The local tyrant president is not easy to mess with

Chapter 56 Leng Shao went to take a cold shower 1

Chapter 56 Leng Shao went to take a cold shower 1
Now that she's back, why did he start to hesitate?

Could it be that Ran Zijin's appearance really disturbed his originally firm and calm heart?
"Mu Xuan! Mu Xuan. Mu Xuan..." Ruan Yifei waited for Leng Muxuan to give her an explanation, but he didn't say anything. She looked at him in disbelief and called his name over and over again, as if only That way you won't lose him.

When the dream reached this point, Leng Muxuan was disturbed by Ran Zijin and woke up.

The person leaning on him at this moment is Ran Zijin, and maybe Ruan Yifei...

Leng Muxuan frowned even tighter, and her thin lips were tightly pursed into a line, as cold as ice sculptures, not allowing anyone to approach.

Ruan Yifei did say before that no matter who has a mole on the palm of his hand, it is not her, and he should not fall in love with others.

He promised her that he would only recognize people, not moles.

Grabbing Ran Zijin's right hand and rubbing the mole on his palm, Leng Muxuan was even more at a loss.

It is not strange that two people look alike in this world, but what is strange is that not only do they look alike, but even the moles on the palms of their hands are exactly the same, and their positions are also the same.

This made him suspect more than once that Ran Zijin was Ruan Yifei.

However, the world is big and full of surprises, and he cannot conclude that Ran Zijin is not Ruan Yifei just because of such a coincidence.


Suddenly Ran Zijin talked in his sleep, his brows were furrowed, his little face was also furrowed, and he shouted hastily.

"Mother Gu, I'm trying to figure out a way! The orphanage will be fine!"

Leng Muxuan looked at her and knew that she was dreaming and it was related to the orphanage.

He couldn't help laughing. With such a small body, how could he have such courage to shoulder such responsibilities in the orphanage?
Normally, she couldn't see how much pressure she was under, but now she was dreaming and talking in her sleep, so people could see that she was under pressure.

"When you can't bear it, you don't know how to let go of the responsibility and pressure, and take a breather for yourself first?" Leng Muxuan stroked Ran Zijin's knotted brows, and the tone of his voice was pampering that he didn't even realize.

He thought to himself, maybe it was because Ran Zijin lost his parents since he was a child and grew up in an orphanage, so he developed the habit of keeping everything in his heart and living carefully at all times.

This habit has been deeply rooted in her bones over time. Even if she has good friends and girlfriends, she is still unwilling to open her mouth to show her fragility to others, and she is also unwilling to share her thoughts with others.

Ran Zijin's habit is exactly the opposite of Ruan Yifei's.

If Ruan Yifei has anything, she always tells her friends.Especially after being with him, I would tell him everything and never leave anything on my mind.

It was Ruan Yifei's unconditional trust and reliance on Leng Muxuan, as well as her innocent temperament, that made this relationship very precious, and Leng Muxuan still couldn't forget her existence.

Many long-standing memories flooded in, and Leng Muxuan felt the veins on his temples twitch violently, so he stretched out his hand to rub it, but it didn't relieve the discomfort.

He remembered that when Ruan Yifei always flew to Australia, she would often hug him and ask foolishly and hypocritically: "Mu Xuan, what if I die? You can't fall in love with others even if I die!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could a well-behaved living person die!"

At that time, he still disliked her for always thinking wildly, and then thought, maybe she cared too much about himself, so he asked this question, and he was secretly happy that she loved him so much and couldn't do without him.

"That's all I said! But you can't love someone else, it's true! Even if you can find a girl who looks exactly like me, you can't love her! You can only love me, One!" She grabbed his tie and twisted it around her fingers.

"You're making me angry!" He threatened in a low voice in her ear.

"Hahaha. I just want you to watch it, but not to eat it!" She laughed and jumped away.

Then I started flying to Australia again and again, and when I came back, I would cling to him like this and ask some questions about life and death.

Leng Muxuan raised her forehead, could it be that at that time, Ruan Yifei was hinting to herself that she would die?
It was also implying to herself that there would be someone who looked exactly like her?
Could it be that Ruan Yifei had met Ran Zijin at that time, worried that he would find a substitute to love?

Or, is she just confusing the public?
She had planned everything, of course he didn't know all of this, so she used such unclear words to disturb his mind?
Thinking about it this way, Leng Muxuan suddenly felt that Ruan Yifei was not as innocent as she appeared on the surface, and Ran Zijin's appearance was no longer so accidental.

He clenched his right hand into a fist and put it in front of his mouth, lost in thought.

"Why didn't you call me?" Ran Zijin opened her eyes, it was dark outside, she was still in the car, and she was still leaning on Leng Muxuan's shoulder.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, why did she lean on someone's shoulder, didn't he lean on her to sleep.

"It's okay." Leng Muxuan didn't explain anything. Anyway, when Ran Zijin was sleeping, he was always thinking about things, and it was good to be quiet.

"Oh, then where are you taking me to live?" The moving out of the dormitory was a bit tortuous, and they fell asleep in the car halfway, or one after another!
"Go upstairs." Leng Muxuan got out of the car first, took a bag from Ran Zijin, and walked into the elevator.

"Do you want me to live in your house?" Ran Zijin finally realized that the free welfare Leng Muxuan found for her was his house.

She looked at the bag in her hand, then at Leng Muxuan who had walked away, and followed.

"Young Master Leng, I don't think I can live in your house. I'm going to rent a house tomorrow, can the company reimburse me for the rent?" Ran Zijin rushed into the elevator before the elevator door was about to close, and stood beside Leng Muxuan, I tidied up my loose bag, looking a little funny.

"Be quiet for a while." Leng Muxuan didn't want to speak.

He knew Ran Zijin very well. If he said more, she could always find an excuse. If he didn't, she couldn't find an excuse, so she had to obey.

"But..." Ran Zijin still wanted to say something, but when she saw Leng Muxuan glaring at her with obvious disgust, she obediently shut her mouth.

Lonely men and widows live together, what is this?
Let Hu Die and Gu Mama know, and other people in the company know, how should she explain it?
Ah ah ah ah ah ah!
Ran Zijin was going crazy, but he saw Leng Muxuan standing there as if nothing had happened, without saying anything or explaining a word.

She scratched her hair and felt that she had jumped into a hole, a hole dug by Leng Muxuan, but if she didn't jump in, there would be no other place to go.

So, in the end, her only way out was to jump into Leng Muxuan's pit.

Following Leng Muxuan into the door, Ran Zijin's only prayer is not to let Gu Mama and the company employees find out that he is in the same room with his immediate boss, and the relationship is not boyfriend and girlfriend!

Otherwise, she would not be able to clean up even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

Moreover, the most important thing, she felt that once this matter was found out, she would definitely be killed by the eyes of the company's female staff and drowned in her saliva.

As soon as he thought of this, Ran Zijin wailed in his heart: what a miserable ginseng!

"Move all your things to the guest room, and you will live there from now on." Leng Muxuan put the bag in his hand at the entrance, walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

Anyway, Ran Zijin has been here many times and is very familiar with everything here, so she doesn't need to worry about it, she can always find out where is where.

(End of this chapter)

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