he was the man who took her first time, she began to accept his existence with a strange psychology.

"Dangerous." He bit her earlobe lightly, which made her tremble slightly.

"She is very ordinary, and her family is also very ordinary, she is not a bad girl." Hu Die explained puzzled.

"Her sexual orientation seems to be problematic, understand?" He Yacheng let go of Hu Die, "Do you want me to send you to meet your friend?"

He knew that she still had things to do, even though he was reluctant to let her go, he still had to let her go.

Hu Die shook her head, hugged her arms and rubbed her arms, goosebumps fell all over the floor, and she also felt a nauseating feeling in her heart.

She has always regarded that girl as her friend, but she didn't realize that she actually likes herself?

Thinking about the way she was so clinging to herself yesterday, Hu Die was about to go crazy.

"She didn't do anything else to you, just ignore her from now on, don't think too much." He Yacheng held Hu Die's face, sucked her lips, and went to the bathroom to clean himself up.

Hu Die felt a chill, put on her shoes, rushed out the 'poison', and called Ran Zijin.

"Come to 'Maggie's Gift' if you have anything to do, see you in half an hour, don't wait until it's overdue!"

After finishing speaking, he decisively hung up the phone, still looking very proud.

Ran Zijin answered the phone without saying a word before being hung up by Hu Die again.

'Maggie's Gift' is a place they often go to. Since the Leng Muxuan incident, they had an unpleasant experience there, and they have never been there again.

Having an appointment there again today, Ran Zijin was very nervous.

Time was a little urgent, so she took a taxi there for the first time.

Hu Die was already sitting in the old place, Ran Zijin hurried over and sat opposite Hu Die.


"What to drink?" Hu Die ignored Ran Zijin's cautious expression and tone, and directly interrupted her.

"Ice water." Ran Zijin was anxious to get angry, so he wanted to drink some ice water to cool down.

"For a glass of ice water, add two cubes of ice." Hu Die said to the waiter. The waiter listened and turned to prepare.

Hu Die understands Ran Zijin's habits, he gets angry every time something happens, and when he comes to drink, he will drink ice water and add two pieces of ice.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Hu Die took a sip of lemonade, and didn't order coffee today.

Thinking that He Yacheng said that it doesn't look good when you get dark, and that drinking coffee will make your skin look bad, she was worried that he would dislike her.

"The government asked the orphanage to move, and I don't know why. If it is moved, Mama Gu said it would be 200 million..." Ran Zijin was in a hurry and didn't have time to think about other things. Hu Die said straight to the point when she asked.

"Government? I don't know... I don't know. I'll call you now." Hu Die didn't expect that something happened to the orphanage, and it seemed a little troublesome.

Ran Zijin nodded anxiously, watching Die call him to inquire about news.

Hu Die made several phone calls and basically got some information.

"The government sold the land to a company to build a market for agricultural products, and the orphanage was to be demolished. If the orphanage continues to operate, it will have to move."

"Do you know which company it is?" Ran Zijin was sweating on his anxious forehead, and even a glass of ice water failed to cool him down.

She wanted to know which company it was, so she went to find the person in charge of the company and try her luck.

The orphanage is in the small town of Jialing, located in the center of the town, and the location is relatively good, so it is normal for the government to requisition the land and plan it for other projects.

This piece of land is actually private. When Gu Mama built the orphanage, she also rented the land from others, and did not buy it.

Now that family wants to sell the land to the government to earn more money, which is human nature.

However, the orphanage cannot be closed down, otherwise Mama Gu's lifelong dedication will be in vain, and the orphans in the orphanage will face homelessness again, which is the last thing Ran Zijin wants to see.

"It's not clear yet, I'll ask you later. Don't worry." Hu Die comforted Ran Zijin, feeling a little anxious.

"Well. Thank you, Hu Die." Ran Zijin felt very uncomfortable in his heart, mixed and uncomfortable.

"Thank you. Why are you talking useless?" Hu Die reached out and tapped Ran Zijin's forehead, just like when they were watching jokes together before.

Ran Zijin was stunned, and looked at Hu Die in astonishment, not understanding why she suddenly changed, she was no longer so aggressive towards her...

Hu Die pouted, took a sip of water, and concealed her embarrassment, "Hmph, Leng Muxuan is here for you, I don't want it anymore!"

That being said, Hu Die still looks very proud, her eyes are filled with the meaning of 'take it away, take it all, what you take away is what I don't want Hu Die'.

But anyone who knows her well knows that this is just her disguise, and she is actually not so proud in her heart.

Because, fundamentally speaking, Hu Die is different from those arrogant young ladies after all.

"I don't like him..." Ran Zijin explained in a low voice, she didn't like Leng Muxuan in the first place, so why would she want him.

"We haven't played together for so many days, how did you become so stupid?" Hu Die looked at Ran Zijin as if he hated iron, "Can't you see that Leng Muxuan looks at you very special? Love and hate, anyway, just want to The feeling of wanting to monopolize you. You have been with him, and it is good to be seen by him. Do you want to be with him? "

"You?" Ran Zijin didn't expect Hu Die to think this way. After all, she felt that Hu Die was different from others, at least she would not associate material needs with love.

"What I said is not nice, but it's true. Think about it carefully, when my family asked me to marry him, in fact, that's the truth. It's the same anyway, understand?"

"Then I don't like Leng Muxuan either."

The only person Ran Zijin misses is Qiao Zheqing. Her first love, which died without a cause, made her desperately want to wait for Qiao Zheqing to come back and give her an explanation.

She likes him so much, he should give her a clear response no matter what, love or not love, just two words, but it can't be like this anymore.

The last time I saw Qiao Zheqing's report, Ran Zijin knew that he was going back to China soon.

(End of this chapter)

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